A couple of years back. with the help of the commentariat here, I put together an MRA Bingo Card Generator. I’ve been meaning to do a new and improved version of this for a while — as well as a companion PUA/Red Pill Bingo Card Generator, and possibly even a couple of others (Derailing Bingo? Dark Enlightenment Bingo? GamerGate Bingo?).
I know some of you all have been playing Troll Bingo in the comments. So let me know which of these card generators sound like the most amusing to you. And then let’s brainstorm about what to put in the list for each!
Also, if you can come up a way to actually play MRA Bingo, let me know. Certainly in every big thread with trolls in it, commenters could print out cards for themselves and see how many squares they can fill. Or we could set a specific time, and one of us, acting as Bingo Boss, could send you all to a particular MRA post or discussion thread elsewhere and you all could compete to see who could get a bingo first.
I’m kind of thinking this could become a thing.
Anyway, let’s get brainstorming!
“Women are incapable of love”
Literal abuse tactics as pick-up artistry
The Titanic
Erin Pizzey’s dog
Sexual market value
Women write love letters to convicts
Women forced us to fight wars
“Literally zero spatial reasoning ability”
Women won’t survive the apocalypse because STEM
“I’m an egalitarian”
“Just because they’re sockpuppets doesn’t mean they aren’t real”
Sex and the City
Confuses stereotypical femininity with feminism
“You’re just cherry picking”
Improbable story of a woman he (coincidentally) JUST saw doing something HORRIBLE
Misogyny double-bind:
(for instance: Women who wear makeup are deceiving, Women who don’t wear makeup are ugly…Or {as Grumpynurse sez…} women can’t do STEM jobs, and women who get into STEM jobs are stealing jobs from the men…)
Women are only good for sex:
(so if a woman owns something it was a gift by someone who wanted her for sex, if she’s in an advanced position it’s because she used sex to get there, if men like and respect her it’s because they want to fuck her or have fucked her, etc.)
Men are superior:
(therefore lack of advancement on their part can’t possibly have anything to do with them)
Women like to submit:
(despite the vast majority of actual women demonstrating otherwise)
Pussy pass fallacy
(women get everything given to them because vagina)
Women are vampires
(drain the menz)
Feminist world conspiracy
ok, that’s some manure…
Article written by Christina Hoff Sommers
Family court
“If it were a woman all of you would.. .”
True equality its being able to assault women
Men not being able to coerce a woman into sex is an attack on male sexuality
This thing a woman did is proof of male Opression and how feminist don’t care for real equality
failure to recognise own privilege
or a related one:
trying to deflect from male privilege by inventing axes of oppression (e.g.: but a woman once turned me down therefore I’m OPPRESSED)
Women are all sluts…who are oppressing me by not submitting to my boner!
Oh oh, I love this game!
Male Disposability
Society Would Collapse Without Teh Menz
Who Care About Your MA in Puppetry (or why college education is wasted on the womenfolk)
(And for extra contrasting fun!) Boys Are Doing Badly In School Because Misandry
Date Fraud!
And I’d totally vote for Pussy Pass, it’s a classic!
-cultural marxism.
-marxism in a dress.
-blatant transphobia (bonus square if it appears alongside claims of transphobia by feminists)
Lowering the age of consent because biotruths
OT: Bingo lady has awesome earrings.
Sorry if it’s not short enough but a pretty common meme among these people is that women have it easy because men are expected to lay down their lives for them and children. Even though this obviously rarely comes up and women practise self sacrifice too,
Hmm…feminazi, feminists are all ugly/fat/old/stupid/lesbians, feminists are in it for the money (what money?), feminists want to destroy the family, feminists want to destroy society, feminists hate sex, feminists encourage women to be slutty and have lots of sex, feminists hate all men, feminist men are just doing it to get laid, feminist men are pussywhipped.
Sperm as liquid gold
Artificial wombs, fembots.
Vulvas are icky.
I’m new here but, ‘women like you are the reason I’ve chosen to stay single’ always seems to pop up when talking to Not All Men types
Change that vulvas to vaginas. They don’t know much about anatomy and to them clitoris and vulva = vagina.
Allow me to use their nomenclature then:
Poon. Poon is icky.
Now you’re talking!
Vulvas are a tool of the gynocratic conspiracy and don’t really exist. Like clitorises, they’re something feminists invented just to make men look bad.
I don’t agree with everything Paul Elam says
“Women are people”
“You can’t just say that, we need to teach the controversy”
I wasn’t an MRA until you…
Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote because they vote for the wrong people/party.
I’m not a feminist anymore
I’m a humanist because I care about all rights
Feminist academics are biased