a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage creep-shaming doubling down entitled babies evil drunk ladies evil giantesses evil sexy ladies figurative nazis johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men post contains sarcasm rape culture reddit

That guy who thinks "Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities" is the new Men's Rights hero

Watch out, fellas -- you've been infiltrated by THE ENEMY
Watch out, fellas — you’ve been infiltrated by THE ENEMY

Bill Frezza, the overgrown, overtan frat man who warned the frat boys of America about the gravest threat to their very existence — drunk chicks — may have lost his gig at Forbes, but he’s found a new fanbase amongst the MRAs of Reddit, who’ve hoisted him aloft as the latest martyr to femifascism. In a couple of highly upvoted threads in the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars celebrated his heroism and good sense.

Let’s just take a look at some of the wisdom they deposited in the threads.

We might as well start with the most-upvoted comment of all, from the legendary JohnTheOther himself, who is evidently well aware of the threat that drunk chicks pose to his very life:

johntheother 197 points 1 day ago   It's not just that women are being infantalized, and exempted from personal responsibility. If men recognize the threat to their job, their fraternity, or life that this culturally-supported female irresponsibility creates - they are not allowed to speak about it or act in self preservation. Men are supposed to carry on as if there is no danger. A woman might feel slightly uncomfortable if she's treated as a threat, so men should just shut the hell up, and weather the hazard in compliant silence. Thus, the Forbes article had to go offline.      permalink     save     report     give gold     reply  [–]trudatness 70 points 1 day ago   This is really fucked up censorship.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]johntheother 34 points 1 day ago   At the risk of being piled-on with thought-stopping godwin's law accusations - it's fascism.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]JayBopara 24 points 20 hours ago   Godwin be damned. They are called the feminazi for a reason.

Camdaniel encouraged his brothers to stick together to defend themselves against this insidious threat:

camdaniel 7 points 15 hours ago   it seems like the only solution is to talk amongst ourselves in hushed tones. so if one of us recognizes that drunk women are a threat - we need to watch out for our brothers. the author is spot-on saying no college man should let a friend go home with a drunk girl, not to protect her, but to protect him.  we may not be able to write articles for forbes, but we certainly need to watch out for each other.

Stay strong, brothers!

Chrispy3690, meanwhile, warned against the greatest unrecognized danger from drunk chicks: their big mouths.

Chrispy3690 43 points 23 hours ago   I think this is my main take-away. Why aren't drunk obnoxious women seen as destructive as men? Is it because they cause less harm? I doubt it. Do they break everything in your living room? Maybe not. Do they make other people miserable? Absolutely.  This is something I've been trying to pin down for a while: Why is the destruction that women cause; emotional, mental, psychic trauma, any less significant? I'd take a beating from any guy over the worst slanderizing and humiliation most women can dish out any day.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]downztiger 34 points 22 hours ago   Get your ass beat by a drunk dude, that will ruin your night. Get accused of rape by a female and that shit will ruin the rest of your life.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]Chrispy3690 12 points 21 hours ago   I'm not even just talking about something like a false allegation. You ever had a woman come after your character? It's partly because she's a woman that it's so destructive (this is something I can concede might be helped by changing our views of women) but, regardless, they can be utterly brutal.  Women don't fight or argue to wound. They do it to humiliate. You argue with a woman in a public/social setting... sheesh... I'd rather let her hit me.

In the world of MRAs, evidently, it’s no big deal when men call women “cunts” and threaten them — hey, they’re just words! But when it’s women doing the talking, suddenly words are worse than fists.

Anonlymouse, meanwhile, threw up his hands in despair, because clearly there is no way that frats can possibly protect themselves from the insidious danger of drunk chicks. Because they are so terribly, tyranically sexy.

anonlymouse 23 points 1 day ago   The logical solution is for a frat to kick out every girl who gets drunk... which of course will never happen. It's identifying a problem with no viable solution in the short term.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]FasKap 13 points 1 day ago   Why not? They can go where someone else is responsible if they want to get over served and be around other people who are as well. Frats should reclaim the Gentlemen club label from strip joints if every sloshed slut continues to be a threat to their members.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]ihavecandygetinmyvan 22 points 1 day ago   Yeah like that's ever gonna happen. These are thirsty 18-22 year olds you're talking about. They will literally do and say anything to get laid at any cost and girls eat that shit up.  I've literally seen girls act like royalty, with a swarm of dudes around them at their beck and call, all acting suuuper interested in what she has to say, hoping they'll be the one to get with her that night. The desperation is very real, especially in the younger frat and general party scene.

