#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? BINGO! boner rage evil sexy ladies evil SJWs evil ugly women geek girls harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed white men playing the victim sarkeesian! the c-word white knights whores zoe quinn

#GamerGate Bingo is HERE!

Uh oh, women are taking over BINGO too!
Uh oh, women are taking over BINGO too!

The long wait is over! #GamerGate Bingo is here! Well, here, actually. Go there for your very own randomly generated bingo card, and get playing!

Also, I can edit the list of phrases that’s being used to make the cards, so if you have ideas for new phrases, or you want to improve the wording of one that’s already there, or you think one of them should be removed for being redundant or too obscure or too obvious or whatever, let me know in the comments!

MRA and PUA/Red Pill Bingo are coming soon!

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10 years ago

Nicely done. Have you been eavesdropping on emails between me and my delusional teenager? He’s very fond of the “watch this 12 hour YouTube video” mode of argument.

10 years ago

*Bracing for cries of “online bingo is not a REAL game!” Because REAL Games, as we all know, involve macho protags, jiggly boobies, and lots and lots of bang-bang guns.

10 years ago

Is that toaster one of the fabulous prizes we wimmenz could be awarded if we win #GamerGate Bingo?

10 years ago

Great job, David! Thanks.
Can’t wait till the ‘classic’ MRA Edition is out though – I could really use one literally two days ago.

10 years ago

Wohoo! #NotAllGamergaters!

I really hope I get that bingo square each post. It’s my favourite.

10 years ago

The is a feminazi front may be my favorite square.

10 years ago

I’ll just leave this here…comment image:large

10 years ago

Well, would you look at that…comment image:large

10 years ago



10 years ago


Uh oh, women are taking over BINGO too!

Nooo, not bingo! One of the manliest hobbies ever, right between bending steel bars with your bare hands and playing videogames!

Seriously though, great work.


Thanks for sharing. Goes to show that GamerGate defenders not only lack arguments and self-awareness, but a sense of humor as well.

10 years ago

One of the “pro-GamerGate” bingo squares is “blocked.”

Because someone refusing to be talked at by a gamerbro is the worst discrimination evah!

10 years ago

I think it’s pretty telling how many of the anti-feminist GamerGate bingo squares are totally subjective, like, “whine whine whine”, where as the anti-sexist bingo squares focus on quantifiable statements and/or images.

10 years ago

Did you all see Zoe Quinn’s thing in Cracked today?

Good for her. It’s about time we got some real exposure for misogynists and anti-feminists. Maybe, like vampires, they will burn up and disintegrate in the cold light of day.

10 years ago

My brother is into GamerGate right now. I think he still believes it’s a righteous crusade against the Indie Illuminati. Yes he used that term.

10 years ago

@Sarah: That article is great! The GamerGate fiasco is a horrible mess of disgusting people being their truest, vilest selves, but the last point on the article ended on a hopeful note. By blowing this whole thing out of proportion, gamerdude misogynists are showing their true colors to the world, and it’s not a pretty sight to behold. The more they and their shitty ideas are exposed to the public, the more they’ll have to face the fact that they’re a dying breed.

I wish all the best for Zoe Quinn in her future endeavours. She is amazingly courageous.

10 years ago

Sarah: Thanks for sharing that. I have to say, I missed the bit about Adam Baldwin getting involved. I know he’s a shit-heel, but that situation is just so mind-bending. An actor who plays a part she likes in a show she enjoys goes off on her personally online… I don’t think I can properly process that level of surreality.

…actually wait.

I even remember that happening before, when Nick Searcy went after Amanda Marcotte on twitter “banning” her from watching Justified. I keep forgetting just how thin the walls between actor and audience are now.

10 years ago

My favorite part of that Cracked article comes right at the beginning:

A few weeks ago our message board and general inbox were bombarded with demands we address something called the “GamerGate Scandal”, posts written with the urgency and rage one would associate with, say, discovering that Chipotle burritos are made entirely from the meat of human babies. It’s apparently a big deal in some circles, so we followed the links and read the piles of data presented, and had to stop and take a deep breath just to grasp it all. “Gentlemen,” we said amid the stunned silence, “do you realize that if what they’re saying is true, then this is still the most pointless fucking bullshit anyone has ever forced us to read?”

You can’t count on Cracked to get it, but when they do it is kind of glorious.

10 years ago

Oh also at the end:

Editor’s Note: If you found this article from another message board and are about to leave a comment that boils down to, “I don’t condone the harassment, but let me explain why she deserved it!” please just take a deep breath, step away from your computer, and call your mother. Tell her you love her. Call a friend and ask if they need anything. Go outside, gaze up into the sky, take a deep breath, and really appreciate the fact that you’re alive and that you should make the most of it. Thank you.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Something really is very wrong with our culture.

10 years ago

As a reminder that there are a lot of truly decent people out there too… Remember that gun instructor who died when a 9-year-old girl he was teaching lost control of the weapon? His family has done something very kind for the 9-year-old girl.

Trolls, 4channers, bigots, take note: This is how you human.

10 years ago

HAHA I love the “internal misogyny” square of the anti-feminist Bingo card. It’s actually “internalized misogyny,” which you’d know if you took the pacifier out and tried to listen once in a while.

10 years ago

Ah, someone beat me to it, never mind. 🙂

10 years ago

Goes to show that GamerGate defenders not only lack arguments and self-awareness, but a sense of humor as well.

I’ll have one with double lack of self awareness…

Oh, and let’s not forget projection… I see a lot of it there.

I think it’s pretty telling how many of the anti-feminist GamerGate bingo squares are totally subjective, like, “whine whine whine”

I noticed that too… there are at the very least 5 squares which any self-delusional dude could actually fit anything being said to him.

In fact, it does sound a lot like the abusers’ tactic of “translating” the other person’s words into something obviously ridiculous.

They really don’t intend to be this transparent, do they?

10 years ago

Sarah: Thanks for sharing that. I have to say, I missed the bit about Adam Baldwin getting involved. I know he’s a shit-heel, but that situation is just so mind-bending. An actor who plays a part she likes in a show she enjoys goes off on her personally online… I don’t think I can properly process that level of surreality.

I looked at his twitter feed. At least one person has said that he’s sad to see an actor from one of his favorite shows acting like this, and Baldwin came right out and posted a meme to indicate he doesn’t care about Firefly or Firefly fandom anymore. The same meme made it clear he intends to plow forward with #GamerGate as a righteous cause celebré. So, he’s staked his claim, and it’s pro-misogyny.

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