#gamergate $MONEY$ antifeminism entitled babies evil SJWs expats false accusations harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed nonpology PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian!

Did Professional Sarkeesian-hater Davis Aurini Commit Felony Wire Fraud? Hell if I know, but he’s definitely an unethical dick.

Davis Aurini, doing his best "Blue Steel" for the camera.
Davis Aurini, doing his best impersonation of a cartoon villain.

On Friday, expat woman-hating woman-chaser Roosh Valizadeh put up a post on his Return of Kings blog with the sensationalized headline Did Anita Sarkeesian Commit Felony Wire Fraud?”

Roosh breathlessly “reported” that

Two independent journalists have confirmed with the San Francisco Police Department that Anita Sarkeesian, a video game social justice warrior, may have used false pretenses to raise money for her non-profit entity. The police have said that she has not contacted them as she claimed after receiving a Twitter death threat in August. Under Federal law, this may put her on the hook for felony wire fraud.

The two “independent journalists” in question are tech journalist and self-described “fan of 4chan” Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart, and Davis Aurini, the cigarette-smoking, scotch-drinking, Anton LaVey-looking blogger who’s trying to raise money to make a “documentary” about the evils of Anita Sarkeesian and “social justice warriors.”

Both journalists – well, the one dude who writes for a sleazeball right-wing site and the other dude who’s not actually a journalist at all – did indeed contact the San Francisco Police Department and were told by a media spokesman that he couldn’t find a record of Sarkeesian contacting them about the threats she received in August.

This bit of “news” sent #GamerGaters and other Sarkeesian-haters around the internet into a bit of a frenzy.

But it turns out they got worked up over nothing. The police spokesman just hadn’t looked hard enough. A day after Tweeting a number of accusatory questions to Sarkeesian, Yiannopoulos had to backtrack, noting in a series of Tweets that he’d had another conversation with the SFPD, who told him that Sarkeesian had in fact reported the harassment to the FBI.

Another writer posted emails he’d gotten from the police spokesman that seemed to confirm Yiannopoulos’ updated information. In the emails, SFPD Public Information Officer Albie Esparza said that Sarkeesian had indeed contacted the SFPD in August but that the case had been handed off to the FBI. (I’ve confirmed this with Esparza .)

Given that the main “proof” that Sarkeesian was lying about the threats she said she received had just vanished into thin air, you might expect that Roosh and Aurini might, you know, correct their now-clearly incorrect posts on the subject and retract their accusations. Well, not so much.

Roosh’s post remains up, with only a brief “update” at the end, noting that “the police have changed their story and now state that they were contacted.” Aurini’s post remains unchanged, and as I write this he’s posted nothing more on the subject.

Even considering the people we’re dealing with here, the hypocrisy is breathtaking.

Roosh ends his post by declaring that

these new revelations concerning Sarkeesian show that no form of media is safe from the SJW and feminist agenda, and that we must do all the fact checking ourselves. The entire media establishment in the United States is potentially corrupt. Proceed accordingly.

Yet he refuses to frankly acknowledge that the “new revelations concerning Sarkeesian” were based on faulty information, offering instead a weasel-worded “update.”

Aurini, for his part, claims in his post to be “fight[ing] for openness and integrity within Tech and Video Game circles.” But he hasn’t bothered to update his post.

When ethical journalists discover that they were wrong about something, they acknowledge their errors and post straightforward corrections. When they get something spectacularly wrong, they apologize.

Somehow I don’t think we’ll be getting apologies from either of these guys.

And thus we get to the whole wire fraud thing. In his post, Roosh repeated a claim made by Mike Cernovich of the “game” blog Danger and Play, who tweeted:

As it turns out, there’s zero proof that Sarkeesian lied about anything here. And she made no direct connection between the threats and her Tweet asking for donations.

Indeed, by Cernovich’s logic it’s Davis Aurini, not Anita Sarkeesian, who’s guilty of felony wire fraud. Why?

