a woman is always to blame antifeminism citation needed evil working women girl germs kitties lazy women eating bon bons mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed oppressed men post contains sarcasm princesses reactionary bullshit the tech sector whaaaaa? women in tech women shouldn't work women's jobs aren't real

We cannot let women take over the tech industry. Because cats.

Typical female pretending to work
Typical female pretending to work

So here’s a new perspective on the whole “should we allow women to take over the tech industry or any other industry” question, courtesy of the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog. Yes, women, if you want to run a business or an industry you apparently have to check with the dudes at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog first.

In a post titled “Why We Don’t Want Women Taking Over Tech Or Any Other Industry,” the ironically named “Reality forever” explains that women shouldn’t be allowed to run anything because, well, women are terrible and apparently love making everyone go to meetings:

[M]en are afraid of women in the workplace because all they bring is misery, low morale, lawsuits based on false accusations, insanity in general, never ending useless meetings and all around stupidity and dysfunction and low productivity.

Also, cats:

Even women hate working with other women. Put several cats in a small cage together and you’ll get the picture.

Huh. As sensible as Reality forever’s argument has been so far, I have a couple of slight objections to make here. Human women are not, to the best of my knowledge, cats.

Also, I’m pretty sure the issue here isn’t the cats so much as the whole small cage thing. Basically, if you put any animal – or person – in a small cage they’re going to be a bit grouchy, particularly if you stuff another couple of animals or people in there with them.

I mean, your uncle Ted might be the most affable fellow in the world, but if you throw him in a tiny cage with, say, your other uncle Brian, there’s going to be some friction. Toss in some cats, or perhaps a hyena or two, and you’re really asking for trouble.

Let’s let Reality forever continue, just in case his argument gets better.

But we can all give a sigh of relief because women will NEVER dominate any industry and there are specific reasons why. The reasons are contained in female nature. Any female above admin in any corporate office can barely even show up for work on any consistent basis.

I think he’s on to something. I sometimes see women walking around the streets in the middle of the day. They probably left to go to work in the morning but just got lost. Or distracted by a shoe sale. Women love shoes, amirite fellas high five.

I know this sounds insane, but we [have] thousands of clients and the vast majority of the companies wherein we have female contacts are rarely ever in. Many have taken off for a year at a tine.

You may not realize it, fellas, but women can just wander off on a break and not come back for a year.

It’s like this well hidden, but giant secret that no one talks about and I don’t think a lot of people are even aware of because women are so stealth at covering up their deviance and so many people will cover for them.

It’s true. If you look closely at many of the so-called women who work in your office you will discover that a lot of them are actually mannequins, carefully disguised to look like your female co-workers – who have probably been sitting on a tropical beach somewhere eating bon bons for the last 8 months with no one suspecting a thing.

In fact I’ve been trying to find other people who have seen this who deal with a large number of companies like I do.

They take off huge chunks of time- months even a year at a time then refuse to be at work before 11am and are gone by 2pm and never work on mon. or fri. then suddenly quits after a short time. Forever. Not just that job- all work completely.

It’s the dirty secret of the corporate world: most full-time women employees work only 12 hours a week, if that.

Women really only want to work part time if at all – they just like the idea of work and a status title and do not want to make any commitment to anything or anyone- especially women now.

It’s a little-known fact that Sheryl Sandberg’s official title at Facebook is “Pretty Princess of Operations” and that she only works three hours a week.

That is their flaky nature. And yes, they are ALL like that- 98% of them. And they’re lazy and don’t want to ever try harder or get out of their comfort zone or take risks. Women are their own worst enemies.

Oh, don’t be modest, Reality forever. People like you are their worst enemies.

In the comments, Reality forever expands upon his thesis.

I … work for a telecom and I’m in sales – so we have clients in virtually ALL industries and/or go to pitch potential clients in all industries. And I’ve been at it for 6 years total and with any females who have an actual title like IT Manager, VP or any kind of administrative anything, they are extremely clever at barely putting in any hours – I know because it’s my job (unfortunately) to have to deal with so many of them on a daily basis and communicate with them.

They’re extremely flaky, moody, never want any responsibilities at all to make any decisions, barely ever come into work, are as useless pedals on a wheelchair, spiteful, condescending, vindictive- the most horrible people I have ever had to deal with have all been women. And the vast majority of them are all the same in their patterns.

