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Let's play Richard Dawkins Twitter Meltdown Bingo!


With Richard Dawkins rapidly accelerating his schedule of Twitter meltdowns recently, it’s clearly time for some RICHARD DAWKINS TWITTER MELTDOWN BINGO!

The rules are simple:

  1. Follow Richard Dawkins on Twitter.
  2. Make sure you’re following the correct Richard Dawkins. This one. While this other Richard Dawkins might seem indistinguishable from the real thing, don’t be fooled! He is merely a stunningly convincing Dawkins impersonator.
  3. As soon as you notice Dawkins — the real Dawkins — saying something, you know, really really Dawkinsish, pop over here to generate your own randomized DAWKINS TWITTER MELTDOWN BINGO card, because, I guarantee you, a meltdown is immi
  4. Sit back and wait for the BINGOS to roll in.
  5. Profit?

Oh, and just so you know, I can edit the list used to generate the cards, so if you have any ideas for new squares, or if you think I might have gone a little overboard with the roadkill cannibalism thing, or you think it needs more “dundridges,” post your thoughts in the comments below.

All the items in my DAWKINS TWITTER MELTDOWN BINGO list — even the roadkill cannibalism thing — are based at least loosely on things he’s actually said on Twitter, or in the little essays he’s written defending his behavior on Twitter.

Oh, so you don’t believe me about the roadkill cannibalism thing? Here he is talking about it with his actual mouth.

And that honeypot thing? Here you go.

I told you never to doubt me.

EDIT: For more context about his meltdowns, this piece is a good intro. And thanks for the suggestions! I’ll be adding some more squares about Christina Hoff Sommers and his now-deleted penis Tweet.

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10 years ago

I guess I’m one of the stupid majority. Or maybe just more educated. I think prion disease is difficult to get froma normal joint. At the tyime of the Brit outbreak they were reporting on the news about people returning beef to stores and it was being sold off cheap. So I went to try and buy some, cos…love beef. Unfortunately it wasn’t the case here, no discount on beef.
But then, at the time of the egg panic, I never realised it affected me till I got served a massively over-cooked egg, so..probably just I’m stupid.

10 years ago

The thing is, what he’s saying isn’t “women, don’t drink”, it’s “women, accept being raped as the inevitable price of having any sort of social life”.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

That’s what I was trying to say, yes, only didn’t make it clear. And of course if you are drunk and raped, or drugged and raped, or for whatever reason don’t have clear memories of the event, well, how dare you Ruin A Man’s Life by trying to get him jailed, you sluts.

As Improbable Joe observed on En Tequila Es Verdad, ‘I’d be not the least bit surprised if we learned that Dawkins has his own history of reasons for women to “jail” him.’ No, it wouldn’t surprise me at all, either.

10 years ago

When someone’s as fixated on something as Dawkins is on rape it does rather point to there being a personal reason for that.

10 years ago

If Dawkins is SUCH a critical thinker of a man, what’s with the false equivalencies? Getting drunk and driving a car is nowhere NEAR the same as getting drunk and getting raped. A car is a machine that a person has to control. Rape is something women can’t control. Whether she gets drunk or not. That’s entirely up to the rapist. Or non-rapist if he doesn’t do it. Ah, but I forget myself. What about the moonz?

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Prion disease is…hmm, I dunno. I know in the US the kill method for beef cattle can cause brain tissue to end up in unexpected locations. It’s the neural tissue that’s riskiest.
I think not ever knowing if you have the brain-eating proteins has to be scary…

I have no beef with food hunters( pardon the expression ). Trophy hunters seem…just profoundly distasteful to me. Using the animal for an ego trip as opposed to survival.

Wow..Dawkins really is a shit, isn’t he?

10 years ago

Yeah, it wasn’t roasts that people were panicking about in the UK back in the day so much as mince.

People hunting for food isn’t what I take issue with either, it’s the idea of hunting just to prove that you can kill something that doesn’t sit right. Extra asshole points if the target is part of an endangered species.

10 years ago

He is awful. His stupidity and tone deafness once again astound me. If you don’t remember the act, it wasn’t rape? Ok, guy. Let me make it REAL easy for you. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around, does it make a sound? Yes. Because physics. If a woman gets drunk, and a man rapes her but she doesn’t remember it, is it still rape? Yes. BECAUSE LACK OF MEMORY = LACK OF CONSENT.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

If a tree fell in the forest, and the crash gave Dawkins such a fright he shat himself, would anybody care?

(Outside whatever unfortunate does his laundry, of course, ‘cos a pound to a penny the Great Man doesn’t do it himself.)

10 years ago

kitteh, LOL I sure don’t care. Feel bad for his employees though.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I’m starting to think along the lines Barbara did about Sam in Ruthless People – all sorts of inventively nasty things to happen to Dawkins. The scene where she boots the little toad off Santa Monica Pier, for instance …

10 years ago

Yes, I would like a pet fox to cuddle.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Mountaineering mouse!

That whole Buzzfeed page had lots of squeeable cuddles.

