![Actual "meme" found on the A Voice for Men Forums](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014-07-25-feminism-creates-equality-the-way-that-mcdonalds-solves-world-hunger.jpg?resize=580%2C580&ssl=1)
I found this “meme” on the A Voice for Men Forums, and it was too special not to share.
The AVFM “Graphics and Art” forum is kind of a gold mine for baffling and terrible “memes,” terribly drawn comics, and “graphics” that aren’t really graphics at all — like, for example, these graphically challenged entries:
Dude, if you’re going to try to pass off a giant mess of words as a “graphic,” you could at least take ten seconds to proofread your, er, work.
This similarly verbose entry at least technically qualifies as a comic. The speakers are supposed to represent AVFM’s “Honey Badgers” facing off against some eeeevil feminists.
Some contributors to the “graphics” forum don’t even bother to make graphics themselves, hoping that others will be inspired to transform their ideas into brilliant works of art.
Alas, no one there has yet managed to turn this idea into a comic:
Cartoon idea – “the inevitable fate of Male Feminists”
Here’s my idea for a new cartoon (sorry, but I can’t draw for shit):
So you’ve got Michael Kimmel, PZ Myers, and David Futrelle, standing around talking together, each depicted with a human head on a praying mantis’s body. And the Kimmel mantis is saying something like, “Gosh, I think we’ve finally proven how valuable we are to the movement [Feminism]”.
You also notice a human head tucked in the corner of the room they’re standing in – it’s Hugo Schwyzer, with X’s drawn over his eyes.
And as they’re talking, you see another head roll in from the hallway, through an open door behind them. This time it’s Charles Clymer, and he appears to be freshly decapitated.
I would draw this myself, but, you know, I haven’t quite perfected my Michael Kimmel caricature.
Straw feminism level: 1,000
“Do you have any idea what feminism really is? No”
“Do you care what feminism really is? No”
“Will it stop you writing about feminism and saying how terrible it is? No”
If you answered no to these questions, you are probably an MRA arsehead. You should seek help immediately by googling Feminism 101
That last comic is so meta. Is it trying to say that you are actually females who have mated with all the mens and then decapitated them?
… Does that mean that you are all tops and MRAs are bottoms? Somehow that seems ike the kind of thing that they’d object to. You know, given how you’re meant to be the “betas”.
I guess you’re “beta” men than they are! BAHAHAHA. 😐
There isn’t a good image of “straw feminist”. I will have to fix that when I have time.
The only way they can comfort themselves that they are ‘doing the right thing’ and ‘valiantly standing up for men’s rights’ is by setting up these insanely deluded images and rhetoric, then echoing it repeatedly in their own echo chambers. If they actually acknowledged the truth, who knows how badly it would shatter them?
Did you read or watch something from an mra/mgtow/pua and your brain hurts, sudden pain in your heart and questioning your life choices? Yes
Then you need My Little Pony! And other brain bleach!
…Well…the tops do all the work and the bottoms make all the noise…
How is it that these people can think/speak/do nothing but feminismfeminismfeminism 24/7 and still have not even the foggiest idea of the basic outlines of it?
They keep making these claims about evil academic feminists and I keep thinking of my awesome philosophy professor who helped my get into grad school and has a wonderful husband and son; she’s supposed to be a child abuse supporter and hate men?
Does anyone outside the manosphere actually use the term “high value”? Ever?
Kav P, the “joke” in that imaginary comic is that male feminists are like male praying mantises, in that the evil female feminsts/mantises will eventually cut off all of our heads once they’re done having sex with us, I guess.
Everything the mras typed is exactly of what they do! And what’s up with the woman on the bottom in the middle of the comic? Are those her ear rings? The top left woman has sunglasses on?
Cutest bites evah:
As a former proofreader, the atrocious grammar is KILLING me. You would think that with such important social commentary as this, they would at least try to make it legible …
Bodsy!!! :: standing ovation ::
Yeah, what are those hoops on the woman in the bottom middle panel. They look like Olympic rings?
Also, is she is saying a woman says she hates video games and then says she love video games, both of those things must be lies? Being indifferent to video games is a woman’s only honest option?
Z.E.L. : How is it that these people can think/speak/do nothing but feminismfeminismfeminism 24/7 and still have not even the foggiest idea of the basic outlines of it?
Imagine you formed a wine criticism society. Now, imagine the only way you tasted wine was for some brave soul to take a small swig, swish it around, and then spit it into someone else’s mouth, who passes it on and on in the same way until everyone has had a taste of the “wine”. There’s an awful lot of passing on something they assured each other was “wine”, but which had been swilled and regurgitated way too many times.
Everyone in your group would be SURE that wine mostly tasted like warm saliva, grubby with whatever your last few neighbours had had for dinner last night. And they’d be congratulating each other for seeing through the lie that people might actually find wine tasty..
I *think* the McDonalds one is trying to say that feminists are full of shit because they advocate for individual instances of helping particular women but don’t truly care about the vast majority of women.
If anybody actually believes that they have to ignore decades of lobbying, protesting and campaigning for policies and laws which help almost all women.
The Men’s Rights Movement – it makes sense if you don’t know history, redefine words to mean whatever’s convenient to you and don’t understand how numbers work!
I thought this was impossible to parody. Sir Bodsworth proved me wrong. *spit-take*
Nice one, Bodsy.
And I’m sure the McDonald’s thing will catch on just as well as the flies one did.
Yeah, that was brilliant, Bodsworth.
Vaginal Hubris sounds like it might itch. Good thing it’s not a real condition.
Thank y’all
wow, much applause for Sir Bodworth!