Men literally forced to act as though they are interested in what a woman has to say. Is there any clearer evidence of the tyranny of drunk chick sexiness?

Profhelios, meanwhile, highlighted one hidden danger that no one has the courage to address: drunken giantesses.

profhelios 10 points 3 hours ago   I remember at a party about 8 years ago, we had a rather large (not fat, just... BIG! Like 6'3") female guest trying to push her way past me, screaming drunkenly that she wanted to go down a slide, while we were undergoing a police inspection to make sure we were in compliance (aka no one under 21 had alcohol). She was waving a bottle of beer around as well. This young lady was about 19 or 20 at the time if I recall correctly.  Well, I wouldn't let her pass, tried to get her to go back upstairs to one of the brother's rooms because she was the guest of one of them -- cannot recall anymore, reason with her, et al. We fortunately did not have an incident, but she went back to her sorority and told them all about how I was creepering on her, being mean, getting handsy/aggressive, etc. etc. etc...  Needless to say, for doing my due diligence and duty to protect myself and my organization, I was punished with the reputation for being a creep. I didn't date much in college after that within the Greek System.  If I had let her have her way, I probably would have been homeless for a better part of my senior year while I looked for housing in an extremely crowded and expensive market. I personally believe I made the right decision.

I guess Bill Frezza really is the hero that MRAs deserve.

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10 years ago

Because the due diligence required was to keep a minor with booze from being seen, rather than keep a minor from getting drunk.

10 years ago

Wow, first comment! Both my first comment after months of lurking and reading, but first on the thread. I just love that comment of profhelios… maybe you wouldn’t have that problem if you didn’t try to get underage girls drunk. I won’t speculate on WHY they are doing that, though I can guess.

Really, I don’t have much interesting to say, but I love reading this blog and I figured I might as well finally drop a comment to let David know how much. (Hint: THIS MUCH!)

10 years ago

Because the due diligence required was to keep a minor with booze from being seen, rather than keep a minor from getting drunk.

BOOM. That’s some great human rights activism y’alls got there.


10 years ago

I’m gobsmacked again that these are the people who claim that feminists hate men.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Every time JohnTheOther comes up, I’m going to point out this fact:

JohnTheOther wants to arm Iran with nuclear weapons.

10 years ago

I don’t even… That last post, it’s almost anti-poetry, a summation of everything that’s wrong with the human race in one tiny nugget of vile narcissism.

Also, Today I Learned the scale of harms, from least damaging to most:

1: Rape threats, death threats and other violence-laden outbursts targeting women.
2: Actual rape and domestic violence against women by men.
3: Actual physical violence against men by women.
4: Having any woman, ever, say something unpleasant about a man.

10 years ago

What’s weird is that if you ignore their reasoning its end conclusions are actually pretty solid. If someone is already drunk don’t encourage them to drink further in an unfamiliar environment. Don’t have sex with someone with impaired judgement due to alcohol. Sure their reasoning sucks but hey baby-steps.

10 years ago

This isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen. I mean, whatever reason they have for preventing men from going home with drunk women, it could keep some people safe.

10 years ago

“I’d take a beating from any guy over the worst slanderizing and humiliation most women can dish out any day.”

Further supporting the saying that men are afraid women will laugh at them, while women are afraid that men will kill them.

10 years ago

Well, it’s no surprise that MRAs, given their utter lack of imagination, are praising the “insight” of someone saying the same old script.

10 years ago

Hang on a second, let me just….

“It’s not just that men are being infantilized and exempted from personal responsibility. If women recognize the threat to their job, their sorority, or life that this culturally-supported male irresponsibility creates – they are not allowed to speak about it or act in self preservation. Women are supposed to carry on as if there is no danger. A man might feel slightly uncomfortable if he’s treated as a threat, so women should just shut the hell up, and weather the hazard in compliant silence.”


10 years ago

Wow, first comment! Both my first comment after months of lurking and reading, but first on the thread. I just love that comment of profhelios… maybe you wouldn’t have that problem if you didn’t try to get underage girls drunk. I won’t speculate on WHY they are doing that, though I can guess.

