#gamergate $MONEY$ antifeminism entitled babies evil SJWs expats false accusations harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed nonpology PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian!

Did Professional Sarkeesian-hater Davis Aurini Commit Felony Wire Fraud? Hell if I know, but he’s definitely an unethical dick.

Davis Aurini, doing his best "Blue Steel" for the camera.
Davis Aurini, doing his best impersonation of a cartoon villain.

On Friday, expat woman-hating woman-chaser Roosh Valizadeh put up a post on his Return of Kings blog with the sensationalized headline Did Anita Sarkeesian Commit Felony Wire Fraud?”

Roosh breathlessly “reported” that

Two independent journalists have confirmed with the San Francisco Police Department that Anita Sarkeesian, a video game social justice warrior, may have used false pretenses to raise money for her non-profit entity. The police have said that she has not contacted them as she claimed after receiving a Twitter death threat in August. Under Federal law, this may put her on the hook for felony wire fraud.

The two “independent journalists” in question are tech journalist and self-described “fan of 4chan” Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart, and Davis Aurini, the cigarette-smoking, scotch-drinking, Anton LaVey-looking blogger who’s trying to raise money to make a “documentary” about the evils of Anita Sarkeesian and “social justice warriors.”

Both journalists – well, the one dude who writes for a sleazeball right-wing site and the other dude who’s not actually a journalist at all – did indeed contact the San Francisco Police Department and were told by a media spokesman that he couldn’t find a record of Sarkeesian contacting them about the threats she received in August.

This bit of “news” sent #GamerGaters and other Sarkeesian-haters around the internet into a bit of a frenzy.

But it turns out they got worked up over nothing. The police spokesman just hadn’t looked hard enough. A day after Tweeting a number of accusatory questions to Sarkeesian, Yiannopoulos had to backtrack, noting in a series of Tweets that he’d had another conversation with the SFPD, who told him that Sarkeesian had in fact reported the harassment to the FBI.

Another writer posted emails he’d gotten from the police spokesman that seemed to confirm Yiannopoulos’ updated information. In the emails, SFPD Public Information Officer Albie Esparza said that Sarkeesian had indeed contacted the SFPD in August but that the case had been handed off to the FBI. (I’ve confirmed this with Esparza .)

Given that the main “proof” that Sarkeesian was lying about the threats she said she received had just vanished into thin air, you might expect that Roosh and Aurini might, you know, correct their now-clearly incorrect posts on the subject and retract their accusations. Well, not so much.

Roosh’s post remains up, with only a brief “update” at the end, noting that “the police have changed their story and now state that they were contacted.” Aurini’s post remains unchanged, and as I write this he’s posted nothing more on the subject.

Even considering the people we’re dealing with here, the hypocrisy is breathtaking.

Roosh ends his post by declaring that

these new revelations concerning Sarkeesian show that no form of media is safe from the SJW and feminist agenda, and that we must do all the fact checking ourselves. The entire media establishment in the United States is potentially corrupt. Proceed accordingly.

Yet he refuses to frankly acknowledge that the “new revelations concerning Sarkeesian” were based on faulty information, offering instead a weasel-worded “update.”

Aurini, for his part, claims in his post to be “fight[ing] for openness and integrity within Tech and Video Game circles.” But he hasn’t bothered to update his post.

When ethical journalists discover that they were wrong about something, they acknowledge their errors and post straightforward corrections. When they get something spectacularly wrong, they apologize.

Somehow I don’t think we’ll be getting apologies from either of these guys.

And thus we get to the whole wire fraud thing. In his post, Roosh repeated a claim made by Mike Cernovich of the “game” blog Danger and Play, who tweeted:

As it turns out, there’s zero proof that Sarkeesian lied about anything here. And she made no direct connection between the threats and her Tweet asking for donations.

Indeed, by Cernovich’s logic it’s Davis Aurini, not Anita Sarkeesian, who’s guilty of felony wire fraud. Why?

Because in his post, he made a direct connection between his accusations against Sarkeesian and his own fundraising efforts. Here’s how he ended his piece:

Personally, I’d like to see a lot MORE documentation on Sarkeesian, because this isn’t the only claim she’s made which I suspect is fraudulent – and not just her, but all of the individuals hiding behind the shield of Social Justice, and the journalists who have been aiding and abetting them, culminating in outrage known as #GamerGate. That’s why Jordan Owen and myself have started a Patreon page, so that we can create a feature-length documentary about these people and their methods, and how they bully and victimize the very people they claim to support.

So please help us get this documentary made, so that we can fight for openness and integrity within Tech and Video Game circles, and expose the professional victims for the con artists that they are. Please support our documentary, The Sarkeesian Effect: Inside the World of Social Justice Warriors.

Given that Aurini now knows that his post was based on faulty information, and given that he hasn’t corrected his post or retracted his insinuations, could he now be guilty of felony wire fraud?

For what it’s worth, I don’t think so. While admittedly I’m no lawyer, Cernovich’s logic seems to me like a bit of a stretch.

