#gamergate 4chan a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? crackpottery creepy douchebaggery empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil women gamebros gaslighting harassment internet tough guy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed sarkeesian! straw feminists threats twitter video games zoe quinn

Do you still think that #GamerGate is a spontaneous movement against game industry corruption? Zoe Quinn has some screenshots to show you.

4Channers discover that Zoe has been spying on the #IRC channels where they'e been planning this "raid."
4Channers discover that Zoe has been spying on the #IRC channels where they’ve been planning and coordinating their “raid.”

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Ah, sweet schadenfreude! The gamebros at 4chan have been insisting publicly that the whole #GamerGate campaign — you know, the vicious attacks on game developer Zoe Quinn and other women in gaming — has been a spontaneous grassroots uprising against corruption in the world of game journalism, not a targeted campaign by misogynistic 4channers and their allies to ruin the lives of Quinn and everyone even vaguely connected with or even just aligned with her.

Well, it’s just become a lot harder to make that argument with a straight face. Last night, Quinn announced that she’s been lurking in the IRC where 4chaners have been diligently and often quite deviously planning this “spontaneous” uprising. And she’s started posting screenshots that seem to offer pretty incontrovertible evidence of  just how duplicitously 4channers planned every element of #GamerGate.

You can find Quinn’s tweets of these screenshots laid out neatly on this Storify page; it’s essential reading for anyone who’s been following all this.

But I thought I’d highlight some of my favorite bits.

Here, 4channers talk about trying to hack her email:

Here they spout bizarre conspiracy theory — while conspiring to hack another website.

In this screenshot — you can find the whole thing here — 4channers talk candidly about how they hope to ruin her career:

zoeruincareerMore of the same:

Here some 4channers talk about #NotYourShield, a supposedly spontaneous bit of hashtag activism in which people of color — and white dudes pretending to be people of color — attack “social justice warriors” for supposedly using them as “shields” for their attack on gaming. Notice the dudes at the end talking about showing up on Twitter “as a Latino” and “in blackface” to support the campaign.


Given how damning a lot of these screenshots are, it’s hardly surprising that they freaked out when Quinn started posting her screenshots:

Too late, dudes. Too late.

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10 years ago

Social Justice Infrared Troubleshooter for me. I have the uniform and everything.

10 years ago
Reply to  vaiyt

Oh, and WONDERFUL cartoon, vaiyt!

10 years ago

It’s hilarious how serious they take themselves. When they discover her in their treehouse they’re all like “omg Genghis motherfucking Khan is in our camp!”

10 years ago

“She’s here.”

Man, what an excellent tagline for a movie featuring a female hero.

Oh please, Zoe, go the whole nine yards with this. Please. Those hateful, self-important assholes, pretending they’re on a mission from god. Are they scared? Good. They formed a hate mob against a talented game developer with the puritanical excuse that her personal sex life offended them. They don’t know what “journalistic integrity” means. They just want to burn a witch who reminded them that the gaming world just doesn’t belong to sexually frustrated losers who are easily offended by anyone who thinks games don’t always have to be about who you fuck, eat or kill. They like to think of themselves as modern cave men, but they’re really insecure little boys who never learned that girls actually don’t have cooties.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

vaiyt, gorgeous cartoon!

I fancy being a Social Justice Ninja.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

I am a Social Justice Rogue, that totally works…Dang, I miss playing my AD&D rogue, she was a prostitute, thief, and general load of fun trouble. 😀

10 years ago

I want to be a Social Justice Valkyrie!

10 years ago

I really am more of a social justice minstrel.

10 years ago

When I was 19-20, I did a cross country trip on my horse – just me, my guitar, my horse and a pack mule. Spent a year on horseback, traveling through all kinds of country – working on farms and in stables and singing in small clubs when I needed cash.

If you write that book, or make that movie, I will read/watch the fuck out of it!

Also, not a gamer, so maybe I’m a Social Justice Pop-o-Matic?

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

This is my kind of ninja, social justice or otherwise.

Save The Queen
Save The Queen
10 years ago

I’m more of a Social Justice Paladin. Fear the white knight!

