a woman is always to blame antifeminism citation needed evil working women girl germs kitties lazy women eating bon bons mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed oppressed men post contains sarcasm princesses reactionary bullshit the tech sector whaaaaa? women in tech women shouldn't work women's jobs aren't real

We cannot let women take over the tech industry. Because cats.

Typical female pretending to work
Typical female pretending to work

So here’s a new perspective on the whole “should we allow women to take over the tech industry or any other industry” question, courtesy of the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog. Yes, women, if you want to run a business or an industry you apparently have to check with the dudes at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog first.

In a post titled “Why We Don’t Want Women Taking Over Tech Or Any Other Industry,” the ironically named “Reality forever” explains that women shouldn’t be allowed to run anything because, well, women are terrible and apparently love making everyone go to meetings:

[M]en are afraid of women in the workplace because all they bring is misery, low morale, lawsuits based on false accusations, insanity in general, never ending useless meetings and all around stupidity and dysfunction and low productivity.

Also, cats:

Even women hate working with other women. Put several cats in a small cage together and you’ll get the picture.

Huh. As sensible as Reality forever’s argument has been so far, I have a couple of slight objections to make here. Human women are not, to the best of my knowledge, cats.

Also, I’m pretty sure the issue here isn’t the cats so much as the whole small cage thing. Basically, if you put any animal – or person – in a small cage they’re going to be a bit grouchy, particularly if you stuff another couple of animals or people in there with them.

I mean, your uncle Ted might be the most affable fellow in the world, but if you throw him in a tiny cage with, say, your other uncle Brian, there’s going to be some friction. Toss in some cats, or perhaps a hyena or two, and you’re really asking for trouble.

Let’s let Reality forever continue, just in case his argument gets better.

But we can all give a sigh of relief because women will NEVER dominate any industry and there are specific reasons why. The reasons are contained in female nature. Any female above admin in any corporate office can barely even show up for work on any consistent basis.

I think he’s on to something. I sometimes see women walking around the streets in the middle of the day. They probably left to go to work in the morning but just got lost. Or distracted by a shoe sale. Women love shoes, amirite fellas high five.

I know this sounds insane, but we [have] thousands of clients and the vast majority of the companies wherein we have female contacts are rarely ever in. Many have taken off for a year at a tine.

You may not realize it, fellas, but women can just wander off on a break and not come back for a year.

It’s like this well hidden, but giant secret that no one talks about and I don’t think a lot of people are even aware of because women are so stealth at covering up their deviance and so many people will cover for them.

It’s true. If you look closely at many of the so-called women who work in your office you will discover that a lot of them are actually mannequins, carefully disguised to look like your female co-workers – who have probably been sitting on a tropical beach somewhere eating bon bons for the last 8 months with no one suspecting a thing.

In fact I’ve been trying to find other people who have seen this who deal with a large number of companies like I do.

They take off huge chunks of time- months even a year at a time then refuse to be at work before 11am and are gone by 2pm and never work on mon. or fri. then suddenly quits after a short time. Forever. Not just that job- all work completely.

It’s the dirty secret of the corporate world: most full-time women employees work only 12 hours a week, if that.

Women really only want to work part time if at all – they just like the idea of work and a status title and do not want to make any commitment to anything or anyone- especially women now.

It’s a little-known fact that Sheryl Sandberg’s official title at Facebook is “Pretty Princess of Operations” and that she only works three hours a week.

That is their flaky nature. And yes, they are ALL like that- 98% of them. And they’re lazy and don’t want to ever try harder or get out of their comfort zone or take risks. Women are their own worst enemies.

Oh, don’t be modest, Reality forever. People like you are their worst enemies.

In the comments, Reality forever expands upon his thesis.

I … work for a telecom and I’m in sales – so we have clients in virtually ALL industries and/or go to pitch potential clients in all industries. And I’ve been at it for 6 years total and with any females who have an actual title like IT Manager, VP or any kind of administrative anything, they are extremely clever at barely putting in any hours – I know because it’s my job (unfortunately) to have to deal with so many of them on a daily basis and communicate with them.

They’re extremely flaky, moody, never want any responsibilities at all to make any decisions, barely ever come into work, are as useless pedals on a wheelchair, spiteful, condescending, vindictive- the most horrible people I have ever had to deal with have all been women. And the vast majority of them are all the same in their patterns.

They’re overemotional about everything so they come off even creepy a lot of the time! With the men, it’s about 2-5% of them are jerks, flip that for women to about 2-5% of them are decent. That’s just been my experience dealing with all these women in virtually every industry there is.

