Congratulations, assholes! You did it! Your threats and harassment have driven game journalist/designer Jenn Frank and game designer/media critic Mattie Brice to leave the gaming world.
Frank, an award-winning writer and sometime game designer, came to the attention of the misogynist mob after writing a brief opinion piece for The Guardian decrying the widespread and vicious harassment of women in gaming. In addition to writing about the harassment she’s gotten — including someone trying to hack into her email account — she (as you might expect) also highlighted the misogynistic rage directed at feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian and indie game designer Zoe Quinn.
The new rule seems to be that any woman who writes about online harassment will herself be harassed, and in this case it didn’t take long.
The gamebro army, completely ignorant about how journalism works, decided that she had a “conflict of interest” — because, and I’m totally serious here, she had previously exchanged some tweets with Quinn and donated some money to her on Patreon. One critic, who put together a much-passed-around graphic outlining the charges against her, angrily denounced Frank for “vigorously defending [Quinn] while pretending to be impartial.”
There are a couple of giant problems with these accusations. First off, Frank never pretended to be impartial. She was not reporting on anything for the Guardian. She was writing an OPINION PIECE about a topic that obviously affected her. Editors don’t assign OPINION PIECES to writers who are, or who pretend to be, impartial. They assign these pieces to people WITH OPINIONS. You’re not going to get much of an OPINION PIECE from someone with no opinions.
Second of all, according to Frank (and I believe her), she had asked The Guardian to attach a brief statement to the end of her piece noting her — admittedly tenuous — connections with Quinn and Sarkeesian. The Guardian editors chose not to run it because they thought these connections were too trivial to merit a mention. They forgot that she was a woman writing about gaming, and that misogynistic assholes will seize on anything, literally anything, as an excuse for harassment.
After she started getting harassed for her alleged “conflict of interest,” Frank wrote a blog post dealing with the issue clearly and straightforwardly, and convinced the Guardian editors to append a version of her original disclosure statement to the piece:
Update: Jenn Frank has purchased and is a supporter of Zoë Quinn’s work, although this is the first article she has written on the developer. Frank has also briefly met Anita Sarkeesian.
As absurd as it is for a woman writer to have to publicly confess that she “has also briefly met Anita Sarkeesian,” as if this is some sort of crime, Frank thus answered her critics directly. And that should have been it. But of course the harassment — sorry, the perfectly legitimate criticism — continued, and on Wednesday night Frank announced that she’d had enough:
The only “conflict of interest” here was the “conflict of interest” that Frank wrote about originally in her Guardian piece. After describing her horror on discovering that someone had been trying to hack her email, she wrote:
My unabashed love for video games, my colleagues and my work have a conflict of interest with my own terror.
And, at least for now, the terror has won.
Meanwhile, game designer and media critic Mattie Brice was also extracting herself from an industry and a culture that has been grinding her down. I’ll let her tweets tell the story. (See her timeline for more.)
real talk is that people like me have been getting harassed and disregarded for a long time and patience's gone for things not being better
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 3, 2014
it feels like everyone is taking their merry ol' time to wise up and take action in a way that actually helps. don't have time for that
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 3, 2014
i need to get better and since that healing isn't coming from the outside i have to get it from the inside. shouldn't be how it is
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 3, 2014
see ya video games pic.twitter.com/0nnU6oAl7N
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 4, 2014
Congrats to all the people excising themselves from something horrible and looking to take care of yourself
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 4, 2014
If industry cared you would be properly supported. It wasn't ready for or deserving of you. Go shine elsewhere
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 4, 2014
It'll be nice not aspiring to be a part of an industry that makes me cry and hurt so often
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 4, 2014
I'm glad you all love video games a lot, these guys are tough company.
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 4, 2014
i decided i'm not spending time and energy on things that don't reciprocate. the games industry never budged to make room for me
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 5, 2014
it asked for volunteer work, it asked me to take harassment, it asked me to live in poor conditions. i won't anymore
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 5, 2014
until you figure out how to change that this industry will be a revolving door where people don't even get into the building
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 5, 2014
i won't spend any energy making you feel like your consumer products are art and deserving of critical attention
— @mattiebrice.bsky.social (@thotxcouture) September 5, 2014
Elsewhere on Twitter, the bullies crowed over their victory:
Another day, another couple of women ground down and spat out by the Great Internet Lady Harassment Machine, Gaming Division.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the gamebros haven’t forgotten about Zoe Quinn either.
lemme just check my email and- oh. #GamerGate pic.twitter.com/YJ8cwzlM79
— zoë “Baddie Proctor” quinn (@UnburntWitch) September 3, 2014
Here’s the screenshot; click for a larger and more readable version — if you’re not triggered by violent threats, that is.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Seriously, if you know, tell me, because I am fresh out of explanations for this level of blind hatred.
