announcements BINGO! MRA PUA red pill

MRA Bingo Brainstorming Thread!

In it to win it.
In it to win it.

A couple of years back. with the help of the commentariat here, I put together an MRA Bingo Card Generator. I’ve been meaning to do a new and improved version of this for a while — as well as a companion PUA/Red Pill Bingo Card Generator, and possibly even a couple of others (Derailing Bingo? Dark Enlightenment Bingo? GamerGate Bingo?).

I know some of you all have been playing Troll Bingo in the comments. So let me know which of these card generators sound like the most amusing to you. And then let’s brainstorm about what to put in the list for each!

Also, if you can come up a way to actually play MRA Bingo, let me know. Certainly in every big thread with trolls in it, commenters could print out cards for themselves and see how many squares they can fill. Or we could set a specific time, and one of us, acting as Bingo Boss, could send you all to a particular MRA post or discussion thread elsewhere and you all could compete to see who could get a bingo first.

I’m kind of thinking this could become a thing.

Anyway, let’s get brainstorming!

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10 years ago

Forgot one:
-Big Daddy government;

10 years ago

Complimenting a woman’s appearance is not harassment.

10 years ago

-Feminism is RACIST! (against white men);
-This youtube video proves I’m right! [links to hour-long rambling video];
-This thing this feminist said proves feminism is bad! [links to something not written by a feminist];
-This link proves I’m right! [links to something that contradicts the point they’re trying to make]

10 years ago

Complimenting a woman’s appearance is not harassment.

If you ask me to stop, you’re violating my right to freedom of speech.

10 years ago

This is fun, so here’s a few more:

– Deleting comments is censorship!
– Male suicide rates!
– Feminists don’t care about prison rape
– Rape culture isn’t real
– “Equal rights, equal lefts”
– Vaginas are icky
– Mansplaining is a sexist word
– “Alpha fucks, beta bux”
– “80% of women sleep with 20% of men”
– George Sodini
– “But some women fantasize about being raped!”
– “Schrodinger’s Rapist says I’m a rapist!”
– Equity feminism and gender feminism
– Uses “whore” as an insult
– Feminists want all women to be ugly
– Feminists are ugly
– “Putting pussy on a pedestal”

10 years ago

The problem is that there’s SO MANY!

We might need to break this down into sub-genres – MGTOW, PUA, gamebros, Dawkins disciples, incels, etc etc etc…

From my own experience I could probably fill an entire bingo card just with anti-male-ally talking points no probs.

White knight!
You’re just saying [x] to get laid!
If you don’t think women are weak, why are you fighting their battles for them?
[willfully misinterpreting “you don’t understand” as “you’re an idiot”]
If you don’t perform this arbitrary challenge, it proves I’m right!
You should stop mindlessly following [x] and realise I’m right!
Name something you disagree with [x] on

and so on, and so on…

10 years ago

PUA bingo card? Hm…

Sexual market value

Metaphor purée

Shit testing

If a woman is angry at you, she wants to fuck you.

If a woman is ignoring you, she wants to fuck you.

If a woman is being polite, she wants to fuck you.

Alpha fucks, beta bucks.

I used to be a nice guy, then… [screed about all the slutty mcslutpersons who rejected him while screwing assholes].

Never ask women for dating advice!


10 years ago

PUA-specific, huh? Let’s see…

– Peacocking
– “Western women”
– “The anglosphere”
– “Dime”
– The 1-10 rating system
– “AFC”
– “Elliot Rodger/Insert X spree killer here wouldn’t have killed if he’d known game!”

10 years ago

More PUA ones:

Anti-Slut Defence
Any use of a number in place of the word “woman”
Approvingly discussing date rape tactics
Getting disproportionately made about women not abiding by the PUA playbook of what’s “supposed” to work

10 years ago

You guys are acknowledging my comments because I’m successfully negging you.

All women like rough sex.

Women don’t actually need orgasms to enjoy sex.

Squirting orgasms are the most advanced and special kind of orgasms.

Women fall in love with men who can give them lots of orgasms.

10 years ago

-The solution to [problem] is to restrict women’s choices;

-Women don’t want what they say they want;
-More interest in bragging than the sex itself;
-Confusing jargon and acronyms;
-PUA is about giving men confidence and self-esteem;
-Blatant manipulation;
-I love women! (as things to put my dick in);

10 years ago

– marriage is worse than rape
– woman’s only value in a relationship is her vagina
– “journalistic integrity”
– anti slut defence

For extra credit, if anyone finds a dude complaining that women are incapable of love and only get into relationships for money and cock or some other nonsense, please post a response consisting of this, from Act 2 Scene 4 of Twelfth Night.

  DUKE ORSINO      There is no woman’s sides       
Can bide the beating of so strong a passion 
As love doth give my heart; no woman’s heart       
So big, to hold so much; they lack retention Alas, their love may be call’d appetite,       
No motion of the liver, but the palate,
That suffer surfeit, cloyment and revolt;   
But mine is all as hungry as the sea,      
And can digest as much. Make no compare       
Between that love a woman can bear me   
And that I owe Olivia.

In this, the lovesick Duke is basically whining to Viola/Cesario that women cannot love like a man does, that they’re shallow. That they get tired of a fellas affection and get sick of him quickly. Earlier he even complains that once their beauty has peaked they get ugly fast! (Sound familiar?)

Anyway, I dare someone to post this as a response as mockery. MRAs don’t even understand simple facts so Shakespeare should be a doozy for them. Their confusion will quickly lead to RAAAGE which should be funny.

Actually, would it be better if the reply included Violas rebuttal too?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

PUA’s ones:

Cunnilingus is beta.
Communication kills the mood!
Heartiste-style physiognomy (ie, “plush gay face”)
Foreign women are just more feminine!

10 years ago

For puas: Use of the HB attractiveness ranking system.

10 years ago

I don’t 5I saw this one but “thinly veiled racist comment about feminism only being needed in places where brown people live”

10 years ago

-Everybody knows this is wrong, why are you wasting your time talking about it?;
-Everybody knows this isn’t wrong, you’re just making a fuss over nothing;
-Why are you talking about this thing, when worse things happen to other people?;

10 years ago

To go along with LMR, let’s include anti-slut defense.

“No means yes.”

Incomprehensible, badly done charts and graphs.

10 years ago

Is there a Best Comment Thread Ever award?

10 years ago

I still want to know what a plush gay face is supposed to look like. I’m currently picturing a couch with overstuffed cushions, which probably isn’t any sillier than what Heartiste has in mind.

10 years ago

Cassandra, I’m still wondering about that and what exactly a feminine mid-face is supposed to be.

10 years ago

Or what a mid-face is, even. Nose and cheekbones?

10 years ago

-any mention of ‘gina’ and/or ‘tingles’
-women can’t STEM
-[insert nerdy interest here] is a safe space for menz that wimminz just want to ruin because they hate menz!
-all women want no men to be happy
-confusing “equal rights” with “pummeling the living shit out of your loved one”
-a racist screen name
-a sexist screen name
-a screen name with some puerile joke about a feminist figure/prominent female anything
-a melodramatic metaphor
-“hitting the wall”
-“cock carousel”
-something about a hamster, I dunno

This could also make one hell of a drinking game.

10 years ago


Twelfth Night is my favorite Shakespeare play, and you’re awesome. 🙂

10 years ago

PUA-specific ones:

[photo of a trilby] Bitches dig fedoras!
I negged an HB10 and then banged her all night!
Rape Game
“Man hands” (or jaws, or anything else that could be used as a neg on an otherwise ultrafeminine target)
Penis is made for vagina, mouth is not. So simple!
Starbucks gambit
Don’t Bang Denmark
What’s wrong with all these Russian bitches?
Women must be kept thin and miserable
Peacocking [insert photo of Mystery here, in his dorkiest hat/goggles combo]
Over 25 is too old (and therefore desperate, and therefore, GAME!)
[random racist or ethnic generalization]