UPDATE 2: See here for my updated take on the hoax.
UPDATE: It appears the Emma You Are Next site is indeed a hoax, put online not by a 4chan hacker but by a sleazy internet “marketing” company known for similar hoaxes in the past. That said, it was a hoax designed to take advantage of two disturbing trends — not only the widespread public demand for leaked celebrity nudes but also the antifeminist backlash culture of the internet. Emma Watson was already being denounced and derided by internet misogynists even before the Emma You Are Next Site went online. I have made some changes in my original post below; strikeouts indicate the original text. I have also rewritten the conclusion, and taken down the video version of this post.
You already know the basic facts, I imagine: This past weekend, actress Emma Watson gave an eloquent speech at the United Nations about the necessity of feminism, and how the fight for gender equality can benefit both women and men.
Then some asshole or assholes apparently associated with 4chan a sleazy internet “marketing” firm decided to punish her for her opinions exploit the widespread desire for stolen nudes of female celebrities and the antifeminist backlash that was already developing in the wake of Watson’s speech by threatening to release stolen nude pictures of her, setting up a page entitled Emma You Are Next featuring a photo of Watson alongside an ominous countdown clock, presumably highlighting just when she can look forward to her privacy being egregiously violated.
There’s been a lot of debate over whether or not this threat is a real one or a “hoax.” [It appears that it is a hoax.] Business Insider declares that
it’s likely that the countdown site is nothing more than a prank designed to increase the notoriety of anonymous message board 4chan. … The site’s anonymous users often launch pranks and hoaxes to laugh at other internet users and also to further worsen the site’s reputation.
Well, no, that’s not it at all.
First off, it doesn’t really matter if that the site is appears to be a hoax or not. The threat is was a credible one: as we’ve seen recently with the leak of nudes pics of Jennifer Lawrence and others, hackers are indeed capable of stealing the private pictures that celebrities thought were under electronic lock and key – and sites like Reddit have made themselves conduits for the dissemination of the illegally obtained pics, which have included child pornography.
Even if Watson has no nude pictures to steal, some 4channers have insinuated that there are surreptitiously photographed “upskirt” pictures of her that could be equally embarrassing to her.
More to the point, though, the Emma You Are Next site can’t be so easily dismissed only as a “lulzy” prank or publicity stunt. it’s a clear attempt to punish a woman for practicing feminism in public to exploit the reflexive antifeminism of a large misogynistic subculture on the internet– and a warning reminder to other women that if their opinions offend the creepy assholes of the world they could find their most private pictures plastered all over the internet. In other words, it’s blackmail – aimed at all women with opinions.
Some 4channers have been utterly transparent in their aims sympathies, writing comments such as these, collected from a now-deleted thread by Robyn Pennacchia at DeathAndTaxes:
“she makes stupid feminist speeches at UN, and now her nudes will be online, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH”
“It is real and going to happen this weekend. That feminist bitch Emma is going to show the world she is as much of a whore as any woman.”
Actresses and other women in the public eye are already acutely aware that there are little armies of creeps out there with a vested interest in violating their privacy. As Jessica Goldstein notes on ThinkProgress, singer Taylor Swift recently told Rolling Stone that she lives in constant fear of prying eyes:
“There’s someone whose entire job it is to figure out things that I don’t want the world to see,” she says. “They look at your career, they look at what you prioritize, and they try to figure out what would be the most revealing or hurtful. Like, I don’t take my clothes off in pictures or anything – I’m very private about that. So it scares me how valuable it would be to get a video of me changing. It’s sad to have to look for cameras in dressing rooms and bathrooms. I don’t walk around naked with my windows open, because there’s a value on that.”
