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Baffling MRA Meme of the Day: "Feminism creates equality like McDonald’s solves world hunger."


Actual "meme" found on the A Voice for Men Forums
Actual “meme” found on the A Voice for Men Forums

I found this “meme” on the A Voice for Men Forums, and it was too special not to share.

The AVFM “Graphics and Art” forum is kind of a gold mine for baffling and terrible “memes,” terribly drawn comics, and “graphics” that aren’t really graphics at all — like, for example, these graphically challenged entries:

O1wDDYovtywDmSDude, if you’re going to try to pass off a giant mess of words as a “graphic,” you could at least take ten seconds to proofread your, er, work.

This similarly verbose entry at least technically qualifies as a comic. The speakers are supposed to represent AVFM’s “Honey Badgers” facing off against some eeeevil feminists.


Some contributors to the “graphics” forum don’t even bother to make graphics themselves, hoping that others will be inspired to transform their ideas into brilliant works of art.

Alas, no one there has yet managed to turn this idea into a comic:

Cartoon idea – “the inevitable fate of Male Feminists”

Here’s my idea for a new cartoon (sorry, but I can’t draw for shit):

So you’ve got Michael Kimmel, PZ Myers, and David Futrelle, standing around talking together, each depicted with a human head on a praying mantis’s body. And the Kimmel mantis is saying something like, “Gosh, I think we’ve finally proven how valuable we are to the movement [Feminism]”.

You also notice a human head tucked in the corner of the room they’re standing in – it’s Hugo Schwyzer, with X’s drawn over his eyes.

And as they’re talking, you see another head roll in from the hallway, through an open door behind them. This time it’s Charles Clymer, and he appears to be freshly decapitated.

I would draw this myself, but, you know, I haven’t quite perfected my Michael Kimmel caricature.


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Jarred H
10 years ago

Fred_the_Dog: Oh yes, I forgot. The horror!

10 years ago

I know, right?

10 years ago


I can make it even more succint.

Una mujer lo está diciendo? Soy contra!

10 years ago

I’ve been wondering if this is tied to patriarchal stuff, e.g., “What do you mean *I* have to change to accommodate *other people*? I thought other people are supposed to change to accommodate me.”

I think so . . . I was once in the presence of a man (in a group setting) who said that he thought the idea of men having to watch what they say because it might make some women feel uncomfortable was the most sexist thing at all.

And I wanted to reply, “if that’s the most sexist thing of all to you, I would like to trade places with you for just one day.”

But I didn’t say that . . .

. . . because I was afraid of making him uncomfortable.


Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

But I didn’t say that . . .

. . . because I was afraid of making him uncomfortable.

Legit. But I do have to say that if you are able to get past that, it opens the way to some entertainment. Last year a guy told me to stfu because I was annoying him, and I laughed and told him I didn’t care. This was in-person, mind you. He just shut down completely; I reckon nobody had ever told him before that taking care of his feelings just wasn’t a priority, and he didn’t know how to react. I would have paid money to see that, but I got it for free!

10 years ago

Yeah, I regret not having said what I wanted to say.

10 years ago

Come, join us in the “don’t give a crap about some random guy’s delicate feelings” club. It’s much more fun here, I promise.

10 years ago

(For bonus fun, laugh at a PUA when they’re attempting game on you. They really don’t like it.)

10 years ago

AAHhh, that sounds very much like something Amy Poehler once said to Jimmy Fallon in a writer’s meeting once. I think she was swearing or something and he remarked about how he didn’t like that and she told bluntly told him that she didn’t care what he liked. She was not nice about it. Rumor has it that he was pretty stunned by that and shut up.

It does occur to me that one of the reason Black women get vilified by White men as being too masculine is that we are not nice, submissive or demure. We’re too loud, too assertive.
One of our standing principles in the Black community is that: “A Closed Mouth Does Not Get Fed”. For us, there’s no benefit to being nice just to be Nice.(Courtesy is very different from Nice.)

Quite frankly I wish more White women would cut that shit out too. I love it when White women aren’t Nice. (As long as they can do it safely. In some situations you may have no choice but to be Nice.)

10 years ago

At least the horribly designed memes gave rise to some excellent mockery. !!! at leocigale’s drawing 🙂

re Kootiepatra,

I’m dealing with a small sample size, of course, but I’ve never had this conversation with a woman. I’ve been wondering if this is tied to patriarchal stuff, e.g., “What do you mean *I* have to change to accommodate *other people*? I thought other people are supposed to change to accommodate me.”

Fairly sure it is related. Doesn’t excuse bad behaviour, we don’t want patriarchy so don’t have to respect its consequences, and you’re not obligated to be polite to people who run you over. Fuck that shit.

10 years ago

These are all so… confusing.

Don’t get me wrong, I love all the possible explanations you guys have given so far, but still. Shouldn’t these informatives be short, to the point, and, most of all, make any kind of remote sense without half an hour of head-scratching and mental gymnastics?

Seriously. “high value”? Who, besides manurespherians, ever says anything like that? Where, in the feminist idea of women being just as capable as men does the whole transphobic “my uterus is the universe” bullshit fit in? How does one get into an abusive relationship with an abstract concept? What has feminism to do with Chicken McNuggets? Feminists are not lizard people, but praying mantises? Explain, MRAs, EXPLAIN!

