When I saw this quote from our old friend, A Voice For Men’s repeatedly-banned-from-Twitter Social Media Director Janet Bloomfield, it seemed to me to be so extravagantly confused that even the most confused cat against feminism would be embarrassed to have said it. So I made a new meme for it. Ta da!
Here’s the whole paragraph the quote comes from:
I am often accused of simply not understanding what feminism IS when I dare to criticize it, especially on Twitter. Get a dictionary, blah blah blah whatever. See, here’s the thing: I know exactly what feminism IS and the claim that feminists stand for gender equality is not only outright laughable, I’m beginning to see it as a calculated, deliberate, malicious lie. Feminists damn well know they are seeking superiority and the wholesale destruction of society as we know it to be replaced by a brutal matriarchy in which all women and the remaining men will be subject to totalitarian controls that would make Stalin green with envy.
Not all the remaining men! I have been assured I will be guaranteed a spot in Women’s Country with the other male servitors.
Anyhoo, if anyone else feels inspired to do any meme-ing, there are certainly any number of quotes about feminism from MRAs that might work well for similar graphics. No need to stick with cats. There are any number of animals that might better symbolize confused MRAs, from dung beetles to snakefish to bat guano. Ok, that last one isn’t strictly speaking an animal, but you get the idea.
Aww yiss! I can’t believe how fast it’s happening.
The thing (well, ONE of the things) that struck me when reading Mallory Millett’s walk down memory lane is this – she claims that this happened at the founding of NOW. She can remember all that from forty eight years ago – but she can’t remember what NOW is an acronym for? She specifically refers to it as the National Organization of Women, instead of *for* women. I call unreliable narrator.
Well, I did once attend a pre-Pride service where the church was decked out in rainbow streamers and there was a cardboard cutout of Obama behind the altar. I remember thinking, as we danced down the aisles to Lady gaga, that that image would confirm everything some people “know” about liberals.
I really wish this meme had caught on. If anyone’s wondering, my jihadi name is Sister Twin Daggers of Worth and Dignity.
Unitarians sacrifice humans? Oh my! There’s a Unitarian church a mere block from me. It’s my polling place. If you don’t hear from me after election day (Nov. 4th) you’ll know I’ve been taken.
@Shaun DarthBatman Day:
Was your mother particularly squicked out by the book? I have to admit to doing this once with a evangelical angels vs. demons book lent to me by a (stealth*) evangelical guy I dated once, except I just threw the book in the garbage**. And this was before my pagan phase when I was still a nice Lutheran gal! I realize now that it was wrong of me (and I wish I regretted it more, but I don’t) and I should have returned the book to him.
tl;dr Yes, you are in the right here.
*The second date (that never happened) he asked me on was to his weekly Friday night ‘poker game’ that just happened to have a bible study tacked onto the end. Plus, no beer! The book was just the icing on the evangelical witnessing cake. Seriously, the fact that I was a pretty hard core Lutheran ( haha, “hard core Lutheran” I crack me up!) wasn’t good enough for him!
**It was THAT BAD! All of the women in the book were teh eeevil except for the wife of the (hot, hip, young, of course) pastor and this did not escape the notice of then-not-all-that-feminist me. Still, bad twincats! No!!
Snarking on Janet Bloomfield and UU jokes? I have found my people!
^awesome name!
Yay Tepper reference!
I have read both The Gate To Women’s Country and The Fresco… though it’s been a while for both. I liked Gate To Women’s Country. The Fresco seemed a bit too anvilicious to me.
I haven’t read it yet, but I picked up The Family Tree at a used bookstore recently. Maybe it’s Shaun’s copy?
Glad people like the comment. I think I first found about the term “gina tingles” while hate-reading Mary Sunshine’s old blog. I’ve been lurking at We Hunted the Mammoth since its Manboobz days. And I just had to laugh at the UU comment because I am a UU and the comment is so true. I think every UU should have a bumper sticker that says, “I Break for Potlucks.”
On-topic: I’ve identified as a feminist since I was a kid. I been reading feminist-related websites (including this joint) for quite a while. But being a curious kitten, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by anti-feminism, so I started reading anti-feminist websites. While reading, I kept saying to myself, “That’s interesting,” which is the Midwestern equivalent of a Southern lady saying, “Bless your heart.”
One hot mess of an anti-feminist site I found was Bloomfield’s “Judgy Bitch” site. At first I thought it was a parody. But parodies are usually funny and well-written. Janet Bloomfield is as funny as a stroke and a horrible writer.
Part of me feels sorry for Janet. What is it like to live 24/7 with so much bitter and hate? But if she chooses to act like brat, then let her.
However, I have to snark on how Janet thinks she’s some powerhouse intellect. Um, no, child, just no. Her insane hatred of Jessica Valenti is at turns disturbing and funny. Did Ms. Valenti pee in Janet’s Wheaties? Does Ms. Valenti know who Janet is? Probably, not.
Oh, well, Janet is good for a snark every now and then.
However, I do feel sorry for the cats. Poor kitties. What have they done to deserved Janet Bloomfield? Will someone please think of the KITTIES?
Gina, your observation on Janet Bloomfield and Jessica Valenti reminded me of the one bit of Ayn Rand dialogue I actually like. In Fountainhead, there’s a scene with Howard Roark and Ellsworth Toohey, in which the latter tells the former, “We’re alone now, nobody can hear what you say. Why don’t you tell me what you really think of me?” Roark replies, confused, “But I don’t think of you.”
Bloomfield, like the other anti-feminists, would be utterly dismayed to be told that. They work so hard to get attention. . .
I think Gina Tingles should get a welcome package 🙂
Ew. I hate Gate to Women’s Country. That is not my sort of feminism. But most of it isn’t even about what she’s saying anyway. I think she should go to college and take a few courses.
I didn’t love The Gate To Women’s Country either (especially the bit about how they cured homosexuality), but I have no idea what your last two sentences are about.
A welcome package for little old me? Well, you all know how to make a girl feel welcome. Excuse me while I blush demurely.
And Robert, despite being a passionate reader and a book reviewer, I refuse to read Ayn Rand. I’d rather go on a 24-bender of the “50 Shades” series than read something that inspired Paul Ryan’s political philosophy. One of my friends once asked me if Paul Ryan made me ashamed to be from Wisconsin. I told her, “He makes me ashamed to have blue eyes.”
On-topic: That is one thing about Janet Bloomfield that totally cracks me up. She is so fucking transparent in her naked ambition and desperation to be noticed. It’s like she’s a toddler jacked-up on Red Bull and Pixie Stix, and spreading her feces on the wall while screaming, “Mommy! DaDa! Loooooook at me make pwetty pwainting!!!!!!”