#gamergate antifeminism antifeminist women excusing abuse FemRAs FeMRAsplaining gamebros misogyny MRA oppressed men straw feminists

You all need to watch this music video that deftly rebuts Christina Hoff Sommers on vidya games #GamerGate #PanderingToDickheads

Christina Hoff Sommers is an old school faux-feminist who’s devoted the last several decades to trashing feminism. Lately she’s apparently decided to appeal to a younger audience — or at least a more immature one — by pandering to the #GamerGate crowd.

That’s probably worth a post or two in itself,  but in the meantime you might enjoy this excellent song that deftly rebuts the, er, arguments in her recent video about sexism in video games and why she thinks that’s somehow not a real issue because, you know, dudes like to look at boobies when they play games. No, that’s really her argument — though I’m not sure it even qualifies as an argument, technically speaking.

Anyway, enjoy!

And here’s her original video, if you’re feeling masochistic and would actually enjoy sitting through six and a half very long minutes of simple-minded, patronizing, disingenuous, evidence-free pseudoarguments delivered by someone desperately pandering to terrible, terrible people.

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Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Dangit, Viro! I had cucumber salad for dinner.

Now I feel all ooky.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I own a bowed psaltery. But I won’t let it anywhere near a cucumber.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@alaisvex – that sounds like a fun game.

10 years ago

Do you think the moment I get an erection, I lose all sense of taste and quality?

Of course! That’s why games like BMX XXX and Scarlet Blade are so popular.

10 years ago

Mandolins are evil. Yes, they are handy for all sorts of slicing but they are just as good at slicing thumbs as they are are veggies. *protip* The guard most come with is crap, get a pair of kevlar gloves.

10 years ago

Back to mandolins and egg slicers. The other day I was inspired … to slice up small-moderate sized mushrooms using the eggslicer. Absolutely perfect.

(We’ve got a couple of versions of a mandolin, but mushrooms are a bit small to fiddle with for those.)

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Kittehserf: I’m suddenly seeing the Diana of Ephesus here …

Do you have her number – I may be in love. Or lust anyhow.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Consid’rin’ what she did to Actaeon, Phoenician, I don’t think I’d advise calling her!

10 years ago

Plus, even if she does like you, you’ll have to watch out for her twin brother!

Antonio Pe Yang III
10 years ago


When she says that half of “gamers are female so there’s no sexism”, why am I reminded of the oft-repeated right-wing talking point that says: “There is discrimination against [insert oppressed group here], because so many of them are in showbiz!”

Antonio Pe Yang III
10 years ago

^ Minor correction:”There is *no* discrimination against “

10 years ago

So I’ve been pretty much out of this debate due to not really being involved in games/gaming communities for the last year or so. I watched Sommers video and…yeah. She twisted the argument into a strange “games make you sexist/violent” which puts feminist critics into the uncool parents category. It’s weird that she’ll mention a rise in women playing video games but sees discussion and demand for a wider variety to accommodate this increasing audience as a negative attack on males and male cultures. What’s wrong with a gay gamer wanting a game where the protagonist can rescue his boyfriend from the dark wizard? Where have these “relentless attacks” come from?

The ending made me cringe. So they’re funny, creative smart guys….great. Except, that means squat. You can be smart and witty and still be a bully. You can be creative and still be a rapist. How does a few positive traits in some guys she spent probably no more than 25 minutes talking to negate that there are areas and people within this community that are obviously misogynistic/homophobic and aggressive?

And Oprah’s an icon of feminist entertainment now?

10 years ago

I’m losing hope to a friend of mine. He just posted that original video not too long ago and in general his FB wall is drowning into shit from GG supporters. He thinks it’s about journalistic integrity and misogyny shitstorm is just something that derails from the real issue.

He also just showed how damn hypocritical he can be.

I’m just getting so tired of this. I don’t want to stop being friends, we get along just fine and he’s otherwise fun to be around. But every once a while he just grinds my gears so bad ARRRGH.

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