gender swap imaginary oppression MRA reddit

Today in the fight against imaginary oppression: Men's Rightser furious over "Hire a Hubby."

The outrage!
The outrage!

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, one mangry MRA is outraged to discover the existence of a handyman company in his area called “Hire a Hubby,” which apparently oppresses him as a man because, well, I’m not sure why it oppresses him exactly. Anyway, he asks the classic MRA question WHAT IF THE GENDERS WERE REVERSED!!???

Huh. What would happen if there were a catering or cleaning company called Hire a Wife?

Well, brace yourself because whatever would happen already did happen, because there are a bunch of companies called that. One in the Detroit area. One in Calgary. One in Kirkland, Washington. One in Tasmania.

And then there’s Wife for Hire in North Carolina.

I for one am outraged. At least by the web design of that last page. Hey, 1997 called and wanted its scrolling marquee back!

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Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I nominate Shaun DarthBatman Day for Misandrist of the Year!

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

Seriously, though, olives are disgusting.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

Honestly I live in the most misogynist city in Canada. It gives me more opportunities for misandry, so I think the election process should reflect that. It’s an honour just to be nominated, though.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Well, I’m off. Gonna go be an evil fake-gamer-geek girl and play vidya games.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

They’d only be happy if the ‘hubby’ rented was hired to sit on the couch and play vidya games. Preferably while eating sammiches.

Robert, that’s exactly what I thought. Plus beer, belching, farting and scratching his balls, then getting sex on demand, of course.

What’re the odds that’s why this dudebro’s so outraged – he applied for a job and then found out actual work’s involved? 😀

When I needed help moving the Mormons came to my rescue. They preached to me six hours each way and still pester me regularly about the good news. I should have just hired a husband.

Shit, that’s a high price to pay for removals! 🙁

Cassie’s Major Domo, that’s a great name! 😀 Company’s been around a good long while, too, which is good to see.

Well, feminism *is* the giant wrong tree everyone keeps barking up, as we know.

Especially kitties! ::preens::

Also, is male circumcision really ‘promoted’ in the states? (I’m the assuming the ‘creator’ of the ‘piece’ is USian) being the norm isn’t necessarily the same as promotion…

The barf-worthy poster was about the UN, not the US.

OMG Michelle, the Concentration Song! That’s the best! XD

10 years ago

I wonder if it’ll ever occur to these guys that part of the reason “Hire A Wife” doesn’t sit well is precisely because of the way women’s unpaid work is undervalued by society, in other words, because so many people share the backwards-ass views that these misters have of what women should do for no reward, just because they’re women.

10 years ago

@ Michelle C Young – I recall being in high school and filling in once at a country club dinner when my father cancelled late in the day. It seemed to go all right, only my mother was furious with me afterwards for not asking any of the other women at the table to dance. (Not that that would have happened even if anyone had told me – I’d only gotten through a compulsory ballroom dancing class because fortunately there was a future lesbian as well as myself to represent Team LG – this was before B and T, let alone other letters – so that we were both set for the duration and actually won a prize at the Christmas party for the best cha-cha.) Had I needed a push, that would have been enough to put me off gender roles for life.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I’d like to see Hire an MGTOW. Call them, and they’ll tell you they won’t show up at your doorstep. But then they will anyway, and leave a flaming bag of crap. Then they’ll peek through the curtains to see if you’re home and if you noticed.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

How would one get crap to flame?
Uhh…not like this…Why didn’t he just roll it and put it in a dumpster???–261607791.html

10 years ago

Lighter fluid is the most popular means.

10 years ago

I’d like to see Hire an MGTOW. Call them, and they’ll tell you they won’t show up at your doorstep. But then they will anyway, and leave a flaming bag of crap. Then they’ll peek through the curtains to see if you’re home and if you noticed.

Ha! I love this comment.

10 years ago

I’d like to see Hire an MGTOW. Call them, and they’ll tell you they won’t show up at your doorstep. But then they will anyway, and leave a flaming bag of crap. Then they’ll peek through the curtains to see if you’re home and if you noticed.

I LOL:ed so hard at this!

10 years ago

Today I learned that I’m a flaming misandrist because I’m currently a stay-at-home mom to three FLAGRANTLY (FLAGRANTLY) spending all of my husband’s money on food (that I then cook), cleaning supplies (which I overwhelmingly use because I personally think that an uneven domestic split’s fair if one spouse works full time and has a hellish commute and the other has the legitimate option to stay in his or her PJs all day), clothing (including for him because he hates to shop), utilities, and our investments (which are all horribly misandrist, of course, because they’re overwhelmingly in both of our names – not just his).

Good to know.
Thanks for the edumacation, horrific MRA meme -_-

10 years ago

Oh, I’ve also spent a good sum of money on Tae Kwon Do, swimming, gymnastics, dance, and soccer lessons…

…because I hate men.

Especially, apparently, my husband who likely spends less than 5% of his income per month.

*adjusts misandrist crown*

10 years ago


So those stay-at-home dads that I know…are they, like, Master Alphas because they get to interact scads of feeeemales every day while spending a feeemale’s money or are they the lowest of the low manginas because they’re stuck doing so much unthinking, easy women’s work?

C’mon, MRAs!
Tighten up your narrative!

We need to resolve this pressing question.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Blahtastic: How would one get crap to flame?

Mwuhuhuhuhuhuhuh – with enough oxygen, ANYTHING can flame!!!

10 years ago

RE:women spend all the money

Is it just me or dudebros seem to assume that life should be as easy as if they were still living at their parents, spending all their money on cars and electronics? Mother works and couple spends all their money on daycare? BWAHHH my man monies!!! Mother stays home to save on the costs of childcare? BWAHHHH my monies!!!!!! Mother leaves, and man has to spend 1/3 of what it actually costs to raise a child as child support? BWAHHHHH my monies!!!!!!!

Honestly I blame the middle-aged parents for spoiling their children. There’s a gender divide regarding how much sons are expected do around the house. And adult children of either gender should not be living a life of luxury by spending most their money on toys while their parents take care of all the necessities.

10 years ago

Just to be clear, I’m not saying that living with your parents/getting help from your parents makes you “spoiled”, I’m saying that an adult refusing to take responsibility for themselves and their money as much as possible is spoiled.

Sorry for the crappy phone editing. It will only post urls to the top.

Anyway, it’s funny because all the dudbros complain that women are coddled and men are just thown to the wolves, but over the last couple decades there has been consistantly more men living at home than women.

Leisha Young
Leisha Young
10 years ago

I want to see hire-a-homo, or hire-a-he/she. I will not stop protesting until everyone is covered. If one is exploited, then all must be exploited evenly!

Or…I just had a great thought…how about a company called “hire someone who will do what you can’t be f***d doing regardless of gender”…I can really see it catching on :-).

Apologies to anyone who is gay, lesbian and/or transexual or transgender. I do not mean to offend, just to make a point.

Personally I don’t give a fat rat’s a****le who cleans my house or mows my lawns, as long as they come recommended and do a decent f*****g job.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

There won’t be Real Rights until cats have a Hire A Human service.

… uh, wait, that’d mean they’d have to pay the servants.

Never mind.