#gamergate 4chan a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? crackpottery creepy douchebaggery empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil women gamebros gaslighting harassment internet tough guy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed sarkeesian! straw feminists threats twitter video games zoe quinn

Do you still think that #GamerGate is a spontaneous movement against game industry corruption? Zoe Quinn has some screenshots to show you.

4Channers discover that Zoe has been spying on the #IRC channels where they'e been planning this "raid."
4Channers discover that Zoe has been spying on the #IRC channels where they’ve been planning and coordinating their “raid.”

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Ah, sweet schadenfreude! The gamebros at 4chan have been insisting publicly that the whole #GamerGate campaign — you know, the vicious attacks on game developer Zoe Quinn and other women in gaming — has been a spontaneous grassroots uprising against corruption in the world of game journalism, not a targeted campaign by misogynistic 4channers and their allies to ruin the lives of Quinn and everyone even vaguely connected with or even just aligned with her.

Well, it’s just become a lot harder to make that argument with a straight face. Last night, Quinn announced that she’s been lurking in the IRC where 4chaners have been diligently and often quite deviously planning this “spontaneous” uprising. And she’s started posting screenshots that seem to offer pretty incontrovertible evidence of  just how duplicitously 4channers planned every element of #GamerGate.

You can find Quinn’s tweets of these screenshots laid out neatly on this Storify page; it’s essential reading for anyone who’s been following all this.

But I thought I’d highlight some of my favorite bits.

Here, 4channers talk about trying to hack her email:

Here they spout bizarre conspiracy theory — while conspiring to hack another website.

In this screenshot — you can find the whole thing here — 4channers talk candidly about how they hope to ruin her career:

zoeruincareerMore of the same:

Here some 4channers talk about #NotYourShield, a supposedly spontaneous bit of hashtag activism in which people of color — and white dudes pretending to be people of color — attack “social justice warriors” for supposedly using them as “shields” for their attack on gaming. Notice the dudes at the end talking about showing up on Twitter “as a Latino” and “in blackface” to support the campaign.


Given how damning a lot of these screenshots are, it’s hardly surprising that they freaked out when Quinn started posting her screenshots:

Too late, dudes. Too late.

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blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Phoenician…Hopefully the FBI. She’s publicly posting the stuff now, but she’s been lurking for 2 weeks and collecting evidence primarily so that she can file criminal charges against the people harassing her.
Internet’s considered Federal jurisdiction.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

And how is her ex going to survive this for his career? Or his dating life. We can be cynical, and say, “just fine”, but his name is extremely googleable and he sent internet hordes after an ex-girlfriend.

Aww, poor guy…

I suspect Eron Gjoni’s going to find it VERY hard to find work after behaving like the kind of guy who murders his girlfriends when they try to leave him.

That’s not cynicism on my part, darlin’.
That’s me noting that this dumbcluck’s chickens WILL come home to roost.
In fact, he may be involved in actual hacking and/or attack organizing, so he may do time over this, as well.

To spell it out succinctly, you do not get to publicly punish your exes when a relationship ends. Even if your ex was crappy to you.
A lot of us have at least one ex who broke our heart BRUTALLY.
I sure do.
We do not get to terrorize our exes. We have to suck it up and move on.

Eron gets to suffer the consequences of his utter failure to act like the grown man he is. It’s gonna suck. He earned it.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Dibs on Social Justice Druid! My favorite class and also kindasorta my religion (it;s complicated).

10 years ago

I call Social Justice Druid!

10 years ago

DAMMIT, emilygoddess! 😛

Maybe I could take a prestige class and be a Social Justice Loremaster. I always thought the illustration in the 3.5 DM’s Guide was totally adorbs.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Welp apparently I’m also a ninja. Fortunately, there’s no rules against having multiples of the same class in one party (although druids are notoriously solitary).

10 years ago

@blahlistic From your keyboard to karma’s ears…

10 years ago


You must be a Social Justice Druid/Ninja! Odd multiclass combination, but whatever works!