They’re overemotional about everything so they come off even creepy a lot of the time! With the men, it’s about 2-5% of them are jerks, flip that for women to about 2-5% of them are decent. That’s just been my experience dealing with all these women in virtually every industry there is.

And they are always just… OUT. Whether it’s ‘not in yet’ ‘already left for the day.’ Not in ‘today.’ ‘Out till next week.’ If I had 25 cents for every time I’ve heard ‘she’ is ‘out’ I would be wealthy, and no, they’re not just trying to avoid me and lying- they’ll actually be out, you can hear the sincerity in the voice of whoever’s telling me this that day. …

And I would expect it’s their being allergic to work that has kept them from really achieving anything across the board. And it’s ironically BECAUSE of Feminism that made them this way- everyone needs to make special ‘concessions’ for them and bend to them, not them needing to bend to fit in and join the work flow. …

Feminism, everything women are up to now, all of it, is mostly just a fraud and illusion and I’m telling you this thing of women being OUT all the time is real! Go to any company website in any industry, go to the staff directory, or go to connect and look up the staff directory for any company, then call and ask for any of the females above admin on that list and they will just happen to be out that day!

And it’ll be like Tuesday at 11am. It’s this phenomenon that I’ve been trying to tell people about for years, but they just don’t believe me or don’t understand what I’m talking about.

Huh. It must be true. Because I can’t think of any other reason women would want to avoid taking a call from you.

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10 years ago

@Syburi – well, you do have an excellent point about DSN. 😛 Honestly, if they made me dress like Nurse Chapel, I’d prefer TNG. At least Bev Crusher wouldn’t creep on me, and Leonard McCoy could out-grump me with his scanner tied behind his back.

10 years ago

I’m sure their NLP studies have gone about as well as their graphic design studies.

Random Hajile
Random Hajile
10 years ago


That article is amazing.

They have much to gain from learning about the differences between Marriage 1.0 and Marriage 2.0, the importance of pre-nuptial agreements, etc. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

So, um, what’s the difference between Marriage 1.0 and Marriage 2.0? Does it come with a notes? A list of bugfixes?

Random Hajile
Random Hajile
10 years ago

** I meant, “come with notes.” Where did that a come from? Argh!

10 years ago

I thought Marriage 2.0 (now with bonus it’s illegal for your husband to rape you in many countries and you’re allowed to retain your own property features!) was the thing that feminists had created that misogynists were most upset about.

10 years ago

Annnnd Thunderf00t already posted a video on his suspension. I’m not in the mood to subject myself to it.

Can’t blame ya, H.J.!

Listening to him is grating on the nerves, unless you happen to be part of his reprehensible fanbase. I find it funny the same people who mock Anita Sarkeesian for doing something constructive give credence to a man whose career has been simply arguing with people online. It’s bad enough when reality TV lionizes people lacking talent and/or never making a positive contribution to society – it’s worse when denizens of the internet push the image of a cretinous, socio-politically ignorant asshole as some kind of intellectual titan.

It’s as bewildering to me as the atheist movement having Penn “I’m a Paid Shill for the CATO Institute” Gillette as a representative. The fact they care more how they advertise themselves in order to gain more appeal over who actually represents them (like, say, a corrupt corporatist apologist in sheep’s clothing) as a group is shameful…and exactly why I avoid associating with the movement now…

Feminism, everything women are up to now, all of it, is mostly just a fraud and illusion and I’m telling you this thing of women being OUT all the time is real! Go to any company website in any industry, go to the staff directory, or go to connect and look up the staff directory for any company, then call and ask for any of the females above admin on that list and they will just happen to be out that day!

And it’ll be like Tuesday at 11am. It’s this phenomenon that I’ve been trying to tell people about for years, but they just don’t believe me or don’t understand what I’m talking about.