10 years ago


Your horse venture sounds exceedingly awesome, and I just had the most depressing aha moment while reading it: this is exactly why I have never done anything like that on my own. Not because I couldn’t, or wouldn’t, nor am I ill equipped to, nor less determined, but because I’m not welcome to exist alone on my terms as a woman and that reality keeps me tethered. So fucking sad. But you are awesome for doing that in your own!

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Though in truth, this is more the sort of social justice ninja I’d be:

10 years ago

I’m a social justice Bene Gesserit.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Your horse venture sounds exceedingly awesome, and I just had the most depressing aha moment while reading it: this is exactly why I have never done anything like that on my own. Not because I couldn’t, or wouldn’t, nor am I ill equipped to, nor less determined, but because I’m not welcome to exist alone on my terms as a woman and that reality keeps me tethered. So fucking sad. But you are awesome for doing that in your own!

…That’s a sad thought.
I would evaluate creepy guys as one of the risks involved too, were I to do something similar…but TBH, I LOVE indoor plumbing. It’s awesome.

10 years ago

but TBH, I LOVE indoor plumbing. It’s awesome.


10 years ago


emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I just had the most depressing aha moment while reading it: this is exactly why I have never done anything like that on my own. Not because I couldn’t, or wouldn’t, nor am I ill equipped to, nor less determined, but because I’m not welcome to exist alone on my terms as a woman and that reality keeps me tethered. So fucking sad.

I know exactly how you feel.

When I was a junior in college, a friend who was a senior was telling me about his plans to go teach English in Thailand and travel all over the place. I told him I was jealous, and he said I should just go and do it, too. He honestly didn’t understand how different our experiences might be (and at the time, I didn’t really have the language to express it).

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

They think that the full log dumps are going to exonerate them. They’re stupid. Willfully stupid. This makes them look horrifyingly bad.

To who? Even if Quinn produces logs, and IP addresses, and photographs with dates and times on the back blown up to 4 inches, what the hell is it going to matter? There’s no authority controlling this, no-one in authority will pay any attention, the griefers will keep on griefing. She can win all the moral victory she wants – but that and $2.50 will only buy her a cup of coffee.

10 years ago

Yeah, when I actually pause and think about the ways I constrain my life to avoid risk, I get very sad and frustrated.

I sold my car on Kajiji this summer, and was complaining to my roomie about how exhausting the process was, and he was like, what? It took 3 days!

But he’s enormous and intimidating, and doesn’t have to think about things like making sure you’re meeting prospective buyers in public, well-lit places that are not where you live or work. And then doing it again. And then doing it again. I seriously doubt I will ever sell anything online again.

So yeah. I’m (probably naturally) a homebody and introvert, and I love to putz around and cook, and read, and avoid human contact. But every once in a while, it occurs to me that life could be a lot different, and a lot more fun, if I wasn’t ruled by fear.

10 years ago

I don’t understand… did these people think no one ever reads publicly accessible message boards with references to Zoe Quinn?
And how is her ex going to survive this for his career? Or his dating life. We can be cynical, and say, “just fine”, but his name is extremely googleable and he sent internet hordes after an ex-girlfriend. He seems to think he can just walk away from this. How? (Eron Gjoni, for the record. I find it disheartening how many articles don’t mention his name, just hers. Which means she gets stuck with the dreck, as planned.)

10 years ago

Can I be a social justice Eldritch Horror?

10 years ago

Kittehserf: if I can join your clan, I’d be happy to be known as Michy (after Michonne) The Social Justice Ninja. I think I can manage this as I love Samurai swords, have dark skin and frequently wear all Black.

10 years ago

I am a Social Justice Bard,
My lute I play so well!
I smite the trolls so very hard
That they fall straight to hell!

10 years ago

Words can’t express how happy this makes me. Go, Zoe!

Douchebros, your asses are showing. In case there’s still somebody out there thinking asshole gamers who target female game developers, critics and journalists aren’t motivated by systematic, organized misogyny, now’s the time to reexamine that naive belief.


Me a Social Justice Bard!!! Or, no, a Ranger! Yep, I call SJR! Yay!

No, but I wanted to be the social justice rang…

Fine, fiiiiine, I’ll be the social justice cleric. But don’t get too close to trolls, guys. I’m still too low level to cast Remove Disgusting Smell of Sock.