a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs judgybitch kitties MRA straw feminists

Exciting new meme: #ConfusedJanetBloomfield AgainstFeminism


When I saw this quote from our old friend, A Voice For Men’s repeatedly-banned-from-Twitter Social Media Director Janet Bloomfield, it seemed to me to be so extravagantly confused that even the most confused cat against feminism would be embarrassed to have said it. So I made a new meme for it. Ta da!

Here’s the whole paragraph the quote comes from:

I am often accused of simply not understanding what feminism IS when I dare to criticize it, especially on Twitter. Get a dictionary, blah blah blah whatever. See, here’s the thing: I know exactly what feminism IS and the claim that feminists stand for gender equality is not only outright laughable, I’m beginning to see it as a calculated, deliberate, malicious lie. Feminists damn well know they are seeking superiority and the wholesale destruction of society as we know it to be replaced by a brutal matriarchy in which all women and the remaining men will be subject to totalitarian controls that would make Stalin green with envy.

Not all the remaining men! I have been assured I will be guaranteed a spot in Women’s Country with the other male servitors.

Anyhoo, if anyone else feels inspired to do any meme-ing, there are certainly any number of quotes about feminism from MRAs that might work well for similar graphics. No need to stick with cats. There are any number of animals that might better symbolize confused MRAs, from dung beetles to snakefish to bat guano. Ok, that last one isn’t strictly speaking an animal, but you get the idea.


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10 years ago


Yeah, totally didn’t notice that. Whoops!

I kind of have tunnel vision on web pages, and sidebar thingies float right past me…

My bad.


What has been seen can no longer be unseen.

10 years ago

… I also tend to use the mini-popup one, at this different link, with no artwork? If you don’t want to see the why the heck is this nonononono awfulness that means I’m probably never visiting the main link ever again?

This one is clean.

This is what I get for googling instead of hunting through bookmarks.

My apologies.

10 years ago

Nevermind. New link not clean. It goes to the same page, as soon as you hit translate.

I’m going back to my excel dictionary that I created in fiction nerd phase in HS… I’ll emerge if I ever get a translate program of my own up and running without terribad art.

10 years ago

The idea of Unitarians performing human sacrifice is strangely amusing. Reminds me of when I was running the D&D campaign, and had the party encounter some pilgrims from the Cult of the Ichor God Bel-Shamharoth (Reformed). The pilgrims turned out to be on their way to the Spring Picnic and Jumble Sale, and were innocuous to the point of being ridiculous.

Now I’m trying to imagine Satanist Unitarians.

I’m sure there are some. Like all Satanists, I imagine that UU Satanists try not to hurt anybody.

Our local chapter has several witches. They tend to hold ceremonies at solstices and equinoxes. Every service begins with the congregation turning to the four winds. The closest we’ve gotten to hate was when that jerk attacked services at the Knoxville chapter and shot a couple of people. A niece of one of the dead people came to our memorial service and obviously felt compelled to witness to us. She had tears in her eyes as she told us that her aunt was now in Hell and we were wrong and would follow her aunt. I felt an odd mixture of it is unbearably horrible that your aunt is dead and really? go fuck yourself.

I’m only barely a Unitarian: I’ve been to a few services and some potlucks, and a couple of parenting group meetings at the local branch. When my devout Presbyterian cousin asked me if we had a “home church,” I said we’d been attending the local Unitarian outfit because I could smell a hard sell coming.

10 years ago

Aw geez, contrapangloss, no harm done to me. It sounds like you’ve been inconvenienced, and I’m sorry for that.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Our local chapter has several witches. They tend to hold ceremonies at solstices and equinoxes.

During the times when I sometimes attended a local Unitarian chapter (I never really got the hang of the Sunday Services things, so despite really liking what the stand for, I stand can’t officially join them) we had a very large Pagan segment in our church. I don’t remember them doing any special ceremonies however.

My mother has told me that in the church she grew up in, they were regularly told that Catholics sacrificed babies in secret. I later learned that this bit of anti-Catholic propaganda is quite widespread.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

Satanist UUs have the human sacrifice…but without the humans. They substitute lemon squares and a pot luck.

10 years ago

I think their logic went something like this

I)People will do anything that is not explicitly forbidden
II)UU lacks a formal creed

Therefore Unitarians practice human sacrifice since they don’t have a rule explicitly telling them not to

10 years ago

Falconer: You cannot fool me, I’ve seen the manifesto of Unitarian Jihad firsthand!

