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Baffling MRA Meme of the Day: "Feminism creates equality like McDonald’s solves world hunger."


Actual "meme" found on the A Voice for Men Forums
Actual “meme” found on the A Voice for Men Forums

I found this “meme” on the A Voice for Men Forums, and it was too special not to share.

The AVFM “Graphics and Art” forum is kind of a gold mine for baffling and terrible “memes,” terribly drawn comics, and “graphics” that aren’t really graphics at all — like, for example, these graphically challenged entries:

O1wDDYovtywDmSDude, if you’re going to try to pass off a giant mess of words as a “graphic,” you could at least take ten seconds to proofread your, er, work.

This similarly verbose entry at least technically qualifies as a comic. The speakers are supposed to represent AVFM’s “Honey Badgers” facing off against some eeeevil feminists.


Some contributors to the “graphics” forum don’t even bother to make graphics themselves, hoping that others will be inspired to transform their ideas into brilliant works of art.

Alas, no one there has yet managed to turn this idea into a comic:

Cartoon idea – “the inevitable fate of Male Feminists”

Here’s my idea for a new cartoon (sorry, but I can’t draw for shit):

So you’ve got Michael Kimmel, PZ Myers, and David Futrelle, standing around talking together, each depicted with a human head on a praying mantis’s body. And the Kimmel mantis is saying something like, “Gosh, I think we’ve finally proven how valuable we are to the movement [Feminism]”.

You also notice a human head tucked in the corner of the room they’re standing in – it’s Hugo Schwyzer, with X’s drawn over his eyes.

And as they’re talking, you see another head roll in from the hallway, through an open door behind them. This time it’s Charles Clymer, and he appears to be freshly decapitated.

I would draw this myself, but, you know, I haven’t quite perfected my Michael Kimmel caricature.


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10 years ago

dammit, I thought for sure I typed ‘s’…

10 years ago

And thank you fruitloopsie, I’ve been looking for those True Facts videos, but I couldn’t remember the name (which makes them surprisingly hard to find).

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Oh, I get it! Because McDonald’s goal has always been to end world hunger, but instead of doing this, it…

Wait, I don’t get it.

10 years ago

Glad that I could help

10 years ago

Yeah, what are those hoops on the woman in the bottom middle panel. They look like Olympic rings?

Also, is she is saying a woman says she hates video games and then says she love video games, both of those things must be lies? Being indifferent to video games is a woman’s only honest option?

I spend too much time on the Internet; I got that one right off.

It’s supposed to be a caricature of Anita Sarkeesian, who wears large hoop earrings in her videos. The “hate videogames/love videogames” bit is based on some rebuttal videos, which show her making statements that contradict each other (if you completely ignore the surrounding context).

The woman to her left is supposed to be Melody Hensley. I’ve got no clue who any of the others are.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

That was a wonderful(ly gross) allegorical explanation, Phoenician.

10 years ago

Bodsy, I am weeping with laughter. WEEPING.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

I like how the creator took the time to give the feminists in that ms paint cartoon little beady crow’s foot eyes and made Anita flat chested and grey haired.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Heh. And on a historical note, I’m just reading an article on the bill being signed into law here in NZ, 19 Sep1893, which made it the first country to give women the right to vote. The arguments given against female suffrage sound remarkably familiar:

“Bringing women into contact with politics will destroy that refinement, that delicacy of character, which has been her greatest charm hitherto” – Henry Fish.

There’s also a report on how an ally, Sir John Hall, presented the petition to Parliament. He started with a 17 signature sheet from Nelson, and waited for the derisive laughter to die down. He then bought out the 280 metre long roll holding 25,520 signatures – the petition had a grand total of about 32,000 signatures – a quarter of all women in the colony. Imagine a petition signed by 37 million women being presented in Congress.

10 years ago

Phoenician, I’ve always thought a good way to troll MRAs would be to post stuff about women from the suffrage debate (translated to 21st century English) to their sites, and watch as they nod their heads.

Never actually done it cos I’m a coward, but it seems like it would work.

10 years ago

Oh, okay . . . those are all supposed to represent real people? Who’s the woman with the profoundly unrealistic view of her own fertility? And what is that supposed to mean? If she thinks she is pregnant, it looks like she might be right.

10 years ago

This is off topic:
I was thinking about the JB meme. Maybe instead of a cat, her body should have been a snowflake and had a little crown that makes her a queen. I don’t know why I thought of that just another random thought like I did with ‘JB skit’

Btw, Great work Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III <3

10 years ago

the evil female feminsts/mantises will eventually cut off all of our heads once they’re done having sex with us, I guess.

Oh shit. He’s on to us!

What I’m trying to figure out is what does “priviledged” mean? Was he referring to women who own private ledges. I’m a woman and a feminist and I don’t have my own ledge. Am I doing something wrong? Did I not oppress enough men? How many men do I need to oppress to earn my private ledge? I guess I’d better get to work censoring video games and having a sexy female butt tomorrow.

10 years ago

I love the irony of the “do you feel safe with a feminist” question. They’re the ones who think consent is misandry, rape is OK because some non-human primates do it and yet Schrodinger’s Rapist is horribly unfair.

10 years ago

The meme makes perfect sense. If feminism = McDonalds, and equality = world hunger, then Men’s Rights Groups are obviously wanting a return to the good old days when only those with a penis were allowed to make decisions on whether those without penises got to eat hamburgers, and how often, and wearing what clothes, and preferably not from too many different hamburger shops, and even though there probably was still world hunger about somewhere, it didn’t concern people much really because Bob Geldof hadn’t made any songs yet.

10 years ago

Or maybe they’re saying feminism always seems like a good idea, especially when you’ve been drinking, but will make you feel ill after a couple of hours and never entirely satisfy you?

I dunno. Still don’t get it.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

What I’m trying to figure out is what does “priviledged” mean? Was he referring to women who own private ledges. I’m a woman and a feminist and I don’t have my own ledge. Am I doing something wrong? Did I not oppress enough men? How many men do I need to oppress to earn my private ledge? I guess I’d better get to work censoring video games and having a sexy female butt tomorrow.

It’s a ledge you have in the privy, ie. the loo. Kitties sit on them to stare humans out of countenance at critical moments.

10 years ago

A sexist bigoted hate movement.

Ignore male victims.

Ignore male victims of domestic violence.

A movement that lies about rape statistics.

Add ‘ignore male victims of rape’ and ‘ignore the real issue of black men getting shot and killed for no reason other than that they’re black’ and that just about sums up the men’s rights movement.
As for the rest of the drivel on that graphic thingy, I assume the ‘creative genius behind’ it thought any citations might make it look too wordy.He’s probably still chuffed with himself for using two whole colours.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III. Can we have a hat trick please.

10 years ago

I love McDonald’s cheeseburgers. No pickles tho.

10 years ago

MRAs care about men like KFC cares about chickens.

10 years ago

MANTISES!!!! i drawed them.

10 years ago

LOL sir bodsworth!!!!!

Glen H
Glen H
10 years ago

Now I’m confused, does FeminiSim come with pickles like McDonalds, or is it an new version of the popular computer game “The Sims”?

10 years ago

If you ask nicely they will give you your order without pickles.