Fellas, you know how sometimes socks go missing (or at least seem to go missing) in the laundry? Weird, huh? Or is it all part of a sinister plot?
On The Red Pill subreddit, one concerned fella warns his comrades that laundry-doing females maybe losing your socks on purpose, for some nefarious female reason we may never understand.
[H]oly shit, can chicks wash a pair of socks without one disappearing into a parallel dimension never to be seen again?
Little shit I know. But I’ve spent the bulk of my life as a single guy in his own pad. NEVER had the missing sock issue, could always find my shit. It’s not hard to do, being organized, so this leads me to think the whole thing is a woman’s mind game designed to test you.
They are devious, these human females.
H/T — Cloudiah
Well, dude, just keep on doing the laundry yourself then. Problem solved!
Is this the way that MRAs admit that their mom still does their laundry?
I was hoping you’d cover this silly, silly story. XD
Once upon a time, we had my grandma and grandpa living in our basement. My grandpa decided to organize the garage. My dad could not find anything! Then Grandpa did it again, and a third time, even though my dad told him to knock it off.
That was almost 25 years ago, and my dad is STILL finding stuff that my grandpa just stuffed into a drawer without any type of organization, to “get it out of the way.”
Yeah, dudes, keep telling yourselves that this trait is endemic to women.
What the fuck?
Ok, so he’s really attentive (that, or doesn’t notice missing socks, perhaps [like me] he only has a few styles, so he doesn’t notice when one goes missing), and doesn’t lose his socks.
Ergo ALL MEN are just the same, and it has to be the LADIEEZ.
Maybe he buys his socks by the pack and then just never notices when they go missing because they’re all basically six of the same sock?
I used to lose single socks, whole pairs of socks, and undergarments in general.
It all stopped when I moved out of my parent’s home in which I lived with other 9 people, 6 of them women.
That is indeed a clever solution to the sock-losing problem, when done on purpose.
reminds me of Southpark and “Step 3: Profit!” otherwise this makes no sense.
Also, never had the occasionally-missing-a-testicle problem. Weird.
This gent’s firmly-held beliefs include:
– Marriage is an evil lady trap designed by ladies
– All men married to women have their laundry done by their wives as a matter of course
I do my own laundry, and I don’t think I’ve worn a pair of matching socks in, uh, I have no idea how long. Partly because yes, they get lost, and partly because I usually just grab the first two that come to hand; I wear boots most of the time so they don’t show anyway.
I must be evilly mind-gaming myself, I guess.
“What I’m suggesting will make no sense to anyone anywhere, so it’s probably something women do. Yep, I sure know women.”
Wow. Just… wow.
I’ve lost exactly one sock in my new living-on-my-own adult life. At this point I really wish I’d lose one more. It’s really sad to see one lone clean sock on laundry day.
Interesting gravatar image you have there. Are you a Go player by chance? (*squees internally*)
He just can’t get good servants these days, bless his heart.
When I buy socks I always buy three pair alike so they don’t go to waste when the sock puppets steal them out the portal in the back of the dryer.
You can’t parody this shit!
I always steal men’s socks out of dryers when I do my laundry. Sprinkle a little cat nip on it, roll it in a ball, cat toy. Hopefully, all PUAs will soon be sockless.
Everything’s a shit test when you’re a shit-fer-brains.
No, I’m tellin’ ya fer sure it is the sock puppets cuz they only ever need one and you never lose two, now do yo? Gotta be sock puppets.
Of course, everybody knows why socks really vanish:
What exactly are we women to gain by testing the men like this? Are we testing whether he’ll lose his temper over the missing sock? Are we testing whether he’ll notice it’s missing? Are we testing if he’ll start doing the laundry himself? I am not getting the point of our woman’s mind game test.
k, those kittens are awesome, although you know they got blamed for the mess afterward.
An obvious solution to this problem suggests itself.
Sad missing sock story:
This was freshmen year of college, and I was living in a dorm. I finished up a pair of hand-knit socks, wore them, and lost one the first time I washed it.
I kept hoping it would show up in one of my nightshirts (static cling, yo) but no such luck.
Funny missing sock story:
Back when I was living with my parents, I caught my sister wearing my missing pair of handknit socks (different pair, obviously). She claimed she didn’t know they were mine, and I was like, I was knitting them on the couch for a month, how did you fail to notice them?