The Emma You Are Next page reveals that privacy-invaders (and would-be privacy invaders) aren’t just motivated by money; some are motivated by a hatred of feminism and outspoken women in general, by the desire to take these women down a peg or two. The obsessive interest in stolen celebrity nude pictures reflects not only or even primarily prurient interest, but also and perhaps more importantly a clear desire to punish and humiliate the women in question. For men who hate women, as I put it in a post on the leaked Jennifer Lawrence nudes, the violation of privacy is part of the thrill
And, as #GamerGate and numerous other cases of online harassment of women have made abundantly clear, it’s not just famous women who have to worry about the people who’ve made it their “entire job … to figure out things that I don’t want the world to see.”
Before #GamerGate, Zoe Quinn was an indie game developer little known outside the game world; now her name, the private details of her life, and assorted nude pictures of her, are all over the internet.
Men’s Rights activists and other harassers of women online have been happy to release — or at least threaten to release — the private information of women they’ve declared their enemies; there’s no doubt that if they were able to get hold of nudes someone would post those online as well.
The Emma You Are Next site isn’t just a prank. It’s a symptom of a civil rights issue faced by all women who risk becoming the target of angry misogynistss each and every time they speak up about feminism online or in any other public forum. You can’t have a true free market of ideas if those of one gender can’t speak freely without worrying about their private lives — up to and including nude pictures — being exposed online.
One of the best ways to fight against this attack on free speech is to ensure that Watson’s message reaches as many people as possible. Below, a video of her speech; you can find the transcript here.
Worst plot twist ever.
Walp. That’s absolutely disgusting. Who in their right mind could possibly think this was a good marketing campaign?
And yes, it’s a hoax. The website now has a Rantic page with a comment section. Which, by the way, along with the disappointed assholes, strangely has people calling Rantic social justice warriors. As if fucking feminists would think it’d be a great idea to publicly threaten a celebrity.
Well, it could be a hoax, anyway. The page actually redirects to Rantic’s website, which anybody could do. It still could be 4chan, but fuck it, who cares. We live in a culture where either people think it’s hilarious to threaten to invade celebrity women’s privacy or where a marketing company thinks its a great idea to pretend to threaten to invade celebrity women’s privacy.
Either way, feminism is still sorely needed.
Aaaand who the fuck knows what’s going on. There is a letter to Barack Obama urging him to censor the internet and shut 4chan down. If it’s viral marketing, it’s the “young child shitting their pants in the middle of a room for attention” version.
“Oh hey look, we made a website that promised to release nude pictures of a woman to silence her, and it got all these visitors, shares, and likes! This just proves how bad 4chan is!”
No, this proves how bad our culture is, and how mob mentality works even more on the internet. What you did was not a clever subversion and satire of that culture, what you did is feed and contribute to that culture.
Is the viral marketing for the “shut down 4chan” thin on Rantic.com? Or is there something I’m missing?
@blahlistic – No problem! Peace. 🙂
That’s pretty much the whole mess summed up in one quote, isn’t it? Misogynists think that the fact that women have bodies that they find sexually appealing under our clothes is inherently demeaning for us, and that all they have to do is show that those bodies exist to humiliate us. The line of thought seems to go has boobs and vagina – other people have seen those boobs and that vagina – SEX (which is terrible and makes you worthless, but only if you’re a woman) – is a whore, now I don’t have to care what she thinks or what happens to her.
What’s inherently “whorish” (or whatever other misogynistic euphemism they choose) about having naked pictures of you exist? Or about the fact that you have a body with the bits that they’re fixated on? Nothing at all. None of this has anything to do with women, really, it’s about men, and how completely dysfunctional the thinking of a lot of them is when it comes to both women and sex, and about how in their minds that somehow translated to women BEING sex.
This is your problem, dudes, not ours. Stop all the projection and sort your own heads out.
Well well well… this rantic thing is weird and peculiar. I googled rantic to see if there’d been any previous mention of them before and found this story – http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/marketing-firm-rantic-hacked-over-gta-v-pc-cancellation-rumors/ – in which 4chan apparently hacked the rantic site to protest the rumour of GTA V being cancelled for PC.
