asian fetishist crackpottery creepy emotional abuse expats gaslighting mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sexual exploitation

Creepy expat "dates" 18-year-olds "because they make excellent devoted sex slaves."

Pubic louse. One of many creatures that Xsplat is worse than.
Pubic louse. One of many creatures that Xsplat is worse than.

There are a lot of good reasons why the words “creepy” and “expat” end up together so often. But sometimes the word “creepy” really isn’t strong enough.

Take the latest post on Random Xpat Rantings, the blog of an especially creepy 50-something expat living in Bali. “Xplat’s” posts are almost always skin-crawlingly awful, but he’s really outdone himself with a sexually explicit ode to cross-generational, er, “romance” titled “The value of being the center of religious devotion.”

He’s not big on self-awareness, this guy.

He starts off with this doozy:

Many people, men included, can’t seem to wrap their minds around why on earth a man would date a teenager 30 years younger than himself.

No, I think pretty much everyone knows why you’re “dating” a teenager – in a country with a per-capita income one-fifteenth that of the United States.

An 18 year old is capable of extreme crushes, and can be brought into a religious reverie of constant devotion towards her man.

Like I said, he’s not big on self-awareness.

Especially if she’s given regular doses of intense sex. Intense physically, erotically, emotionally, violently, romantically, exhibitionously, and any other ly. Just intense experience in which it feels as if you share the same emotional and physical worlds.

Exhibitionously? (Not a real word.) Violently?

After some vaguely Buddhist pseudo-profundities on the nature of “love,” he launches into a grotesque and explicit discussion of how the young woman he calls “N18” pleasures him sexually “with frenzied devotion.” We’ll just skip past that and move on to this:

I am the center of her world, and when we are together you will see her spend all her attention on trying to make me happy. I don’t dole out love constantly, but she relishes each burst of it, and patiently waits around for the next dose.

His hot-and-cold approach to doling out “love” is of course a classic abuser tactic.

This is not just a matter of blow jobs on command. This is loving devoted passionate blow jobs.

That’s why an older man would date an 18 year old. Because they make excellent devoted sex slaves.

I’m speechless.

Even after four years of writing about the “manosphere” I’m still amazed and appalled by the ways these guys manage to outdo themselves in awfullness.

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10 years ago

How to be a predator 101.

Kav P
10 years ago

These are the same people who think it’s disgraceful for middle-aged women to indulge in “sex tourism”. I think sex tourism is pretty disgusting however you put it, but I think it’s worth noting that it only works one way for these pleasant individuals.

10 years ago

…..pass the brain bleach.

Seriously, does he just want to take the absolute worst of abuse and rape culture abroad? And leave the humanistic bits behind? Fuck.

10 years ago

The collusion of misogyny and racism is a terrifying place.

10 years ago

Here’s some brain bleach

10 years ago


Were you under the impression that these shitstains like humanism? They’re not civilized.

Why do you think privileged fucks salivate over apocalyptic scenarios? It’s because they believe the breakdown of society would mean they can be as shit to other people as their power allows them to.

10 years ago

This is not just a matter of blow jobs on command. This is loving devoted passionate dreading anxious fearful blow jobs.

Random Hajile
Random Hajile
10 years ago

If only there was a special shampoo for washing off creeps like this.

10 years ago


Not really, but there are some bits of humanism in the culture they left behind, which they obviously don’t take on board.

I realise that this may be exactly why they go. Fewer inconvenient other privileged people with a moral compass around.

10 years ago

What a horrible waste of human flesh. Thank you, brain bleach posters, for helping me retain my belief in the good of humanity after reading that.

Random Hajile
Random Hajile
10 years ago

(Also, as per the welcome package:

“Hi, everyone. Shut up, Woody.”)

10 years ago

Ugh. UGH, There are so many things wrong with this I can’t even begin to articulate it.

Michael McG
Michael McG
10 years ago

Is “Shut up, Woody” explained in the Welcome Package?

Cheryl Kerkin
10 years ago

And still people ask why I’m a feminist…need a sick bucket….

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

*searches self for an indications of surprise at this plot twist*

*finds none*

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

Let’s remember that this is the guy who supports incest between fathers and daughters, as shown in his post on the “fatherly erotic love.” Because hardly anything’s better in life than turning one’s daughters into one’s sex slaves (his words, slightly paraphrased; I cannot make myself go look for the exact quote).

Please report his blog to authorities. Please? I did so in the past; maybe if more people do, it’ll have some effect (one hopes against hope).

10 years ago

“Erotic fatherly love”… Please tell me this guy has no kids.

10 years ago

Many things are explained in the Welcome Package, including Woody. I’m leaving one here for any newcomers, or people who’ve been around but haven’t gotten one yet.

10 years ago

Ick. I don’t even know what else to say. Have a baby fennec

10 years ago

Nope. Nopenope. Not even the supreme cuteness of baby fennecs can help me forget the fact that this shitstain of a human being (and I’m using that term very loosely) and his buddies are out there, buying themselves young women like other people buy chocolate. Nope.

10 years ago

How can such cuteness exist in the same world as such creepiness? Now my brain hurts!

andrea harris
10 years ago

Is there any way the authorities in whatever country he’s being a parasite in can be alerted. Because believe it or not, most countries, even “Third World” ones, are not cool with stuff like this from its foreign residents.

10 years ago

I have no words for evil like this. So here’s the magic school bus turning into a pizza. It makes more sense.

10 years ago

Oh, look, here’s one for the PUA bingo card.

Especially if she’s given regular doses of intense sex. Intense physically, erotically, emotionally, violently, romantically, exhibitionously, and any other ly.


One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same! Can you tell me, oh, can you tell me…of course you can’t, you’re a PUA who understands women about as well as you understand string theory.

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