gender swap imaginary oppression MRA reddit

Today in the fight against imaginary oppression: Men's Rightser furious over "Hire a Hubby."

The outrage!
The outrage!

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, one mangry MRA is outraged to discover the existence of a handyman company in his area called “Hire a Hubby,” which apparently oppresses him as a man because, well, I’m not sure why it oppresses him exactly. Anyway, he asks the classic MRA question WHAT IF THE GENDERS WERE REVERSED!!???

Huh. What would happen if there were a catering or cleaning company called Hire a Wife?

Well, brace yourself because whatever would happen already did happen, because there are a bunch of companies called that. One in the Detroit area. One in Calgary. One in Kirkland, Washington. One in Tasmania.

And then there’s Wife for Hire in North Carolina.

I for one am outraged. At least by the web design of that last page. Hey, 1997 called and wanted its scrolling marquee back!

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Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

“What’s it called when someone desperately tries to imagine what’s already happened?”


10 years ago

RE: cloudiah

In other news, MRAs have discovered yet another jpeg that will BRING FEMINISM DOWN:

Jesus Christ, that’s godawful to read. So much capslock, so much text, no paragraph breaks.

RE: daintydougal

Also, is male circumcision really ‘promoted’ in the states?

Even here, rates seem to be falling, which I’m glad about. But again, feminism isn’t responsible for the prevalence of male circumcision in the US; you can thank some crackpot health specialists for that, who believed circumcision would prevent masturbation and some such shit. (And then later apparently it was some bizarre idea that all penises should look the same in a family or a locker room, because I don’t even understand, WTF.) Now, it might be fluctuating because it’s associated with lower risk of certain infectious diseases like HIV.

Last I heard, the female version had no such health benefits, and would lead to much lower sexual function. But who cares, these guys are insisting on comparing apples and oranges.

10 years ago

Women spend all the money is one of my classic all time favorite argument from ignorance examples. Which is also what the “what if” guy is arguing. The only question is whether it is real true genuine ignorance of the willful variety.

10 years ago

Also, is male circumcision really ‘promoted’ in the states? (I’m the assuming the ‘creator’ of the ‘piece’ is USian) being the norm isn’t necessarily the same as promotion…

No, most organizations of pediatricians in the US have a neutral stance saying it’s up to the parents and there is not government promotion of it. The UN does promote male circumcision in countries with high HIV rates because there are studies showing it reduces transmission but they still promote condom use much more strongly because it’s more effective.

Do I agree with infant male circumcision in the US? Absolutely not, I think it’s unethical to perform unnecessary cosmetic medical procedures on minors. Do I think the UN is wrong to promote circumcision in areas with high HIV rates? Absolutely not, the tradeoff is worth it to prevent HIV infections. It’s almost like there are nuances to issues.

10 years ago

OMG, their graphix are Teh Shite. Do they seriously believe a wall-o-nonsense is any more worth reading if they stick it on top of a flaming graphic? Or at the bottom of a stick-people ‘toon? Menz Rightzers can’t design shit.

10 years ago

Also, that “women spend 90% more than they earn”? Aside from questionable unsourced stats, these guys don’t care that the reason for this is that married women are expected not only to earn less, but to do the grocery, clothes, etc., shopping for the entire household. Because that’s “women’s work” and thus beneath the dignity of the Breadwinning Macho Man.

10 years ago

Yeah, Bina, the moment I read that bullshit the first thought that popped into my head was “Of course women spend all the money, they’re expected to buy all the things while their husbands are at work!”.

In my household I do the weekly grocery shopping. Funnily enough, I spend far more than my partner does per week in “domestic spending”. But that’s why we have a joint bank account and have agreed to do things that way – a circumstance that the ass-tistical analysis in that meme fails to address.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

When I was a kid my friend and I would paint rooms in our bikinis.

Paint comes off of skin a lot easier than it does clothes. Practical.

…I dunno if I can write slash of Woody and Paul Elam.
I may attempt, but make no promises.

10 years ago

Have you ever thought that maybe those terrible jpgs are done on purpose? Somebody in there decided that readable, pleasant looking graphics were misandry, and they’ve been fucking up their designs ever since?

10 years ago

RE: David

Stay classy, Men’s Rights Movement. *eyeroll*

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Marinerachel – on behalf of Mormons, I apologize for the pestering.

@Cloudiah – Ummmm, is that supposed to be two kids standing in front of a fireman, while a backdraft engulfs them? What awful artwork.

@DJG – Yeah, having someone to go with you to company picnics, weddings, bowling, the opera, what-have-you. If one spouse just hates it, it’s bound to cause friction. But if you don’t want to go alone… I think having a hired escort for the event makes a whole lot of sense. The person who wants/needs to go, but doesn’t want to go alone, is satisfied, and the one who doesn’t want to/can’t go is only inconvenienced by the price of the service. Sometimes, there are excellent reasons not to attend, but also sometimes it make very good sense to bring someone, especially someone of the opposite sex. And not all people in a marriage have platonic best friends of the opposite sex that they could ask.

