#gamergate $MONEY$ antifeminism entitled babies evil SJWs expats false accusations harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed nonpology PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian!

Did Professional Sarkeesian-hater Davis Aurini Commit Felony Wire Fraud? Hell if I know, but he’s definitely an unethical dick.

Davis Aurini, doing his best "Blue Steel" for the camera.
Davis Aurini, doing his best impersonation of a cartoon villain.

On Friday, expat woman-hating woman-chaser Roosh Valizadeh put up a post on his Return of Kings blog with the sensationalized headline Did Anita Sarkeesian Commit Felony Wire Fraud?”

Roosh breathlessly “reported” that

Two independent journalists have confirmed with the San Francisco Police Department that Anita Sarkeesian, a video game social justice warrior, may have used false pretenses to raise money for her non-profit entity. The police have said that she has not contacted them as she claimed after receiving a Twitter death threat in August. Under Federal law, this may put her on the hook for felony wire fraud.

The two “independent journalists” in question are tech journalist and self-described “fan of 4chan” Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart, and Davis Aurini, the cigarette-smoking, scotch-drinking, Anton LaVey-looking blogger who’s trying to raise money to make a “documentary” about the evils of Anita Sarkeesian and “social justice warriors.”

Both journalists – well, the one dude who writes for a sleazeball right-wing site and the other dude who’s not actually a journalist at all – did indeed contact the San Francisco Police Department and were told by a media spokesman that he couldn’t find a record of Sarkeesian contacting them about the threats she received in August.

This bit of “news” sent #GamerGaters and other Sarkeesian-haters around the internet into a bit of a frenzy.

But it turns out they got worked up over nothing. The police spokesman just hadn’t looked hard enough. A day after Tweeting a number of accusatory questions to Sarkeesian, Yiannopoulos had to backtrack, noting in a series of Tweets that he’d had another conversation with the SFPD, who told him that Sarkeesian had in fact reported the harassment to the FBI.

Another writer posted emails he’d gotten from the police spokesman that seemed to confirm Yiannopoulos’ updated information. In the emails, SFPD Public Information Officer Albie Esparza said that Sarkeesian had indeed contacted the SFPD in August but that the case had been handed off to the FBI. (I’ve confirmed this with Esparza .)

Given that the main “proof” that Sarkeesian was lying about the threats she said she received had just vanished into thin air, you might expect that Roosh and Aurini might, you know, correct their now-clearly incorrect posts on the subject and retract their accusations. Well, not so much.

Roosh’s post remains up, with only a brief “update” at the end, noting that “the police have changed their story and now state that they were contacted.” Aurini’s post remains unchanged, and as I write this he’s posted nothing more on the subject.

Even considering the people we’re dealing with here, the hypocrisy is breathtaking.

Roosh ends his post by declaring that

these new revelations concerning Sarkeesian show that no form of media is safe from the SJW and feminist agenda, and that we must do all the fact checking ourselves. The entire media establishment in the United States is potentially corrupt. Proceed accordingly.

Yet he refuses to frankly acknowledge that the “new revelations concerning Sarkeesian” were based on faulty information, offering instead a weasel-worded “update.”

Aurini, for his part, claims in his post to be “fight[ing] for openness and integrity within Tech and Video Game circles.” But he hasn’t bothered to update his post.

When ethical journalists discover that they were wrong about something, they acknowledge their errors and post straightforward corrections. When they get something spectacularly wrong, they apologize.

Somehow I don’t think we’ll be getting apologies from either of these guys.

And thus we get to the whole wire fraud thing. In his post, Roosh repeated a claim made by Mike Cernovich of the “game” blog Danger and Play, who tweeted:

As it turns out, there’s zero proof that Sarkeesian lied about anything here. And she made no direct connection between the threats and her Tweet asking for donations.

Indeed, by Cernovich’s logic it’s Davis Aurini, not Anita Sarkeesian, who’s guilty of felony wire fraud. Why?

Because in his post, he made a direct connection between his accusations against Sarkeesian and his own fundraising efforts. Here’s how he ended his piece:

Personally, I’d like to see a lot MORE documentation on Sarkeesian, because this isn’t the only claim she’s made which I suspect is fraudulent – and not just her, but all of the individuals hiding behind the shield of Social Justice, and the journalists who have been aiding and abetting them, culminating in outrage known as #GamerGate. That’s why Jordan Owen and myself have started a Patreon page, so that we can create a feature-length documentary about these people and their methods, and how they bully and victimize the very people they claim to support.

So please help us get this documentary made, so that we can fight for openness and integrity within Tech and Video Game circles, and expose the professional victims for the con artists that they are. Please support our documentary, The Sarkeesian Effect: Inside the World of Social Justice Warriors.

Given that Aurini now knows that his post was based on faulty information, and given that he hasn’t corrected his post or retracted his insinuations, could he now be guilty of felony wire fraud?

For what it’s worth, I don’t think so. While admittedly I’m no lawyer, Cernovich’s logic seems to me like a bit of a stretch.

I do feel safe in saying, however, that neither Roosh V. nor Davis Aurini should be lecturing anyone about ethics.

UPDATE: I confirmed with the SFPD that Sarkeesian had indeed called the SFPD and that the case was handed off to the FBI; the post has been updated to reflect that.

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10 years ago

The rest of his tweets are a mixed bag… pretty typical glibertarian stuff, mixed with being a follower of WF Price and some other terrible pick-up lines.

Not a deep thinker.

