A couple of years back. with the help of the commentariat here, I put together an MRA Bingo Card Generator. I’ve been meaning to do a new and improved version of this for a while — as well as a companion PUA/Red Pill Bingo Card Generator, and possibly even a couple of others (Derailing Bingo? Dark Enlightenment Bingo? GamerGate Bingo?).
I know some of you all have been playing Troll Bingo in the comments. So let me know which of these card generators sound like the most amusing to you. And then let’s brainstorm about what to put in the list for each!
Also, if you can come up a way to actually play MRA Bingo, let me know. Certainly in every big thread with trolls in it, commenters could print out cards for themselves and see how many squares they can fill. Or we could set a specific time, and one of us, acting as Bingo Boss, could send you all to a particular MRA post or discussion thread elsewhere and you all could compete to see who could get a bingo first.
I’m kind of thinking this could become a thing.
Anyway, let’s get brainstorming!
Coal mines.
I think a drinking game would just kill all our livers. Even if we took it in turns.
It would literally be the drinking game to end all drinking games.
For MRAs I can’t believe we forgot “Jezebel article from 2007!”
For PUAs
“Asian women are better than western women”
“Eastern European women are better than western women”
“Why do you care about us going our own way?”
“Wives are terrible because they want a house with furniture in it.”
For Dawkins fanboys
“I’m an atheist, therefore my misogyny is logical and scientific.”
“Rebecca Watson!”
Something, something child custody laws.
Oh! Oh! Contradicting descriptions of men. Like: intelligent, sensitive victims of women/brutish animals who shouldn’t be provoked because they act purely on instinct.
“women aren’t stupid. Well. They’re STUPID but they’re not retarded.”
At this point anyone actually winning this game will be rare and monumentous. On the other hand nobody really wins in the Manosphere so it fits.
General Bingo: (quotes are from actual MRAs)
Women just don’t want tough manly jobs
Women are too frail for tough manly jobs
Misdirection Bingo (from shit I heard yesterday):
But MY niece/daughter/girlfriend/wife/BFF never complains about sexism!
If you really cared about changing sexism in the FDNY/Army, you would join it
But men have to register for Selective Service!
But men die more often at the workplace!
Feminists just want to blame men!
The Village Voice is a biased source!
WHTM is a biased source!
NPR is a biased source!
*links to Breitbart article*
“Brenda Berkman’s just an anecdote”
“Stop whining about [issue under discussion]”
“little girl” (or: “let me pause to laugh while you stomp your little feet in frustration”)
“femicunt cultist of David Futrelle”
This image (Credit Janet Bloomfield):
#gamergate Bingo (from actual shit I heard on Tuesday):
There were only like 5 people in that chatroom
There were only like 10 people in that chatroom
There were only like 30 people in that chatroom
It was just kids from 4chan talking trash in that chatroom
There’s no proof to connect 4chan and that chatroom
There’s no proof to connect the #gamergate hashtag to that chatroom
There’s no proof to connect the #notyourshield hashtag to that chatroom
Adam Baldwin came up with #gamergate
#gamergate is a grassroots movement
#gamergate isn’t about Zoe Quinn
Just because #gamergate started out harassing Quinn doesn’t mean it’s not about video game journalistic integrity now
#gamergate has ALWAYS been about fighting nepotism in the video game industry
4channers hate social media
No one believed Lawfag was a lawyer
Those threats weren’t really real; they were jokes
You don’t get the culture of 4chan
4chan can’t police itself, so the joke threats are inevitable
“journalistic integrity”
Huh. That new JB threadwinner image didn’t appear in my comment. Here’s the link.
It’s a stock photo of a crying toddler-girl with the text “I’m a feminist, you can’t use facts” superimposed in Memegenerator
“sure, I said [horrible thing]; but I’m a good person/nice guy”
PUA bingo:
thousand cock stare
something about dread game
a lock that can be opened by multiple keys is slutty
What facts? She has no facts. What does she even think she’s talking about? I’d love to know what exactly she considers to be as fact.
-patriarchy is a conspiracy theory
-tries to use [term] in argument but clearly doesn’t understand meaning of [term
@ Lea – but facts are what JB says they are! Not what everyone else thinks they are!
end sarcasm; Oooh, boy, do I ever feel sorry for the cognitive dissonance fairies. JB’s really making them work overtime!
Any reference to Valerie Solanas or the SCUM Manifesto.
“But I’m a nice guy!”
Dark Triad
*wearing a trilby*
Red Pill
“If he knew game..”
“Rape Culture doesn’t exist”
“Comic books objectify men too!”
Ugh, this stuff is hard to write.
Consent as a terrifying slippery slope, i.e.:
-if you find yourself alone with a woman, the only way to avoid jail time is to get a notarized agreement in writing. (Words, facial expressions, and body language, what do they mean?)
– marriage = blanket consent for eternal sexual availability (but only on the wife’s part)
– consent to one = consent to all. If a girl has ever had sex, even once, that means she has no right to deny any other man sex.
For PUAs:
Door theory
Opening a set
Escalation (double points for “kino escalation”)
“Cool story, bro” anecdote
Vaginas Sure Are Icky
Have we mentioned ebibophilia for all of the Bingo cards?
No paragraph breaks
Random Capitalization of important Nouns
If you want to turn a woman on and drive her to heights of sexual ecstasy, spit in her mouth during sex. This works on all women because it worked for me once.
In honor of the creepy expat in the other thread…
In Foreign Lands, everyone thinks it’s just fine for middle-aged men to “date” teen and tween girls, which is the only thing Foreigners are ever right about.
(bonus points to be given if the dude in question actually uses the word “foreigner” without realizing that while he’s in one of the countries he’s talking about it describes him, not the locals)
-The two dot ellipsis
-FALSE ACCUSATIONS ARE HORRIBLE *falsely accuses someone the mra disagrees with of something*
-links to lousy news sources (e.g. daily mail)
-Fractal wrongness
-Not even wrong
-Temporal weirdness in claim (E.g Feminism caused fall of roman empire)
-The GWW special (women have never been oppressed at any time in history ever)
-Quoting Orwell as an argument against socialism
-“you cant be a feminist, you like a video game that has a sexualised woman in it” (the Bayonetta gambit)
“You can’t call yourself a feminist unless you’re willing to do sex work.”
Don’t know how common that is, but once is too much.
-Infographic with misleading graph
-infographic is physically painful to read due to layout/eye searing colors
-COMIC SANS or other poor font choice
-no sources on infographic
-Koch bros thinktank connection