For a person calling themselves “Reality Forever” – they have a very tenuous grasp on it…

Other than the fact the opening paragraph of that post script sounds rather self-aggrandizing, he’s expecting us to simply believe all that without a shred of evidence. Sure, he’ll point out that you should go these sites and “see for yourself” but…that’s his responsibility. Why does he expect anyone who reads that to do his research and back up his claims? If he feels as strongly as he seems to – you’d think he’d bother trying. I think I know why he doesn’t though: it’s bullshit. Pulled-straight-out-of-the-ass nonsense. ‘Cause, hey, fuck all those studies done by experts that prove women are paid less on average and – in the case of single mothers – often have to work many jobs while raising children.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the internet, if someone claims to be of a profession that gives them the air of authority within a rant or discussion – it’s an obfuscation. When I read “worked at a telecom in sales for six years” – I know it really means “I worked as a telemarketer, on and off, for six years wherein I tricked old women with Alzheimer’s and naive teenagers into buying expensive crap they didn’t need.” It obviously doesn’t look as impressive, does it?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Those of us who have studied and practiced Neuro-Linguisting Programming (NLP) will recognize this as a very strong anchor, and thus ensure that he will remember the seed planted in his mind in many future instances of standing in front of a urinal.

Or it could backfire, and your intended target will have an uncontrollable urge to pee like a brewery horse every time he hears MRA blather.

@cassandrakitty – It probably makes a lot more sense to a drunk person.

10 years ago

I too want one of these magical jobs! In fact, when I get back from my vacation in a few months, I’m totally going to put in my notice so that I can find one!

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

@kittehserf – Thanks. I came across that yesterday. Last time I commented here I think it was still called Manboobz. I haven’t tread on any toes, have I?

Not that I’m aware of! I’m sure any trodden-toe-owners would have let you know. 🙂

Or it could backfire, and your intended target will have an uncontrollable urge to pee like a brewery horse every time he hears MRA blather.

Or he could never read it, ‘cos he used it as a target when peeing.

Random Hajile
Random Hajile
10 years ago


Ohhhh… That pesky notion that women happen to be people fully capable of independent thought. Gasp! Shock! Horror!


I used to be in the atheist movement as well before this anti-feminist crap spewed out, and distanced myself after because of its toxicity. It was nice at the time: As someone who spent a lot of my childhood fearing Hell and that (hooray for growing up in the South!), it was liberating to become unafraid of it. Thing is, despite the high religiosity surrounding me, I had never really bought it and found myself forcing myself to believe because it was what everyone else did. It lingered for years.

I’ve wanted to go to an atheist meetup, but I don’t want to see if the toxic anti-feminist slant is there and I don’t want to subject myself to it, especially in a physical space.

Thunderf00t’s fanbase really is the worst. He’s also been terrible in the atheist community as well.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Maybe AVFM could just save time and sell branded urinal cakes then..Elam could make some money that way…

10 years ago

I went to an atheist meetup once. There was no misogyny that I could see but people weren’t very friendly. Hardly anyone (including the woman who organized the brunch) introduced themselves. I felt like I had gone into a restaurant and just sat with a random group of people. It was really disappointing. I’m sure nobody was purposely trying to make me feel unwelcome but for someone like me who is shy around new people it was a huge turn off that there was no effort made to welcome the newbie. The atheist movement talks about building political power but for that to happen, people established in the movement are going to have to do a better job at outreach whether it’s being friendly to new people interested in getting involved at a local level or not tolerating misogyny (or any bigotry) in online spaces and conventions.

10 years ago

Also, I listened to the thunderpoot video and read the AVfM post. There is literally no evidence linking Anita Sarkeesian and/or SJWs to thunderpoots twitter suspension. But that doesn’t stop MRAs from assuming that’s the case.

10 years ago

Do the urinal cakes have Elam or Esmay’s faces on them? There was a Scott Walker urinal target being distributed around Wyoming at one point… We were hoping to adapt them for Tony Abbott down here.

Part of me suspects they’d secretly enjoy the fantasy of being pissed on by a lot of men.

Random Hajile
Random Hajile
10 years ago


Sorry about your experience. That really sucks. :c

The not-apparent misogyny is a little reassuring, at least… I’m not the most outgoing sort myself, but I guess the welcoming thing would vary from group to group. I know there are feminist-friendly sections of atheism (such as Pharyngula, not sure about the rest of Free)

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

So, um, what’s the difference between Marriage 1.0 and Marriage 2.0? Does it come with a notes? A list of bugfixes?

Marriage 2.0 supports multiplayer…

Random Hajile
Random Hajile
10 years ago

How in the… That is the strangest premature misfire ever. Wow.

