alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage evil old ladies evil sexy ladies evil wives evil women hundreds of upvotes hypergamy hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny NAWALT red pill reddit

Step 1) Post an 800-word rant on Reddit starting with the sentence “Women are sh*t.”

It's true. All women are exactly the same.
It’s true. All women are exactly the same.

How to get 200 upvotes on Reddit.

Step 1) Post an 800-word rant on the Red Pill subreddit starting with the sentence “Women are shit.”

Step 2) There is no step 2.


I’ve seen the rant, and now you can see it too. If you’re not masochistic enough to click on that link, I’m not going to subject you to the whole thing. It contains so much pure misogyny per square inch that reading it wore me out. So I’m just going to post some giant chunks of it, make a few jokes, and then take the rest of the day off.

Ok, let’s go:

Women are shit. AWALT. Fuckoff snowflakes, nobody cares you think you’re different. Every woman thinks she’s special and different and expects to be treated as such. It’s all bullshit. Women are remarkably similar to each other across the board and HATE being generalised because of their narcissism. They’re so similar psychologically that we can make a fucking subreddit [The Red Pill] that generalises just over half the human race with an incredible degree of accuracy and use that knowledge as a proficient weapon in helping men get the upperhand in a social system where they’re systemically beaten down.

Dude, I don’t want to nitpick but “upper hand” is two words, not one. “Uppercut” is one word. “Upper hand,” two. Continue.

The upperhand is something a man needs if he ever wants to come out unscathed with any kind of social contract with a woman.

Dude, what did I just say? It’s two words. TWO WORDS.

Hypergamy necessitates it. She requires your superiority to be attracted to you, that’s probably the biggest joke about “equality.”

No, here’s the biggest joke about equality:

Have you heard about the constipated mathematician?

He had to work it out with a pencil

Sorry, that wasn’t about equality. But I thought it was pretty good for a poop joke.

Not all women are born equal, but all have a capacity for insanity and machiavellianism. … Never met a bitch who wasn’t crazy or manipulative. [U]nderneath that exterior of upward inflexion, smilies and a face full of chemicals their lurks something far darker and more destructive.

That they have to work out with a pencil? Ba-dum-tish!

Did you see what I did there? In comedy that’s known as a “callback.”

Men need to start living in bachelor pads together, library, gym, pool table. Swimming pool. No bitches living in the house.

Yeah, I think you’ve just invented the frat house. (Well, a frat house with a pool.)

It’s an effective way to avoid this clusterfuck of affairs we call women/marriage/divorce/hypergamy without being lonely/sacrificing a sex life.

I don’t think anyone calls it “ women/marriage/divorce/hypergamy.” That’s kind of a mouthful.

Jealous bitches will accuse you of being gay as an effort to shame you/your friends into adhering to the traditional narrative and wifing up her or one of her friends, laugh in their faces and shame them right back for being homophobic. Lay into them for hating gays and watch them shut the fuck up as you flip their own bullshit back at them.

Yeah, show those shitty bitches who the real hater is … wait, what?

Live your life on your own terms men don’t feel like you have some fucking duty to society and these ungrateful harpies who’ll never appreciate all the sweat and toil you put into making ends meat. Fuck ’em all. Society never gave a fuck about you so don’t feel some disjointed loyalty to it.

Disjointed loyalty? I’m beginning to think this guy doesn’t know how words work.

If you’re not already lumbered with a woman, a woman’s problems, and a kid, sit back, sip a JD & Coke from a cocktail straw and let it all fucking burn.

If it’s all burning, maybe you should jump in that pool of yours to stay safe.

We can literally redefine transactional sex from “shit woman does to control you” to “something women are paid to do and then quickly leave because you don’t want the crazy parasite trying to dig her claws into your life”

Wow. First you invented the frat house, now you’ve invented prostitution. Congratulation.

Wanna know something else pretty? Older women who are single tend to go even crazier. They’re not fucking built to do this alone, yet they’re designed in a way that makes you not want to put up with them.

Wait, single older women are designed to make you sick of them? Who exactly designed them like this? Evolutionary psychology just gets weirder and weirder.

Hahahaha. Couldn’t give a shit about woman’s struggles, everyone’s running around after them, men are the ones in most urgent need of help – mostly emotional support. I get too many messages from guys who want to kill themselves. It’s fucked up. Thanks women/feminism.

In all seriousness, I hope you tell these guys to call their therapist, or a hotline, because they’re not going to get the help they need from you, that’s for sure.

Some guys are desperate for something more meaningful with a woman, love, a proper relationship and blah blah. Fair enough, I understand that desire, but all this shit still applies. You will get fucked. It’s not a question of if, but when. Most people who make it work met very young, you were her first alpha or some shit. A lot of this shit still applies you just have far better odds at working through it.

Well, no, actually people who get married when they’re very young divorce at much higher rates than those who get married later. It’s almost as if people learn and grow from experience and can make better choices when they’re a bit older. The more experience a woman has with men, the less likely she’ll be willing to settle with a wannabe “alpha” asshole like you.

Oh yeah, another thing, any unfavourable opinion of women no matter how rooted in reality makes you a bitter misogynist, might as well embrace the label until it loses any meaning. Much how women call each other sluts and bitches to be cute. Oh you bitter misogynist you, have a soft punch in the arm.

If you think any of these ridiculous opinions of yours are rooted in reality, you’re not only a misogynist, you’re kind of an idiot, too. And possibly 14 yeard old.

NOTE: Thanks to the Red-Pill-watchers in the Blue Pill subreddit for pointing me to this, er, gem.

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10 years ago

“If you’re not already lumbered with a woman, a woman’s problems, and a kid, sit back, sip a JD & Coke from a cocktail straw and let it all fucking burn.”

I call bullshit. Real Men don’t use straws. Also, probably not Jack Daniels either.

10 years ago

Oh, okay MoS. So you don’t use the word “hate” but you freely assume you know the emotions behind the words you read online. You’re a shitbag.

10 years ago

I shouldn’t … I shouldn’t … I know I shouldn’t …. but I … just .. can’t … help myself ….

@MenOnStrike: “99%+ of the time these men have /repeatedly/ been burned by women, so much so that they simply cannot trust the entire gender any more.”

Wow. I am thankful most people do not have your low opinion of men.

Let’s talk about being repeatedly burned by one gender or the other. I was molested twice before the age of 10. I had a dear friend I met at church think “no meant yes” so hard he left bruises on my arms before I was able to push him away and get out. I was violently assaulted by stranger a few years later. And a few years after that I was abandoned by the father of my child. In between those big events, I have been harassed, cat called and disrespected. And yes, I have also been dumped, been used for my money and rejected sexually.

Some people might call that burned multiple times. I call it life.

You know who I like? Most men. I like the sound of their voices, I like most of the media/entertainment/jokes they do. I like looking at their hands during a meeting (it’s a weird thing). I love my male friends, my daughter’s male friends, my male relatives and especially my boyfriend.

Men have been with me through most of my rough times. They have made me laugh and listened to me and argued with me and made me a better person. Just like the women in my life.

They way I see it, when someone burns you, you can say, “that person was a jerk” and move on as best you can. Or you can say “all women/men/people in hats/farmers are horrible and exist only to make me miserable.”

10 years ago

drmrsthemonarch1: Totally OT, but was that you who “won” last week Pissing Contest on Jezebel? If so, congrats and thanks for the laugh.

10 years ago

Dear cis men,

Shut the fuck up about pregnancy. You will never become pregnant. You know nothing about it. SHUT THE FUCK UP. no1curr



10 years ago

As someone who has had to raise two children from my first marriage without child support or health insurance supplied by the father, all I can do is laugh at MoS. All I ever asked of the father was for him to regularly see them. He chose not to see them nor be involved with them. But of course it’s my fault they don’t like him. Idk, reasons.

10 years ago

All these replies to my “trolling” i.e. “You people make me fuckin’ sick” also deserve the same mockery and derision that David gave this rant? Are we just drawing a line and ignoring each other’s plights, shouting insults across the sand?

Nope, we’re mocking the shit out of you. Did you think we were going to welcome your blather with open arms and tell you how right you are?

10 years ago


Are we just drawing a line and ignoring each other’s plights, shouting insults across the sand?

Yeah, when someone starts their argument with “literally, all members of your gender are SHIT, so fuck off”, I immediately lose any potential interest I might have had in their “plight”.

I’m quirky like that.

10 years ago

You know, MoS kinda reminds me of Richard Dawkins with the whole “If you show emotion in a debate you’re automatically wrong” attitude. It’s painful to read someone trying so hard to sound reasonable and failing.

10 years ago

*high fives bbeaty* That’s what I’m saying. This kind of guy just want an excuse to hate women.


But they don’t WANNA be proactive and deal with their responsibilities, that’s too hard!

Look. Dude. Plenty of people have been burned, hurt, ground into the dirt by someone. That doesn’t give them the right to be hateful or cruel to someone else, and certainly not to an entire group of people by association.

Do men have problems? Sure. Are we required to coddle guys like this because they have decided to hate all women for no good reason, when many of us have reasons in our past where we could hate/mistrust all men, but somehow don’t? HELL NO.

Being hateful doesn’t get you kindness. Do I hope he stops being a hateful person? Sure. But I don’t think it’s likely, and he shouldn’t be spewing hatred and inflicting himself on other people. It smacks of entitlement and immaturity.

10 years ago

I’m also mystified by the assumption that “family court” is representative of families as a whole. I know a fair number of co-parenting non-couples (I don’t know how else to phrase that!) and very few of them spend time in family court. They work their shit out themselves and understand that keeping the lawyers out and the conflict down is better for everyone in the long run, even if they don’t like each other enough to stay together. Things have to get pretty dang crazy before most people will go through the hassle of going to court.

It’s like deciding what men-in-general are like by going to criminal court and checking out the male defendants. Sheesh.

10 years ago

Whatever. Here’s dancing baby Groot.

10 years ago

Just a note to all here I apologize for my typos lately. I spilled water on my keyboard the other day and I have to get it fixed and I know it will probably will be expensive. I am using the on screen keyboard but it is terrible. I really did not plan on commenting but the reddit thread was just so outlandish I had to comment. I hate the on screen keyboard it feels so weird typing.

10 years ago

He very well might be using MRA rhetoric. He very well might be an ideologue. Does that mean the reason why he’s saying these things is /completely unworthy/ of an honest discussion and he simply deserves to be mocked?

You answered your own fucking question.

10 years ago

Thanks for the dancing baby Groot, katz! I loved that part of the movie!

I’m off to look at pictures of cute baby animals.

10 years ago

Aw, lookit how hard he’s trying, folks!

Oh, he’s trying. Very trying.

MenOnStrike (@MenOnStrike)

@bbeaty – These men. The red pillers. I’m not a red piller. If you read anything on my twitter you will know, MGTOW is bad.. mkay? I don’t think these men low either. Again, if every woman they come across /makes their life literally worse/ what cause do I have to mock their pain? I feel their choice to give up on women entirely to be wrong. I see women, like you, and are not like the women they describe, and that they should not write all women off. And yet, here is an entire board of people + David, fully willing to write him off as a wingnut misogynist who deserves to be dragged to a pit and shot. My cry is, “shame, shame on you.” You SJW yourselves into these positions of victim-hood and then stand on top of your misbegotten pedestals yelling at the top of your lungs, “your problems are nothing compared to mine. You HAVE NO RIGHT…. (insert some slight or mistrustful statement)!”

@tresformes wat?

10 years ago

Oh boy, we’ve got a stream-of-consciousness troll here. Thinking and evidence need not apply. Ah well.

Tiny dancing tree! Daww, it’s playing Weeping Angel with Kratos!

10 years ago

@katz Yes, thanks! I’m way too sucked in here lol. You can’t change the minds of ig’nant MRAs (but I repeat myself!) Off to fix an irritatingly elusive php error.

10 years ago

And yet, here is an entire board of people + David, fully willing to write him off as a wingnut misogynist who deserves to be dragged to a pit and shot.

Who the hell thinks this dude should be shot?

10 years ago

mocked = shot

Same difference. lol

MenOnStrike (@MenOnStrike)

@jj ah but see there is the disconnect. Feminism is teaching more and more women, especially the younger generation, to hate and mistrust men. When that happens, men and rationals are asked to coddle those women (like Sarkeesian) simply b/c they are women. And how do you know he has “no good reason?” Again, you write him off completely ignoring that feminism is demanding the exact same thing from him and then calling him a misogynist if he ignores their ‘good reason.’

10 years ago

Feminism is teaching more and more women, especially the younger generation, to hate and mistrust men.

I’d say men are doing that without feminism’s help.

10 years ago

My mother was abandon by her first husband when she was pregent because he didn’t want a child and then she was raped by her teacher I don’t know how many times which how I was born and she hardly got any child support and works all by herself with my older brother taking care of me.

I am so SICK of hearing mras comparing paying child support to slavery. Like really? Paying for a child that YOU helped create is awful!? But a single woman becoming pregent, raisng a child, cooking, cleaning, working at a job, etc is easy!?

You are hypocrites and the evil ones here you all just want to abandon your own responsibilities and leave the mother and your children to be on their own. And what’s funny is that most mras don’t have wives or children. Or know how reality works.

David please ban Mos please!

10 years ago

Yeah, he’s kinda overreacting. We’re saying he’s a misogynist, not that we’re ordering his death via firing squad.

And there is no way that *every* woman this dude meets treats him like crap. What, does he think the girl at McDonald’s spits in his burger for fun or something? You have no basis for any of this, all we know about this guy is that he thinks all women, everywhere, are equally terrible. And that he isn’t much of a writer or particularly rational.

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