Because in his post, he made a direct connection between his accusations against Sarkeesian and his own fundraising efforts. Here’s how he ended his piece:

Personally, I’d like to see a lot MORE documentation on Sarkeesian, because this isn’t the only claim she’s made which I suspect is fraudulent – and not just her, but all of the individuals hiding behind the shield of Social Justice, and the journalists who have been aiding and abetting them, culminating in outrage known as #GamerGate. That’s why Jordan Owen and myself have started a Patreon page, so that we can create a feature-length documentary about these people and their methods, and how they bully and victimize the very people they claim to support.

So please help us get this documentary made, so that we can fight for openness and integrity within Tech and Video Game circles, and expose the professional victims for the con artists that they are. Please support our documentary, The Sarkeesian Effect: Inside the World of Social Justice Warriors.

Given that Aurini now knows that his post was based on faulty information, and given that he hasn’t corrected his post or retracted his insinuations, could he now be guilty of felony wire fraud?

For what it’s worth, I don’t think so. While admittedly I’m no lawyer, Cernovich’s logic seems to me like a bit of a stretch.

I do feel safe in saying, however, that neither Roosh V. nor Davis Aurini should be lecturing anyone about ethics.

UPDATE: I confirmed with the SFPD that Sarkeesian had indeed called the SFPD and that the case was handed off to the FBI; the post has been updated to reflect that.

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10 years ago

Anyway, I put in my 2 cents. Cheers people. 🙂 I’ll go back to lurking.

Feel free to dissect, critique, point out the lack of logic, how stupid I am, terrible, should be banned from the gene pool, small dick, misogynist, ect.

I also do enjoy ad hominem attacks, but make them unique and interesting.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

@hellkell: Do we need to fetch the fainting couch? Clutch your pearls, it may help.


Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Feel free to dissect, critique, point out the lack of logic, how stupid I am, terrible, should be banned from the gene pool, small dick, misogynist, ect.

I have other things to do with my time than conduct a free logic class for trolls.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

…and he sticks the flounce!


Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Anyway, I put in my 2 cents.

Don’t flatter yourself. Your opinions are worth far less than that.

10 years ago

Just more reasons for me to dislike the advocate of feminism these days – everything is personal

You’re right. Everything is personal. That’s because feminism is about people. You have been commenting to some of those people right now.

What is hard about that?

Have fun lurking.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

I have other things to do with my time than conduct a free logic class for trolls.

I would be nice if one of them understood what ad hominem actually means in terms of an argument.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

And somehow I think the gene pool is safe. Just a guess. Purely a beta, this one. Not likely to score any high-value female, and too afraid of any other woman to allow his precious man-juice to be stolen.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I would be nice if one of them understood what ad hominem actually means in terms of an argument.

It would be nice if they understood what logic means at all. You know, that “words, put together in some kind of sequence, by a man” is not the definition.

Bob Simpson
Bob Simpson
10 years ago

This means she’s not a gamer (HTH):

10 years ago

Wait. What logic? I know I missed a lot, but logic?

Do trolls even know what the word really means? And how incorrect conclusions are sometimes completely logical but based on flawed premises? Or how perfectly correct conclusions can be drawn without logic?

Logic is a system! Not a perfect thing that must be worshiped!

10 years ago

I think Paul Elam and Thunderf00t have teamed up to pioneer new forms of logic. One (so I’ve heard) is called ‘The-Convoluted-Pretzel-Logic-Crazy-Making Razor’. It puts Occam’s Razor to shame. If your opponent isn’t actively stabbing hirself in the eye by the time you’re done, you get your money back.

10 years ago

I’ll be honest about one thing. I now dismiss feminism entirely – regardless of who is espousing it or the validity of some of their points.

Women aren’t people anymore because Anita Sarkeesian isn’t a real gamer? Makes sense.

10 years ago

So what this one was doing was attempting to help people fill in all the squares on their bingo cards, right? He’s servicey!

10 years ago

sounds fishy

You know, the more I think on this, the more I keep thinking about how it should have been ‘seems fishy’ or ‘smells fishy’. Sounds fishy? Glub glub? Or is it actually a silent mouthing… I need Argenti’s expertise on this.

