So what do you do when a fondly held fantasy crumbles? That’s a question that both Davis Aurini and Jordan Owen have had to ask themselves this past week, when something they both desperately hoped was true – that Anita Sarkeesian had lied about contacting the police about death threats she’d gotten on Twitter – was shown convincingly to be false.
Both Aurini and Owen have personal and even professional reasons for wanting the terrible things people say about Sarkeesian to all be proved true: they are, after all, the two bumbling would-be filmmakers who are trying to raise money for a feature-length “documentary” targeting Sarkeesian.
And both had a personal stake in this particular story. Aurini, as I noted in a previous post, wrote a blog post a week ago titled “Did Anita Sarkeesian fabricate her story about contacting the authorities?” in which he reported a conversation he had with a San Francisco Police Department spokesman who said he could find no record of her reporting these threats. While Aurini didn’t directly claim she had lied about reporting the threats, his post was positively dripping with insinuations:
Did Ms. Sarkeesian report this to the FBI instead of the SFPD? Did the Officer who she reported to hate women, and throw her report in the garbage? Did she eat some bad burritos, and was this all just a fever dream?
None of the above, actually: The police spokesman looked harder and discovered that Sarkeesian had in fact reported the threats to the SFPD, which had then passed the case along to the FBI. Oops.
Owen had gone a bit farther, declaring the charges against Sarkeesian to be “LEGIT” on Twitter, and posting a now-deleted YouTube video in which, he now admits, he “jumped the gun” a bit, “getting overly excited and exuberant … when it looked like we had Anita cornered.”
So how did the two react to the news that they were wrong?
Aurini went uncharacteristically silent, trying his best to avoid the subject. It wasn’t until nearly a week later – yesterday – that he bothered to respond in a blog post that is a model of desperate duplicitousness.
Instead of frankly admitting that he had attempted to smear Sarkeesian using information that had turned out to be untrue, he deflected, saying blandly that “details have changed,” and going on to attack those who suggest he take some responsibility for his earlier smear job:
Some voices in the peanut gallery have been demanding that I apologize, or that I retract my allegations (funny, that – I don’t seem to recall making any allegations), but this just goes to show what sort of child-like minds we’re dealing with.
He then tried to argue that the “revelation” that Sarkeesian had in fact told the truth somehow muddied the water even more:
This revelation about the FBI doesn’t answer all of our queries, rendering GamerGate nothing but a tinfoil-hat in neck-beard chic – quite the contrary, it compounds them!
After rattling off a list of questions he thinks still need to be answered, and a list of publications he thinks have mishandled the story, he tries to convince his readers that “[t]his doesn’t undermine GamerGate – this vindicates it!”
Jordan Owen’s response was a bit more human, and a lot more interesting. The fact that he had been wrong about Sarkeesian actually seemed to plunge him into something close to an existential crisis. Well, the fact that he had been wrong – combined with the fact that the fundraising for The Sarkeesian Effect has not been going as well as he and Aurini had hoped.
Last Saturday, while his partner was still maintaining radio silence, Owen posted a bizarre video on YouTube in which, lying on the couch in an apartment that looked like it had just been hit with a tornado, he admitted that he’d jumped the gun, declaring Sarkeesian a liar before all the information was in. And he somehow managed to spin the whole story into one in which he was the primary victim.
In the angry, rambling, and nearly hour-long video, Owen described how worn down he was by the constant criticism he’s gotten on the internet since he and Aurini launched their fundraising appeal, lamented how little the two have managed to raise thus far, and pondered quitting the project entirely. He complained that the project had taken him away from his true passions – music and writing – and left him feeling drained and belittled. “I know that I am sincere in my opinions,” he groused.
This is not some bullshit fabrication. I know that. And I have to tell myself that and I have to be resilient every single time I sit down and comment on this because if I waver for even an instant everything will crumble around me. And the social justice warriors will just say, “see, I told you so.” And that’ll be that.
Think about that level of pressure before you have the gall to take me to task for getting overly excited and exuberant in one of my videos when it looked like we had Anita cornered.
Yes, that’s right, a guy trying to raise money to make a film attacking a woman who’s already under attack from seemingly half the internet is complaining that people are attacking him on the internet.
And he seems to feel not an ounce of empathy for her.
