#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? bad boys creepy dark enlightenment drama kings men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no games for girls

MRAs and #GamerGaters: Maybe you're the baddies?

Screencap from a video by Banne666au

A little realization hit me while I was watching videos about #GamerGate recently. MRAs and #GamerGaters really seem to enjoy depicting themselves as cartoon villains. Above, the skull-in-a-Koolaid-pitcher mascot of MRA videoblogger Bane666au.

Below, a screencap from a video by Mundane Matt, one of the movers and shakers behind the whole #GamerGate thing.

Intro to video by Mundane Matt
Intro to video by Mundane Matt

Once the smokey skull intro is over, here’s what you look at the rest of the time when you watch one of his videos:


And while we’re at it, the logo for his channel:


When they’re not depicting themselves as evil skulls with creepy eyes, MRAs and other antifeminists like to identify themselves with fictional villains:

An A Voice for Men meme. Note to MRAs: Walter White is NOT a good role model.


That is, when they’re not posing as supervillains themselves:

Nick Reading of Men's Rights Edmonton, from his Patriarchy Party brochure.
Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton, from his Patriarchy Party brochure.

Oh, hey, it’s our friend Davis Aurini, from earlier today, in an unphotoshopped screenshot from a video of his.

Apparently Davis Aurini didn't pay the electric bill for his supervillain lair
Apparently Davis Aurini is trying to save on electricity in his supervillain lair

Oh, and here’s a screenshot from a more recent video of his. Note the skull. That’s right: he owns a freaking skull.

That's right -- a freaking SKULL
A freaking SKULL

I hate to tell you guys, but I think YOU’RE THE BADDIES.

Yes, I know I’ve posted this video before, but once again it seemed very very apt.

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Michael McG
Michael McG
10 years ago

Are you just, like, too special for a social skill or what?

Cool ableism, bro.

10 years ago

Seriously? Just cut it out. You are acting like an ass.

Michael McG
Michael McG
10 years ago

Michael, nobody is defending the use of cretin — they’re just saying they didn’t know what it meant. You need to lighten up a bit.

Yah….but when one insist that “moron” and “cretin” are no longer problematic, I’d say one has moved past ignorance to defense.

10 years ago

I… think hellkell meant special as in unique, without precedence, not harkening to a normal distribution, an outlier, a unikum, a statistical anomaly not special needs.

Anyhow, “cretin” and “defense” is a strange sentence structure when I can see, in this thread, literally only 3 people using it. Blahlistic (once), you Michael McG ( a bit) and GrumpyOldMan (twice, technically). So when GrumpyOldMan says “No one is defending the word cretin” I think he actually means the sentence no one is defending the word cretin in this thread

Or to put it in a different parlence: oi oi oi, what’s all this then?

10 years ago

Fibi: that’s exactly it, thanks.

I have no idea what’s going, but the absolute rudeness and trying to rules-lawyer (or whatever that shit with the comments policy was) to people posting in good faith has my hackles up.

10 years ago

You really are determined to be as unpleasant as possible, aren’t you? Your choice, but I really wouldn’t recommend continuing down this path.

10 years ago

Oh, I found an example of moron. Four days ago, three pages back, someone wrote “oxymoron”.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Cool ableism, bro.

::snort:: Cool misgendering, Michael. /s

10 years ago

Can I put in a plead for taking things at face value?

Re: cretin

Most people seemed more, “wow! I didn’t know that was used for a condition involving iodine deficiency, thyroid shenanigans, and physical deformities!” and not so much “but, but, but I like that insult”

I have no idea what’s going on with bonkers. If bonkers is bad, might I use bananas? Or oranges? In order to express the following sentiment: “that line of thought is so lacking in understandability with respect to the conversation, that it’s really like you’re discussing fruits in a conversation about cats. And the cat conversation is NOT about cats and fruits… Although that would be interesting.”

Re: past conversations

In floor of national foot in mouth day (which isn’t today, but should be), can we leave it be?

Started this post 10 minutes ago, so I might be severely ninja’d. Also, not intending to be police-y, I’m just really confused by the malarkey happening here…

10 years ago

Also, totes not denying there is some severe toe-jam sammiches being eaten in this thread, and past threads.

Please, stop.

