A couple of years back. with the help of the commentariat here, I put together an MRA Bingo Card Generator. I’ve been meaning to do a new and improved version of this for a while — as well as a companion PUA/Red Pill Bingo Card Generator, and possibly even a couple of others (Derailing Bingo? Dark Enlightenment Bingo? GamerGate Bingo?).
I know some of you all have been playing Troll Bingo in the comments. So let me know which of these card generators sound like the most amusing to you. And then let’s brainstorm about what to put in the list for each!
Also, if you can come up a way to actually play MRA Bingo, let me know. Certainly in every big thread with trolls in it, commenters could print out cards for themselves and see how many squares they can fill. Or we could set a specific time, and one of us, acting as Bingo Boss, could send you all to a particular MRA post or discussion thread elsewhere and you all could compete to see who could get a bingo first.
I’m kind of thinking this could become a thing.
Anyway, let’s get brainstorming!
Girls poop and it smells.
I used to think that women deserved rights until I read this blog post.
If men aren’t allowed to sexually harass women/have sex with drunk women the human race will die out. Why are you trying to kill love?
Opression of “socially awkward young (white) males”
Feeeeemales crave male protection
All feeemales are sluts except for mommy
All feeemales are sluts especially mommy
The worth of pussy decreases with usage
Alpha vs. beta men
Maybe we could make Mommy Issues the central square.
White Knight
Alpha male
False reporting (rape or domestic abuse)
It was her fault
She deserved it
She made him do it
Men get raped too
Don’t go to parties if you don’t want sex
Don’t dress sexily if you don’t want sex
“I have lots of women friends.”
“I love women!”
“My girlfriend likes X, so all women secretly like it.”
“Not All Men.”
“I’ve never seen X, so it doesn’t happen.”
“Women who stay at home are leeches.” (steal hubby’s money)
“Women who work are leeches.” (depend on a male boss for money/steal a man’s rightful job)
Profound abuse of statistics.
“If feminists really want equality, you’ll do what I say.”
Don’t have a vagina if you don’t want sex.
Word salad
Feminism doesn’t teach us anything about how to get men laid
Notch count
“I am a totally neutral observer and both sides are terrible, but feminists are more terrible”
Women are a commodity
Women are robots
Women are animals/children
X is married to a pretty woman, therefore he’s right about everything
Sex increases a man’s value and decreases a woman’s value
Sex between ugly people doesn’t count
My unsatisfied boner is the worst thing that ever happened to anyone anywhere in all of history, stop whining about your silly little abuse/rape/trauma
FINALLY, MY CHANCE. (Quotes can be approximate, I think.)
“Strawman! [Where there was no strawman]”
“Ad hominem! [Where there was no ad hominem]”
“Every movement will have its crazies, just like feminism.”
-Andrea Dworkin.
-Flabbergasted at the thought that he could be a misogynist.
-Flabbergasted at the thought that PUAs and MRAs have anything in common.
“Feminists [something something] fire alarms.”
“Male sexuality is being/has been demonized.”
“You can’t trust that research, it’s feminist.”
-Insists that all accused rapists must be presumed innocent, but also that all “false accusers” must be presumed guilty. (Must have both to get the square.)
-Any non-critical mention of GamerGate or NotYourShield.
-Insists that your argument is illogical but refuses to point out where.
“Oh, so you think #WomenAgainstFeminism are just stupid? What happened to female solidarity?”
“Why are you so angry?”
“Feminists are the reason we don’t have more male birth control options.”
-Utter failure to understand war, the draft, and voting.
-Modern- Western- White- Middle Class- College- feminists.
-Utter failure to understand family law.
“Male safe space.”
“LOL are you one of those ‘Ban Bossy’ feminists?”
“Buyer’s remorse.”
Also mansplaining and gaslighting.
This bingo card is going to end up covering 1000 square miles.
“High/low notch count”
“Nice guys = sad boners = FEMINAZI OPPRESSION!!”
“Bad guys exist because feeeemales choose to breed with them”
“Lots of sex is good for men and bad for women, because evolution”
Women are running a huge shadowy campaign to take over the government and destroy society, but they’re also really stupid and bad at planning things, which is why they shouldn’t be CEOs.
Rape = [horrible analogy]:
“You wouldn’t walk in a bad neighbourhood with your wallet / cash hanging out, would you?”
“You wouldn’t wave a steak in front of a hungry dog, would you?”
“You wouldn’t get black-out drunk and not be at fault for hitting a pedestrian, would you?”