MRAs never stop to think that the truths they hold as self-evident are totally baffling non sequiturs to other people, do they?

10 years ago

Yeah, I don’t do nice as gender performance. Decent human being, sure, but coddling some guy’s delicate feelings because women scare him? No.

10 years ago

@vaiyt I don’t think you’re quite right — I don’t see MRAs rushing to disagree with JB.
I think the underlying assumption is that if the feminists weren’t making women aware of their worth as persons, they wouldn’t be able to figure it out for themselves. In my opinion this low opinion of women’s intelligence says a lot more about the intelligence of MRAs than of women. They can’t seem to figure out that they aren’t smart enough to fool most women.
Also, a lot of the time women have been too polite or otherwise unwilling to confront men when they say stupid things, so men have been accustomed to getting away with a lot of shit and thinking that women weren’t aware that it was shit. It’s a real shock when the find out that women were on to their games all along.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

(For bonus fun, laugh at a PUA when they’re attempting game on you. They really don’t like it.)

What I would give for a video of the couple of times dudes tried Game on me. I had no clue what they were up to. I remember fondly the looks of confusion (and in one guy’s case, near panic) but I’m sure it would be much more satisfying to behold now that I actually know what they were trying to accomplish.

10 years ago

MRAs understand feminism the way creationists understand evolution.

That is beautifully put. It’s all built on the mythology they’ve created around the concept rather than the concept itself.

(For bonus fun, laugh at a PUA when they’re attempting game on you. They really don’t like it.)

That reminds me of the time I was catching up with a friend who’d moved away from town a few years ago, and she invited a mutual acquaintance. Dude was a guy who’d always been a bit abrasive and a bit socially awkward and I’d always found him a little irritating. But this night we’re at a bar and he’s really getting my hackles up for reasons I can’t put my finger on. I found out from my friend that he’d recently completed a “public speaking workshop” and reportedly gained some confidence from it … and a few minutes later it clicked. He was adopting slouched, spread-legged posture, he was being challenging/dismissive whenever I brought up a new point of discussion, whenever I tried to back something up he’d dismiss the topic and move on, he was poking at her to “try new things”…


The rest of the night I was no longer annoyed, but trying not to laugh out loud, as this dude was trying his “Game” on a woman who was (a) completely oblivious and (b) completely uninterested in him romantically/sexually. Not sure if I actually caught him negging but then again I was having too much fun chatting with an old friend.

10 years ago

And of course there’s always this. 😀

10 years ago

“Bringing women into contact with politics will destroy that refinement, that delicacy of character, which has been her greatest charm hitherto” – Henry Fish.

Returning to this… the library where I work has a book from the early 20th that claims to be an analysis of the debate over women’s suffrage in the U.S., presenting a totally objective perspective on both sides of the debate.

In the introduction, the author mentions that the book was his wife’s idea.

Once you get to the actual arguments, it’s pretty clear that the author is actually poking fun at arguments like the above, and the real point the book is making is that the anti-suffrage side doesn’t really have any credible arguments.

10 years ago

Strivingally – You beat me to it! I was going to link to the same cartoon.

10 years ago

I no curr whether my interest in politics makes it harder for you to wank to the idea of my delicate, helpless, intellectually void lady nature, dudes (historical or modern).

10 years ago

What I find interesting about this is how old and tired the ideas their strawmen are based on are. I’m pretty sure they’re based on parodies of first and second-wave feminism, stuff that would have been current when my mom was in high school…I certainly remember reading joke books of that vintage and seeing similar material, though more in a “women’s lib sure is weird!” way than a modern MRA way.

Then again, the trolls around here can’t be bothered to read the comments or even the FAQ most of the time, so it doesn’t surprise me that they have no idea what’s going on outside their echo chambers.

10 years ago

If these guys (and their token feeemales) are really so intellectually superior to us, why can’t they come up with better art? And why don’t they understand that brevity really is the soul of wit?

10 years ago

My theory on that is “they’re full of shit, and can’t help but spew it everywhere”. As for the art, well, maybe their art skills are stuck in middle school too?

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

MRA’s seem to be exemplars of the Dunning-Kruger effect in many cases. They’re angry. The rest follows from that, the tortured logic doesn’t register.
Not all, Elam’s no dummy. He’s not even conducting honorable dealings with his followers, much less anyone else, though.

Feminism oppresses men the same way LGBT’s oppress Christian homophobes/transphobes.
Demanding equality eliminates their right to treat us as less than fully human, you know?

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Maistrechat – I have to admit that dear old Henry Fish had a point – fast forward a couple of hundred years in NZ, and the last word anyone would ever apply to Aunty Helen would be “delicate”.

10 years ago

Maistrechat – I have to admit that dear old Henry Fish had a point – fast forward a couple of hundred years in NZ, and the last word anyone would ever apply to Aunty Helen would be “delicate”.

I don’t know Ms Clark very well, but this seems to be more a feature than a bug. People who promote interesting political ideas are rarely “delicate”. And also, it’s kinda repressive to socially pressure women to do Nice as gender performance?