#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs evil women gamebros gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no games for girls no girls allowed playing the victim

Attention #GamerGaters: Gaming is not YOUR hobby

My little game collection
My little game collection. Yes, I’m a terrible photographer.

Ever since the bizarre social backlash now known as #GamerGate first erupted in August, we’ve heard a lot of alarmist, entitled nonsense from self-described gamers who are pig-biting mad that so-called Social Justice Warriors and, you know, girls, are invading what is inevitably described as “our hobby.”

Thing is, guys, it’s not your hobby. At least it’s not only yours.

I don’t call myself a “gamer” – largely because so many of those who do embrace the label are such immature assholes – but, guess what, I play games too.

Indeed, as you can see from the picture above, I own more than 100 console games, some of which I’ve devoted hundreds of hours to. Over the years I’ve owned five different consoles – seven, if you count replacement consoles bought because I wore out the originals.

I first encountered video games in high school, playing Space Invaders in the basement of the University of Illinois student union. I wasn’t very good, and gravitated more to air hockey and pinball and other purely analog games instead. Still, by the end of the 80s I’d been bitten by the electronic game bug – starting with the bootleg version of Tetris I installed on my Mac in grad school to distract me from the tedium of actually working on my dissertation.

In other words, I’ve been playing games, off and on, for longer than many #GamerGaters have been alive.

But I’m sure many of these people wouldn’t consider me a “real” gamer at all. I’m not what you’d call hardcore. I’m basically a console gamer – I don’t even have Steam installed on my laptop. And I’m always little behind the time. I haven’t shelled out for an Xbox One or a Playstation 4. I didn’t beat Destiny ten hours after it was first released; hell, I probably won’t even pick it up for at least another six months or so when the price drops a bit. And I’m not a full-time gamer either. While I regularly get obsessed with certain games and play them to death, I also take breaks from gaming for months on end.

I also play a lot of the “casual” games that hardcore “gamer” types dismiss as not “real” games – addictive little timewasters like Bejeweled and Peggle and Candy Crush – as well as decidely un-hardcore games like Super Monkey Ball (which I played mostly for its billiards minigame) and Sega Bass Fishing. (That odd device in the picture of my game collection? A Dreamcast fishing controller.)

And while I play a lot of shooters – as you’ll see if you look closely at the picture of my collection – I often play on the easy setting, and I never play multiplayer at all. My favorite games tend to be those that give me the option to goof off for hours on end. I don’t even want to imagine how much time I’ve spent in the various Grand Theft Auto game universes, driving off cliffs on “taxi missions” gone wrong and generally causing trouble. (It would be nice if these games were less blatantly sexist, but Rockstar sure as hell knows how to design compellingly immersive open worlds.)

So, yeah, I’m pretty far from hardcore. But, you know what, angry gamebros? This is my hobby as much as it is yours. I may not fit your gamer stereotype, but I play games too, and the money I spend on gaming is as green as yours.

And there are a lot of us out here – game players who look a lot different from the angry gamers now ranting about evil Social Justice Warriors trying to destroy their supposedly male preserve. Hell, the comments section of this blog if full of them, many of them aficionados of RPGs and obscure interesting indie titles I’ve never heard of.

As Misha wrote in the comments to a recent post here, addressing one of the many gamebros out there incensed that non-dudes are invading a gaming world he sees as rightfully his,

Newsflash: It is not YOUR hobby, OR the hobby of your hapless diversity-hating gamebros. The individuals who want to see games evolve beyond depictions of harmful cultural stereotypes and tired sexist tropes also, wait for it, Play. Games. I play games. I am so excited by the recent footage released for FFXV that I could puke. You do not own them, and you do not speak for me.

Me neither.

Another commenter in the same thread noted that women have been playing video games from the beginning:

What I find so ridiculous is the fact that these guys act as though women playing/creating games is a new thing. I’m 3-freaking-6 years old. I’ve been gaming since the Atari 2600. I OWNED a copy of the ET game – yeah, that same one that most of those putzes only got to read about being discovered in a landfill in whereverthehell.

I’ve been a part of gaming allllll this time. Just because they didn’t want to recognize that or acknowledge my existence or the fact that I was right there, the entire time, playing in the WoW beta, playing in the Guild Wars beta, playing in the City of Heroes beta — that’s not my damn problem. They were the ones living in their own happy little penis-centric, he-man girl-gamer-haters club while I was over here, doing my own thing and having fun.