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago


I remember something that particularly infuriated me in the wake of those Knoxville killings was that conservative pundits started to shout that this was an example of the persecution of Christians. The hypocrisy was unbelievable, since these are the same conservatives who regularly dumped on UU as… well, see all of the above slurs. They didn’t want to recognize the obvious, which was that the church was targeted, according to the killer, “because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country.”

10 years ago

Am I the only one befuddled by “all women and the remaining men will be subject…”? So, under feminism women are being oppressed as well as men. Ummm…well, I guess she means the women who aren’t feminists, and that there will be a select few women who call themselves Feminists who control the rest of the women, brainwashing them to hate men. Orwell did a much better job on the toilet.

And by “remaining men” she is inferring that many if not most of them will be gone. Does she mean dead? Do the feminists kill them all? I don’t see what else “the remaining men” after the Great Feminism Coup could mean! This is sick!

The thing that gets on my nerves the most about these antifem women is that they are quite proud of the fact that they make no sense. And I mean, they don’t even try to. It wouldn’t make sense for them to make sense, being that they are women themselves. Their diatribes are just words put together, like a poem that doesn’t make sense yet has an emotional affect. At least the antifem women of old put some thought into their arguments, even just a sprinkling, and didn’t have to resort to being foul.

10 years ago

@Cassie’s Major Domo What I find particularly NAD is their co-opting of religious persecution of Christians in non-Christian nations to justify using the levers of power to support or enhance their goals in the US. Not getting to have their values enforced on others is apparently persecution of them.

10 years ago

Uhh. I mean bad not NAD. That was a weird autocorrect.

10 years ago


I still can’t believe they managed to get SCOTUS to support the idea that an employer negating part of an employee’s health benefits is “protection of religious liberty”. I mean, WTF. If you ever want proof that the US Christian Right isn’t facing any kind of persecution, that’s it right there – that a superficially ludicrous argument that a 7-year-old could pick apart is now the law of the land.

Still waiting for the same people to lose their shit the first time an Islamic-owned business tries to invoke exactly the same law.

10 years ago

Nope contrapangloss, not Samish’s calf. I don’t think she’s had a calf since 2009 (though she had a grandcalf in 2012.)

Did you mean Surprise? Because, yeah, L86 popped another one! Took her nine years since the last calf but the population is doing so badly you can’t blame her.

By the end of his life J1 was siring way too many calves in that population with whales way too closely related to him. It sucks that the population has no future due to it’s lack of genetic diversity. They’ll either disappear entirely or the leftover whales will engage in abnormal behaviour and breed with different populations they cross paths with. Either way, they’re not sticking around. We’ve done too much damage.

This is one reason I focus on the northern residents and the Biggs’ of BC and SE Alaska. Less depressing.

10 years ago


Minor distraction! I’ve decided on a first pass at a time for another Go learning/playing session. See here in the last open thread for details, and to let me know if you want to join in and what times would work out for you.


10 years ago


I still can’t believe they managed to get SCOTUS to support the idea that an employer negating part of an employee’s health benefits is “protection of religious liberty”. I mean, WTF. If you ever want proof that the US Christian Right isn’t facing any kind of persecution, that’s it right there – that a superficially ludicrous argument that a 7-year-old could pick apart is now the law of the land.

Even better, they did so without one word about the religious liberties of or the harms caused to the employees. If nothing else proves SCOTUS just tries to find ways to justify what they already believe rather than figure out what the true best ruling should be, Hobby Lobby does.

10 years ago

Satanist UUs have the human sacrifice…but without the humans. They substitute lemon squares and a pot luck.

Ha ha. I’m UU and I love this.

10 years ago

Yeah, I meant Surprise.

Whoops. I saw the S, and was a little over hopeful. L pod makes more sense, though. The Southern Rezzies are the most depressing of populations, but that might just be because we know enough about them for them to be depressing.

The LA pod is still mysterious and awesome. I have no clue how they’re doing.

But… The little tyke is SO cute!

Who’s an adorable baby orca! YOU ARE!

10 years ago

Plus there is the ancient UU joke.

When the church is on fire, Catholic priests run in for the cross, Baptists run in for the Bible, and UUs run in for the coffee maker.

10 years ago


You wouldn’t have happened to hear any news of the LA pod, would you?

Last update I had was 2009, with a potential group spotted of 5 unknowns in 2013 that didn’t match any known LA pod members.

10 years ago

I like that they’re swimming kinda crooked alongside their mom.

J pod actually outbred L pod 3:1 in 2009. Hopefully they get back into it. Maybe poor K pod will pop another baby in the next couple years.