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Anton LaVey impersonator Davis Aurini makes a "film," and it's worse than you could possibly imagine

[NOTE: The original video on Davis Aurini’s YouTube channel was taken down shortly after the post went up. So I’ve embedded the version that is, as of this moment, up on the director’s YouTube channel. I”d recommend that you download this for your permanent collection.]

Ok, so I’ve been working on a post about the latest ridiculous doings of our friends Davis Aurini and JordanOwen42 — the not-so-dynamic duo who’ve been desperately begging for money to make their Totally Serious documentary about how evil Anita Sarkeesian is. But then I watched this, and it’s too good not to post on its own.

This is Lust in the Time of Heartache, a short “philosophical” film written and produced, and  just posted on teh Interwebs, by Mr. Aurini. I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to be a comedy, but I was laughing at it from beginning to end.

There’s nothing about this film that’s not terrible and ridiculous, from the choice of fonts in the title sequence to the names of the characters as revealed in the closing credits.

Where even to start in criticizing this mess? The, er, “acting?” The pretentious, pseudo-philosophical voiceover, delivered by Mr. Aurini himself? The shrill, frantic — yet somehow also meandering — music that plays almost continuously from beginning to end? The ludicrously unconvincing fight choreography? The ill-fitting suits? The evo psych? The dawning recognition that this whole thing is meant to depict how Aurini sees himself in our “fallen” world?

The fact that this ten minute film credits a “parkour consultant?”

I’m going to borrow a couple of lines from Pauline Kael’s famous review of the legendarily stinky 1970 film Song of Norway because they offer a pretty fair assessment of this one as well:

The movie is of an unbelievable badness. … You can’t get angry at something this stupefying; it seems to have been made by trolls.

She means “under the bridge”-style trolls, not the modern kind.

Oh, and the sound is awful, too. NOTE: Dialogue is supposed to be louder than the background noises.

Anyway, just watch it. It’s only ten minutes long. And definitely stay for the final credits. You’ll see why.

But hey, don’t take my word for it. Read this glowing review, from some dude on YouTube:

Excellent writing that encompasses the transitions from one cinematic style to the next. At first I was concentrating on the technical problems and lackluster performances, however, after about 5 mins in, the pacing kicked up a notch. Well done, sir.
Well done, indeed!


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10 years ago


Illiteracy – the most useful disadvantage to have


Or my favorite little anxiom:

“Remember: The abandoned mine isn’t

Anyway, while I wait for my alcoholic buzz to wear off.

Re: The video.

here’s a thing I’ve noticed apocalypse preachers sometimes do: They start with a premise and go on about it for a bit, and then suddenly change tracks to argue as if the thing they’re talking about is inevitable, but the situation is currently just fine.

The introduction there is that we’re all at the end of hope and money and purpose and that debt is all we have and that women and men are no longer needed so the only thing left to do is to enjoy the decadent remnants of a crumbling empire

Well what the what? I thought you had no money! No purpose! Only debt! Decadence is sort of defined by its preponderance of hedonistic availability, and I don’t need to be a particularly good economist to tell you that hedonism and decadence is really expensive.

“If you can’t love, all you know is hate. Abuser, abused, two sides of the same coin. So don’t go creating a better world – this is the world we chose”

This is like philosophy madlibs.

If you can’t fish, all you know is swimming. Bait, baitee, two sides of the same coin. So don’t go hoping for a better fishing rod, this is the one you chose.

What does that mean?!

This is the world we deserve. [Incomphrensible phrases by a man in a spanish hat and three ladies]… do you know how to git it done? GET’ERDONE…A victim for every victimizer and a victimizer for every victim… [incomphrensible] can we go now? […] why? I like him? He’s such a… NICE GUY […] buy a drink […] yeah sure, why not…[…] Hedonism always turns out the same, without love, all you got is sex

Is this some kind of argument about the relative balancing of the world as it conforms to our expectations? I’ve read theories and debates about that kind of world-view – attraction and the forces of speculation as it applies to each individual, karmic balancing of cosmic scales, like to like, the ever turning coin and how each person get their just rewards, but that never included three ladies talking to a man in a spanish hat and certainly never hedonism and sex in a broken, debt fueled economy with no purpose or future.