And they are always just… OUT. Whether it’s ‘not in yet’ ‘already left for the day.’ Not in ‘today.’ ‘Out till next week.’ If I had 25 cents for every time I’ve heard ‘she’ is ‘out’ I would be wealthy, and no, they’re not just trying to avoid me and lying- they’ll actually be out, you can hear the sincerity in the voice of whoever’s telling me this that day. …

And I would expect it’s their being allergic to work that has kept them from really achieving anything across the board. And it’s ironically BECAUSE of Feminism that made them this way- everyone needs to make special ‘concessions’ for them and bend to them, not them needing to bend to fit in and join the work flow. …

Feminism, everything women are up to now, all of it, is mostly just a fraud and illusion and I’m telling you this thing of women being OUT all the time is real! Go to any company website in any industry, go to the staff directory, or go to connect and look up the staff directory for any company, then call and ask for any of the females above admin on that list and they will just happen to be out that day!

And it’ll be like Tuesday at 11am. It’s this phenomenon that I’ve been trying to tell people about for years, but they just don’t believe me or don’t understand what I’m talking about.

Huh. It must be true. Because I can’t think of any other reason women would want to avoid taking a call from you.

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10 years ago

Ugh. Reminds me of how yesterday my younger brother was getting job applications and nearly everyone he saw said they were “grateful for a man” to apply, with one manager adding that she needed more men because women “created drama”. Younger Brother was rather disturbed by that manager’s remarks.

10 years ago

This is like a guy writing a screed about how no woman has ever dated a man, because they’re all too busy washing their hair.

10 years ago

Wait what? First he says these women have titles like IT Manager or VP of whatever, then he goes on to say they have never achieved anything in their lives. I dunno, call me crazy, but making it to IT Manager sounds pretty decent to me.

And yes, dude, they are avoiding you – they can smell the misogyny oozing from your every pore.

10 years ago

Oh ya – anybody know where i can find one of these “women’s” jobs where showing up only 30-50% of the time goes virtually unnoticed? Because that sounds like a sweet, sweet gig.

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

If I had 25 cents for every time I’ve heard ‘she’ is ‘out’ I would be wealthy, and no, they’re not just trying to avoid me and lying- they’ll actually be out, you can hear the sincerity in the voice of whoever’s telling me this that day. …

That gatekeeper is sincere, all right. Sincerely wishing THEY could use the “not in today/this week/until 2018” excuse with you. But since there they are on the phone with you, you probably wouldn’t buy it.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

The CFO where I work is there 6 days a week, she comes in on Sunday.

Douchebag sexist salesbro wonders why teh stupid wimmenz won’t listen to his superior man-wisdom on what they need to buy…or admit to being in the office when they aren’t duty- bound to take his calls.

10 years ago

And yes, they are ALL like that- 98% of them.

I thought it was supposed to be women that can’t do math.

In any case, what I learned from this is that female executives are better at screening their calls than male executives. Or at least more likely to go “Ugh, that guy, the one who always rants about how terrible women are? Just tell him I moved to the Bahamas”.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

[M]en are afraid of women in the workplace because all they bring is misery, low morale, lawsuits based on false accusations, insanity in general, never ending useless meetings and all around stupidity and dysfunction and low productivity.


This original research report produced by an independent, non-profit advisory organisation seeks to establish statistical support for the business case in terms of gender diversity in senior management.

Catalyst examined the financial performance of 353 Fortune 500 companies between 1996 and 2000. Companies were grouped into quartiles by female representation in management, and the top quartile companies’ performance compared against that of the bottom quartile companies, both by industry and overall. A strong relationship is found between higher gender diversity in management and better financial performance. Appendices include a detailed description of the methodology, the statistical procedures used, and comparisons of statistics by specific industry.

10 years ago

So I’m one of two females in an Engineering department where I work, and we have an endless string of meetings. As scheduled by the male Manager of Engineering and male Supervisor. If I had my way I’d do away with about half of them, and if people didn’t need to be there, they wouldn’t. There’s nothing worse than sitting through a meeting that has nothing to do with the work you do. Go figure.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

And there’s always Credit Suisse

There has been considerable research on the impact of gender diversity on business. This report addresses one key question: does gender diversity within corporate management improve performance? While it is difficult to demonstrate definitive proof, no one can
argue that the results in this report are not striking. In testing the performance of 2,360 companies globally over the last six years, our analysis shows that it would on average have been better to have invested in corporates with women on their management
boards than in those without. We also find that companies with one or more women on the board have delivered higher average returns on equity, lower gearing, better average growth and higher price/book value multiples over the course of the last six years.

But they’re only saying that because they’re so PC, right?