Is this just some tit-for-tat revenge attempt on 4chan by Rantic? Or is it 4chan hacking rantic again to try and look like victims and make rantic look bad by co-opting the nude photo leaks and Emma Watson’s speech publicity?
greyskye, just want to say I love your Manny gravatar. Laughed my head off at that moment in Black Books. 🙂
Also, what Emilygoddess said about this being partly because these guys just can’t stand having women who they want to fuck draw boundaries and tell them that they can’t, and there’s yet another layer on top of that. Part of the pretzel logic they use to try to dismiss feminism is that it only exists because ugly women can’t get men to do stuff for them the “normal” way, and thus, feminism! The idea that conventionally attractive women have no reason to be interested in feminism is one of their core beliefs. So when someone as universally regarded as beautiful as Watson is talking about being a feminist, well, what does that say about how stupid their logic is? Can’t have that, so now she has to be punished.
From what I saw on /co/, any topic that could upset the fee-fees (so mainly the usual topics about broken spines in arts and threads asking about women main characters with un-broken spines using troll trigger words) get deleted within eight posts or so.
Hardly the board’s fault that the trolls get trolled by such stuff.
That made me think of this gem I came across the other day. I faceplanted:
“The older wine is, the gooder it is”
I think that to them, women are sex because women are the route to sex for them. Rather than seeing us as people with our own sexual desires we are a means for them to achieve sex. The fact that we choose not to have sex with them (or worse, to have sex with someone else) is a failure for them. I don’t think it’s women being sexual that really bothers them. It’s that those sexual actions are not directed at these men. Women are standing up and taking control of their own sexuality, which is a threat to the men who feel entitled to women’s bodies because if we control our own sexuality, they can’t get what they want.
Also, another music/dance break for everyone. I swing dance so I love having dance breaks in this thread. I’ll try not to overload you with swing videos.
ej, that was a good dance video. Made me smile.
Over at Reddit:RedPill there is a thread about Emma Watson and her choice of boyfriend. It’s at http://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/2hb75a/emma_watson_says_gender_equality_not_only/.
Oh, no, attractive actress dates a guys who’s supposedly … very handsome. What an outrage!
Thanks, ralmcg! It’s one of my favorites.
I said this a long time ago and so far have seen no evidence to contradict it – most of the younger, Reddit and 4chan style MRAs are motivated entirely by anger about the fact that pretty ladies aren’t touching their penises as often as they’d like. It’s all about raging out at women for having sexual autonomy and attempting to force the women who they’d particularly like to fuck into a social position where they’ll have no choice but to put up with these guys.
Ms. Watson’s speech says in essence that a man or boy should not have to be the masculine stereotype. She didn’t say that they are entitled to a date.
In the opening of Ms. Watson’s speech she talked about what a girl or boy did or didn’t do basically because of gender stereotypes, such as girls withdrawing from sports because they don’t want to be muscular, hence not “feminine”. The point of the speech was that men and boys, not just women and girls, must be for equal rights for all genders. The emphasis of the equal rights’ fight is on greater equality for women and girls because they bear the brunt of inequality but that doesn’t mean that the rights of men and boys to not always have to be “masculine” should be ignored.
Heya, Kid! Nice to meet you! Welcome to We Hunted the Mammoth!
The Kid’s around? Hi, Kid! We’ve been looking forward to meeting you.
It’s not just that the 4channers want sex, it’s the raging sense of entitlement. Without the raging sense of entitlement they wouldn’t fly into a status-anxiety-rage when women have sex with the no-them partners of their choice. That’s what it’s about.
If you get told over and over (not just verbally) that people are supposed to respect you, and you go out into the real world and guess what, they don’t automatically respect you, commence status anxiety spiral. (Which can end in very real violence.)
I think of the security guard character from REPO MAN whom nobody respects (because of his personality and attitude) yet who thinks he’s entitled to lord it over people. It’s like that, but millions of them and a few of them aren’t just script kiddies, a few of them can actually accomplish horrible things.
*Not-them partners of choice, obviously
btw, think this is behind a lot of the unthinking white rage/fear of a Black President, they’ve been told they’re better than him just by default so how can he still be out there, presidenting?