While Aurini seems to be a bit of a snake-oil salesman – a bumbling con artist, but a con artist nonetheless – I have no doubt that Owen is indeed, as he says, sincere. A man who’s spoken openly about being bullied as a child, he honestly believes that he is the victim here – and that Sarkeesian and her allies are the bullies.
He’s also angry at and openly envious of Sarkeesian for being able to raise the money she did for her videos while he and Aurini have had to struggle to raise the money for theirs.
His rambling video is a fascinating psychological document. If you don’t have the patience for the whole thing – which you can find here – I suggest you at least watch the much shorter video below, which offers some notable selections from Owen’s lament along with some commentary which is sometimes on the mark and other times a bit presumptuous in its psychological deconstruction of the man on the couch.
TRIGGER WARNING: The video contains images from a Flash game that depicts Sarkeesian with cuts and bruises on her face.
Oh, SPOILER ALERT. Owen didn’t actually shut the project down. He managed to put this little psychological meltdown behind him. He and Aurini are planning to go ahead and start filming – even if they don’t get all the money they claim they need for the project.
It’s all faintly ridiculous, and I almost feel a little bad for the two of them. Until I remember that the two are contributing in their own way – with their videos and their “journalism” – to the harassment that Sarkeesian has been facing ever since she first announced she would be talking about sexism in video games – harassment that we now know included bomb threats sent to organizers of the Game Developers Choice Award when they presented Sarkeesian with an award last March.
Aurini I think is hopeless. But Owen, for all his rage and self-pity, seems at least to have a tiny bit of humanity left in him. He knows what it’s like to be bullied. Maybe at some point in the next few months he’ll come to understand that he and his collaborator are doing the same thing to Sarkeesian that the bullies did to him – and pull the plug on a video project that, however farcical it is, still has the potential to do real people real harm.
I doubt it, but I guess I can still hope.
Once again the Margaret Atwood quote is eerily accurate. “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”
I want to be… a lion-tamer!
It just makes no sense to me to respond to past bullying by turning around and hating feminists and other people interested in social justice. A lot of us don’t conform to norms in one way or another and were often bullied ourselves. Shouldn’t he be going after the adults who grew up to be bullies instead of the people who are pro peace and justice? I don’t get it at all and this is why I can’t feel too bad for him.
I wanted to be … a lumberjack!
I was reading Davis Aurini’s blog a few minutes ago (for the laughs) and I came across the video of his call to the SFPD, where he impersonates a journalist and asks Media Relations officer Albie Esparza leading questions meant to elicit damning information. It appears that Mr. Esparza gave Aurini Anita Sarkeesian’s contact info. Is this normal? Any jackass can call the police and the PR guy will tell them everything he knows? Please tell me it isn’t so.
I would say it goes: “I’m not saying she’s lying, I’m just really really mad that she’s being believed“
OT Question #1 @ LBT: What kind of legwork makes for a successful crowdfunding campaign? The last campaign I attempted failed.
OT Question #2 @ Leftwingfox: Suppose someone had a story already written that they thought would adapt well into a webcomic, but they couldn’t draw for shit. Is there anybody out there who might be interested in partnering up? If so, where can they be found?
Immediately brought to mind this, from The Muppets Take Manhattan:
I listened to the whole eight minute tl;dr version. The first thing I thought was “Wow, this person’s going for gold in the Suffering Olympics.” I don’t think his OCD dx preempts him from making the documentary he wants. However, I think it would be wise of him to maybe step back and consider his motives. I say this as a person who has schizophrenia.
Other than that, just wow. I can’t understand the delusion these people are having.
Seraph4377: Oh, sure. Say what you will about the Penny Arcade guys, they’re a very successful team of Artist+Writer+Business Manager.
There are plenty of fantasy/furry/fan artists out there who are struggling to work on commission, but don’t have any big ideas of their own. Just look around DeviantArt, Tumblr, FurAffinity or the like. It’ll take a fair bit of networking; make friends with people, follow artists who have styles or interests that align with your own ideas.
You’ll need to pitch yourself as a writer and a reliable partner as well, capable of producing work on a reasonable schedule. Perhaps if you were to start a tumblr, blog or DA account, and started telling the story in daily chunks, ready for illustration?