10 years ago

@ WWTH: that would have to be assfax, to my knowledge. No studies on people who fabricate rape reports has been done, at least not that I have found.
Of course, some of those were actual victims hectored into recanting, so it’s hard to tell which false rape reports are really false.

There is this one study that Yes Means Yes wrote about, which suggests the false allegation rate is 2-6%. Their methodology excludes a lot of cases that’d likely be included if you were interested in giving a higher result.

10 years ago

feminists talking about misogyny are being implicitly transphobic because they assume that women (meaning cis women, of course) actually exist and have a particular set of problems worthy of consideration.

This is the misogyny equivalent of “colorblindness” – you’re talking about gender binary as if it’s a Thing, therefore you are the real bigot. Well, yeah, race/gender are a thing that people believe in, and it has an impact on our lives regardless of its truth value.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

@ striving…Salon had an article about a meta- analysis that said 6-8% of reports are false.
But as to how many of those false reporters ID’ed themselves as feminists, we have no data.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Race is a social construct with no genetic validity, but racism’s real.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

So, he straight-out says he’s a stalker (assuming it isn’t a made-up story) as if it’s some sort of pick-up line, and he links to RoK.

That says he’s likely a rapist or wannabe rapist, to me.

Yeah, I don’t think false accusations are going to be his real problem.

“My dear?” Ewwwwww! That reminds me of Harold from The Stand. Or any of the m’lady type guys.

Reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood. “The better to stalk you with, my dear”…ew.

This is the misogyny equivalent of “colorblindness” – you’re talking about gender binary as if it’s a Thing, therefore you are the real bigot. Well, yeah, race/gender are a thing that people believe in, and it has an impact on our lives regardless of its truth value.

Thank you. I was going to make this point, but then he was banned and I had to get back to work anyway.

10 years ago

P.S. I don’t date or sleep with feminists, so scat – I’m not getting falsely accused of rape .

That’s okay, trollboy, I have zero interest in sleeping with the likes of you.

And I bet your shitty blog doesn’t get many female visitors anyway.

10 years ago

“P.S. I don’t date or sleep with feminists, so scat – I’m not getting falsely accused of rape.”

This is actually a rather interesting statement. Is he saying that only feminists make false accusations of rape? I don’t think I’ve ever heard that from an MRA — to them, all women are deceitful hypergamites who will do anything to make life miserable for any man they encounter. Or is he admitting to being a PUA and only dating/sleeping with non-feminist women, defined as those with such low self-esteem that they’d never reject any male sexual attention? In other words, is his definition of a feminist “any woman who is not totally grateful that I would deign to fuck her”? By that sort of definition, one might well say that feminism has won the Battle.

10 years ago

I think it’s the idea that “Real Women” don’t regret bad sex, so they don’t end up with “buyer’s remorse”.

This is, of course, bullshit. On that model it’s non-feminists who are the greater threat (esp. to any PUA) as they are more invested in sex being, “special”, and “with the right person”, since they are more likely to be accepting the idea that “purity = moral/decent” and so have a reputation to maintain.

But coherent ideas about men/women are not their strong suit.

10 years ago

And why would not sleeping with feminists prevent false rape accusations anyway? According to their world view, feminists/women accuse men of rape all the time and the courts convict those men based on nothing but the feminists word, so why does sex have to happen for them to be falsely accused?
I think they are very much aware that false rape accusations aren’t a thing. The reason they avoid “sleeping with” feminists is because feminists tend to know more about rape than non-feminists, and thus are more likely to rightfully accuse rapists of being rapists.

10 years ago

@Myoo I don’t think they are really in danger of finding feminists that are willing to get near enough to fuck in the first place.

Chris Jacob
10 years ago

“the police have changed their story and now state that they were contacted” Wait, is he implying that the POLICE are in on the SJW conspiracy? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *Wipes a tear*

10 years ago

When (hetero)male-oriented gaming is emasculated and castrated, what other straight male hobby, will feminazis decide to attack and ruin and destroy next, I wonder?…

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

So acknowledging women as humans rather than fuck-and-kill toys emasculates you, does it? Having games exist that aren’t entirely about white dudes fapping is soooooo threatening?

And you’re the one wanting women to hero-worship you? What a loser you are.

10 years ago

Wow. RandomPester seems to be really desperate for attention right now.

10 years ago

Thank you, he was particularly tedious.

10 years ago

Yes, thank you David!

It’s amazing how a little mild criticism of sexist tropes in video games is “emasculating.”

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

what other straight male hobby, will feminazis decide to attack and ruin and destroy next, I wonder?

I suggest we destroy model trains! Who’s with me?

10 years ago

No, Cassie’s Major Domo, let’s be even MORE ebil!!! We’ll leave the trains, but paint them all pink and make everyone act like SJW!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! And boys will only be able to watch, while their mommies and sisters control the switches!!!

10 years ago

All the model towns must have shoes stores and a Yankee Candle Company!

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

And lavender seals along the tracks! With whore penguins! And to watch the train, all boys must sit on hard chairs!

10 years ago

“When (hetero)male-oriented gaming is emasculated and castrated, what other straight male hobby, will feminazis decide to attack and ruin and destroy next, I wonder?…”

Jeez, these guys emasculate/castrate pretty easily, don’t they.
The feminazis are already trying to deprive the dudes of sexual assault and domestic violence, and football is on its way to self-destruction because the level of violence among such large men is more than human brains and joints can withstand — so might I suggest the ultimate straight male hobby — war.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

New: SJW Scale Train Set! More reverse-racist and misandrist than HO Scale!

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