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Is Rantic, the supposed viral marketing firm behind the Emma Watson nude pics hoax, still playing the internet like a fiddle? now redirects to this site. now redirects to this site.

So it’s official: the Emma You Are Next web site, which was threatening to release nude pictures of Harry Potter actress Emma Watson, is a hoax. The site now redirects traffic to the home page of something called Rantic, a mysterious supposed “social media marketing enterprise” with a reputation for hoaxes.

Rantic is now claiming that the real agenda behind its website was a noble one: to expose the evils of leaked celebrity nudes – and, by painting 4channers as the evil hackers behind it all, to get 4chan itself taken down.

And somehow, to do this, they had to threaten to release nude pics of Emma Watson? It’s like fighting death threats against women – by sending death threats to women. The idea that this is a feminist “false flag” — an idea already being floated in Men’s Rightsy circles — is plainly ridiculous. Rantic’s actions are about as unfeminist as its possible to get.

Indeed, it seems pretty clear that Rantic’s new site is as much of a hoax as its last one.

Rantic’s own, er, “explanation” for the Emma Watson site is a masterpiece of concentrated bullshit:

We have been hired by celebrity publicists to bring this disgusting issue to attention. The recent 4chan celebrity nude leaks in past 2 months have been an invasion of privacy and is also clear indication that the internet NEEDS to be censored. Every Facebook like, share & Twitter mention will count as a social signature — and will be step closer to shutting down

Nothing about this makes any sense whatsoever. How do you protect celebrities from threats by threatening a celebrity? How do you use the Emma You Are Next hoax to get 4chan taken down … when everyone now knows that you, not anyone on 4chan, was behind the hoax?

Add to this a call for censorship that seems calculated to enrage the internet masses, and it’s hard not to conclude that Rantic is still playing the internet like a fiddle. For what aim I don’t know. Maybe, like some Men’s Rightsers we could mention, they figure that bad publicity – scratch that, catastrophic publicity – is better than none.

That’s more or less what Business Insider has concluded. In a piece published this morning, BI’s James Cook writes

Rantic Marketing doesn’t exist. This wasn’t a marketing stunt at all, but a social experiment run by the most notorious gang of pranksters on the internet.  …

Rantic Marketing is a fake company run by a gang of prolific internet spammers used to quickly capitalize on internet trends for page views. The group go by a variety of different names. Collectively, they’re known as SocialVEVO … The only known video footage of the group is a rap song about pickles that they used dubious spam techniques to make incredibly popular. The song used to have over 8 million views on YouTube.

As for that supposed plan to shut down 4chan? It’s only served to rally 4chan’s defenders.

In any case, the best way to fight celebrity leaks isn’t to shutter 4chan. It’s to find and prosecute those who’ve hacked celebrity nudes (including photos of several young women who were underage when the photos were taken) – and those who’ve knowingly spread them around the internet.

It may be hard to find the original hackers, but it’s certainly not hard to find those who distributed the nudes. Hint: Look at Reddit. Hundreds of thousands of Redditors were involved in what became known as TheFappening, and Reddit itself apparently profited handsomely from the attention and traffic.

Though the original TheFappening subreddit was belatedly shut down, leaked celebrity nudes are still being distributed openly on Reddit. This is criminal activity. Enforce the laws.

And Rantic, whatever your game is — just. fucking. stop.


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kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Tracy: I would be a librarian if it meant I got to wear such a glorious hat!

You can’t. We only give them out in special secret ceremonies where the prospective new librarian dedicates their soul to Thoth.


10 years ago

One experiment I can think of to try: Try fecal transplantation from nonallergic people into ones with severe allergies, see if allergies are improved.
That’s the treatment for clostridium difficile, BTW.
Wow, I know a lot of…crap…

I admit, the development of fecal transplants has produced some of my favorite news stories this year.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

I would gladly be a fecal transplant donor, the gods know I have so much to give…*Looks up in a quasi-angelic fashion*

Actually, since I’m vegan and make a point of eating unwashed wild fruit, I probably have some unusual flora.

10 years ago

Where the hell would gluten come from in shampoo anyway?

10 years ago

Just for clarification, we don’t actually put a family member’s poo up your bum when we do a fecal transplant.

10 years ago

I read a dumbass antivaxxer’s blog once. Their autistic kid’s symptoms were particularly bad at the time. A commenter suggested a DIY stool transplant (because these people think autism is caused by gut trouble.) They clearly didn’t understand what a stool transplant actually is though. What they told the blogger was basically to poop, put that poop in a cake icing bag and squirt the poop up their kid’s bum. These people are scary.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Marinerachel – no? Sure sounds like it…

“Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is a procedure in which fecal matter, or stool, is collected from a tested donor, mixed with a saline or other solution, strained, and placed in a patient, by colonoscopy, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or enema.”