10 years ago

At the very least, Eron Gjoni stands to be charged with libel. If he’s found to be egging the trolls on in any way, criminal incitement could be added to the list.

Yup, dude’s not lookin’ at all good in real-world terms.

10 years ago

This is so beautiful. I actually chortled. It’s been a while since I’ve had a good chortle.

And I want to be a Social Justice Alchemist. I can make trolls gnash their chompers, and also I will have gold. Win-win.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

What I vaguely remember reading is that he was not only found to be coaching the 4-channers, he’d hacked into some email accounts…


…So take that as totally nonconfirmed and possibly imaginary on my part.

10 years ago

Something told me this wasn’t just trolls having fun…..and now it looks like our suspicions have been confirmed; it really was worse.

@wordsp1nner: I’ve been a social justice guy myself for quite a while…..(long before I even heard of this site, in fact. Though I’m no longer the radical I used to be, TBH.). I dunno, maybe I’d be a social justice rogue?

Leisha Young
Leisha Young
10 years ago

I’m not quite sure what is more pathetic, that these guys think there is some kind of cyber-war between feminists and MRA/Ms or that these guys are ‘try-hard’ geeks. What kind of warped fantasy world do these cretins live in?

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


the worst she MIGHT have done is cheated on her maybe-boyfriend. Why this deserves the outrage of thousands of dudebros I don’t know.
The guy’s current observed behavior is really scary.
I hope he gets jail time.
…Zoe was right to get as far away from this potentially murderous guy as she could.

The reviewer she supposedly boinked never gave her game a review.

Wait – so she cheated on a guy, who – based on his behavior – DESERVED to be cuckolded, and she slept with someone who gave her no quid pro quo.

CLEARLY, that’s the problem! She didn’t get the quid pro quo! GamerGate Revealed! The gaming industry journalists aren’t doing their “due diligence.”

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


So on a scale of 1 to 10, how happy would being called a social justice warrior make you? Because, frankly, I think the best I could manage was social justice armchair quarterback.

But seriously–a warrior. For social justice. How is this supposed to be an insult?

Truly. Besides, the warriors have cabals, don’t you know. I’ve always wanted a cabal, but I never could find one. Not even on

10 years ago

@the cartoon:

It’s not mine! I can’t draw nearly that well.

For anyone who doesn’t know that tumblr, please do take a look!

PS: I like the Dragonblooded because, well, I love dragons, and because it’s a hated PC so I get to piss off the DnD nerds too.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Vaiyt – I’m Social Justice Wild Mage!

I love the chance of dropping a cow from the sky or turning my enemy into a squirrel. Of course, sometimes, I turn MYSELF into a squirrel, but I have found that to be merely a temporary inconvenience.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Unimaginative – OW! I hurt myself laughing at the SJPop-o-matic!

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Bina – Do not mess with the Social Justice Bard, for your name it is silly and can be made to scan to “Greensleeves.”

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Leisha Young

What kind of warped fantasy world do these cretins live in?

Forgotten Realms? Faerun?

10 years ago

Social justice scout here. Just can’t beat the bonus to speed. Also fond of being a social justice non-casting ranger.

10 years ago

vaiyt- that comic is so cute and SO FUNNY. Damn. I wanna be a…..Social Justice Shaman.

10 years ago


That was totally my guilty pleasure fantasy world in high school. Some of them are still good books. Some of them are full of argh facepalming.



That said, can I pretty please be a social justice dwarf bard? There aren’t enough dwarf bards. I’ll settle for dwarf minstrel.

10 years ago

OK. I’m lazy. I’m nominating for Social Justice Strategist.

You may ask what my strategy is. It’s simple.

Do nothing and let these clowns shoot themselves in their own feet.

10 years ago

… although, come to think of it, you could be right. It seems they think women are totally evil enough that if we ever made a matriarchal society, we’d totally run it the super evil, chaotic, we’ll flay you for any sort of random whim way.

Although, I kind of thought that loving spiders was a prerequisite of being drow, so maybe not?