Toe-jam sammiches are not cool.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Cats and fruit …

Never mention bananas around Fribbie. She’s convinced we’re trying to poison her with them.

10 years ago

contrapangloss: I get that you want to leave it be, but I am in no mood to after recent events and one person who was determined to mold this board into what they wanted.

I don’t even care about not using the words, that’s not even the issue anymore.

10 years ago

No, let’s go back to past conversations. I’m perfect and blameless and have never made a mistake in my life, so I’m totally cool with—pfhahahahah I couldn’t even finish that.

Sure, that’s good with me. I was just confused is all, since we had the “the defense of cretin!” when I just…

A) couldn’t imagine anyone really defending it if it was pointed out others disagreed
B) couldn’t see the defense.

It confused me!

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

BTW, I was the one who objected to “bonkers” way back upthread, but that was because it was a dreadful troll, Tyler Owen, who used it, so I assumed no good faith. (That was Mr. “GamerGate is not anti-feminist” and “email me so we way discuss further!”)

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Hmm…had forgotten about cretinism.
Yeah, that could be seen as very ableist, willing to forsake it.

Noting that since the advent of affordable thyroid hormone replacements that cretinism would only be seen in people without access to medical treatment.

Dunno, this is starting to strike me as Ally part 2. The thing is, it’s a fuzzy boundary
A REALLY fuzzy boundary…


Since this fecal matter of words we can and can’t use has hit the fan twice so far since I’ve been here, do y’all think it a good idea to create an official “too damn offensive” word list?

I mean, I wasn’t offended by “scrotosphere.” As it’s not about the possessors of scrotums so much as those who think said scrotum and penis gives them Divine Rights.

I’m not offended by bonkers, though I DO have big bad brain cooties.
I’m not offended by really graphic words referring to genitalia, poop, barf, and so forth.

As for “stupidity” and “moronic” I really wish there were a better word for willfully inane mindsets than that?

10 years ago

Evidence so far suggests that just backing off and keeping quiet when someone is behaving badly doesn’t tend to work out well here.

10 years ago

I don’t think we need a list of the big bad words.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I’ll drop cretin if that’s the consensus (ironically, in its probable Occitan origins it wasn’t an insult, rather the opposite – Christian, a reminder of the humanity of the person with the condition). Moron, stupid, idiot – nope, they stay. I’d have thought the “willful” part was implicit when it’s misogynists and racists and the like we’re talking about, or to, in the case of gobshite trolls. I like Robert’s “bad minded” phrase.

And yeah, no more Ally behaviour. Don’t need it. One person controlling the board to the extent where others thought they’d be jumped on or booted for disagreeing with their opinion is not a good thing. (Well, except the Dark Lord, of course.)

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Well, I was trying to find a way to smooth things out, and in so doing, managed to use an uncool epithet myself…*mumbles some more around toes*
Whatever makes the boats float?
I just hate intra-group arguing with a passion, is all.

10 years ago

The group was getting along just fine until one person decided that it was time for Blog Drama: The Revenge.

10 years ago

I think there is a difference between pointing out inadvertent ableism and playing gotcha with it in an attempt to be more non-ableist than thou. I am mostly interested in not insulting people who are posting in good faith, either by using terms that are offensive to them or by nit-picking their choice of words unless they are well-established slurs. Dogg knows I have tortured my brains to come up with non-ableist ways of characterizing MRAs and their ilk, but I have made the sacrifice in the hope of keeping a certain degree of disorderly decorum here.

There is a fine line between saying that someone’s thinking ability is majorly screwed up and using ableist insults, but we just have to keep working at it. We are all (I think) honestly trying to introduce a little sensitivity into an insensitive world and we need to realize we are attempting something for which there are no clear established road-maps.

10 years ago

Fun fact: There is a street named Cretin in St Paul and the Ramones saw that when they played in the area and were inspired to write this song

10 years ago

Yo Michael, you are being a jerk.
It is possible that in your self righteous posturing you may not have noticed.

10 years ago

I think there is a difference between pointing out inadvertent ableism and playing gotcha with it in an attempt to be more non-ableist than thou.

This. This gotcha thing is really fucking sleazy.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

If this is an attempt to gain back some sense of moral authority after the whole “yeah, but what’s wrong with being a sleazy creep in sexualized spaces?” conversation

Wait, what? Which thread was this?