And if all you got is sex, you’ve got to keep upping the ante or it gets […] [boring? sad? point? po-ing? bo-ing? possibly boring]

Well, I guess that is the base neurological knowledge contained in any experiment on hedonic adaptivity (the hedonic threadmil concept) but I don’t see how that relates, or how that’s important, and besides, public libraries are free and the Karma Sutra is in ’em. Do the math. Maybe do it in bed. Or maybe not. You decide. Where the hell is the video going with this?

Some people like having sex.

and when you run out of things to try it always ends up in the same place

Bargain at Home Depot at three in the morning, looking at extra strength duct tape and wondering how many load bearing points needs to be incorporated into a basic design for a leather harness?

maybe your problem is you’re just not that imaginative.

Sexual sadism

Well if that’s what you’re into. I guess.

We become nothing but a bunch of well dressed apes

I’m still wondering what the hell the point of this all is, exactly. I mean, sure, we’re apes. Great apes, technically, and the Talking Heads has a cool song about it called Facts of Life:

Someday we’ll live on Venus
And men will walk on Mars
But we will still be monkeys
Down deep inside
If chimpanzees are smart
Then we will close our eyes
And let our instincts guide us

If a band with strange vocals and some odd choice of instrument can express in ten seconds what it’s taken you the long walk down a seemingly never-ending noir boulevard to do, I’m going to make the claim that you needn’t have bothered.

We don’t know how to get out of this rut. And here’s the tragic thing: If you can’t help yourself, no one else can help you either

That has nothing to do with a debt or a lack of purpose or a lack of direction or women not being women and men not being men and all to do with the fact that the help you were seeking probably wasn’t all that qualified.

I know the awesome ideal of self-help is great and cool, and I’m all for self-efficacy in relation to positive attributives in people’s lives, but fuck you, Sir. Fuck you. That sort of bullshit is exactly what keeps millions from seeking out the help and aid of others and getting the qualified help or soothing support they sorely need, because people like you feed them some bullshit line about how they just aren’t strong enough to cure themselves, and that makes them unworthy of being cured in the first place. Bollocks to the lot of yer philosophy! Bollocks!

The thing I hate the most about seeing the powerful abuse the weak is knowing that the weak did something to deserve it

… Because of course, the uber-mensch will happily rule the world as is their good little moral obligation, as all those weak slaves deserve to be kicked in the nads. If they didn’t want it, they’d be the ubermensch themselves! Thinking like that almost justifies your baseless corruption.

This is the end state of our materialistic faith. Capitalism turned innovators into land-drapers. And socialism turned charity into oppression.

I’m… pretty sure that’s supposed to be “rapers”, as in, “Land rapers”, but it really sounds like “drapers”. And I’m sure all those people being bought up by speculators or marched off to the gulags just deserved it, right, for being weak or some-such.

But no matter what side of the looking glass you’re on, whether you’re out there with the Beast and Monsters, or you’re just watching them through the glass, don’t for one moment think you’re better than they are. Because when you do, that’s when your own sins catch up with you

… This guy is actually a weaponized random sentence generator, isn’t he?

With love and hope gone, you sublimate your own desires. But they always turn into the same thing. Wrath and violence

If all your hopes and aspirations turn to raging hate against the bare bones of the world, wretched in the putrid reality-flesh the carcass leaves for the crows of philosophy (See? I can do it too), then I think your problem might be, er, you.

You can try to run [PARKOUR FLIP] sometimes that even works for a while [CUT STUNT] but you can never escape yourself

I’m going to let Half Acre Day field this one;

Everybody’s got a scary monster trapped inside
Grinning ear to ear revealing teeth so smooth and white
Is it any wonder that we’re all so terrified
In the middle of the waking night?

( That’s Skeleton, by the way )

So we’re all broke, women are men are women are without a purpose, without money, capitalist charity socialists and this relates to the Confucian koan of ““No matter where you go, there you are.” How!?

One after another your demons assault you. Fighting them off might be pointless, but fighting is all you know how to do

I’m beginning to gather distinct amounts of evidence for “The problem isn’t the world, the problem is your ragesaurous wrathplex” hypothesis here

You weren’t built for a world like this. You weren’t built for a world of luxury

No, and neither was I built for zero gravity environments, the crushing pressures of the deep sea, the low oxygen of the highest mountains, the in-hospitality of the icy Arctic circle or the blistering heat of the deep Saharan desert, and speaking in colloquial “you” only, you’ll find humans in all those places.

We’re a race of tool makers. “Not built for” sounds nice as a naturalist statement of yearning for the unspoiled wonder of bountiful nature and anarcho-primitivism and a less complicated, more simple existence of men being men and women being women and debt not being real, but guess fucking what, with some work and some help and some time to draw out the engineering details I can reliably create plans to sustain life in any number of biomes so I consider your pithy “You weren’t built for…” little less than a shitty engineering challenge, not a metaphysical assault on the very foundations of the world. Read a book! Cooperate with people! Do something nice for once!

Your ancestor is the caveman that triumphed over the other. Your ancestor is the cave-man that knew how to kill

How does this relate to debt? Or philosophy? Or anything? That’s not even anthropology or biology or evolution, in any sense of the word. If you’re going this route, you at least have to bloody well admit that “your ancestor” is “Whoever happened to breed”. Glorious it is not.

( Also I’m going to recommend a remedial course on the history of human cooperation and the anthropology and sociobiology of altruistic behaviour in humans and other animals )

Also, unnamed Demo assaulting the manw ith two sais with a kukri – that’s not how you use a kukri. Your stance is terrible.

It’s the luxury of this world that turns everything foul. It’s the luxury that makes us soft

I’m willing to bet a large amount of imaginary dollars that this guy read or watched Fight Club and grossly misunderstood the movie.

Also: Luxury?

One word for you, internet dude:


It’s the luxury that makes us cruel. What you need is a struggle.

I thought we were already all floating along in the last days of a crumbling, decadent empire hanging on to a thread, riddled with debt, lack of gender essentialism, insecurity, joblessness, the strong abusing the weak and the victim and the victimee being the same side of the same coin?

I guess that’s not enough of a heroic origin story for a young white guy, though, is it?

A enemy to overcome. It’s pain that defines the masculinity.

Stab yourself with that sai there, then go back to the bit where being unable to help yourself meant you couldn’t get help from others, and have fun treating your bleeding stab wound with the power of your mind, you over masculine dong merchant.

It’s pain that makes us who we are. Embrace it. And never look away from the mirror. Every struggle is ultimately an internal struggle. It’s you fighting against your own worst nature. Whatever your sins might be, it’s in overcoming them, that you transcend the animal and become the human. You overcome yourself and embrace the blood of heroes that run through your veins.

The Bene Gesserit use the test of Gom Jabber to determine if a thing is a human or an animal! The awareness of DEATH allows someone to overcome PAIN and thus be a REAL HUMAN that STRUGGLES and TRANSCENDS THE ANIMAL and oh god help me I’ve caught random capitalization-itus.

The blood of heroes don’t run through my veins, or anyone elses, for that matter. It’s the blood of the people who worked together and could make a community function respectable and amiably.

But even this battle is ultimately hopeless.

Yeah, duh. You already gave that away with the “crumbling empire” introduction.

Struggle as you will and achieve what you might.

You’ll never escape yourself

Yet more correborating evidence of my general theory of Dong-Fused Douchehattery: “Maybe the problem isn’t me, or the world, maybe the problem is you.”

Seriously, just, psychologically speaking? A constant desire to escape the confines of yourself is generally recognized as an unhealthy neurotic impulse. Not always, not consistently, not that such a way that I’m trying to diagnose anyone, and sometimes most people want to be someone else for a little but, but a perpetual inability to just be in your own skin might be the sort of thing that requires help and someone to talk to

oh wait no you can’t talk to anyone because all struggle is ultimately internal and if you can’t help yourself no one can help you oh yeah eye of the tiger survivor you can do it yeah macho machochismo go go go!

That’s when you’re expose for the contemptible little thing you are

Just another animal screaming out in pain

Yes. Or hedonism. Or…. love. Or wrath.

Where where we going with this again? It’s all sort of starting to blur together for me now.

