When I saw this quote from our old friend, A Voice For Men’s repeatedly-banned-from-Twitter Social Media Director Janet Bloomfield, it seemed to me to be so extravagantly confused that even the most confused cat against feminism would be embarrassed to have said it. So I made a new meme for it. Ta da!
Here’s the whole paragraph the quote comes from:
I am often accused of simply not understanding what feminism IS when I dare to criticize it, especially on Twitter. Get a dictionary, blah blah blah whatever. See, here’s the thing: I know exactly what feminism IS and the claim that feminists stand for gender equality is not only outright laughable, I’m beginning to see it as a calculated, deliberate, malicious lie. Feminists damn well know they are seeking superiority and the wholesale destruction of society as we know it to be replaced by a brutal matriarchy in which all women and the remaining men will be subject to totalitarian controls that would make Stalin green with envy.
Not all the remaining men! I have been assured I will be guaranteed a spot in Women’s Country with the other male servitors.
Anyhoo, if anyone else feels inspired to do any meme-ing, there are certainly any number of quotes about feminism from MRAs that might work well for similar graphics. No need to stick with cats. There are any number of animals that might better symbolize confused MRAs, from dung beetles to snakefish to bat guano. Ok, that last one isn’t strictly speaking an animal, but you get the idea.
I, for one, think a brutal matriarchy would be kind of kinky.
OK, guys! Now I’m pissed! How did JudgyBitch v2.0 (or 3.0, whatevs) find out about the secret plans before I did? WHY IS THE FEMINIST HIGH COUNCIL NOT KEEPING ME UPDATED?????
What is it? Am I not misandering enough? Did they lose my email? WHY???? Should I eat more bonbons? (it would be a horrible sacrifice, but I could, if they want me to)
Apparently Attila, like JR can’t grasp what PR actually is. The purpose is not to speak only to your echo chamber while attacking anyone not in your group. PR is meant to reach out to others. That’s why the P stands for public and the R for relations. Words. They mean things.
Have you cuckolded a beta male lately? That might be your problem.
These comments are hilarious. Even the one guy bright enough to point out that the Millett thing is obviously fiction still believes in the secret feminist conspiracy:
I’d agree, but they love writing things down. Even their secret agendas are published among themselves, because their own dogma tells them men won’t ever read it anyway. I also really don’t think that whole bit is even vaguely plausible, let alone necessary, because of all the other batshit crazy they spout.
Janet Bloomfield’s butt sure does talk a lot.
If I may be permitted:
Janet — I see the problem. You think that feminists
You’re wrong.
Nice to know I could clear that up for you.
WWTH – Thank-you, so much! This is what I’ve been doing wrong! Stupid lady brain and my monogamy fetish. To the co-ed gym to cheat with a bored alpha! (a quickie counts, right? ’cause MrGrump went to pick the smalls up at school and I want to bake cupcakes before they get home)
Today Janet Bloomfield and I had a conversation about the men in the FDNY who died responding to the attacks of September 11th. I said:
So she said:
And also:
And that was that.
@ Kevin K – shhhhh! If she stops saying stoopid stuff we can’t mock her any more!
@GrumpyOldNurse – Check your spam folder. I’ve been getting my updates via a fake account that’s pretending to be a direct order pharmacy. If there’s a subject line that’s actually advertising a drug for women (or anything that’s not Viagra), that’s it. I think that the FHC’s Office of Information is trying to fly under the radar after all of these obvious security breaches.
@ Flying Mouse – gottcha!! (wink, wink)
Wait a minute! Are there drugs for women? YOU”RE A SPY!!!!1!!!!
I like your picture 😉
Just a few days left!
PS: It was only just now I realized that JB didn’t mean a feminist fire house, but a feminist’s house. And that “rationalization” according to Wikipedia is also known as “making excuses.”
PPS: Aw man. my OP’s in moderation. I promise that PS will make sense if it’s approved.
Oh, crap, did they actually go through with that Zero Tolerance policy? I heard that hypergamy might be made compulsory, with penalties for non-compliance, but I didn’t know it was already in effect.
That’s sad news. I don’t like what I’ve heard about these “alpha male” characters. But I must work for the greater good!
She forgot to mention the part about bonbons.
Is the Zero Tolerance policy about hypergamy really in effect? Dang it! Could I just bang one of the male doctors? would a male nurse count? how about the cute new ward aid? Being a feminist is getting way too hard…
@ marinerachel – maybe she’s been putting the bonbons in her butt by mistake and that’s why she’s so judgy?
Nope, nope, I’m totes a lady! And a feminist! I have a Sailor Moon avatar on my Twitter account! I dumped a beta this morning after he bought me a venti pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks! All the SWJ’s love me! Look, over there – it’s a bra!
Now that I have completely defended my credentials as a female, let me tell you about how 4chan has been completely misunderstood recently and how GamerGate has many good points to make, if you can just can those silly little emotions long enough to be rational…
Did that guy read what he typed!? Has he even spoke to actual woman before!? It’s amazing that MRAs don’t have a shred of self awareness, empathy, grasp of reality or brain cells for that matter.
JB is a spy! We need better security!
Oh no, I don’t know why but I thought of a skit.
Teacher: ok class can anyone tell me what is 2+2?
Jb: 6
Teacher: what?
JB: it’s 6
Teacher: how did you get that answer?
JB: a few classmates told me
Teacher: well they’re wrong. Did you look in your text book on how to add?
JB: it’s 6 I don’t need to look it up, I know what it is
Teacher: all you have to do is count on your fingers and-
JB: Wh***! C***!
Teacher: principles office! now!
JB: fine! Before I go I have one more thing to say!… You suck 24 c***s!
::runs down the hall laughing::
Well, OK, then, Flying Mouse… You sound totes legit. Very sorry for doubting you.
@ fruitloopsie – how could we possibly improve our security? JB is just too cunning!
My first SO was incredibly religious. In an attempt at compromise (I guess? I’m never quite sure why past-me does the things they do) I suggested we go to the UU service sometime instead of their usual fundie Baptist service. They mentioned it to their parents, who reacted by saying, almost word for word, that it was
They also claimed in all seriousness that Unitarians practice human sacrifice.
We can make up a language that only us will know? I don’t know! We better think up something quick! Our very lives of the matriarchy depend on it!
aybymay ifay eway ypetay inay igpay atinlay?