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Let's play Richard Dawkins Twitter Meltdown Bingo!


With Richard Dawkins rapidly accelerating his schedule of Twitter meltdowns recently, it’s clearly time for some RICHARD DAWKINS TWITTER MELTDOWN BINGO!

The rules are simple:

  1. Follow Richard Dawkins on Twitter.
  2. Make sure you’re following the correct Richard Dawkins. This one. While this other Richard Dawkins might seem indistinguishable from the real thing, don’t be fooled! He is merely a stunningly convincing Dawkins impersonator.
  3. As soon as you notice Dawkins — the real Dawkins — saying something, you know, really really Dawkinsish, pop over here to generate your own randomized DAWKINS TWITTER MELTDOWN BINGO card, because, I guarantee you, a meltdown is immi
  4. Sit back and wait for the BINGOS to roll in.
  5. Profit?

Oh, and just so you know, I can edit the list used to generate the cards, so if you have any ideas for new squares, or if you think I might have gone a little overboard with the roadkill cannibalism thing, or you think it needs more “dundridges,” post your thoughts in the comments below.

All the items in my DAWKINS TWITTER MELTDOWN BINGO list — even the roadkill cannibalism thing — are based at least loosely on things he’s actually said on Twitter, or in the little essays he’s written defending his behavior on Twitter.

Oh, so you don’t believe me about the roadkill cannibalism thing? Here he is talking about it with his actual mouth.

And that honeypot thing? Here you go.

I told you never to doubt me.

EDIT: For more context about his meltdowns, this piece is a good intro. And thanks for the suggestions! I’ll be adding some more squares about Christina Hoff Sommers and his now-deleted penis Tweet.

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10 years ago

Sigh. Seconding the fact that Dawkins doesn’t represent me as an atheist. He and the “atheist leaders” like him are an embarrassment. I would be ever so happy if they would fade into obscurity. It’s actually kind of depressing that I’ll get less flack from Catholics for criticizing the pope than I’ll get from atheists for criticizing Dawkins/Harris/Shermer. Seriously, I thought the whole point of giving up on church was that I wouldn’t be expected to hold leaders up as holy men above criticism.

10 years ago

@malcolm: I guess you want to imply that your camp’s victim blaming is just looking into the “context” of the situation in which a person is abused and trying to come up with excuses for why the abuser was justified in their actions?

Never mind that, specifically in the case of non-cis-white-het-dudes, there is a much larger, systemic context of abuse stemming from a victim’s existence as a non-cis-white-het-dude. I guess that context never counts, huh?

10 years ago

Given your response to another comment above, I have a pretty good idea of what the answer is gonna be…

10 years ago

What Magnesium said.

10 years ago

Honestly, although I am an atheist, I feel my concerns are better represented by the Satanic Temple (an atheist religion). Also, they troll people way better.

10 years ago

Did I just fucking hear Dick Dawkins, Boy King of Logic, state that “slippery slopes” are something we should consider? Is he just So Logical that he can make illogical arguments whenever he wants and still be beyond reproach?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

I think the honey pot thing is kinda valid point about security theater, albeit poorly expressed in a preaching-to -the-choir manner.


Re: Roadkill

If you’re poor, or frugal, I can see the appeal in eating roadkill, provided it is fresh, and not too dirty/greasy from the road. After all, I have no problem with hunting for food. Hunting for sport? HEINOUS! Do the animal the honor of eating it, I say. And road kill animals – just pre-hunted food that require some cleaning.

I just recently learned (from a newspaper, no less) that some people make a hobby out of collecting and eating roadkill. Cool, but since roadkill are usually small animals, most people probably wouldn’t bother even without negative cultural factors.

10 years ago

RE: Arctic Ape

since roadkill are usually small animals, most people probably wouldn’t bother

I dunno, I’ve seen a ton of dead deer in my time. (Also two emus. I don’t even KNOW where they came from!) And armadillo too, I’m pretty sure that’s edible. Even squirrel you can get at least one meal out of, for comparatively little effort if you’re in the right place at the right time.

I mean, I wouldn’t do it, because I’m squeamish. (I’d be a vegetarian, if it didn’t make me sick.) But I can totally see someone tougher than me getting some use out of it, especially in food deserts.

10 years ago

The next sim I create will be named Ebil Ladybrainz, in your honor.

Gar, I is flattered! ::blushes::

10 years ago

Excellent points, freemage!

There’s places to have conversations about weird ethical issues and rethinking base assumptions and all that.

I’ve had a few weird late night conversations, myself!

10 years ago

It’s not that he’s wrong about the honey, it’s that he gives zero indication that he cares about the larger issues rather than just being mad that he, personally, was inconvenienced. (Has he ever expressed an opinion on the topic any other time?)

10 years ago

I sent you a few emails.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

My cousin’s kid hit a deer and killed it. They butchered it — still have some in the freezer. My understanding is that the venison steaks were outstanding.

Beats leaving it laying there to rot.

10 years ago

I’d feel OK eating an animal that I had actually hit by accident, but there’s no way I’m walking along the roadside looking for dinner (I’ll set snares for mice, rats, rabbits, and gophers, first).

