a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? empathy deficit entitled babies evil moms evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Today In Inexplicable A Voice for Men Memes

Classic WTF-ery from AVFM's Facebook page
Classic WTF-ery from AVFM’s Facebook page

More brilliant public relations work by the AVFM crew.

The top “meme,” posted on AVFM’s Facebook page, isn’t inexplicable in itself — I assume someone said to the meme-maker that by “criticizing” women he was doing the same thing feminists were doing by criticizing men, and this was meant as an enormous insult? It’s just inexplicable as a way to, you know, reach out to a broader audience beyond misogynist douchebags who think that the idea of ironing a woman in lingerie is inherently hilarious. But I guess that’s not really AVFM’s aim, is it?

Another one from the AVFM Facebook page:

More of AVFM's memetic magic
More of AVFM’s meme magic

Ah yes, I remember the chants at the last feminist demonstration I went to.

What do we want!?

Childsupprtagencies’protecting’childrendivorcecourtspolicearrests cheaperworkforcecontrolofeducationworkerprisonsdisposablesoldiers!

When do we want it?


Let’s just finish off this edition of inexplicable AVFM memes with this lovely submission from the AVFM forums, which is ostensibly about child abuse.


AVFM, proving critics of the Men’s Rights movement right pretty much every time they post a meme!





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10 years ago

“Fuck you, advertising industry” is my main response to the first image. The text is babble, who the hell knows what it’s supposed to mean? But professionals made that image.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Torture chambers are legal.
Torturing someone without the torturee’s express consent is illegal.

10 years ago

Oh gawd, let me see if I can parse any of this shit at all:

First drecky meme: Men “criticizing” women are indeed not like feminists at all. They are misogynists, which is exactly what we’re up against here. Also, ironing nylon stockings is a no-no. Those suckers MELT. And irons, like “criticism”, burn…badly. Just like this meme burns my eyes.

Second drecky meme: Women eat money? Not last time I checked. US money, in particular, has a nasty odor, so I don’t imagine it would taste great, either. Also, all these things attributed to “feminism”…have fuck-all to do with it. We’re not about industrially incarcerating anyone, OR bringing wages down (pro tip: “Equal pay for equal work” means PAY WOMEN MORE, YOU FUCKING CAPITALIST CHEAPSKATES.) But hey, dude, by all means, feel free to choke on it yourself.

Third drecky meme: Considering that Mama usually does the lion(ess)’s share of childcare, housework, etc., usually in addition to a paying job that only pays 70 cents to Dad’s dollar, it’s hardly a surprise that she ain’t happy. But I don’t see many of them taking it out on children, much less in the manner pictured. Why do I get the feeling that this “trampling mama” is really just a projection of what the dude would do in her shoes — and what a lot of family patriarchs do, literally and figuratively, anyway?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

The first image seems to come from Russia. It looks CGI to me. It may be someone’s fetish art. I can’t tell, I don’t read Russian.

10 years ago

If I had to guess my guess would be that it was advertising the suit the guy is wearing, but who the hell knows. The fashion industry in general, well, all I can say is that in this picture at least the woman doesn’t look dead.

10 years ago

I love how in the first one the man is looking at the audience instead of his sex “partner”. I think the caption should read “Can you see me performing masculinity men? Can you see me can you see me can you can you can you?”

PLEASSSE approve of meeeeeeeeeee.

10 years ago

“…or shove your shame where it belongs.”

Um, who’s shaming whom here? Dudes “criticizing” women, again? Sure smells like it.

Or maybe that’s just the molten nylon I smell.

10 years ago

Dear AVFMangryBozos:

If your memes require parsing and explanation, you haz a fail.

10 years ago

I just noticed the patented MRA double period after “criticism”. Bless their fondness for, um, let’s just call it creative punctuation.

10 years ago

I may be wrong, but is the last one really fucking racist sounding to anyone else?

10 years ago

I think the John Galt part of the logo tells the whole story.

10 years ago

Found the shutterstock photo! New game, everyone! Try to guess which subset of key words were used to find this image.

Or, better game, try to figure out what the fuck the message is. Was the image merely a lazy reference to the use of the word “iron out?” Is the iron supposed to be criticism? Where does my shame belong, and why do I get really squicked out when you tell me to shove it where it belongs while you are wielding an iron?

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

The original image has the I Can Haz Cheezburger cat in it.
He does not look amused.

10 years ago

So, the second image has a picture of a woman eating money. Very unhygenic. But that suggests that she will be the one “choking on it.” Yet every single talking-phrase listed is something they feel negatively affects men and positively effects women. So why would the woman be “choking on it?” According to you, MRA meme-maker, those things are everything she wants.

10 years ago

Wowww… So the shutterstock site has “other images with the same model” as well. Guess who the model they’re referring to is?

Did you guess the one in the middle of the frame, performing the action, and taking up most of the presence of the scene?


Did you guess the one lying passive in the scene, literally objectified and acting as a prop rather than a person?


Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Hmm. Shutterstock lists the owner of the image as (among other things) a vector artist, and living in Poland. Unfortunately I don’t see a way to contact this individual to let zir know about this theft of zir work.

10 years ago

@ wordsp1nner – Thanks for that cartoon! At least now I realise that the knots my uterus is currently tying itself in and the alarming amounts of blood spewing from it are inconveniencing my family (at least, the male members of my family) and not me. My frequent refrains of “menopause, where the #@#! are you, you @#$%?” are obviously way more of a problem for those trapped in my presence than they are for me. Wow! I think I’ll give up this feminism nonsense now, and ask my husband to please iron me.

10 years ago

“Honey, I’m feeling a bit rumpled today. Would you mind ironing me before work?”

10 years ago

Now I’m thinking back to the “rolls” of the last post… bad image bad image.
But now I shared it, and its gone 🙂

10 years ago

Exactly! I just hope Mr. Grump can also get the spots out and mend the worn bits. I may have to pick myself up from the drycleaner’s later.

10 years ago

Wouldn’t rolls be better handled by a seamstress or tailor, rather than at home with an iron?

10 years ago

I’m really confused. MRAs profess to be upset by men being imprisoned at high rates and the conditions in those prisons, men dying in war and being treated as disposable and men working in unsafe and exploitative conditions. The thing is, feminism is not responsible for any of these issues. Capitalism is responsible for all these issues.

Yet, MRAs tend to have a right wing/libertarian bent. They complain about Marxism all the time. They reject the progressive politics that if implemented, would go a long way towards solving men’s problems. Why? If any MRAs are reading this and would like to comment, please explain this.

Of course, I’m sure I know the answer. Progressive political ideologies are also far more feminist/woman friendly than conservative ideologies and opposing feminism and hating women is much more important than actually helping men.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Well that first meme falls once again into the “Hans, are we the baddies?” basket…

10 years ago

Shhhh, WWTH – logic is MISANDRY!

10 years ago

This thread needs more furrinati: