asian fetishist crackpottery creepy emotional abuse expats gaslighting mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sexual exploitation

Creepy expat "dates" 18-year-olds "because they make excellent devoted sex slaves."

Pubic louse. One of many creatures that Xsplat is worse than.
Pubic louse. One of many creatures that Xsplat is worse than.

There are a lot of good reasons why the words “creepy” and “expat” end up together so often. But sometimes the word “creepy” really isn’t strong enough.

Take the latest post on Random Xpat Rantings, the blog of an especially creepy 50-something expat living in Bali. “Xplat’s” posts are almost always skin-crawlingly awful, but he’s really outdone himself with a sexually explicit ode to cross-generational, er, “romance” titled “The value of being the center of religious devotion.”

He’s not big on self-awareness, this guy.

He starts off with this doozy:

Many people, men included, can’t seem to wrap their minds around why on earth a man would date a teenager 30 years younger than himself.

No, I think pretty much everyone knows why you’re “dating” a teenager – in a country with a per-capita income one-fifteenth that of the United States.

An 18 year old is capable of extreme crushes, and can be brought into a religious reverie of constant devotion towards her man.

Like I said, he’s not big on self-awareness.

Especially if she’s given regular doses of intense sex. Intense physically, erotically, emotionally, violently, romantically, exhibitionously, and any other ly. Just intense experience in which it feels as if you share the same emotional and physical worlds.

Exhibitionously? (Not a real word.) Violently?

After some vaguely Buddhist pseudo-profundities on the nature of “love,” he launches into a grotesque and explicit discussion of how the young woman he calls “N18” pleasures him sexually “with frenzied devotion.” We’ll just skip past that and move on to this:

I am the center of her world, and when we are together you will see her spend all her attention on trying to make me happy. I don’t dole out love constantly, but she relishes each burst of it, and patiently waits around for the next dose.

His hot-and-cold approach to doling out “love” is of course a classic abuser tactic.

This is not just a matter of blow jobs on command. This is loving devoted passionate blow jobs.

That’s why an older man would date an 18 year old. Because they make excellent devoted sex slaves.

I’m speechless.

Even after four years of writing about the “manosphere” I’m still amazed and appalled by the ways these guys manage to outdo themselves in awfullness.

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10 years ago

I love it when things I like show they’re connected. 🙂

Cracked had another related article just today

It puts a different slant on MRA rants. Like it’s not that they want a gf/wife who acts like a sex slave, but they literally want to buy a sex slave, but are pissed because they can’t afford to.

10 years ago

In order to get some clarity about xsplat and his crazy genius musings, I read another recent post of his where he says (in explaining the logic behind using violence against children and women):

“…at a fundamental level we realize that the parents have the right to choose. Their children are THEIR children. They literally belong to them.

Much of sexual love is an add on and re-working of mammalian Daddy/daughter love, and also mother/son love. Men who want to retain sexual tension in the long term must keep the relationship as Daddy/daughter.”

If we accept the obvious and sensible truth that children ‘literally belong’ to parents, and that long-term sex relations work best in a Daddy/daughter sense, then I think we can all understand where he’s coming from with the ditzy but devoted 18 year old.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Man, is, after all, the rationalizing animal.

Nequam, great description.

10 years ago

I find it kind of weird that the racist commenter implored him to restrict himself to TWO races of women. Don’t idiots who worry about miscegenation usually more narrow?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Zolnier, I assume he’s SE Asian and his native language has a collective term for European and Middle Eastern people that doesn’t quite easily translate into English. That’s what “race is a social construct” means.

10 years ago

From the sex slave article.

Carlos Roberto


09-14-2014 | 11:29 pm

So far, no proofs. We don’t even know if Jade is real.

Not trying to act like a douche, but it’s hard to trust in a website well know for having a hardcore feminist agenda.

Yeah, that known hardcore feminist site, It’s like RadFemHub with more jokes! Misogynists are ridiculous.

10 years ago

That was a disturbingly enlightening article.

10 years ago

Yeah, that known hardcore feminist site,

Most of the writers there are guys too. Has anyone warned them about their imminent destruction at the hands of the feminist high council?

10 years ago

Men who have empathy for women and who aren’t total shitheads? Clearly they must be women in disguise. They pick male-sounding pen names as part of Operation Spermjack The Internet.

10 years ago

I know David Wong’s been trying to write some sensible progressive stuff at Cracked for years, but trying to say they have a “hardcore feminist agenda” is so laughable I’m having trouble constructing a coherent sentence to refute it.

It’d be like someone trying to tell me that the sun is made of silly putty and dragged through the sky by a cyborg giraffe. Sure, I could try to address the problems with that theory, but to even engage with it is giving it more credit than it deserves.

10 years ago

To me it’s less a feminist agenda than a “omg MRAs are morons and they’re making other men look bad” agenda. I can see how an MRA might think that was the same thing.