Uh! I know there are feminist-friendly sections of atheism (such as Pharyngula, not sure about the rest of Freethought blogs — I’ve been out of the movement for a long while), but I am not sure how prevalent those are, or if they are the majority. I know the YouTube segment is generally vile, but the YouTube comment sections are usually a mire of vileness anyway so I don’t know if it’s a good representation at all.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Do you read Freethought Blogs, Random Hajile? They’re much more Atheism + than Atheism Dudebro. Richard Dawkins hates them, which is a pretty good sign. 😉

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

What is this, I have the Ninja Target on my forehead today. 😀

I think the rest of FTB is pretty socially aware, too, though I read Pharyngula more than any of the others. Stephanie Zvan and Ophelia Benson are among the writers on FTB.

Random Hajile
Random Hajile
10 years ago


Hey, great! Thanks! I should check them out. Pharyngula was one of my faves when I was about. PZ Myers is pretty ace and his takedowns of Atheist dudebros and other clowns are great. 8D

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

We were hoping to adapt them for Tony Abbott down here.

Oooh, you’re a fellow Aussie, I’d forgotten that! ::waves excitedly::

I never thought I’d loathe a politician more than I did Howard. But Abbott’s already passed him.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

My pleasure, Random Hajile! 🙂

I’ve even dipped my toes in the commenting waters there, though as a non-science non-atheist I’m a bit nervous of it. But they’ve been pretty welcoming.

10 years ago

Ooh, yesterday I learned how to say “I’m not here” in Russian. I can shut this guy down in three languages!

10 years ago

I’ve wanted to go to an atheist meetup, but I don’t want to see if the toxic anti-feminist slant is there and I don’t want to subject myself to it, especially in a physical space.

Same here. I would’ve killed to go to TAM! years back but, for fuck’s sake, it just sounds like assholes keep ruining it for everyone else. I know they’ve tried to improve but I suppose I’ve also exhausted my energy to go to conventions when I went to comicbook ones. San Diego Comic-Con really is as bad as many of its critics make it out. The last time I went, I felt like I was stuck in a combination of a conveyor belt and sardine can…

I went to an atheist meetup once. There was no misogyny that I could see but people weren’t very friendly. Hardly anyone (including the woman who organized the brunch) introduced themselves. I felt like I had gone into a restaurant and just sat with a random group of people. It was really disappointing. I’m sure nobody was purposely trying to make me feel unwelcome but for someone like me who is shy around new people it was a huge turn off that there was no effort made to welcome the newbie. The atheist movement talks about building political power but for that to happen, people established in the movement are going to have to do a better job at outreach whether it’s being friendly to new people interested in getting involved at a local level or not tolerating misogyny (or any bigotry) in online spaces and conventions.

I suppose I should’ve specified the atheist community predominant online than in person.

But, based on what I’ve read from articles, that same hostility to new members is due to how it has been co-opted by various antifeminist and libertarian sentiments by prominent members who then become judgmental to any who don’t tow the ideological line. I brought up Penn Gillette because, though he isn’t the worst of figureheads (Dawkins is a rape apologist and Harris thinks racial profiling and torture are A-okay), he represents my overall problem with the atheist community (online or off) being willing to just accept any person who just calls themselves an “atheist” without considering how their values might badly represent the movement or cause it to falter.

Oddly enough, because of free speech absolutism, discussions about how atheism might relate to race or gender are treated antagonistically under the assumption the atheist movement is just about being an atheist. How does that make sense? I’ve never heard of a political or social movement that was entirely about the way they labelled themselves – they generally have an overall goal to enact change. The thing is, that was the case with the atheism movement when it came to making secularism and humanistic philosophy more accepted…until the majority of its white, male members got uncomfortable discussing certain subjects. And, like the cowards they are, silenced speech they disliked while defending the kind they took no issue with.

Fuck. That. Shit.

I know there are feminist-friendly sections of atheism (such as Pharyngula, not sure about the rest of Freethought blogs — I’ve been out of the movement for a long while), but I am not sure how prevalent those are, or if they are the majority. I know the YouTube segment is generally vile, but the YouTube comment sections are usually a mire of vileness anyway so I don’t know if it’s a good representation at all.

I’ve generally stuck to Freethought blogs because, unlike a lot of the atheist community, they actually set boundaries for who they want involved in their group and how that represents them and the values they hold. “Inclusive” should not mean “let any asshole join” – it should mean setting up a precedent the creates a respectful and safe environment for dissimilar people, due to a shared cause or set of ethics.

Basically: it should be kind of like The Federation from Star Trek.

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