A couple of years back. with the help of the commentariat here, I put together an MRA Bingo Card Generator. I’ve been meaning to do a new and improved version of this for a while — as well as a companion PUA/Red Pill Bingo Card Generator, and possibly even a couple of others (Derailing Bingo? Dark Enlightenment Bingo? GamerGate Bingo?).
I know some of you all have been playing Troll Bingo in the comments. So let me know which of these card generators sound like the most amusing to you. And then let’s brainstorm about what to put in the list for each!
Also, if you can come up a way to actually play MRA Bingo, let me know. Certainly in every big thread with trolls in it, commenters could print out cards for themselves and see how many squares they can fill. Or we could set a specific time, and one of us, acting as Bingo Boss, could send you all to a particular MRA post or discussion thread elsewhere and you all could compete to see who could get a bingo first.
I’m kind of thinking this could become a thing.
Anyway, let’s get brainstorming!
Dawkins will have his own card the way he’s going; he won’t need his fanboys to help.
“Not aborting Downs fetuses is immoral!”
Comparing being raped while drunk to drunk driving
Dear Muslima
A general MRA one, if it hasn’t been mentioned already: Having no idea what Confused Cats is about.
Rape … as affirmative action …
Sorry, cassandrakitty, I understand the individual words, but I don’t understand the sentence. O.o
Well, don’t know if I’ve got anything that hasn’t been listed yet, but:
-Direct game
-Foreign Asian women are better than foreign white women who are better than North American and British white women who are better than North American black women
-Women are old after the age of 25/18
-Women’s brains stop maturing at 9 years of age, so the age of consent beyond that is pointless
-Enriching vibrants/vibrating enrichers
-Thug boys
-Cock carousel
-Coercion, boundary-pushing, and use of alcohol to get sex totes isn’t rape!
-Pussy pass/get out of jail free card
-Unemployment is a man’s equivalent of rape for women
-The age of consent is sexist toward men because some adult men may have trouble relating to adult women; therefore they should be allowed to have sex with adolescents
-Fathers present during childbirth is misandry
-Fathers not present during childbirth is misandry
-No true MRA
-Women (because why the fuck are they talking about women when they should be going their own way?)
-Sexbots will make women obsolete
-I had sex with a woman once; it was no different from humping a pillow
FeMRA bingo?
Incoherent babbling about bonobos and chimpanzees
Not wanting to be punched by a man is just a sign that you think that women are made of spun glass and are too fragile to take it.
Feminists are the real misogynists.
You need to be more compassionate towards these men.
I’m a woman, and I can’t STEM; therefore, women can’t stem.
All women suck, except for me because I’m speshul.
Oh! And for FeMRA bingo, we can’t forget, “I’m better than you because I have masculine hobbies.”
I tried writing out an explanation, but somewhere in the fifth sentence the entire text document was replaced by me endlessly copypasting “All rape and no empathy makes Fibi a very dull boy”.
I just remembered a couple more:
-That creep might actually be autistic, therefore it’s okay for them to be a creep;
-“Creep shaming” in general
Fibinachi, was that an Emma the Emo quote? Or was that E. Berge? I remember reading one of his pieces wherein he claimed that rape was a valid reproductive strategy.
Don’t know who those two are, but I bet they’ve read A Natural History of Rape. It was a The Shining reference (“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”)
Lol. I got the Shining reference. I was just wondering who wrote the “rape as affirmative action” piece. Turns out, it was E. Berge. Emma the Emo, a FeMRA blogger who sympathizes with incels and the like, defended him and became his girlfriend, which he claims stopped him from killing feminists who enforced his celibacy.
Anyway, here’s his post. Massive trigger warning. He explains his, er, philosophy in more detail in the comments.
[X] isn’t a real game
On Berge, I find it illustrative that of all the violence and hatred he’s been spewing no one decided to take any serious action until he began hating on the police. Won’t someone think of the bourgeois institutions!!
-Uses two pages of text to say nothing
-No citation to back up ludicrous claims
-“Cultural Marxism”
… feminists who … enforced his celibacy … again, individual words make sense, just not in that order.
Holy shit. And people don’t understand why I find incels scarier than MRAs, PUAs or MGTOWs. They’re like the distillation of the worst of the manosphere IMO – the narcissism and hostility to consent of PUAs, the entitlement and false victimhood of the MRAs, and a big heaping of self-loathing and whining about how the world is unfaaaaaaaaaaaair that a lot of them seem to Honest-to-the-Elder-Gods believe justifies violence and murder.
I think it’s telling that Elliott Rodger’s rambling manifesto reads more like incel dogma than any of the other flavours of misogyny.
Hard chairs
“Apex Fallacy”
No woman has ever accomplished anything in a given field if MRAs haven’t heard of her
If MRAs have heard of her, she was cheating/stealing a man’s work/a horrible person
Oh! I forgot “Dalrock’s Law”! Are they still passing that one around?
Any reference to the “apex fallacy” used in the same thread as the same author using a particular woman’s achievements as “proof” that sexual discrimination doesn’t exist anymore.
You’d think the cognitive dissonance would give them pause, but no, apparently not.
@ Creepy 30-somethings:
..Just because you have the emotional maturity of a 12-year old doesn’t mean you get to date one.
So many good ideas! I’m going to start pulling these together into actual bingo cards!
Am I completely off base when I consider “cultural Marxism” and bringing up the Frankfurt school just a slightly disguised way to bring up anti-semitic conspiracy theories? (Sort of like “human biodiversity” is used as cover for other forms of racism)
It may have started from there but it’s used by anti-Muslims who therefore support Israel as well, these days. I don’t think anti-semitic is the right word for that flavour of extremist.
I usually grok it as the pseudo-intellectual version of “politically correct”.
Ok, so I’ve assembled a MASSIVE MRA bingo list and an almost-as-massive PUA/Red Pill list.
But I could still use a lot more ideas for the #GamerGate list. They don’t have to be super-specific to GamerGate; some can be the general misogynistic stuff we hear from gamebros all the time and that #GamerGaters tend to agree with and/or repeat themselves.
I could also use more funny PUA/Red Pill ones. PUAs obviously have a lot of silly terminology/acronyms, but I feel like I’ve got too many of those in the mix.
And keep the FeMRA ideas coming; if I get enough I could do a card for them.
Also, at some point I think I want to do a general “derailing” bing card, filled with common derailing tactics that aren’t specific to MRAs, etc. So if you have any ideas for that, let me know.
Also, a mostly unrelated request: I’m looking for examples of PUAs saying things that suggest they’re terrible at sex. We’ve got “cunnilingus is beta,” and I recently ran across a post in r/theredpill from a guy who’s turned off when women actually enjoy sex. But I know there are a lot more examples of this, some of which I may have written about earlier. PUAs seem much more interested in bragging rights than in actually enjoying sex. Can you all think of any?
I don’t know what list this belongs to but this one is my favorite:
Please don’t let it get left out!