I’m an equalist.
I’m a humanist (and I think that’s a term that I just made up, because I don’t believe in reading).
Commercial surrogates from third world countries.
Ooh, sounds like fun! Here’s a few:
“Allow me to play devil’s advocate”
“It’s called ephebophilia”
“Gina tingles”
Weird euphemism for “vagina”
“I’m not a feminist, I’m an egalitarian”
Greek letters
“Consent is complicated”
The friend zone
“But I’m a nice guy”
“But Zoe Quinn cheated on her boyfriend!”
“Women don’t play videogames anyway”
“Women only play casual games”
“Zoe Quinn faked her doxxing”
“Gaming is a male space”
Accusing Sarkeesian of cherrypicking
“Sexism in games isn’t harmful anyway”
The Fine Young Capitalists
I swear that I’m really a feminist, but…
Sockpuppetting as a woman
I only pretended to be a woman because you guys hate men.
I know more about your sexual desires than you do.
David is just fat/balding/a virgin/jealous that [insert pua name here] can get laid while he can’t.
DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH (used if troll claims to have an improbably fantastic life)
Inability to keep details of life story straight
But X doesn’t actually represent our movement!
I was about to break out of my 2-year lurk to post a whole list of bingo-square suggestions, but it actually stretched to about 500 words. There are just too many MRA red-flags to list, but at least you can see these idiots a mile off. Saves having to read their lengthy, convoluted comment-section diatribes if the first sentence contains any of their hallmark catchphrases.
Here’s a condensed, but by no means complete list:
“females”, “Rad-fems”, “#NotAllMen”, “What About Teh Menz”, Victim blaming, “Misandry”, “The Glass Cellar”, “The Red Pill”, “Incel”, “negging”, “Mangina”, “White Knights”, “Pussy Pass” “Women are the gate-holders”, “White feathers”, Sulking, Rhetological Fallacies, double-standards, commodification of sex, [any gendered slur], “cock carousel”, Madonna/ Whore dichotomy, “Damaged goods”, “Sperm-dumpster”, “Vaginas are icky”, “How dare women choose to have sex”, castration anxiety, “I feel emasculated”, “My lack of self-worth is everyone’s fault but my own”, “Feminazis”, “Matriarchy”, Divorce rates, “Paternity fraud”, “False rape allegations”, Condoning incest, “Chivalry”, “She’s about a 7”, Any talk of “taking women in hand”, “honey badger”, Rape threats, “Some women deserve it”, “Egalitarianism is The Answer”, “Feminism has gone TOO FAR”, “Women choose [oppressive tradition]”, “Women do [Misogyny] too!”, “I’m a nice guy”, “Friend-zone”, any Evo-psych, Presenting some bad ad-hoc Evo-Psych hypothesis he pulled out of his ass as incontrovertable fact, ‘splaining, Appeal to ‘Freeze-peach’, “I love and respect my female family members”, “Marriage is a trap”.
Maybe you could list all these in a kind of encyclopaedia of MRA Bullshit. Y’know, basically a concise, pocket-reference edition of your blog.
There’s just so many things they get completely wrong.
“It was satire!”
Has anyone said, “X (Don’t be That Guy posters, enthusiastic consent, etc) demonizes male sexuality!”
I did, yes. Though I’m starting to think that what they actually mean to say is that people who have a problem with constant female objectification are “demonizing their sexuality;” not rape or consent laws necessarily.
My (male ancestor of choice) fought in/for/against X therefore I deserve Y
Female Worth= attractiveness(a)+number of children(n)-number of sexual partners(s)-level of feminist activity (f)
Male Worth= ((a+s)*(annual earnings(e) /distance of domicile to the nearest beach in meters(m) ))/lenghth of penis in inches(p)
Sorry, I can’t actually math. Because I’m a feeeeemale.
-Sexbots will be the end of feminism;
-Women live longer than men;
-Men and females;
-Women in HR;
-Just asking questions;
-tl;dr comment;
-“If you don’t allow me to comment, that means you’re censoring me!”
-Complaining about being censored while commenting non-stop;
-Women are so emotional about subjects that affect them deeply;
-Thinking there are only women commenting here;
-Women can’t do anything, because periods/PMS;
-I don’t hate women but [massive screed insulting women];
-Women are inferior because [Religion] says so;
-[Religion] is female dominated and is oppressing men;
-We can’t be sexist because some women agree with us
If you ban me it just means I’m right!!11!!!