They say that pain is weakness leaving the body

If that’s the case, then maybe heartache is sentimentality leaving the soul

That… that… doesn’t even… it’s not the same.. pain is… what I’m trying to say here is … look pain is the… habituation response of your nervous system and heartache is an emotional response of yearning for a …. look it’s not… that’s not even the same… how does that even begin to in what universe can that phrase look for the love of god that’s not how words work, you can’t just add things together and pretend they make sense how does that even begin to what? What? How? Why? What? Heartache? The soul?

But all you had was wrath and violence as a sublimation of your inability to feel love! All I want is a little consistency and maybe some logic!

nobody makes it out of here in one piece. Nobody makes it out alive.

but at the end of the day it’s not about winning

Well they deserved it then, didn’t they? Because they were weak and so the strong were allowed to abuse them. Maybe people who die are just weak people leaving the universe, or death is like the bowel movement of planet Earth or… god this is stupid.

Virtue is found in the fight itself

As long as you’re still bleeding you run an extra mile

as long as your blood is pumping you’ve still got blood to bleed

This is the world we live in and it’s going to outlast all of us

the secret to living in it is this: to find something that’s worth dying for

but if I’m *dead* then I can’t run that extra mile or have my heart still bleed and if I bleed out then I die, and if I find something worth dying for then it’ll be an internal struggle anyway that’s completely unhelpful to most other people who can’t help me anyway, because they’re just baseless hedonists in a debt riddled society on the brink of decadent collapse with no purpose who aren’t men or women or anything but nice people and can’t love so they feel WRATH and RAGE and hulk out to be better people who sublimate their hedonistic desires into a violent struggle against their own internal reflectons

argh god my head.

what does that mean?!

I’ve gazed into the Abyss, and the Abyss is just… it really is a keening, empty void devoid of intellect, interest or intelligence.

10 years ago

RE: Puddleglum

Never be the slowest runner in your party.

“I don’t need to outrun the Cthulu, I just need to outrun YOU”?

RE: Alex

@LBT, I lol’d at this for a good two minutes straight. :,)

:B Hubby loves a man who can make him laugh. (And I love making him laugh, because it’s one of the best things ever.)

10 years ago

Also, if human evolution was just one big murder-fest, how does luxury make us cruel? It sounds like cruel is the base state of humanity.

But I’m just a woman, so what do I know about logic.

10 years ago

Also, if human evolution was just one big murder-fest, how does luxury make us cruel? It sounds like cruel is the base state of humanity.

But I’m just a woman, so what do I know about logic.

three libraries worth more than this guy

10 years ago

Wow. I was having a pretty shit day, so I thought I wouldn’t be able to sit through it. But I sat through it. Wow.

Why was every dude wearing a suit and tie? Real people don’t dress like that. Or talk like that. Or act like that.

Why was everything so grim and dour on a bright sunny afternoon?

Nobody will sympathize with your message if your people talk and act like they’re in a middle-school play.

Why did we start with lamenting over the lost art of love, and then turn to some tortured commentary on masculinity? What is the relationship between the two?

Who were those guys that attacked him? Why attack him? Were they himself? Why was that whole fight sequence even there? There was no conclusion, he just got beat up, then woke up like nothing happened, then walked away. No translation from presumbly internal conflict to external conflict.

Here is every fight sequence. Bang weapon/s onto guy’s weapons. Optionally have weapons batted away. Kick to the knee, fall over. Get stabbed. Repeat 5 times.

You spent the entire first half of the “movie” explaining how you are detached from the world as it is, observing the world through glass. Then you fight yourself, and come away with a “never give up, if you’re still alive you can keep fighting on.” Keep fighting what? There is no conflict with the real world if you are merely an observer. You’re just a dude who randomly passes out because you lost a fight against a gang in your mind. Again.

I’m not exactly a connisseur of pretentious film, but wow. That was surprisingly enjoyably bad.

10 years ago

Hey everyone, this is my first time commenting on David’s blog. So please go easy on me. I’ve been here before but was a little to shy to comment. I just wanted to make somewhat of an honest introduction.

10 years ago

@Shaenon, or would that be the Sarkeesian Sarkeesian Effect?