And yes, this really is the thing I found most interesting in the aardvark’s commentary.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

My first reaction was “Why is the media spokesperson for the SFPD telling random creeps about whether a person has laid charges anyway?” My instinct would be to say “Who are you and why do you want to know, oh and I’ll need ID before I tell you anything Mr Alleged Reporter, oh and there’s no public interest involved here, FUCK OFF you sleazy creep.”

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Feminism:the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

I now dismiss feminism entirely

Interpretations I can think of:

-You are actually against women having political, social, or economic equality to men.

-You don’t really care so much whether women have full human rights or not, but you want those damn feminists to shut up about the concerns of women.

-You don’t really care about other human beings that much in general.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Pfffft yeah sure dudebro was a lurker. He pretends to lurk, trots out the standard bullshit misogynists always do, then affects surprise at being called out for it.

Just another lying troll.

10 years ago

armeni4ever: Sounds fishy. How does a police spokesman fail to dig deeper the first time? It’s pretty simple to access the database and find the reports.

You work the the SFPD? No… so how do you know that any cop on the phone can access every report ever made in the time it takes to complete a phone call?

Fact of the matter is that finding a specific police report is a non-trivial task.

But you, in the arrogance of declaring who is, or isn’t credible, based on your (completely unbiased, and objective, opinion. One I’m sure you’ve based on your in depth personal knowledge of her habits, gameplay, etc.) opinion of her “gamer” status figure she’s absolutely not worth paying any attention to, which is why you came here to tell us how much you don’t care.

That seems kind of fishy to me.

10 years ago

armenia4ever: I’ll be honest about one thing. I now dismiss feminism entirely – regardless of who is espousing it or the validity of some of their points. (A position is either valid or invalid, regardless of who advocates for it).

I’m throwing out the baby with the bathwater, which isnt exactly rational

You said it.

10 years ago

Did he miss the part of the class where it was discussed that one does not need to be a self-professed “gamer” or given a “gamer” card by a member of the International Gamer Identification Association to play or witness being played a game that features a shitload of misogyny and then remark upon it? In an academic format? There are a lot of academic critiques of a lot of things where the writer isn’t a whatever-she’s-critiquing and it’s still acceptable critique.

I mean, I feel like we already went over this.

10 years ago

Shorter armenia4ever – I’m having a tantrum and you can’t stop me!

10 years ago

My personal evaluation of a real gamer is merely what I think, not some sort of objective truth on the concept

So… why should we care? ReallY. You’ve admitted you don’t care about the truth of it, will dismiss evidence out of hand because the person is “espousing a feminist” opinion (which is actual ad hominem*), admit you are dismissing valid claims because you don’t like them.

You’ve admitted you aren’t intellectiually honest, that you argue in bad faith and will not be swayed by the truth.

Why should anyone give a shit what you have to say? Your a faker, and a liar; a moral cretin and an imbecile; worse, you admit that you know these things to be true, and still expect us to be stupid enough to consider what you have to say as if it were meritorious.

So we can also see you to be an fool and a moron.

*When you say, “I also do enjoy ad hominem attacks, but make them unique and interesting. you actually mean insults, they are different. If you aren’t getting what you think to be your fair share of interesting insults, it’s probably because you are just too boring to be worth the trouble of those whom you irritate to expend more mental energy than needed to point out your baseline lack of personal merit.

In other words, you don’t rate the good stuff.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

She plays games, but she’s got a master’s in social and political thought. Her Bachelor’s is in communication.

It may really surprise you, Rob, but nobody needs a license to critique games from the High Cabal Of Initiated and Recognized Gamers in order to say something relevant about video games.

You have a right to your opinion, so does she…and a lot of people seem interested in her opinion. If that reality causes butthurt, I will play a tiny violin for you.

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

Milo flat out admitted to never playing games before this shit started, weird that he got his ass kissed.

Then he streams Hatoful Boyfriend after some schlub bought it for him.
A game with about the same amount of gameplay as the “NOT A GAME” depression quest, Is dating birds what defines something as a “game”?