10 years ago

Tech companies, especially startups, are dominated by men, and have way too many damn meetings. All-company meetings, even! Which are mostly an excuse to eat free food any pay no attention at all to what the CEO is saying.

Yep, getting rid of women sure does make companies more productive.

10 years ago

Whenever I hear improbably rants like this, I actually start to wonder how much real experience these authors have in actual workplaces, because my experiences do not match up with theirs in any way, shape, or form.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I … work for a telecom and I’m in sales

LOL! So he can’t think of any possible reason why the women he’s trying to reach are “out” for months at a time? You know, I’ve been that person, the one trying to protect the manager from irritating time-sinks like this asshole.

no, they’re not just trying to avoid me and lying- they’ll actually be out, you can hear the sincerity in the voice of whoever’s telling me this that day.

HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH yes, they sound very sincere, because dipshits like this ensure that the people in first-contact positions get plenty of practice at faking sincerity!

Seriously, he works in sales, and the people he wants to harass with his sales pitch are perpetually not available, and he can’t put two and two together.

10 years ago

I don’t think he saw anything at all.

The, “I’ve been lurking” is a different attempt to buy cred. I’ve seen it so many times/places that it’s tempting to reflexively dismiss it. But for Nationalist Boy to have been reading enough to have read that thread, all the way to the end, would also be to have read enough to know that it’s not likely any of the claims being made would work (and I see three, 1: His being trans [which I was skeptical of, before looking at his blog*), our need to “check our cis-privilege, and that of our being TERFs/tran phobic).

Instead the (theoretically cheap, almost free) claim of being a lurker is supposed to make one both “one of the crowd”, but also to generate sympathy. They are a fellow-traveller, and finally making the leap into commenting.

It’s also supposed to make other people ignore infelicities, because obviously they know the subtexts of the community.

I suspect the “he’s using past events to troll” is us projecting. It was a big deal, and there are still people processing it. The questions of what happened, why it happened and what we can do to prevent such a things from happening again, without changing the general nature of the community are on our minds.

His broad claim, married to that bit of catchphrase-invocation, makes us wonder if the things which bothered us are so obvious to other people as well. We are second guessing ourselves in private, which leads to such second guessing in public. In a place less solidly structured than this, that might lead to conflict.

But, to do that would require him to actually know the local issues; and he doesn’t.

*where today he posted, “My motto: surround yourself with motivated people with a sense of self-responsiblity. Ignore the haters and SJWs like they aren’t even there. Light trolling can be useful sometimes however.

10 years ago

@jbgarner, ikr? I think it’s an excuse he makes up to explain his lack of success at sales. “It’s the damn wimminz! If only they were around, I would be making so much money!”

Like, why does this guy think that a manager of IT is just going to be “around” every time he happens to call? That’s a fairly important job, and at least where I work, these people are EXTREMELY busy and DO NOT have a lot of time for salespeople.

10 years ago

Oops, wrong thread.

10 years ago

It’s true. If you look closely at many of the so-called women who work in your office you will discover that a lot of them are actually manikins, carefully disguised to look like your female co-workers – who have probably been sitting on a tropical beach somewhere eating bon bons for the last 8 months with no one suspecting a thing.

You have said too much.

10 years ago

Sales can be a bit ego-destroying so I can see why he’d want to convince himself that some of the people he’s trying to reach are unavailable for other reasons but nope, dude, chances are that they’re just ducking you.

10 years ago

He has never, ever been in a hospital, has he?

10 years ago

Also, if you’re the kind of person who’s always willing to believe that women are terrible, then of course the “she’s not here right now” excuses sound more sincere to you, since if the gatekeeper said that about a male executive you’d assume they were lying. Confirmation bias, dude.

10 years ago

“as useless [as] pedals on a wheelchair” = because you’re only allowed to use a wheelchair if can’t move your legs/have no legs -_- Wow, sexism and ableism in one go! Do you think he was worried he wouldn’t fill he quota of awful for the day?

Also, David, I have to ask… What’s with the bon bon joke? I mean, I’m not complaining – I still find it funny – but is it a clever reference to A Doll’s House or something? Maybe I’m overthinking it.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

@ pecunium…wrong thread, but Assbag4ever is probably a troll and definitely more full of shit than a cesspool.
I feel like I wasted too much time on him.

10 years ago

I don’t think sales is his niche, he should stay away from interacting with anyone. But I would like to get a position at this company where your work part time but get paid full time ( Only if you are a lazy woman…acourse). He is awful person.

10 years ago

I know why he’s being ignored:

I … work for a telecom and I’m in sales

He’s a fucking telemarketer and no one wants to deal with them.

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