Bill Frezza, the overgrown, overtan frat man who warned the frat boys of America about the gravest threat to their very existence — drunk chicks — may have lost his gig at Forbes, but he’s found a new fanbase amongst the MRAs of Reddit, who’ve hoisted him aloft as the latest martyr to femifascism. In a couple of highly upvoted threads in the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars celebrated his heroism and good sense.
Let’s just take a look at some of the wisdom they deposited in the threads.
We might as well start with the most-upvoted comment of all, from the legendary JohnTheOther himself, who is evidently well aware of the threat that drunk chicks pose to his very life:
Camdaniel encouraged his brothers to stick together to defend themselves against this insidious threat:
Stay strong, brothers!
Chrispy3690, meanwhile, warned against the greatest unrecognized danger from drunk chicks: their big mouths.
In the world of MRAs, evidently, it’s no big deal when men call women “cunts” and threaten them — hey, they’re just words! But when it’s women doing the talking, suddenly words are worse than fists.
Anonlymouse, meanwhile, threw up his hands in despair, because clearly there is no way that frats can possibly protect themselves from the insidious danger of drunk chicks. Because they are so terribly, tyranically sexy.
Men literally forced to act as though they are interested in what a woman has to say. Is there any clearer evidence of the tyranny of drunk chick sexiness?
Profhelios, meanwhile, highlighted one hidden danger that no one has the courage to address: drunken giantesses.
I guess Bill Frezza really is the hero that MRAs deserve.
Erm, that first sentence is also a question.
The UK doesn’t have them either. From what I’ve seen of them so far I’m rather glad about that.
I seem to remember recently reading that they spread to the UK.
Ew, why? British universities already have binge drinking and drunken hookups, so why do they need to add an extra layer of stupid?
Geez guys and girls. Why do you have to reply EVERYTHING with hostility? I made an honest question, no one is attacking you. Can’t anyone think different from you?
The guys were douches? YES they were.
Doesn’t that mean that if a group wants to not have women or men, they can’t do it? I don’t think so, as long as you are polite about that what is wrong? There may be valid reason for why a group of women may not want men in a group or viceversa. That is all I am saying.
Maybe you should go find someone who disagrees to argue with, then? Off you pop, petal.
I wasn’t replied to with hostility. Venn diagrams, you fail at them.
And yes, I am now going to talk like my gran for a while, as a tribute to the old timey feMRA quoted in the other thread.
(My gran is more Nanny Ogg than feMRA, but eh, I feel like being super cheerful and positive will drive this guy up the wall.)
Because we’re not arguing that single gender groups can’t get together? It makes your question pointless.
Also, I’m not a girl. I’ve been an adult for some years now.