I do feel safe in saying, however, that neither Roosh V. nor Davis Aurini should be lecturing anyone about ethics.

UPDATE: I confirmed with the SFPD that Sarkeesian had indeed called the SFPD and that the case was handed off to the FBI; the post has been updated to reflect that.

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10 years ago

Your information is out of date, Sean.

Sean Hall
10 years ago

If a man writes this blog he is probably trying to gain favor with women. I’m sure he’s really confused as to why he doesn’t get any.

Sean Hall
10 years ago

BULLSHIT!!!!!!! there is no Police report

10 years ago

This troll is tedious and predictable. Good for filling up bingo cards but not much else.

It's A Furret (@RicksWriting)

I think you might have missed the more recent article. It might behoove you to consider it. It won’t make you right, of course, or less of a motormouth, just vaguely more aware.
If you have seen it, I apologize. Continue with your insane ramblings.

10 years ago

Say it really loud in all caps and the truthiness fairy will make it so.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I call it simple logic.

So you’re using an entirely new logical order? Invented by yourself??? I find this fascinating. Please elaborate on how this works. You can use your current argument as an example. First, lay out your premises in detail so I can follow along. Then explain how your new order of logic operates, what the theoretical scaffolding is, etc. and show me how you get from the premises to your conclusion (which, as far as I can tell, is that Sarkeesian is a lying liar who lies).

10 years ago

@emilygoddess, You were too nice in explaining the contradiction to him. I wanted to watch him flail around more, trying to figure it out.

If a man writes this blog he is probably trying to gain favor with women. I’m sure he’s really confused as to why he doesn’t get any.

I love how you accuse us, falsely, of throwing stale insults at you, and then hurl the stalest, tritest one of all at David. “David just writes this blog because he’s a pussy-begging mangina!” The lack of self awareness is truly stunning.

Sean Hall
10 years ago

I read all that nonsense… was a “tweet”. She’s backtracking. She would have a record of contacting them. She would have a name a Police report number.

10 years ago

How long until meltdown? I’m taking bets.

Sean Hall
10 years ago

Well, that is why he writes it? I mean what do you say about men who write blogs like Return of Kings? Do you give them a fair shot? Lets be honest, guys who do this and always….always trying to gain favor with women and “aren’t gonna be like that guy”.

Sean Hall
10 years ago

Until your meltdown? I’m guessing in a few posts? PS, who are you talking to?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Don’t get distracted by facts – we’re talking about logic here. The factual truth of the premises only needs to be tested if the logic is sound – if the logic isn’t sound, we can throw away the argument without troubling ourselves about the facts.

10 years ago

Did we put a “David only writes this to get laid” square? I think we need one, if we don’t.

SO many trolls…

10 years ago

This new “simple logic” is impervious to facts it would appear.

Sean Hall
10 years ago

If you can’t figure out simple logic then I can’t help you dear. However, you can continue to try and use a few big words you learned with your liberal arts degree to try and confuse me. It won’t work, but its a noble effort regardless.

10 years ago

We don’t know whether you hate your mother or are embittered, Sean. We don’t really care either. The problem is you whined about emotion dictating thought and then told us if we listened to our hearts we’d agree with your position. Ironic AND presumptuous. My heart doesn’t talk to me so I don’t listen to it re: harassment and truthiness. My default position though is not SHE LIE! It’s “I don’t know”. What I do know is she reported something to the police and that I get death and rape threats on the internet all the time SO I wouldn’t be surprised if other women who say things on the internet that men don’t necessarily like the sound of do too.

And I know that in my brain, not my heart or my vulva or whatever else it is these dudes believe I think with.

10 years ago

We need to have katz here ready to score this.

10 years ago

So! I think we are starting to get a pretty clear picture of who this troll is, eh?

Sean Hall
10 years ago

Hey, if you ladies wanna give your child support checks to some huckster so she can (its hard to not laugh writing this) continue her campaign against sexism in video games…..damn, laughed again. Then go ahead, I won’t stop you.

10 years ago

Daaaaaw! He thinks we all have liberal arts degrees!

Quick, oh mathy-mcMathy STEM man! Tell me how to get R sort a dataframe of 1024 rows with regards to 5 factors split into levels varying from 29 to 3.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

If you can’t figure out simple logic then I can’t help you dear.

So you’re admitting that you’re not using any form of recognized logic, and have also not constructed a brand-new one of your own?

10 years ago

….I’m a scientist. Why is he using pet names and assuming posters have liberal arts degrees? Are these things he knows in his heart? Did his heart tell him that?

10 years ago

Or, I’ll be nice. Get R to just do a nice mixed-effect model with a simple dataframe.

Sean Hall
10 years ago

Hey, like I said…..believe what you want. She would have posted a police report number, a name, and would follow up when they ran the IP address and caught who sent the threats (something that is pretty easy to do these days). But I’ll tell you what… will NEVER see who wrote those threats. You wanna know why?

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