10 years ago

Cracked making fun of MRAs has nothing to do with feminism, it’s just that MRA are ridiculous in a potentially amusing way, and they’re a humor site. It’s like anti-vaxxers or 9/11 truthers, their ideas are so absurd that they make an idealcomic target.

10 years ago

Kim, that article you linked is heartbreaking and horrifying, and incredibly important. So much sadangrypityincredulity.

Brain bleach stat!

10 years ago

It reminded me of one time when I was doing online dating, and one guy offered to pay me to be his mistress. I was like “WTH? bye!” I mentioned it to a friend, expecting a “wow, can you believe that?” response but she said if it was her, she’d have taken the offer. Which made me doubt myself and think I was being too hasty, since I was underemployed and always broke at the time. God knows what he was after really, but going on what I know now, I’m guessing nothing good. I wonder how many women he asked the same thing of, looking for someone vulnerable.

10 years ago

Trust your instincts, always. If a situation doesn’t seem right to you then it probably isn’t.

10 years ago

When I was 18 and looking for an apartment in London there was a guy who offered me a free room in his apartment but the catch was that he was a photographer, you see, and he wanted to take softcore porn photos of me. He was very insistent that it would only be nudes of me, nothing hardcore, and that it would only happen X times a month and of course I would always be able to say no to a particular idea if it made me uncomfortable.

I, having been brought up by a mother who was abused herself as a child and therefore having been imbued with all of her “if someone seems sketchy they probably are, get the hell away from them” instincts, told him to fuck off.

I always wondered if some other young woman accepted his offer, and if so what happened to her. I hope that everyone else also told him to fuck off, but the world being what it is, probably not.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

@Cassandra & Kim, When I was apartment hunting in Vermont, there was a guy offering a room in his home for $1 a month, but only for an attractive young woman who would cook and clean and be OK with him walking around naked. I always thought offers like that were bad enough on the surface; the idea that the creepy offer could have been just the tip of the iceberg is horrifying.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

Every 18-year-old I’m familiar with would go “eeew, no” at the suggestion.

10 years ago

I went to prep school for year between high school and college, and the roommate they gave me was desperate to lose his virginity. He had “wasted” the summer pursuing a girl who ultimately declined to fuck him — he was sure this was just pure meanness on her part, even when I tried to point out to him that maybe just maybe she might be a teensy bit concerned about getting pregnant — this was 1964 and the Pill was not available to unmarried teenagers; hell, in Connecticut it was still technically illegal for a doctor to DISCUSS birth control with a married patient.
In any case he did succeed in losing his virginity — with a 12-year-old (well almost 13-year-old) town girl (he was 18). What surprised me was not that he did it — I knew how truly desperate he was — but that he actually seemed to be proud of himself, as if fucking a 12-year-old was some sort of major accomplishment. (The girl WAS willing — I have no idea why she was.) It was like he was admitting he had no hope of getting anywhere with a girl his own age, and had no idea how pathetic this was.
It occurs to me that our creepy ex-pat is inadvertently admitting the same sort of thing — that he has no chance of having a satisfactory sexual relationship with a grown woman but has to rely on an enormous power differential in age and economic status to “succeed”. He seems to be proud of how clever he is — to feel he has something even to brag about, and has no idea how pathetic he is. The mind boggles.

10 years ago

no security warnings here, Safari

10 years ago

Xsplat’s ridiculous. what is he, 50? gross. I am going to doubt that any 18 year old girl is really into him. His money might be another story.

But he’s another one of those dudes who basically really gets off on portraying himself as a villain, so who knows how much of it is true anyway. Half of what annoys me so much about the red-pillers is their tendency to go “ooh, I said something naughty, that makes me a big boy!”

10 years ago

For some girls, the approval and attention of (much) older dudes may well be desirable. Not because the dude himself is so terribly hot or anything like that (although I’m sure he deludes himself that “attracting” a too-young girl is proof that he’s “still got it”, whatever “it” is). Maybe they think it’s some kind of shortcut to adulthood; maybe they’re trying to one-up their peers; maybe it’s a dare or a to-do list item; maybe they have “daddy issues”, whatever those happen to be. I’ve seen a few such girls in my time, and they’re not exactly unicorns. But whatever their reason, they’re lying to themselves if they think this is just some normal rite of passage that everyone does, and that it’s harmless and okay. No, everyone does NOT do it. It may be quite common, but that doesn’t make it right. It is by no means harmless, and that realization often comes much too late. And guys who take advantage of their vulnerability, whatever its background, are skeevy no matter what.

10 years ago

Daddy issues + money issues + social isolation (of any kind) = highly exploitable. And, such refuse of the male sex who attune their antenna to such vunerabilities are consciously exploiting. Which is what makes them so incredibly vile, no matter how much they try to dress it up as heroism or villiany, they are the sludge of human souls

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

OK, but “daddy issues” is still a load of bullshit.

10 years ago

I don’t know, emilygoddess, I had a Helluva case of “daddy issues” growing up. Fortunately, I grew up before a daddy substitute came along…