NOTE: This thread is a NO SHITHEAD thread. If you say anything that in any way even slightly excuses or justifies the harassment of these women, you can fuck right off to any of the eight zillion places on the internet where you can badmouth these women to your heart’s content. I and the other mods will be banning and deleting as necessary.
Michelle: There is Grand Order of Things when it comes to women and sex. The Law. Thou shalt not sleep with more than three men, and both must be boyfriends else ye are a wanton slutton. Stone the slutton with rape and death threats! Harass her until she amends her sinful ways!
Oh, but also ye must put out for any fedora/dudebro that asks or else ye are a prideful prude. Stone the hypergamous prude!
Uh, she said: “It pisses me off that they shit in a sandbox they did nothing to build or create or maintain”, which is stating that none of us bought any video games. Or bought video game mags or talked about video games or god beware… played them.
Not that that that relevant here as these women are being attacked because they were making, playing, buying and writing about games.
Oops that should have read “two” men. Or three? Opinions? MRAs and dudebros and PUAs contradict themselves so much I have no idea what an ideal world would be for them.
OMG, I didn’t notice that till now. That’s hilarious! And yeah, THONKING. This is what they do in lieu of THINKING. “Thonk” is the sound a mostly empty head makes when hitting the wall, is it not?
Hammer, nail, head. The “ethics” of the misodgey stochastic terrorist are simple:
1. Do as I say, not as I do.
2. If you do as I do, I will say all kinds of vile things in the hope that some lone-wolf assassin out there finds you and fucks you up.
3. Should that happen, I will deny all wrongdoing and pretend I couldn’t have known that someone else would take my shit seriously.
Yes, it’s hugely hypocritical. And double-standardy as fuck.
And re: real-world violence as it ties into gaming, the US military is actively invested in the shooter-games industry, particularly combat simulation games. They’ve actually used them to lure teens and pre-teens into considering military careers already. Given that drone wars are a growing and very profitable niche in the military-industrial complex, and the military’s constant demand for warm young bodies to fill recruitment quotas, of course they’re going to get involved. And they’re going to present actual, deadly drone warfare as a stepped-up, super-duper-double-looper exciting version of a shooter game, too.
One of the things about the Collateral Murder video (trigger warning: graphic violence) that struck me was how much the helicopter gunship pilots behaved like kids playing a game. They could see that they were killing innocent Iraqi journalists and farmers and parents with kids in the van, and they just kept shooting anyway. That’s the sort of thing I’d expect to see from a gun-happy gamebro who also harasses women online, insults other gamers, and generally poisons all the fun.
So yes, in a big way, SOME games do promote real-life violence. But it’s not convenience-store shootings in “bad” neighborhoods, or stabbings, or fistfights, that we should worry the most about. It’s WARS. Mass murder with state sanction. Crimes against humanity. Things you’d never expect to find associated with “just a game”.
Granted that I’m not a gamer, but what does Quinn cheating/sleeping with multiple people have to do with anything? Like, do people game with their sexy bits and I’ve just failed to notice this due to not being directly involved? What I’m getting at is, in every creative field there are people whose sexual behavior one might in theory not really approve of, but normally that has to rise to the level of a Roman Polanski before most people would even consider boycotting their work as a result of said behavior, much less attempting to drive them out of the field altogether. And even in Polanski’s case, where his behavior crossed the line from “I don’t really approve” to “this is a crime so egregious that it’s clear this person has no ethics at all and genuinely is an awful human being”, lots of people still watch his movies. Hell, Woody Allen is still making movies to critical acclaim and with the participation of industry heavyweights, and he molested his own daughter. So why is fucking 5 people who as far as we know were all consenting adults a crime worthy of not just permanent expulsion from the gaming community but also maiming?
Oops, I forgot that in this case the “criminal” is a woman. Silly me.
@ catfrom outerspace – I can’t answer the question, but the response is the same as the resopnse to Rebecca Watson’s “Guys, don’t do that” .. it’s as if their little universes frikkin imploded for some reason. I could never understand that one, and I don’t understand this. I don’t want to get into the weeds of personal attacks or pseudo-therapy or anything like that, but the only thing that even occurs to me that could prompt this level of vitriol is that there are a lot of dudebros out there with unresolved emotional problems and they need to have their internetz privileges removed until they get some damn good therapy. We all have problems, dudebros. Get over yourselves, get some help with your self-esteem issues, and join the frikkin human race…..
