announcements BINGO! MRA PUA red pill

MRA Bingo Brainstorming Thread!

In it to win it.
In it to win it.

A couple of years back. with the help of the commentariat here, I put together an MRA Bingo Card Generator. I’ve been meaning to do a new and improved version of this for a while — as well as a companion PUA/Red Pill Bingo Card Generator, and possibly even a couple of others (Derailing Bingo? Dark Enlightenment Bingo? GamerGate Bingo?).

I know some of you all have been playing Troll Bingo in the comments. So let me know which of these card generators sound like the most amusing to you. And then let’s brainstorm about what to put in the list for each!

Also, if you can come up a way to actually play MRA Bingo, let me know. Certainly in every big thread with trolls in it, commenters could print out cards for themselves and see how many squares they can fill. Or we could set a specific time, and one of us, acting as Bingo Boss, could send you all to a particular MRA post or discussion thread elsewhere and you all could compete to see who could get a bingo first.

I’m kind of thinking this could become a thing.

Anyway, let’s get brainstorming!

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Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Soooo many good ones here. I haven’t even read the first page of comments, but I’m thinking I won’t think of anything new. Therefor, please forgive men if I’m repeating stuff:

Women don’t have the right to refuse sex.

It’s not rape if you badger her incessantly, until she finally gives in to the inevitability of sex.

Marriage is a life-long consent to sex
It’s impossible to rape your wife.

Any woman who won’t have sex with me is a whore.

Virgins are just whores who haven’t been paid, yet.

No one would want to have sex with you, anyway.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Don’t forget

Stopping to get consent is a mood-killer.

“Women’s work,” including jobs that were mostly done by women 2 or 3 decades ago, but were actually closed to women a century or more ago. Examples include secretarial work (once forbidden for women) and knitting (knitting guilds used to forbid women). These “women’s work” jobs are then described as being only suitable for women, because they require no brains, logic, skills, or reasoning ability.

Men are hunters, women are gatherers.

Women can’t fight.

Women fight dirty.

“We didn’t HAVE to provide for you cave-women!” Of course, completely ignoring the fact that if ancient people didn’t work together, there would be no people today.

Famous women with un-perfect bodies devalue the pussy.

“I deserve a 10!”

If you’re not at least an 8, you’re worthless.

10 years ago

-Men invented [thing nobody knows who invented] (the wheel, fire, agriculture, etc.)

10 years ago

Any implication that being accused of rape (falsely or otherwise) is more likely to ruin someone’s life than ACTUALLY BEING RAPED. Guh.

Narrowing of the definition of rape to the Violent Stranger Jumping Out Of The Bushes In The Middle Of The Night, Who Only Preys On Girls Who Are Drunk And Dress Slutty And Walk Through The Bad Part Of Town, So What Did They Expect? Double Guh.

I feel kinda dirty playing this game. But I think it shows the MRA argument that we aren’t familiar with their thinking is pretty specious.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Oh, how about

Comparing human sexuality to lupine pack behavior, and then getting it WRONG.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

hamster brains

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

-I got made fun of by a girl once for liking video games so any woman who says she likes games is lying
-women only started liking games recently
-Everyone gets slurs screamed at them in online games, women just need to suck it up

10 years ago

@A Wolverine

I’ve never heard of “the Bayonetta gambit”, but I will say that was a dime-a-dozen rpg. And the one-liners were so cringe-worthy and overly sexual. It reminded me of a PS2 game I picked up back in the day called Orphen. There were anime cut-scenes, and it was back when I was big into anime. The gameplay was eh, the story was [insert shounen anime here], but it was pretty enough. Bayonetta was about the same, and the name of the main was just as creative lol. I felt like they tried to play off of the final fantasy recipe for success in the later years: pretty cutscenes, forgettable battle sequences, and superfluous roleplay elements that just dragged the game down.

In any case, good fucking luck finding an rpg without a female main that wears gravity-defying cloth scraps or something shaped to an impossible body. Even Skyrim added boobs to their heavy armor for female mains. Completely ruined the otherwise gorgeous Ebony set and begged the question of whether or not breastplates had cup sizes.

10 years ago

Rockstar should rock out another Red Dead. Now that was a game with some badass females AND males. Show me the person who says John Marston isn’t a feminist, and I’ll show you a gamebro lying to himself.

10 years ago

The “Bayonetta Gambit” is just a game-related twist on the old “you wear lipstick/high-heels/shave your underarms/wear a bra/fuck guys/like looking sexy for a guy, so you’re not a *real* feminist!” canard.

Some people didn’t get the memo about women taking control of their own sexuality actually being a really important part of feminism, and still a contentious point of argument today between various flavours of feminist.

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

Think you might be a bit confused ryeash, i referred to the “feminists cant like games with boobs in them” argument as the bayonetta gambit, alluding to the Game Bayonetta which is an action game similar to devil may cry or ninja gaiden, not an rpg

10 years ago

Um, excuse me?? I totally put ten hours into that game four years ago, I think I know what I’m talking about (no, no I do not). I remember a British demon woman in an Elvira-type catsuit, horrible dialogue, and being bored. I mostly segued into rpgs because I wanted to chatter about video games. Plus, Bayonetta really did remind me of Orphen.

Citizen Justin
Citizen Justin
10 years ago

“She doxxed herself”
“She sent that death threat to herself”
“She beat herself up”

10 years ago


Thanks for the explanation. I wasn’t aware feminism had a dress code…do skirts automatically fail me, or can they be a certain length? Also, does trimming violate the “no shaving” rule? Can I wear nude lipstick ala George Sand, or is it a strict “no lipstick” policy? Can I wear chapstick? I’m guessing gloss is an automatic zero. How baggy do my jeans have to be? Do I *have* to wear white wifebeaters, or can I go with a lovely brown to suit my eyes?

I think I just failed feminism.

10 years ago

Stupid stereotypes aside, as a woman who enjoys video games, I’ve had to begrudgingly accept the blatant sexism at times. I’ve played games that I have really enjoyed while uncomfortably noticing female PCs’ armor shrinking every time I upgrade it. That said, I try to avoid the games where it’s really in your face. I’ve heard wonderful things about God of War and how innovative it was and how fun the fight scenes were, but I couldn’t get past the ginormous ridiculously-muscled main character, the butchery of my favorite myths, and the disposability of the women in it.

10 years ago

“Even I’v been raped myself I still think False rape accusations are worse than rape”

10 years ago

Hey, I think fruitloopsie just started the FeMRA bingo card! šŸ˜€

“I’ve never been sexually harassed/assaulted, therefore no other woman has”
“I like it when men compliment me on my body!”
“Feminists just want [insert strawfeminist talking point], not equality!”
“I like looking/feeling sexy”

10 years ago

The way to play it would be for people to have cards with random selections in each column. B for a random selection of one sort and I for a random selection of another. That way each persons card is different and they mark their card as the the trolls comment till someone gets a bingo, I have no idea what the prize could be

10 years ago

Maybe a free copy of David’s book?

10 years ago

If fruitloopsie came up with FeMRA bingo, that would basically expand our bingo empire. I’m trying to remember the name of this one FeMRA blogger. She dated this weird Norwegian guy who knew Anders Breivik? Do I have that right? Or at the very least agreed with Anders Breivik.

Anyway, I remember a particularly appalling, self-loathing post where she talked about how all women (even her) are prone to hypergamy because science. She talked about how because of this, she would try SO HARD in her daily life to remain humble, submissive and to keep her self-esteem “low” so she could remain loyal to her boyfriend and get his approval as well as male approval in general. The comments were equally appalling stating that she would never be able to do so because nature but it’s “nice” that she’s trying. But since she’s a woman she will always be bad. Watching that exchange was so painful. I honestly feel sorry for this girl. I get that she believes terrible things and may herself be not that great of a person but a part of me just wants to save her. Lord.

Anyway, something about FeMRAs believing that hypergamy stuff and “trying” really hard to please the menz by “promising” they will never do it to them.

10 years ago

You’re thinking of Emma the Emo. I, too, feel kind of bad for her.

10 years ago

If fruitloopsie came up with FeMRA bingo, that would basically expand our bingo empire. Iā€™m trying to remember the name of this one FeMRA blogger. She dated this weird Norwegian guy who knew Anders Breivik? Do I have that right? Or at the very least agreed with Anders Breivik.

I think I know the bloke, E. Berge? He is the most prominent Norwegian MRA anyway, completely unhinged (got arrested because the threatened the police). So I googled that and I ended up with the same girl as cassandrakitty just mentioned.

Fuck internalization. (Doesn’t excuse the FeMRAs, but explains a little where it’s from…)

(Don’t have more ideas for the bingo card, sorry šŸ™ )

10 years ago

cassandrakitty, aitch, thanks guys. I believe those are the individuals. I could only read like one or two of her posts before I wanted to barf and cry. E. Berge (or whatever his name is) sounds like a Grade A piece of crap. Ugh. Either way, I say FeMRA bingo is a good idea.

10 years ago

I can’t help wondering what set of life experiences would lead a woman to a place where dating a man who described rape as affirmative action for men seemed like a good idea to her.

10 years ago

Even our various Christian patriarchy advocate ladies (like the recent one with the Alice in Wonderland gravater) would balk at that, I think.