Bill Frezza, the overgrown, overtan frat man who warned the frat boys of America about the gravest threat to their very existence — drunk chicks — may have lost his gig at Forbes, but he’s found a new fanbase amongst the MRAs of Reddit, who’ve hoisted him aloft as the latest martyr to femifascism. In a couple of highly upvoted threads in the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars celebrated his heroism and good sense.
Let’s just take a look at some of the wisdom they deposited in the threads.
We might as well start with the most-upvoted comment of all, from the legendary JohnTheOther himself, who is evidently well aware of the threat that drunk chicks pose to his very life:
Camdaniel encouraged his brothers to stick together to defend themselves against this insidious threat:
Stay strong, brothers!
Chrispy3690, meanwhile, warned against the greatest unrecognized danger from drunk chicks: their big mouths.
In the world of MRAs, evidently, it’s no big deal when men call women “cunts” and threaten them — hey, they’re just words! But when it’s women doing the talking, suddenly words are worse than fists.
Anonlymouse, meanwhile, threw up his hands in despair, because clearly there is no way that frats can possibly protect themselves from the insidious danger of drunk chicks. Because they are so terribly, tyranically sexy.
Men literally forced to act as though they are interested in what a woman has to say. Is there any clearer evidence of the tyranny of drunk chick sexiness?
Profhelios, meanwhile, highlighted one hidden danger that no one has the courage to address: drunken giantesses.
I guess Bill Frezza really is the hero that MRAs deserve.
In my opinion, “Cultural Marxism” is a Humpty-Dumpty term. One is supposed to recognize that Marxism is a Very Bad Thing, so Cultural Marxism must also be a Very Bad Thing. It is the intellectual equivalent of calling someone “doodyhead”.
You know, wikipedia at least has an explanation of “Cultural Marxism” that makes sense, or rather, makes sense of how the term is used. But yeah, I’d easily believe that a majority of people who use the term don’t actually care about what it means, they just use it because they think the red scare is still relevant.
So basically this is a conspiracy theory with undertones of conventional anti-Semitism* that claims that people who are in favor of, say, gay rights, are really commies out to destroy Western Society. This is just a form of bullying, and it’s quite transparent. Anyone who uses such desperate tactics clearly has no real argument and is only trying to befuddle and bedazzle folks with highfalutin’ language. Kirbywarp, like you I had the privilege of attending one of the Great American Educational Institutions (the other one a couple of miles up Mass Ave.) and it disgusts me how many of our fellows use that education to gin up fancy language that obfuscates rather than elucidates, in the service of political influence or just plain old filthy lucre. (If I recall correctly the official term is “scumbags” — right?)
*I didn’t quote that part, but it’s there.
Here are some block quote tags:
Still hilarious. I particularly like that the games journalists are 19th century robber barons.
I like the suffering of the poor gamers at the bottom, cruelly forced to…play video games. Mario grows fat on the blood of the working class!
OMG, it just hit me…Ronald Reagan is Ferris F. Fremont! And “Cultural Marxism” is ARAMCHEK! Now it all makes sense… >smacks forehead, descends into PhilDickian coma<
Ahem. Where was I again? Oh yeah:
Um…they say that like these are BAD things. WTactualF?
I assure these guys, it’s not the Frankfurt School that makes women want to punch things.
Sensitive, vulnerable men?
SAY IT AIN’T SO! I want my men as sensitive, vulnerable, and human as bricks!
LBT – yes, but will you provide your men with mortar? Otherwise, MISANDRY!
Unfortunately, I am not legally permitted to supply my LDR guy or myself with mortars.
Our mutual governments would have a Problem With This.
…I haz a sad :(…
In fact they would go blahlistic …
What’s interesting to me on this line of thinking is that it purposefully ignores the fact that there ARE women who fit the nonstandard body type, they just usually stay out of mainstream attention because of the comments they draw concerning how weird and uncomfortable it makes people, go away so we can resume pretending they don’t really exist in any meaningful fashion.
It ends up being a REAL short jump from “Don’t be silly, women CAN’T be like this” to “Stop being like this or else you’re not a proper woman”. It’s almost as if it’s a vicious cycle or something.
I honestly don’t know what to say about this. Because shouldn’t fraternities you know being a gathering of friends and all.
Have the right to say who they admit and who they don’t? If there are fraternities who don’t wan women in them, what is wrong?
In the same way if there were fraternities that want no men, so? Is their right.
Why are necros never worth reading?
It’s a rule!
Because necro trolls never have anything to say?
I thought fraternities with no men were sororities?
Um. The word fraternity comes from the Latin for brother. How is there going to be a fraternity with no men? Just when I thought I saw the stupidest necro troll, a new candidate appears.
I just realized how silly it is that it’s the Greek system and they use Greek letters, but as a group, they’re described with a Latin rooted word.
I hope that sentence makes some sense. I’ve been imbibing. Hey! Imbibing is a Latin rooted word too!
Apparently I’m amused by really silly things.
Gandalf discovered that Dol Guldur was the abode of the Necromancer, who was in truth Sauron the Dark Lord, planning his return to Mordor and his assault on the lands of Gondor.
And then there’s this guy, who is just boring.
It goes my heart good to know that much in WHTM these days keeps returning to Latin.
I envy you, WWTH. I read that sober and it made even less sense.
Even giving it the most charitable interpretation – that the necro troll was talking about fraternities having the right to admit male or female guests as they please – the logical conclusion to that is “if you’re so worried about your life being ruined by a false accusation of rape, perhaps it’s best if you didn’t have parties at all.”
I mean, really, they can’t tell at the door which female partyguestnazis are going to whimsically decide to have them jailed because PMS, so better safe than sorry.
There are fraternities that admit women? Or, like…oh, never mind. Stupid troll is stupid.
Okay, I fixed it up a little. Now for a response:
Fraternities are strictly male, sororities are strictly female. The two don’t mix who they let in, partially because of tradition, and partly due to safety reasons, I imagine.
It’s more comfortable for a lot of people if they’re only housed with one gender of people, since Frats and Sororities are essentially houses where groups of people live and study. (Not to mention it’s a bit of a social status for some people.)
I think you’re confusing “who they let in the fraternity/sorority” with “who gets invited over for a party”, and what a Fraternity (“brotherhood”) and sorority (“sisterhood”) actually is.
Are fraternities and sororities a uniquely USA thing, because we don’t have them in NZ. Do they exist in other countries?