You do realize that there’s a difference between these two things that you’re trying to conflate, right? Multiple differences, in fact? And that when men in the industry do speak out against this stuff they don’t get rape threats and people attempting to mount a campaign to kneecap them?
I’m pretty appalled to see a comment like that here, to be honest.
I guess congratulations to the gamebros are in order; now even more people will come to automatically assume that the default setting for a guy gamer is “abusive piece of shit”. Yay, victory?
Not that they’ve won anything new from me, since I’ve been making that assumption for a couple of decades now. Totally unfair and unkind to gaming guys who aren’t garbage, of course, but I’m numb after years of being shit on, and I don’t give a fuck anymore. I can totally understand why these journalists want nothing more to do with it. The assholes just trumpet way too loudly. And constantly.
I’m so frustrated by all of this, and I’m not remotely a gamer. I just want to make all of them watch this TED talk:
Oops! I thought that would just be link. Sorry!
@ jennisb
It’s not you, it’s WordPress – it’s been doing this with some images too.
Seconding what Cassandrakitty said. Whatever backlash men might stand to face by speaking out against harassment, it’s not remotely to the same degree the women themselves are getting for just being women. And for those women facing those threats and harassment and decide to get away from it, it’s not remotely the same as men not speaking up. Those women are leaving for their own safety. Men who aren’t harassers but choose not to speak up against those who are are cowards.
I’m so glad we’ve gotten to the “what about the men” portion of the program.
Plus, just FYI, when you phrase things as “I find it ironic that X, when there’s also Y” it strongly implies that you don’t really agree with X. I’m hoping that was just poor phrasing and not an attempt to suggest that those women are wrong for leaving an environment in which they’re enduring daily rape and death threats.
Thirding cassandra and Alex.
I concur. So far the only people who have faced any consequences are the women who have spoken out against this kind of BS.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to turn the internet hate machine’s tools back on them? Create a site listing all of the vomit spewed out by these cretins next to a picture of them and their contact details, ddos attacks on their favourite misogynist hangouts, doxing them all. Think of the media shitstorm that would create.
There’s a part of me, the bulk of me actually, that thinks that would be wrong and stooping to their level. But there’s another part of me that says “fuck it, let’s mess their shit up.” I really want to see their behaviour follow them for the rest of their miserable little lives.
I was thinking more “permaban from all the cons they might want to attend” than “doxxing/DDOS”, actually. Not a good idea to go there from either an ethical or a practical perpective.
I think the very fact that the women are leaving, saying so, and saying that it’s because of harassment means that they’re not complicit by being silent, because they aren’t silent. They’re explicitly pointing out that there’s a problem, and that it’s so much of a problem that it’s limiting them.
I’ll just apologize now for how that came out. Period. I won’t try to defend it.
Overall, the point I was most trying to make is that I think it’s plausible that if not very many gamers are speaking up for women in comment threads, it could be because not very many actually read them. I think Internet comment threads may, just possibly give us a distorted view of the awfulness of humanity.
Also, gamers may not speak up because they are cowards, as Alex said. I know when I wrote the comment I was thinking they just might not have the courage to engage. I was thinking about it from a standpoint of thinking cowardice is just kind of human. However, cowardice is one of the main ingredients in complicit silence. So, the way I stated the whole thing was just flawed. I’m sorry.
they pretend that the label “gamer” wasn’t already associated with screaming at people for no good reason.
You screw up in an online game and WHAM, EVERY SLUR ON EARTH gets thrown at you.
But god forbid anyone complain about it happening
You’d need to dox the worst of the annonymous stuff in order to do that though. 🙁
Although, there appear to be a bunch of dudebros who have no problem saying it under their real names. So we could get a bunch.
Perhaps a new policy for game cons – give us your Twitter and Facebook handles. We can then check your tweets & updates for misogynistic BS, see who you follow and ban you if we find any evidence that you’re one of those guys.
Really problematic, and time intensive. But a guy can dream. 😛
If it was just a lack of support for women who’re being harassed in comment threads that would still be bad, but what’s alarming is that the hostility to women seems to show up everywhere that gamers congregate, including in meatspace.
Banning from cons isn’t going far enough.
Don’t let them play online with others.
Is there a way to throw people out of online gaming communities if they behave badly, like eject them from your WOW guild? That might be a start. Basically what Breakfast Man said in the last thread – the best way for a community to control people like that is via social ostracism.
Which obviously isn’t going to work if they’re the majority.