Their obliviousness is nobody’s fault but their own.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants added:

I’ve been gaming since the days of Pong, ELIZA, Merlin, Space Invaders, and Pac Man. Back then it was something both boys and girls did after school. It wasn’t seen as nerdy – in fact, the arcades were where the delinquent kids hung out.

It seems like today’s crop of misogynist gamers have their core identity way too wrapped up in being the coveted marketing demographic. They want to be pandered to and flattered with hypermasculine characters and alpha storylines.

It’s kind of hilarious that they’re treating this whole thing like it’s a RL video game, complete with black ops, sockpuppeting “missions”, evil shadowy enemies, rallying cries of threats to individual liberty, and an anything-goes mentality of inflicting maximum damage on opponents. Except the consequences of stalking and harassment are real, and permanent. In their imaginations they’re a group of beleaguered rebels taking a brave stand for freedom, but they’re actually the bad guys. They’re fighting against social justice and ruining a lot of people’s lives in the process.

It’s just a hobby, fercrissakes. I can’t imagine, say, model railroad enthusiasts getting all bent out of shape about more people taking up their hobby, and embarking on a hate campaign to define it as for old people ONLY. These guys really need to grow up and get some perspective.


Elsewhere in the thread, M. the Social Justice Ranger described her experience,

I haven’t been gaming for quite as long as some of the other women here, but I first picked up a keyboard in 1989 and a controller in 1990, so it’s certainly been a while. Sure, I prefer single-player to multiplayer, Nintendo to PlayStation or Xbox and platformers, RPGs, pet sims and puzzle games to shooters, but I do consider my hobby to be a large part of my identity, so other gamers are usually (not always, but usually) willing to count me as one of their own…

… Until they discover that not only have I committed the cardinal sin of being born with a vagina, but I’m only interested in others who’ve committed the same sin. Then all of that flies out the window for rape threat after rape threat after rape threat.


I don’t want to destroy their hobby, I just want to enjoy our shared hobby…

#GamerGaters, is this really that hard to understand?

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10 years ago

Merlin! I had totally forgotten Merlin. I had one as a kid!

10 years ago

what annoys me the most about this wave of guys pretending like girls have never been a part of gaming is the almost catch 22 mentality to keep girls out.

“Well, see, you girls are not buying enough to be part of the demographic. so stop trying to get them to change.” like, how do these people think people are supposed to get representation? buy into uninteresting stuff enough to get a secret voter’s pass or something?

I admit, Im not terribly familiar with Gamersgate, however, because I dont keep up with the gaming community at large, just the releases, and people I encounter while gaming.
(“Your not really a girl, because girls dont play games.” “Stop trying to get advantages for being female, no one buys that stuff online!” being typical reactions to me merely mentioning I happen to be a women when it comes up. =/ luckily, most people dont care these days, which gives me hope this gamersgate thing is just foolishness that will be forgotten quickly.)

10 years ago

OOh, I had a merlin too. I loved that thing.

I also have a Caveman game. My Pop bought it for us to play when we were at his house when I was little. That and Pop’s flatcap are what I asked for when he died.!ebay2013/Cavemangame/1.jpg

10 years ago

I managed to do this successfully with both my cats–though, given that they are full-sized, I had to do it while they were on the couch.

10 years ago

Bina – I still have my Merlin! It hasn’t been used in years but I loved that thing to death.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

That kitten is soooooo cuuuuuuuuuute.

Wish I could have done that with Katie, but she’d have ripped my face off if I’d tried. Loved her some cuddles, but the belly was out of bounds!

10 years ago

That is the nicest kitten I have ever seen. I want! I want!

10 years ago

My cat is grown up now and still lets me rub my face in her belly like that. She’s just ridiculously sweet.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Semi-related to dudebros whining about not owning everything and SJWs spoiling everything forever: check out this entry on John Scalzi’s blog. Hilarious, plus glittery boots!

10 years ago

My cats love their belly rubs. 😀

10 years ago

I had a Merlin game too. I think it might still be at the family house. It might even still work, given fresh batteries…

10 years ago

Cloudiah, I remember that Mac game haunted castle! I bonded with my uncle over it! I’d forgotten, that’s such a cool memory. Also now I am nostalgic for Wonder Boy. Our house was a saga house and next door was a Nintendo. We would mix it up. Boys and girls, you know for fun. Thanks for the great article David and cool thread!


10 years ago

Not a saga, a Sega. Although we would have Sonic the Hedgehog sagas.