There are real escort services in big cities, where women want to go to the symphony on the arm of some man-in-suit, but try finding that it in the suburbs.

I love the names of all these moving companies! Also “gobbling in outrage” is a wonderful phrase.

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
10 years ago

@Bina Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing – even assuming that statistic is true I suspect all this feeeemale spending is a LOT more likely to be ‘food and clothing for their families’ than ‘teehee, I’m going to spend my poor downtrodden man’s hard earned money on shoes and diamonds!’

Also I really don’t think that you can leap from ‘men only spend 40% of their paycheck’ to ‘therefore the other 60% must go to EVIL WOMEN’. Do no men ever have savings accounts? Make donations to charity? Invest their money in something? Put it towards their kids’ college funds? The idea that the only two possible options for money are you either spend it instantly or a woman will grab it, is… pretty weird.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Re: Women spend all the money.

Well, yeah, in a traditional marriage, that these guys think is ideal, the woman doesn’t earn ANY money, but she’s the one who does all the grocery shopping.

Add those numbers up, and it’s going to wind up that she “spends his money” at a rather high rate. The fact that he then consumes those groceries is lost.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


It’s almost like there are nuances to issues.

No kidding!

But these guys don’t get nuance.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


Have you ever thought that maybe those terrible jpgs are done on purpose? Somebody in there decided that readable, pleasant looking graphics were misandry, and they’ve been fucking up their designs ever since?

Oh, I hurt myself laughing.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@lacerta viridis – yeah, it’s like they don’t realize that funds are fungible.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Totally and completely off topic, because I just have to share this.

My sister (the one we call “Slappy,”) was herself the other night. Mom was looking at her mail, and said that a particular piece of mail would require some concentration to deal with it. So Slappy said, “Let’s sing the concentration song!”

“We’re gonna help you concentrate.
Concentration takes peace and quiet.

I love living with my sister. When she lost her home, and needed a place to live, I was dancing with joy at my sister’s homelessness, because it meant she would live with ME!

Yeah, I’m selfish.

10 years ago

Re the first horrible graphic, “80% of all suicides are men” – more or less true, but not the whole picture. I quote suicide researcher John Weaver: “[There is] a persistent and substantial difference between the completed suicide rates of men and women. Explanations for this difference often include the caveat that women who attempt suicide greatly outnumber men. The gap must not be considered a quantitative measure of relative gender suffering…men and women consistently had recourse to different methods of self-destruction.” (from John C. Weaver, “Sorrows of a Century”)

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

“Re: Women spend all the money.

Well, yeah, in a traditional marriage, that these guys think is ideal, the woman doesn’t earn ANY money, but she’s the one who does all the grocery shopping.

Add those numbers up, and it’s going to wind up that she “spends his money” at a rather high rate. The fact that he then consumes those groceries is lost.”

And *even though* this is the family model they desire, the women are not entitled to any money and the work they do isn’t “real” work and they are leeches poor men are so oppressed. Women working is MISANDRY. Women who are homemakers are MISANDRY. The only situation that *isn’t* MISANDRY is when the woman earns her own money, pays exactly half the bills, and does all of the housework and childcare and shopping (which doesn’t count as bills, that’s just wimmin spendin’ all the moneez) and keeps the remote control packed with fresh batteries.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Shaun DarthBatman Day


10 years ago

In my household I do the weekly grocery shopping. Funnily enough, I spend far more than my partner does per week in “domestic spending”. But that’s why we have a joint bank account and have agreed to do things that way – a circumstance that the ass-tistical analysis in that meme fails to address.

Joint bank accounts? Why, that’s — that’s — that’s — MISANDRY!!!

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
10 years ago

@Shaun DarthBatman Day

“The only situation that *isn’t* MISANDRY is when the woman earns her own money, pays exactly half the bills, and does all of the housework and childcare and shopping”

No, I’m pretty sure that’s still MISANDRY. If she’s earning less than her husband but paying half the bills then she must be spending a higher percentage of her pay than him, which as we have already seen is MISANDRY and totally the same thing as stealing his money. And if she earns more than him I’m pretty sure that’s emasculating him and putting her career above her family and other terrible misandrous things.

As far as I can tell, a woman existing = MISANDRY.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

I exist! My daily act of misandry is complete, and I didn’t have to not have sex to do it! Although I didn’t have sex, so I doubled my daily act of misandry! I am fucking awesome at misandry!

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

I also passed on the recipe for a Misandrini to a mangina.


2 parts vodka, 1 part WMT, strained over ice and garnished with a dried scrotum. Or olive. IMO they are equally desirable.