asian fetishist crackpottery creepy emotional abuse expats gaslighting mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sexual exploitation

Creepy expat "dates" 18-year-olds "because they make excellent devoted sex slaves."

Pubic louse. One of many creatures that Xsplat is worse than.
Pubic louse. One of many creatures that Xsplat is worse than.

There are a lot of good reasons why the words “creepy” and “expat” end up together so often. But sometimes the word “creepy” really isn’t strong enough.

Take the latest post on Random Xpat Rantings, the blog of an especially creepy 50-something expat living in Bali. “Xplat’s” posts are almost always skin-crawlingly awful, but he’s really outdone himself with a sexually explicit ode to cross-generational, er, “romance” titled “The value of being the center of religious devotion.”

He’s not big on self-awareness, this guy.

He starts off with this doozy:

Many people, men included, can’t seem to wrap their minds around why on earth a man would date a teenager 30 years younger than himself.

No, I think pretty much everyone knows why you’re “dating” a teenager – in a country with a per-capita income one-fifteenth that of the United States.

An 18 year old is capable of extreme crushes, and can be brought into a religious reverie of constant devotion towards her man.

Like I said, he’s not big on self-awareness.

Especially if she’s given regular doses of intense sex. Intense physically, erotically, emotionally, violently, romantically, exhibitionously, and any other ly. Just intense experience in which it feels as if you share the same emotional and physical worlds.

Exhibitionously? (Not a real word.) Violently?

After some vaguely Buddhist pseudo-profundities on the nature of “love,” he launches into a grotesque and explicit discussion of how the young woman he calls “N18” pleasures him sexually “with frenzied devotion.” We’ll just skip past that and move on to this:

I am the center of her world, and when we are together you will see her spend all her attention on trying to make me happy. I don’t dole out love constantly, but she relishes each burst of it, and patiently waits around for the next dose.

His hot-and-cold approach to doling out “love” is of course a classic abuser tactic.

This is not just a matter of blow jobs on command. This is loving devoted passionate blow jobs.

That’s why an older man would date an 18 year old. Because they make excellent devoted sex slaves.

I’m speechless.

Even after four years of writing about the “manosphere” I’m still amazed and appalled by the ways these guys manage to outdo themselves in awfullness.

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10 years ago

@ kittehserf:

In eldritch abyssal terms, Expat is not All That. Many creatures extant are more evil than he is without being so derpified. Lord Cthulu grants his scions gracious permission to avoid the human fool.

10 years ago

I bought an electric ukulele for heavens sake, WHY????

Because that’s fucking excellent and you must be good people, that’s why.

10 years ago


Ah! It’s always so nice to see a fellow worshiper of our Dark Lord. Cthulhu fhtagn!

Catherine von Überwald
Catherine von Überwald
10 years ago

Ugh, this is so wrong and evil. I’m disgusted but sadly not surprised.

People like this are all over the place. Or, at least in poor and suffering countries.
I’m from place like that so I had ample opportunity to see it live. Just this summer I was “privileged” to listen (they were in a cafe/pub and speaking, loudly, in English. I suspect both tipsiness and belief that nobody could understand them) two Western tourists engage in a serious discussion about pros and cons of finding Southeastern and Eastern European “girlfriends” for the summer.

The level of misogyny, objectification, racism, xenophobia and privilege was staggering.

10 years ago

i can’t even imagine a human that insecure

10 years ago

He’s nothing but a grubby, little pimp. While she is pretending to like this disgusting set up I expect she will have hatred in her heart for him. His bragging and false sense of superiority make me wanna puke. Disgusting piece of shit. Hope karma bites him on his misoygynistic, nasty backside. The next time she gives him a bj she should bite it off. The things he says are right out of the PUA handbook ie be nice, be horrible, be nice etc to keep her in her place. He is sub human, if that!

10 years ago

Weird things to happen to a lots of Western minds when we go abroad, see the British Empire.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago


“He’s nothing but a grubby, little pimp.”

Yeah, but dontcha dig it how he waxes poetic about love and compassion? As if he understood the meaning of either.

The level of his self-delusion is staggering. Almost as staggering as his depravity.

This is the manuresphere at its finest.

10 years ago

It’s disgusting how he trumpets her “devotion” as proof of her love for him. She’s clearly playing the part that she feels that she has to play for now in order to get out of whatever bad situation that she was in before she met him. It’s even more horrible that he acts as though he has to “game” (read: abuse) her in order to keep her “love,” when the reality is that he knows that she’d probably be hooked up with him if he treated her like a human being instead of a live sex-toy; he just wants to treat her like this.

Also, in the full post, the first part of his story is him bragging about the fact that he can summon her to Bali on the first available flight, even when she knows that he was there with another woman, whom he sent away for being too boring. He thinks that it’s proof of her devotion that she’ll do what he asks, even though he’s having sex with other women. The reality is that she’s probably relieved whenever he gives her a break.

10 years ago


The next time she gives him a bj she should bite it off.

No, she shouldn’t. Please don’t advocate violence here.

10 years ago

I agree with not advocating violence but can I pray to my God that this guy gets AIDS? I feel that is perhaps more acceptable, albeit not very christian of me. #sorrynotsorry

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Doesn’t help, because while I don’t give a damn about his health, you know he’d go around spreading it to his other sexual victims.

10 years ago

I pray he gets something painful, non-lethal (so he has to live with it a long time), and non-communicable. Cystic butt crack acne would work.

10 years ago

How about a eerily precise small meteorite?

10 years ago

A personal raincloud that rains poop and follows him around all the time sounds about right.

10 years ago

A bad case of IBS.

10 years ago

A bad case with the IRS (or the Indonesian equivalent).

10 years ago

A pilonidal sinus. Literally a pain in the arse, annoying and offputting (but in no way harmful) for potential partners, and makes a lot of hip-moving activities uncomfortable or actively painful.

10 years ago

Maybe someone has already posted this, but I have to share the one comment on that piece of tripe. It’s too … too.
“May Allah forgive you for your sins of promiscuous race mixing and guide you into a loving monogamous relationship with a White or Arab woman.”

10 years ago

Oo! Oo! I vote allergies to all pollen, no matter what the plant or what time of year. Just enough that he’d be sneezing almost all year round. It would be like he had a permanent cold, and he wouldn’t be able to pass it onto anyone else.

10 years ago

David: No ‘reported as unsafe’ messages here. (using Chrome)

10 years ago

I’ve had a pilonidal cyst and two surgeries to rectify it, and I honestly don’t know if I’d wish that level of pain on anyone.

I like year-round allergies for this chode.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

No messages for me. I use Firefox with numerous privacy/security add-ons.