Also big grins for Puddleglum and Cassie’s Major Domo. 😀
Watching that video is really weird. I found myself wondering if he was going to empathise with what Anita goes through on a daily basis, and then from that realising that he’s contributing to that and encouraging others to contribute to it. I was sat on the edge of my seat, thinking “You can do it! Come on, just a little bit further!” And then he starts going on about how not enough people are giving him money when seven thousand gullible idiots gave $150,000 to Anita and I’m thinking “Come on, guy! You were so close!”
There is a fairly vindictive part of me that wants him to take the money and run, so I can point and yell “See, GamerGate? This is what you thought ethics in journalism is?” I mostly just hope he realises he’s being a misogynist bully and stops it.
“Something from the grill, Jill?”
“No, meat makes me ill, Phil.”
I believe that it’s a matter of public record whether a complaint to the police has been made. The details themselves are private, but there will be a public case number. I think the status is public too, like it is ongoing or closed, or in this case, forwarded to another agency.
So Judgey McJudgepants who falsely accused Anita of lying to police, and is making a huge song and dance about that, lied to police in order to try to get more information than he would be entitled to (malicious noseparkers not being entitled to anything).
Colour me surprised.
Did he college degree cover anything like “ethics”. Although most of us don’t need a higher education course in ethics to know that lying is wrong.
I’m going to have to take the opposing position. Artists are in far higher demand than writers. I constantly see people on DeviantArt and such places going “I have a story; will someone draw it for me?” whereas I’ve literally never met a comic artist who couldn’t come up with any copy on zir own.
And, speaking as a writer-illustrator, drawing is by far the more difficult and time-consuming part of process, and it encompasses nearly all the steps: Layout, pencils, inking, clean-up, coloring, shading, lettering, and formatting. (If you were willing to take on some of those steps yourself, you’d have a better chance.)
Now, if you want to pay an artist to draw your comic, then it would be easy to find someone.
I’ve seen a couple of artists looking for projects to work on at deviantart. Not many and mostly in a casual manner to blow off steam but they’re there. It’s probably important to note that the artists though can afford to be a lot more picky, since it’s way easier to become a decent writer than a decent artist.
He’s saying, essentially, “I’m not saying she’s lying, but she should be treated like she’s lier if she speaks up about all the abuse she’s been getting”.
It’s the Catch-22 these guys throw at all the women they harass. If the target doesn’t speak up about the abuse, that’s held up as proof that it isn’t that serious or isn’t really harassment. If she does speak up, she’s a “professional victim” and a drama queen and everything she says will be picked to death for evidence that she’s lying.
Sarkeesian in particular has managed to stay amazingly restrained in her responses to what is now a two-year (!!!!) nonstop harassment campaign. She isn’t remotely emotional or sensationalistic about it. It’s amazing to see the gamerdudes complain she’s being melodramatic, then turn around and make hour-long videos where they moan about how they’re suffering worse than Christ on the cross because their chintzy Patreon campaign has “only” raised $5500.
Wait, they already raised $5000? Judging by the video’s style of pointing a camera at the conch, and watching him lie there, silently, for a full minute, before he finally breaks the silence by sighing, then more silence, then more sighing, and then finally ranting…
How much could it possibly cost?
The total lack of self-awareness is just staggering. Also, bbooooorrrrrriiiinnngngggg. Thanks for slogging through it for us, David!
Katz: All fair points. Re-reading my own statement, It comes across as overly optimistic.
Producing a comic is a job. Creating a sustained comic is a business. Looking for an artist is like looking for an employee or a business partner: you either pay them out of your pocket and take responsibility for the success of the business, or convince them that your skills as a writer, salesperson and marketer is will make the comic a success, worthy of the investment of time and effort they’ll be putting in.
That’s a good summary.
“Sarkeesian in particular has managed to stay amazingly restrained in her responses to what is now a two-year (!!!!) nonstop harassment campaign.”
My favourite thing in this is when the gamergates, in response to the harassment, argue “But she’s taking things out of context and she stole videos and that’s not true about Hitman and blaaaaaaaaaaaa blah blah”, completely ignore that the harassment started BEFORE SHE EVEN MADE HER FIRST VIDEO.
Whenever you’re tempted to hit the button, just imagine yourself as Bart Simpson at the blackboard.
I must NOT read the comments
I must NOT read the comments
I must NOT read the comments
I must NOT read the comments
I must NOT read the comments