Really, I don’t have much interesting to say, but I love reading this blog and I figured I might as well finally drop a comment to let David know how much. (Hint: THIS MUCH!)

Welcome package welcome package welcome packaaaaaage

10 years ago

GamerGate made this image, which they apparently think represents reality in some fashion:
comment image

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

“It’s not just that men are being infantilized and exempted from personal responsibility. If women recognize the threat to their job, their sorority, or life that this culturally-supported male irresponsibility creates – they are not allowed to speak about it or act in self preservation. Women are supposed to carry on as if there is no danger. A man might feel slightly uncomfortable if he’s treated as a threat, so women should just shut the hell up, and weather the hazard in compliant silence.”


10 years ago

Cloudiah: I was about to applaud that picture as a hilarious parody, and then I read what you wrote.

Still hilarious. I particularly like that the games journalists are 19th century robber barons.

10 years ago

I am completely weirded out by the whole “We need to protect each other! Never ever let your precious frat brother go home with a drunk woman! Protect him from the rape allegations that every woman ever is so desperate to make because going through all that shit is just so much fun!” thing.

Like, you know. Instead of having elaborate precautions and safeguards in place, have they ever considered, you know, maybe… not having sex with these drunk 19 year olds, perhaps? No rape! No rape charges! Nobody’s life gets ruined! Everyone wins! How fucking hard was that?

10 years ago

Cloudiah, that pyramid thing is amazing. I especially love how the Social Justice Warriors are all rubbing their hands together and grinning evilly.

(also wordpress seems to have suddenly changed my name for some reason? I’ve previously commented here as lacerta viridis, but hey, this works too; I’m pretty new here anyway.)

10 years ago

I was waiting for them to carry him into the MRA Reddit “Rudy Style” on their shoulders. I was reading something else he posted on an MIT tech site: “each fall I give my four Bs lecture to the incoming pledge class — Brotherhood, Behavior, Booze, and … Coeds.”. Hmmm…wonder what that last “B” word really was? :/

Also, here’s his explanation for his original story;
posted on a right wing rape apologist dudebro site…naturally.

10 years ago

That guy who thinks “Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities” is the new Men’s Rights hero

Of course. Of course he is.

There’s really no asshole they won’t champion, is there?

And why are FAFSA loans at the top of the gamergate pyramid?

10 years ago

GamerGate: showing the world they’re right by imitating looney tunes conspiracy theorists!

10 years ago

Ha, I could totally get behind “don’t let your dude friends go home with drunk women”! Yes, MRAs! That would be great! Protect your brothers from raping women! DO ITTTTTTT.

10 years ago

FAFSA’s at the top because of the Gamebro-Libertarian crossover. The implication is that not only are gamers supporting their own imagined oppression, they’re being forced to pay for it via taxes funding college degrees for people who don’t deserve them.

And anyone got a gif of someone repeating “I don’t got time for this shit”? Overgrown dudebro says the threat at frats is false rape accusations, not the potential for rape. Also, he doesn’t suggest instituting policies to, as noted, not let drunk people in regardless of gender, not serve underaged people, not have people at the party whose job it is to make sure folks get home safe. No, rather than suggest ways to undermine the perception of frats as spaces for aspiring alcoholic date rapists or to even embrace working against that perception by making anti-rape education part of being in a frat (you know, working to make frats safe spaces that women feel comfortable partying at), instead tell frat boys to treat drunk women like a hot potato.

This doesn’t even represent babysteps because the core message isn’t, “We need to prevent rapes at frat houses,” it’s “Women who cry ‘rape’ at frat houses are lying, always.” It’s not surprising that posts to The College Fix and doesn’t get it. He comes from a culture of, “These are good kids, they wouldn’t do that kind of thing.” But of course, that’s not privilege, no, nothing like that.

Side note, I misread the headline of the first post about this as “Farts are under seige by drunken women, warns overgrown, overtan frat man on” and expected a long Reddit whine about women taking over bathroom humor, “that last safe space for men except for everywhere.” The reality was far more depressing and less hilariously pathetic.

10 years ago

Wow, I so don’t miss college.

I mean, I never did, but this post just made it even more so.

Also, WTF does ‘cultural marxist’ EVEN MEAN? I keep seeing it around, but it doesn’t seem to make any sense! WHAT DOES IT MEAN

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