10 years ago

@malcolm johnston:

Hmm. Interesting. So, when you said

Context does exist, but when feminists don’t want to explore it they call it “victim blaming” and it can’t be spoken about.

you did not, in fact, mean that when feminists are disinclined to discuss a matter of context and call you a victim-blamer, it has anything at all to do with victim-blaming and all that comes with it?

Why the flying fuck bring up victim-blaming at all, then?

Are you suggesting that when talking about anything, any subject at all, feminists spontaneously call you a victim-blamer? Just like that? That sounds like just the kind of shit misogynists say about “hysterical women” “reacting with feelings”. That is a straw feminist view, made up in order to dismiss the reaction of feminists without explaining what you’ve said that might have caused that reaction, and it follows the patriarchal bullshit idea that women’s opinions can be dismissed right off the bat without trying to listen to them because inferior ladybrain can’t logic anyway. Despite MRA type claims, feminists don’t actually go around accusing random men of being rapists/rape apologists. Men who claim that is what’s happening are usually withholding some very crucial information of what they might have said or done. Or they’re making shit up completely, which is even more likely. Hence, cool story, bro.

Alternatively, you are confirming what was suggested in the first place, that you and your fellow MRAs are unable to understand what context actually means, and don’t have the slightest clue as to how important social context is in matters of equality and social justice. You don’t understand how important feminism is because you can’t quite grasp how social issues stack against one group in favour of another. To MRAs, it’s all just random people doing random shit. No wonder so many of them are libertarians, who are notoriously bad at understanding why everyone can’t just become rich by working hard.

Third option: you’re lying. Given that you’re not willing to provide us with any kind of response, instead choosing to dance around the subject like a little troll monkey, I’m going to go with this explanation. Occam’s razor and all that.

And before you start the whole “I don’t owe you an explanation” bullshit that so many trolls try, remember that you were the one who initially suggested a very specific failing on the part of feminists to understand context, involving a highly sensitive matter to boot. Since you’re not willing to explain what that failing is, I am not willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. This is not a matter of opinion, so you can’t hide behind that either.

You’re boring, dishonest and have no intention of engaging anyone in either good or bad faith. I now repeat my request that you fuck off.

10 years ago

Not that I drive, but I would see it as more respectful to eat the animal than just leave it there if you hit it.

That said, I know that with Sneak in this system, even if I weren’t squeamish, we’d NEVER be able to do it. Poor kid would never sleep again! Zie can’t even eat chocolate bunnies for fear of their pain.

10 years ago

This is like when a white person says something racist and when they’re called out on it, they trot out that Martin Luther King quote about not judging people on the color of their skin.

10 years ago

Poor Sneak! 🙁

Does it help to tell zir to bite the head off in one quick chomp so the bunny doesn’t suffer? Not that I was ever told that when I was a child…

10 years ago

RE: Anarchonist

Why the flying fuck bring up victim-blaming at all, then?

Because he’s passive-aggressively “polite.” A lot of trolls are big on politeness, when politeness means wallpapering over their actual beliefs. It’s easy to make anything sound polite if you just cover it with enough euphemisms and passive voice.

10 years ago

RE: grumpyoldnurse

Sneak says, “NO IT DOES NOT HELP POOR BUNNY. I know it’s silly, I just can’t NOT see it! D8”

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Deer roadkill – funny story

My neighbor went on a hunting trip with his buddies, and he was so excited! They were gonna have some good ole’ boy bonding time. Yay!

But, when they arrived at the hunting site, they realized that although their cooler was full of food and other refreshments, they had no mustard. Well, they couldn’t eat their sandwiches without MUSTARD! Horrors!

So, they sent my neighbor to the nearest store to buy some mustard. On the way, he had an accident. He hit a deer.

Well, being a practical guy, he made sure it was dead, tied it to the truck, and drove back to the hunting site. He then told his buddies, “Never mind the mustard. We hit our limit. Time to go home and butcher this thing.”

He was disappointed that the hunting trip was so darned short, and his wife was disappointed that girls’ night was so darned short, and at least one of those pals of his was disappointed that he never got his mustard.

However, they shared the venison with us. TASTY!

10 years ago

Shorter malcolm: emotions are bad, except for mine. And R Dawkins, cuz he’s special too.

Lol, and he’s falling for the standard WHTM troll fallacy; responses to trolls MUST mean troll is impressive. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that they never learn?

Howard Bannister
10 years ago


It’s not that he’s wrong about the honey, it’s that he gives zero indication that he cares about the larger issues rather than just being mad that he, personally, was inconvenienced. (Has he ever expressed an opinion on the topic any other time?)

Skepchick had a little piece where they briefly touched on Dawkin’s Islamophobia and his famous ‘Dear Muslima,’ where he wrote a letter that … well, if you don’t know, better to google it and read it, I can’t do it justice. (and in the page I’ve linked there’s a pitch-perfect response …really, it must be read)

10 years ago


“‘When I speak a sentence,’ Malcolm Johnston said, in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'”

It’s the same tactic Richard Dawkins has been using; use a sensitive subject to make a mundane point that nobody was disagreeing with, then get indignant when someone points out that his word choices mean things.