Or, in other words, sticking a sh*t smoothie where the sun don’t shine.

Sound silly, but as the old saying goes – if it’s silly and it works, it isn’t silly.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Huh, I thought they’d put the poo in a slow-dissolve capsule.
They do actually put it up your behind.

10 years ago

“Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is a procedure in which fecal matter, or stool, is collected from a tested donor, mixed with a saline or other solution, strained, and placed in a patient, by colonoscopy, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or enema.”

Thank God they strain it. I wonder if the pre-procedure instructions for donors say “no corn within 48 hours.”

10 years ago

We call it fecal bacteriotherapy because it’s the bacteria we’re transplanting, not the poo. When you’re doing the dissolve, strain, dissolve, strain in solution you’re isolating the bacteria and removing the waste matter. Then, yes, it’s up the bum.

10 years ago

No, we certainly do not put undigested corn someone else pooped out up your bum when you have this procedure.

10 years ago

Phoenician in a time of Romans:

It’s not quite that simple. There’s lots and lots of, um, prep that goes on beforehand.

(TW: pure grossness):

From what I’ve read about the procedure, the pt is on a clear liquid diet at least three days ahead of the procedure, and on bowel prep two days before the procedure (bowel prep is basically drinking a jug of heavy duty laxative as anyone who has ever had a colonoscopy is no doubt well aware of), and if I’m recalling correctly, enemas until clear the day of. And of course the donor has to be screened for all the diseases, and then must produce a fresh specimen in desired quantity the day of procedure. So yeah, a fun time is had by none.

But it beats intractable c-diff.

One of the steps outlined in the procedure actually had the line, “A blender is optional.” So, there’s that.

Sorry for going on at lengths about poo.

10 years ago

Is it wrong that I want the fecal transplant of a skinny person so I can lose weight? It’s only been done in mice or rats, I forget which but it worked for them. I’d definitely sign up for a test on humans.

10 years ago

This tangent is less disgusting than the OP, so go ahead.

(This might be influenced by my biology background. Bacteria: can’t live without them.)

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Is it wrong that I want the fecal transplant of a skinny person so I can lose weight?

Nah. I’m surprised someone’s not offering that in some “spa” in Costa Rica or something.

In a tangential note, LDR guy and I noted that the NSA and/or GCHQ was doubtlessly monitoring our messaging…so we immediately discussed our bowel habits in great detail.

I think it’s darkly amusing that some poor schmuck in GCHQ knows I’m a regular pooper.

10 years ago

I just lost a bunch of weight on a very low calorie diet. Now I only poop, like, twice a week. Three times on a busy week.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

3 times a week? O.o wow.
…That sounds painful.

10 years ago

(Yes, of course fecal transplants are actually a proper medical procedure done in a safe and hygienic manner. They’re just so funny to talk about.)

10 years ago

I don’t eat enough to poop anymore than that. I’m not bunged up.

10 years ago

I’m glad my C-diff responded to Flagyl but when I told my wife that I might need a fecal transplant, she replied in shock, “You mean you’re not full of shit enough already?” [Just kidding.]
C-diff IS quite unpleasant.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Sounds like your wife would have fit right in at my last job, GrumpyOldMan – that’s exactly the sort of thing my boss and I would have said in such a conversation. 🙂

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

3 times a week? O.o wow.
…That sounds painful.

I spent three weeks in a hospital bed with opiates being shoved into my system.

I think I went about three times. And yes, there was a considerable amount of pain involved.

I will never laugh at constipation jokes again. Never. Really, really not funny.

10 years ago

Sad bit funny c-diff story. C-diff is one of the special contact isolation required things at the hospital (where I’m a casual employee -2nd job). We also have roll around commuter stations, that are awesome…

… Until a doc rolled one into the c-diff room and left it there, and they had to chuck it afterwards because they couldn’t ensure that it didn’t have c-diff in the fans…

Grumpyoldman, hope you feel better soon! C-diff ears dead mice. 🙁

10 years ago

Contra, your auto-correct really went on a rampage!
I have had nearly all the standard special-contact-precautions bugs and it was the assortment of antibiotics I had to take for them that probably caused the C-diff. That was back in April; I’m fine now. But it is one of the more fiendish ways that your gut can make life miserable for you.
Kitteh, my wife didn’t actually SAY what I said she did — she’s afflicted with the politeness virus — but you could tell she was thinking it.

10 years ago

Dear Internet, today I learned something I never had before…

(Seriously, science is weeeeird.)