10 years ago

I found this blog when I was trying to find out what all this GamerGate nonsense is and all i can say is kudos. I’ve been lurking for a while enjoying the comments and thought these comic sums up the “RealGamer” nonsense, the ways it’s used to dismiss ‘filthy casuals’ and the general attitude of much of the GamerGate people perfectly

10 years ago

To them, the vast majority of people who simply enjoy something without the zealousness are pretty much “fake fans.”

I remember when, a number of years ago, I was at the very crux of my crush on FFVII. I’d been breathing, eating and sleeping the damn thing for weeks, and during this time my best friend casually mentioned to me that her parents had bought her the game and she really liked it.

Well! I thought, “But…but you can’t! This game means so much to me! You CAN’T just go and own it like that, out of nowhere! I bet I know more about the background story, the character art, it’s influences, it’s meaning – you might think you like it, but you’ll never like it as much as me!”

She picked up on my shift in attitude towards her and the reason why. And then she said, very calmly and very firmly, something which has stayed with me.

“For fuck’s sake, learn to share already”.

When I hear hardcore fanatic gamebros trying to pull shit like arguing against SJWs having a say in ‘their’ games or promoting the ostracisation of ‘fake nerds’ or ‘fake gamergirls’ I’m reminded of this. The difference between I and a lot of these gatekeeper however is that when I thought like this, I was thirteen. And a sharp reprimand was still enough to get me to snap out of my self-centered, entitled headspace and apologise for my ridiculous attitude. And feel incredibly embarrassed by it for weeks and months after.

And it’s the most important message these people need to hear. “Grow up and learn to share”.

10 years ago

Can we get more love for Master of Orion 2? Who else loves to conquer every planet (except one, where one piddly enemy survives) in the galaxy?

10 years ago

I read this a while back, and it stuck with me.

If you love a particular cultural thing, and get enthused when it becomes more popular, you may be a nerd.

If you get pissed when it becomes more popular, you’re probably a hipster. Stop that.

10 years ago

Count Beloved and me as two more for Zelda games. We have both played every 3D Zelda game before the Wii U was released. I think the major reason why Skyward Sword felt like a come-down after Twilight Princess was that Midna was so powerfully written that Fi just feels flat.

Beloved and I were both convinced that we’d have to throw down with Midna before the credits rolled.

The desert temple in Twilight Princess was awesome, and the boss fight on the Spinner track was the best in the game.

@skiriki: Oh man, I love me some Master of Orion 2. I can never play those sorts of games on anything but the easiest settings, though.

@cloudiah: I think I heard about Pharaoh from someone else here. I lost all my saved games a while ago and have had to restart. Boo.

When it comes to tabletop, I would love to try out 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons but everybody seems to have moved on to Savage Worlds.

10 years ago

Also all the books for 5E are $50. Each.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Skiriki: Can we get more love for Master of Orion 2? Who else loves to conquer every planet (except one, where one piddly enemy survives) in the galaxy?

“Conquer”? Do the words “Stellar Converter” have no meaning to you?

10 years ago

My kitties will conquer the galaxy!

10 years ago

“Conquer”? Do the words “Stellar Converter” have no meaning to you?

When I play the Empire in Star Wars Empire at War I like to run around with the Death Star.

Although once, I tried to spare Hoth and the game blew it up by itself.

10 years ago

Can we get more love for Master of Orion 2?

Yes, yes we can. I am pretty sure I played and pretty sure I won, but I think most of my experience was watching my brother play. Happy memories. 🙂

Who else loves to conquer every planet (except one, where one piddly enemy survives) in the galaxy?

I never did this in MoO (not sure why not), but this was one of my go to Civilization/Civilization II strategies, mainly as I like land improvements and building spaceships.

Joe with a banjo
Joe with a banjo
10 years ago
10 years ago


I like slash, but I seem to find that any gay male acquaintances (with only one exception that I can think of) have the same reaction I have to typical girl on girl media.

Enh, for me, it depends. My first exposure to slash I actually liked was written by someone who avoided gender. I’ve also encountered slash written by cis women that didn’t skeeve me out. It depends on the creator, but some of the weird politics around it creeps me out.

Yaoi though, yaoi just gives me the skeeves.

On a random side note: Did anyone have a Tamagotchi?

OMG OUR ORIGINAL GIRL HAD ONE OF THOSE AND IT TORMENTED HER. She didn’t sleep all night for fear it’d die and had to return it the very next day, just because it stressed her out so much.