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Your missing socks — laundry weirdness or evil female mind game?

It's also possible your cat has them. Devious little bastards.
It’s also possible your cat has them. Devious little bastards.

Fellas, you know how sometimes socks go missing (or at least seem to go missing) in the laundry? Weird, huh? Or is it all part of a sinister plot?

On The Red Pill subreddit, one concerned fella warns his comrades that laundry-doing females maybe losing your socks on purpose, for some nefarious female reason we may never understand.

[H]oly shit, can chicks wash a pair of socks without one disappearing into a parallel dimension never to be seen again?

Little shit I know. But I’ve spent the bulk of my life as a single guy in his own pad. NEVER had the missing sock issue, could always find my shit. It’s not hard to do, being organized, so this leads me to think the whole thing is a woman’s mind game designed to test you.

They are devious, these human  females.

H/T — Cloudiah

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10 years ago

It’s really hard to find any differences between conversations TRPers or PUAs and this stereotype of old drunk men inventing stories or conspiracies in a pub.

10 years ago

I deliberately wear odd socks whenever convenient, initially out of youthful rebellion against conformity, now out of habit. I guess I’m an automisandrist?

10 years ago

I steal men’s socks and fence them on the black market for bon-bon money.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

When you only do laundry twice a year, the odds of losing socks go down considerably.

extraterrestrial biological entity princess
extraterrestrial biological entity princess
10 years ago

He doesn’t know that socks disappear in the laundry because washing machines are portals to other universes?

10 years ago

Maybe that’s it! Maybe the shit test is seeing if your wannabe manly man will dive into the washing machine, braving the underwear gnomes and sock puppets to get the missing clothing back.

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago

Explains why Narnia is in a wardrobe. But why is Aslan hoarding all the socks? I suppose he’s a kitty-cat after all.

10 years ago

But I’ve spent the bulk of my life as a single guy in his own pad. NEVER had the missing sock issue, could always find my shit.

Weird, I’m a single guy and manage to lose socks – but, then again, I also don’t obsess over that either. ‘Cause they’re just socks.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Silly Red Pillers, everyone knows that the socks that seem to vanish in the laundry haven’t actually vanished: they’ve turned into hangers. That’s why as you lose socks you seem to keep gaining empty hangers in the closet. Come on, this is so obvious.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

The reason this dude’s never had the missing sock issue is probably that he bins them when they’re too sticky.

10 years ago

The reason this dude’s never had the missing sock issue is probably that he bins them when they’re too sticky.


10 years ago

Maybe he buys his socks by the pack and then just never notices when they go missing because they’re all basically six of the same sock?

Doesn’t every one do this? Or am I really that boring?

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

I thought missing socks ended up in the hozone layer.
So, you’ve lost a sock, but the planet is now slightly more protected against radiation.:D

10 years ago

Explains why Narnia is in a wardrobe. But why is Aslan hoarding all the socks? I suppose he’s a kitty-cat after all.

Okay. Someone with art skills needs to sketch Aslan the Sock Hoarder for me now. Please?

10 years ago

I’m seconding contrapangloss’s request.

10 years ago

RE: grumpyoldnurse

Doesn’t every one do this? Or am I really that boring?

Enh, Sneak adores fancy wool socks in various colors. And actually, the kind of socks you buy can make a difference; I used to buy sock packs, but I’ll be the first to admit that Sneak’s fancy wool socks are holding up a lot better. (And prevent blisters with boots!)

10 years ago

Speaking of doing laundry, my first week in the dorm I was doing my laundry when a very confused looking guy walked in. He had a bag of laundry in one hand and a 4×6 index card in the other. He looking at me like I was I might eat him for dinner if he wasn’t careful. He asked if I knew how to do laundry. When I said yes he asked if I would help him. I said no problem and he handed me the index card. The card had a list of how to laundry. Step 1 was “find a girl who will help you”. I still shake my head and sigh when I think about it.

10 years ago

Wow, that’s sad, Kestrel. Apparently our father didn’t really know how to do laundry when he went to college, which kinda boggles me.

I mean, I had dorm laundry misadventures (quarters in the wrong machine, etc.) but at least I knew how to do laundry!

As Eye Behold
10 years ago

Hahaha, laugh of the day! Cheers, David, for always capturing the *wee gems* of the misogynist mind.

10 years ago

My husband lost socks while doing his laundry all the time. FWIW, I never lost clothing to laundry gnomes until kids happened. I’ve found undies in very unusual places.

10 years ago

The only thing my cats like better than clean laundry is dirty laundry and socks are a particular favorite. The one who used to drag them outside and under the deck to his stash has passed away now so I mostly find them abandoned in the cat nests inside the house.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

Well, I have not before, but as my *new* daily act of misandry, if I am ever in the position of doing a man’s laundry for him ever again, I shall henceforth randomly throw out the occasional sock. A WOMAN DOING A MAN’S LAUNDRY IS MISANDRY!

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Okay. Someone with art skills needs to sketch Aslan the Sock Hoarder for me now. Please?

Your wish is my command …

10 years ago

The utility room here is like the Island of Misfit Socks. They have magic sockportation powers, I swear..