#gamergate antifeminism antifeminist women excusing abuse FemRAs FeMRAsplaining gamebros misogyny MRA oppressed men straw feminists

You all need to watch this music video that deftly rebuts Christina Hoff Sommers on vidya games #GamerGate #PanderingToDickheads

Christina Hoff Sommers is an old school faux-feminist who’s devoted the last several decades to trashing feminism. Lately she’s apparently decided to appeal to a younger audience — or at least a more immature one — by pandering to the #GamerGate crowd.

That’s probably worth a post or two in itself,  but in the meantime you might enjoy this excellent song that deftly rebuts the, er, arguments in her recent video about sexism in video games and why she thinks that’s somehow not a real issue because, you know, dudes like to look at boobies when they play games. No, that’s really her argument — though I’m not sure it even qualifies as an argument, technically speaking.

Anyway, enjoy!

And here’s her original video, if you’re feeling masochistic and would actually enjoy sitting through six and a half very long minutes of simple-minded, patronizing, disingenuous, evidence-free pseudoarguments delivered by someone desperately pandering to terrible, terrible people.

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Michael McG
Michael McG
10 years ago

I’ve never understood the whole “you did one sex act with me therefore I get to do every sex act I want at you”.

10 years ago

Wow, this one was like one step above the “So simple” guy in terms of general cluelessness. He knew how to make complete paragraphs, and if that isn’t damning with faint praise, I don’t know what is.

Shut up, Woody.

10 years ago

Yeah, shut up, Woody.

10 years ago

Shut up, Woody!

Also, may we please keep Sean? He doesn’t make that much of a mess on the rug, and I promise to feed and water him every day. Also, he’s really, really funny! I do realise that it’s unitentional, but a cheap laugh is still a laugh!

10 years ago

Men as a gender must be improving, because Sommers is really scrounging for asshole dudes to make excuses for. I mean, gamer bros? She used to suck up to rapists, and now she’s reduced to sucking up to guys who fantasize about being rapists on the Internet. Have some self-respect, woman.

Her arguments make about as much sense as they ever do.

1. Adult women have become the largest gaming demographic, and games are really inclusive now. (Literally 30 seconds later:) Games are for horny teenage boys only. Wow, feminists are really dumb for thinking otherwise!

2. Video games don’t make people psychotically violent. This proves they’re not sexist for some reason.

3. Women have their own forms of entertainment. Why can’t they just watch Oprah? (Note to CHS: Oprah is not on TV anymore.)

4. The game industry is drowning in a sea of vicious criticism from, like, a million billion man-hating feminists. Okay, it’s just Anita Sarkeesian, but look how scary she is, talking calmly on YouTube. Call off your dogs, feminists!

5. Hipsters.

6. I talked to some gamers and they were super cool guys (no, of course I didn’t talk to any women, I talked to GAMERS), so who cares about those death threats they sent? Seriously, you guys are so cool. I bet you’ve never had a real live girl tell you you’re cool before, right? I’m different is why. It’s so funny, all my friends are guys because girls are dumb and just want to talk about shopping and Oprah and stuff, am I right? I know, they suck. Please tell me I’m cool. The date-rapists won’t answer my calls anymore.

It's A Furret (@RicksWriting)

1. Adult women have become the largest gaming demographic, and games are really inclusive now. (Literally 30 seconds later:) Games are for horny teenage boys only. Wow, feminists are really dumb for thinking otherwise!

It does feel like they’re trying to spin that statistic into another way of claiming victory. “Hah see, women are the largest gaming demographic, that means you clearly want us to only sell to horny teenage boys!”

10 years ago

By the way – your site sucks.

Only because you trolls keep shitting here. Go your own damn way and see how much it rocks without you…you will weep with jealousy.

You people need me. I’m the controversy in your enclave. I’m going to invite all of my friends here if you accept me. You’ll hate them as well – but OH THE DIALOG!

If they’re anything like you, I highly doubt it. You’re fantastically incompetent at it.

10 years ago

He’s using the phrase “cucumber in my jeans”. I vote troll (my husband votes: “you mean he’s green and lumpy???”).

Green and lumpy. And in the case of pickling cukes (the closest in size to an actual human dong), warty and covered in prickly little hairs.

10 years ago

Always funny watching anti-feminists claim that a discussion absolutely needs their truth bombs. For their next trick, they’ll enter plumbing forums, and demand they talk about the possibility that water isn’t really wet.

10 years ago

@It’s a Furret; Love your comic, by the way. 🙂

10 years ago

I just love Jonathan Mann. Every time something like this bubbles up I just know he’ll put out some kick ass song about it because he is the shizz. I always wish I had more money to support people like him & David. The fun rebuttals to this stuff makes it so much easier to read about without getting totally burnt out.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Troll seem to forget that mods can just not let their comments through, or delete them when they’re here. We don’t have to put up with anything from them, and the Dark Cats of Ulthar Lord can ban their sorry arses.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Viro, you should be glad you’re banned. When trolls hang around long enough, we feed them until this happens:

10 years ago

That was a great video!

It's A Furret (@RicksWriting)

@leftwingfox oh, thank you!

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

WTH: This might come as a surprise but there are actually men who regard lesbians as fellow human beings and not objects for bad porn.

Do they have to be mutally exclusive, he says plaintively…

Thebarton Gamer
10 years ago

It would be nice to see that kind of customisation adopted in the majority of AAA titles! 🙂

Also. Enchantment!

10 years ago

Sheer, unadulterated brilliance!

10 years ago

All in favor of Viro’s departure, say aye.


Oh, too late. Meh, just as well.

Just yesterday I had to throw out a rotten cucumber from the refrigerator. Limp, squishy and coated with slime.

10 years ago
10 years ago

Awesome video 🙂

10 years ago

Hm. Thinking about it? Most of the guys who “love lesbians” like the banned troll was apparently saying only love lesbians up until the lesbians say no to them.

On account of being, you know, lesbians.

Seriously, while some people may have exceptions, they’re going to choose them on their own terms. Not yours, lesbian fantasy guy.

(Don’t go bug the bisexual and pansxual ladies, either. Contrary to stereotypes, they have standards.)

10 years ago

Agh. The letter-eater mammoth ate my e.

10 years ago

@leftwingfox Always funny watching anti-feminists claim that a discussion absolutely needs their truth bombs. For their next trick, they’ll enter plumbing forums, and demand they talk about the possibility that water isn’t really wet.

Omce I totally went into a plumbing forum and told them that water was solid and they were shaming and abusing my family by coming into my apartment and fixing my pipes.

10 years ago

She used to suck up to rapists, and now she’s reduced to sucking up to guys who fantasize about being rapists on the Internet. Have some self-respect, woman.

My brain escaped to Madagascar: