How to get 200 upvotes on Reddit.
Step 1) Post an 800-word rant on the Red Pill subreddit starting with the sentence “Women are shit.”
Step 2) There is no step 2.
I’ve seen the rant, and now you can see it too. If you’re not masochistic enough to click on that link, I’m not going to subject you to the whole thing. It contains so much pure misogyny per square inch that reading it wore me out. So I’m just going to post some giant chunks of it, make a few jokes, and then take the rest of the day off.
Ok, let’s go:
Women are shit. AWALT. Fuckoff snowflakes, nobody cares you think you’re different. Every woman thinks she’s special and different and expects to be treated as such. It’s all bullshit. Women are remarkably similar to each other across the board and HATE being generalised because of their narcissism. They’re so similar psychologically that we can make a fucking subreddit [The Red Pill] that generalises just over half the human race with an incredible degree of accuracy and use that knowledge as a proficient weapon in helping men get the upperhand in a social system where they’re systemically beaten down.
Dude, I don’t want to nitpick but “upper hand” is two words, not one. “Uppercut” is one word. “Upper hand,” two. Continue.
The upperhand is something a man needs if he ever wants to come out unscathed with any kind of social contract with a woman.
Dude, what did I just say? It’s two words. TWO WORDS.
Hypergamy necessitates it. She requires your superiority to be attracted to you, that’s probably the biggest joke about “equality.”
No, here’s the biggest joke about equality:
Have you heard about the constipated mathematician?
He had to work it out with a pencil
Sorry, that wasn’t about equality. But I thought it was pretty good for a poop joke.
Not all women are born equal, but all have a capacity for insanity and machiavellianism. … Never met a bitch who wasn’t crazy or manipulative. [U]nderneath that exterior of upward inflexion, smilies and a face full of chemicals their lurks something far darker and more destructive.
That they have to work out with a pencil? Ba-dum-tish!
Did you see what I did there? In comedy that’s known as a “callback.”
Men need to start living in bachelor pads together, library, gym, pool table. Swimming pool. No bitches living in the house.
Yeah, I think you’ve just invented the frat house. (Well, a frat house with a pool.)
It’s an effective way to avoid this clusterfuck of affairs we call women/marriage/divorce/hypergamy without being lonely/sacrificing a sex life.
I don’t think anyone calls it “ women/marriage/divorce/hypergamy.” That’s kind of a mouthful.
Jealous bitches will accuse you of being gay as an effort to shame you/your friends into adhering to the traditional narrative and wifing up her or one of her friends, laugh in their faces and shame them right back for being homophobic. Lay into them for hating gays and watch them shut the fuck up as you flip their own bullshit back at them.
Yeah, show those shitty bitches who the real hater is … wait, what?
Live your life on your own terms men don’t feel like you have some fucking duty to society and these ungrateful harpies who’ll never appreciate all the sweat and toil you put into making ends meat. Fuck ’em all. Society never gave a fuck about you so don’t feel some disjointed loyalty to it.
Disjointed loyalty? I’m beginning to think this guy doesn’t know how words work.
If you’re not already lumbered with a woman, a woman’s problems, and a kid, sit back, sip a JD & Coke from a cocktail straw and let it all fucking burn.
If it’s all burning, maybe you should jump in that pool of yours to stay safe.
We can literally redefine transactional sex from “shit woman does to control you” to “something women are paid to do and then quickly leave because you don’t want the crazy parasite trying to dig her claws into your life”
Wow. First you invented the frat house, now you’ve invented prostitution. Congratulation.
Wanna know something else pretty? Older women who are single tend to go even crazier. They’re not fucking built to do this alone, yet they’re designed in a way that makes you not want to put up with them.
Wait, single older women are designed to make you sick of them? Who exactly designed them like this? Evolutionary psychology just gets weirder and weirder.
Hahahaha. Couldn’t give a shit about woman’s struggles, everyone’s running around after them, men are the ones in most urgent need of help – mostly emotional support. I get too many messages from guys who want to kill themselves. It’s fucked up. Thanks women/feminism.
In all seriousness, I hope you tell these guys to call their therapist, or a hotline, because they’re not going to get the help they need from you, that’s for sure.
Some guys are desperate for something more meaningful with a woman, love, a proper relationship and blah blah. Fair enough, I understand that desire, but all this shit still applies. You will get fucked. It’s not a question of if, but when. Most people who make it work met very young, you were her first alpha or some shit. A lot of this shit still applies you just have far better odds at working through it.
Well, no, actually people who get married when they’re very young divorce at much higher rates than those who get married later. It’s almost as if people learn and grow from experience and can make better choices when they’re a bit older. The more experience a woman has with men, the less likely she’ll be willing to settle with a wannabe “alpha” asshole like you.
Oh yeah, another thing, any unfavourable opinion of women no matter how rooted in reality makes you a bitter misogynist, might as well embrace the label until it loses any meaning. Much how women call each other sluts and bitches to be cute. Oh you bitter misogynist you, have a soft punch in the arm.
If you think any of these ridiculous opinions of yours are rooted in reality, you’re not only a misogynist, you’re kind of an idiot, too. And possibly 14 yeard old.
NOTE: Thanks to the Red-Pill-watchers in the Blue Pill subreddit for pointing me to this, er, gem.
Here, look into it now:
The name is a reference. Of course, that could also be “debateable;” maybe I’m lying. Here’s a factsheet on STDs:
And still, no. Men can freely have sex without protection, too. I don’t remember the Evil Feminist Illuminati passing a law against that. Like women, men face risks every time they have sex, no matter how safe they attempt to be. If that’s your problem, you’ll have to take it up with biology.
@fruitloopsie – hmm, I’ve always gone off the idea of “woman-hater” being more accurate. When someone openly /hates/ all women is when I’d call them a misogynist. But if that definition stands, fine.. he is a misogynist for ‘mistrusting all women.’ I’ll concede that. I won’t concede that his reality has driven him there. I don’t know his background but given the info in his rant I’d say his experiences are far from a trivial “creeper” from women at a bar.
Alright, here we go. The big table of choices to control reproduction, for heterosexual cis couples. I’m only including things people could physically do on their own as well.
– Not having sex
– Prevent fertilization: condoms, pulling out, vasectomies, etc.
– Not having sex
– Prevent fertilization/implantation: the pill, female condoms, IUDs, tubes tied, etc.
– Induced abortion of various kinds after implantation.
And thus ends the big table of choices to control reproduction. As you can see, the ones with the wombs get one extra option simply because of biology; there is one intercessory step before baby occurs. Of course, for non-cis couples men with wombs get the same option… so yeah. Thought about why the lists aren’t the same length, came to a pretty justified reason why.
How is this a bad thing, again?
He seems familiar to me, but I’m not sure, and I haven’t been here as long as a lot of people. But the ‘guys turn out like this because women treated them badly’ argument is more familiar, and it’s crap. Yes, some women aren’t good people and aren’t kind to men in their lives. Because women are people too, and people can do bad things. That doesn’t mean that it follows that all women, the billions of them on this planet, are innately horrible or that women habitually marry men and then milk it. (especially since child support and alimony, as rare as alimony is, are based on income, so it’s not like it would be enough to support a woman who did nothing all day and lived a middle class lifestyle unless you’re millionaire level rich)
And we don’t know what this dude’s issues are, for all we know he’s mad because some girl in Starbucks told him she doesn’t want his number. He doesn’t really deserve sympathy; someone who decides hating all women is the answer because *maybe* one woman has done him wrong isn’t reasonable. I feel comfortable saying so because I have been insulted, mistreated, abused, and raped by different men. Yet somehow I don’t think all men are bastards, deadbeats, abusers, or rapists. I have a man in my life who I love. I don’t feel sympathy for misogynists like this guy. I do feel sympathy for the men he mentions who talk about suicide. I hope they get help, call a hotline, and realize life is worth living. Oh, and don’t turn into raging asshats like this guy because then they’ll make other people suffer too.
I read that horrible hateful on reddit. As a gay man I was dumbfounded that the hatemonger who wrote that rant accused women of being homophobic and hating on gay men. I had to the thread to my partner, and me and him just burst out laughing. In reality I am not sure whether to laugh or cry or just be angry. I will say this to these reddit mgtow dudes. When I was in high school and picked on for being gay, and bullied , there were actually some people who came to my aid, and those people were women.
So to all these red pill guys on reddit, I have been living as a gay man my whole life and aside from a few exceptions, I have not encountered hatred from women. In fact I have some women friends in my life who love me and I love them. Take that you close minded mgtow’s.I To add further David has posted threads here from various manosphere blogs that have been filled with hatred and insults towards my fellow gay men. So you red pill dolts need to stop with your so called women hate gay men. I find insulting and offensive to me and I am sure many in the gay community would be offended as well.
“toil you put into making ends meat” – is that a Freudian slip?
You can’t just change the meaning of a word. There are men out there who say that they love women but treat them like garbage because they don’t see them as human beings but as property, punching bags, sex dolls, etc. And that is also a misognist. Just look up the word in a dictionary.
So sorry to hear that and glad that you are ok! 🙂
@drmrsthemonarch1 Ah, see there is my point. Other than STD’s what are the risks to unprotected sex? Pregnancy. And as a man, the consequence is an immediate loss of financial freedom for 18+ years. As a woman? Choices. Options. Empowerment. Even in the cases where the man gets full custody of his child, do you know how much it cost him to get there (on average)?
So completely off-topic, but I keep reading MenOnStrike’s handle as MenoStrike, and I’m like, “Oh no, MENOSTRIKE! LIKE THE MENOPAUSE ONLY WORSE.”
I am quite honestly cracking up by myself in my apartment.
Disclaimer: This may also be because I think I’m getting the flu and am preemptively filling up on mugs of hot lemon and whiskey.
AAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA okay dude. Men have to make a payment, just like any other payment (mortgage, electricity, car) for the child they spawned, but the fact that women have to do that PLUS raise them is somehow MORE freedom? Is it opposite day every day in your world?
@kirbywarp You forgot about safe havens and adoptions where notice was given but not actually received. “Birth fathers” don’t have a say then. Oh, (b/c we are all feminists here) let’s forget about when the mother completely ignores the fact the baby has a father till 12, 15, 18 years later, only to hit him with $100k + in back child support, right?
Great choice. Hot lemon and whiskey will cure anything.
Shockingly, the goalposts have moved. The actions of your imaginary inconsiderate woman are not “reproductive rights.”
Tinyorc and drmrsthemonarch1
Nah, just a random piece of shit that wandered in from the sewer of the manosphere.
Yeah, you see those things you listed on the woman’s side are just buzzwords. Let’s try again.
Mammoth regulars, please note that I do not actually view children as a budget item that would impinge on my financial freedom. I’m just trying to speak to Menostrike in a language he understands.
@drmrsthemonarch1 “men have to make a payment” heh, yeah. except when they don’t… b/c the woman aborted it. You see women don’t have to “spawn a child” if they casually had sex without contraception… there is your “more freedom.”
Apparently Mos has never heard of the pill, female condom, IUD…like men’s already have a whole lot of sexual freedom both socially and legally.
Don’t you know? Literally every woman has the right to get impregnated by some dude then hit him with a bill for his child, which is practically free money! It’s a scam!
So why aren’t more of you assholes offering to raise the children if you’re so against abortion? You people make me fuckin’ sick.
I think he IS 8. Possibly 13.
also, seriously, is there a Man O Sphere Constitution somewhere that guarantees everyone with a Y chromosome Financial Freedom? It’s probably the second article in the document, right under “Suppression of Wicked Hypergamy.”
Anyway, it seems VERY important to them; and it’s such an oddly specific bit of lingo that I don’t hear elsewhere– which is weird because most of us have to deal with and worry about money in our lives.
MoS: you shitstains just want control, and you’re pissed, oh so pissed you can’t have it. Tough biscuits.
The main problem with that definition is that it goes down the same rabbit hole as defining racism as only the frothing-at-the-mouth-KKK-heil-hitler type. It’s not useful, because it leaves out a lot of experiences that are, in the end, just different gradations and expressions of the same thing. That definition is the reason we can have someone pursue and assassinate an unarmed black man in cold blood, and have people deny, deny, deny that it has anything to do with racism. It’s also the reason the powerful racists of today use dogwhistles, phrases that don’t show obvious hate but are code-words for “we want to hurt black people and put them in their place”.
In fact, you can see the same thing happening here. This guy has basically calls half of the human race narcissistic, evil and insane, and you think that’s not enough to qualify him as a misogynist.