That’s the title of Anita Sarkeesian’s series of videos about “The Sarkeesian Effect Effect.”

10 years ago

Yay! MSNBC is showing referendum returns for Scotland. I don’t know why this is so interesting to me. This is the first time I’ve been interesting in watching returns from another country.

Looks like the no side is winning so far.

10 years ago

Ah, but I’ll be following you to document this, and I’ll name my docu-docu-docu the “Effect of the Sarkeesian Effect Effect”

10 years ago

Am I the only person who, horrible as these douchewaffles are, feels kind of sorry for them?

Like, they’re terrible, I know they’re terrible and pompous and horrible… but Jesus Christ, what a miserable way to see the world. I mean, I come from the Clusterfuck Family, have a mental illness and trauma history long as my arm, and I STILL manage to find some joy and meaning in the world! A lot of it, in fact!

And I don’t consider myself that remarkable for it. This guy… he just seems MISERABLE. And even though he’s an asshole, I pity him a little.

10 years ago

If I thought they sincerely felt that way I might feel bad for them, but it mostly seems to be put on for the effect because they’ve decided that world-weary cynicism makes them look cool. Which would be silly but understandable if they were teenagers, but…

10 years ago

Clearly, kirbywarp, you don’t understand all the profunditries.

10 years ago

Man, this “philosophy” is what you’d get if you brought a fedora to life, and gave it just slightly more intelligence than it started with.

10 years ago

Yeah, the only reason they portray the world as broken is because it helps them set up their power fantasy of being a survivor/fighter/return to their ancestors/true human/whateverthefuck they want to call it. Which is why you get a dude portraying a completely hopeless and pointeless world chosen by humanity and and not worth saving or able to be saved… and yet coming away with a message of “keep fighting the good fight.”

10 years ago


Clearly. This movie is far to deepity for me.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

LBT: I don’t feel sorry for them. They want to inflict worse misery on women than their own self-inflicted sad manfeels.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Man, this “philosophy” is what you’d get if you brought a fedora to life, and gave it just slightly more intelligence than it started with.

Nooooo! Some fedoras are worn by lovely people! Foyle! Milner! Johnny Depp! Mr K! #notallfedoras

10 years ago

RE: cassandrakitty

it mostly seems to be put on for the effect because they’ve decided that world-weary cynicism makes them look cool.

I would hope so. Otherwise it’s just Depression: It Was Right All Along!

RE: Kittehs

That’s fair. And I find them pretty reprehensible when they’re actually AROUND me.

And yeah, seeing as Falcon was my first exposure to fedoras, and he’s worn them for as long as I can remember… I almost regret them coming back in style. Basically his entire wardrobe has been co-opted by obnoxious whiny manchildren!

10 years ago

The visual references to Reservoir Dogs were kind of funny in an “are you serious with this shit?” way. It is 2014, people.

10 years ago

My dad’s fiancée gave him a fedora and he loves it. I don’t have the heart to tell either of them the connotations fedoras have now. What they don’t know what hurt them and I don’t think anyone will mistake my dad for an MRA or PUA anytime soon. He’s too nice.

10 years ago

It was a cross between Reservoir Dogs and and boy band reunion video.

10 years ago

The visual references to Reservoir Dogs were kind of funny in an “are you serious with this shit?” way. It is 2014, people.

Reminds me of this.

10 years ago

Just as well, WWTH. I haven’t told Falcon either. He can just go on with his bad self, dressing like film noir never died… I even saw him SLEEP in it once.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

LBT – actually, I wouldn’t be sorry for them even if they weren’t horrible misogynists. Pretentious wankers whose apparent misery is entirely about LOOK AT ME I am so edgy and dark and philosophical and cynical and why won’t you fuck me – they’re like a latter-day version of some pain-in-the-arse kid who’s just read Catcher In The Rye or some such and thinks he’s the greatst thing ever.

Stuff ’em.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Just as well, WWTH. I haven’t told Falcon either. He can just go on with his bad self, dressing like film noir never died… I even saw him SLEEP in it once.

LOL I’ve seen Louis sleep in his fedora many times, but in fairness, it is when he’s stretched out on a park bench and he does have it tilted over his eyes. 😀

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