10 years ago

Oh, wait, he was just using his distaste for religion as an excuse to be racist again. Never mind.

I would really love to see him try a “Dear Jewess” letter, and see how far he gets with that.

Come to think of it, one could just take “Dear Muslima”, substitute “Jew”, “Jewish”, the Torah for Koran, etc. See how well THAT plays, eh?

10 years ago

I grew up with dogs but can’t have one now because my wife doesn’;t like them, because she was frightened by overly friendly/aggressive dogs as a small child. We had very laid-back dogs — and most dogs are instinctively protective of a child in their household — but my parents carefully taught me how not to upset our (or other people’s) dogs.,

I really hate it when people use their dogs and or kids to act out their own aggression. It’s so unfair to dogs might have to be killed or to kids who will learn obnoxious habits that they won’t be able to turn off as they get older.

10 years ago

So what was Dear Muslima?

10 years ago

I have never hunted (I have done a bit of fishing), and I’ve never fired a gun. I have friends who are hunters and I have never objected to hunting if one eats the game (or provides it to others. I eat meat and I see no ethical distinction between someone who kills an animal to eat and someone like myself who eats what others have killed. (My daughter is a vegetarian because she objects to the way animals are treated in factory farming.) Carnivores are part of the natural order — we are one of the few species that generally die from old age or disease. (Not counting our pets, of course.) What does bother me is killing something just for the pleasure of killing.

10 years ago

The fact you may have no recollection shouldn’t play any roll in whether you’re allowed to testify. You present whatever evidence you have as does everyone else and even after doing so no one will be charged with rape because it’s impossible to prove a lack of acquiescence. This is why rapists are rarely charged. When someone tells you they saw you drunk out of your tree being dragged to someone’s room though and you wake up and by all accounts it appears someone had sex with you, you are allowed to accuse someone of rape and testify in a court of law.

And if you can’t even remember it happening what does that say about your ability to have consented at the time? Again, this alone won’t result in a rape conviction. It never does because you have to prove your lack of consent. The lack of recollection is a good indication any consent that may have been given though was invalid.

10 years ago

Er, can we call it Hansen’s Disease, rather than leprosy? We used to work in a job with a Hansen clinic, and the term ‘leprosy’ has a lot of stigma. Those folks got it hard enough.

RE: blahlistic

There was a family of armadillos who lived in the creekbed behind our childhood home. They would come up and snuffle at our feet curiously, then shuffle away, unperturbed.

RE: Kittehs

Oooh, I like that Phillip Dick comment!

It has honestly been of huge help to me in dealing with our brain. At some point, I no longer care if something is technically real or not; if it keeps popping up, regardless of my belief, and bad shit happens if I ignore it, I should treat it as real, for my own health. If my behavior would get an audience shouting at my stupidity if I were a movie character, I should not use it in real life.

RE: “can’t remember, can’t be rape”

As someone who has memory issues SPECIFICALLY because of rape and trauma, because our brain was trying to keep us alive longer… yeah, go fuck a cactus. Dawkins, you yourself said you were molested as a child. I wish I were surprised by your behavior, but I’m not.

10 years ago


So what was Dear Muslima?

It was Richard Dawkins’s response to Elevatorgate. You can read about it here.

10 years ago

The one thing that Dawkins overlooks is that “can’t remember” is dealt with quite satisfactorily in other criminal matters.

People who couldn’t possibly see who hit them from behind obviously have nothing to remember, but the cops can track down the culprit by other means. Women who were raped in their own beds in the dark by an intruder have no memories of stuff they didn’t see in the first place. They often have indicative or partial memories that might help with identification but they can’t definitely identify any given individual, but cops can find those perpetrators too, more often than not.

The victim of an assault or a car accident whose injuries and/or shock mean that they can’t remember what happened – not exactly, often not at all. Murder victims obviously can’t say anything. People who are in a coma can’t say anything. Surprisingly enough, cops usually get around this problem by assembling other evidence and going ahead with arrest and prosecution anyway.

Whoda thunk it?

10 years ago

I don’t know if any of y’all have seen this… but it makes me angry… especially Dawkins response of “well I didn’t mean you”. Further in his twitathon err thread “the website should have talked to me first before posting something that is accusatory towards me.” As if his input of “I was talking about a specific case where a woman specifically said she couldn’t remember” would make the writer go “oh well my feelings have magically gone away. Thanks Dawkins!”
And goodness, all the bobble heads he has following him, nodding along are even worse.

This could be triggering for some so heads up.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


Richard Dawkins has a constitutional problem with saying, “I should never have said that, it was wrong and I apologize.” That series of words in that order is impossible for him to produce.

Instead it is, “You misunderstood me,” or “I didn’t mean it that way,” or “Re-examine your logic.”

That was a painful article to read, and I hope it was painful for Dawkins, but the reality is that I doubt it was. I fully believe he started to read it, got angry at how he was “misunderstood,” and read the remainder while angry and then fired off those angry tweets about how everyone is interrogating his text from the wrong perspective.