a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? bullying douchebaggery doxing entitled babies evil women gamebros geek girls irony alert mantrum men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed no trolls allowed oppressed men revenge of the nerds sexual harassment

You'll never guess what misogynistic gamebros did to these two women in gaming! (HINT: Drove them out.)

Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.
Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.

Congratulations, assholes! You did it! Your threats and harassment have driven game journalist/designer Jenn Frank and game designer/media critic Mattie Brice to leave the gaming world.

Frank, an award-winning writer and sometime game designer, came to the attention of the misogynist mob after writing a brief opinion piece for The Guardian decrying the widespread and vicious harassment of women in gaming. In addition to writing about the harassment she’s gotten — including someone trying to hack into her email account — she (as you might expect) also highlighted the misogynistic rage directed at feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian and indie game designer Zoe Quinn.

The new rule seems to be that any woman who writes about online harassment will herself be harassed, and in this case it didn’t take long.

The gamebro army, completely ignorant about how journalism works, decided that she had a “conflict of interest” — because, and I’m totally serious here, she had previously exchanged some tweets with Quinn and donated some money to her on Patreon. One critic, who put together a much-passed-around graphic outlining the charges against her, angrily denounced Frank for “vigorously defending [Quinn] while pretending to be impartial.”

There are a couple of giant problems with these accusations. First off, Frank never pretended to be impartial. She was not reporting on anything for the Guardian. She was writing an OPINION PIECE about a topic that obviously affected her. Editors don’t assign OPINION PIECES to writers who are, or who pretend to be, impartial. They assign these pieces to people WITH OPINIONS. You’re not going to get much of an OPINION PIECE from someone with no opinions.

Second of all, according to Frank (and I believe her), she had asked The Guardian to attach a brief statement to the end of her piece noting her — admittedly tenuous — connections with Quinn and Sarkeesian. The Guardian editors chose not to run it because they thought these connections were too trivial to merit a mention. They forgot that she was a woman writing about gaming, and that misogynistic assholes will seize on anything, literally anything, as an excuse for harassment.

After she started getting harassed for her alleged “conflict of interest,” Frank wrote a blog post dealing with the issue  clearly and straightforwardly, and convinced the Guardian editors to append a version of her original disclosure statement to the piece:

Update: Jenn Frank has purchased and is a supporter of Zoë Quinn’s work, although this is the first article she has written on the developer. Frank has also briefly met Anita Sarkeesian.

As absurd as it is for a woman writer to have to publicly confess that she “has also briefly met Anita Sarkeesian,” as if this is some sort of crime, Frank thus answered her critics directly. And that should have been it. But of course the harassment — sorry, the perfectly legitimate criticism — continued, and on Wednesday night Frank announced that she’d had enough:

The only “conflict of interest” here was the “conflict of interest” that Frank wrote about originally in her Guardian piece. After describing her horror on discovering that someone had been trying to hack her email, she wrote:

My unabashed love for video games, my colleagues and my work have a conflict of interest with my own terror.

And, at least for now, the terror has won.

Meanwhile, game designer and media critic Mattie Brice was also extracting herself from an industry and a culture that has been grinding her down. I’ll let her tweets tell the story. (See her timeline for more.)

Elsewhere on Twitter, the bullies crowed over their victory:

Another day, another couple of women ground down and spat out by the Great Internet Lady Harassment Machine, Gaming Division.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, the gamebros haven’t forgotten about Zoe Quinn either.

Here’s the screenshot; click for a larger and more readable version — if you’re not triggered by violent threats, that is.

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What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Seriously, if you know, tell me, because I am fresh out of explanations for this level of blind hatred.

NOTE: This thread is a NO SHITHEAD thread. If you say anything that in any way even slightly excuses or justifies the harassment of these women, you can fuck right off to any of the eight zillion places on the internet where you can badmouth these women to your heart’s content. I and the other mods will be banning and deleting as necessary.



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10 years ago

Both “sides” have done wrong, here.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

@ Aerosol :

Say there are several hundred people on the internet talking about committing violence against you. People you have never met, who could be anywhere and attack you at any time.
…Note that the penalty for under-reacting to this undefined threat could be death or permanent injury.

Which threats of violence to your person do you choose to take seriously, and which do you choose to dismiss?

10 years ago

Some #GamerGate fellows have done some cherry-picking as well. Not that I can recall any of it right now because, believe it or not, I don’t follow this stuff that closely.

Somehow, I don’t think that any #GamerGate hashtaggers have found any violent threats posted by Zoe Quinn that they can “cherry pick.” But hey, Aeroslap, if you want to keep falsely equating Zoe Quinn with her harassers, go right ahead. Not to mention that threat sounded pretty damn serious to me. At the very, very least it seems to be meant to ensure that Zoe Quinn retreats from the gaming world out of fear.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Look, no-one should be harassed. But conflicts of interest should be dealt with accordingly as well.

Anytime you say an uncontroversial thing, and then append another phrase via the conjunction “but,” you are saying something stupid and you KNOW you’re saying something stupid, because you knew you needed to first qualify it with the uncontroversial statement.

I continue to await #GamerGate’s solution for the journalistic capture problem. Thus far all I’ve seen is harassment of a couple of individual women. That doesn’t solve the problem that allegedly has #GamerGaters’ panties in a bundle, or even come close to addressing it, so either #GamerGate is criminally incompetent or else journalistic capture is not, and never was, the target.

10 years ago

PoM, I think that when you’re dealing with trolls, you can skim their posts, ignoring everything that they write until you hit a negation word like “but.” Up until that, they’re just bullshitting.

10 years ago

^TRUTH @Alais

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


Oh, I know, but I’m trying to read some difficult material and I have to keep taking a break to mull it over. It’s not like a troll takes up brainpower or anything.

10 years ago

Because only those in favour of #GamerGate and #NotYourShield are men. You sure have this pegged, David.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: aerosolsp

But conflicts of interest should be dealt with accordingly as well.

WHAT CONFLICTS OF INTEREST? The dude never reviewed her game positively! He mentioned it in a list of a bunch of other games! How is the mass amount of harassment this woman getting somehow comparable?

I don’t follow this stuff that closely.

You also don’t cite any proof. So shut up until you have something useful to say.

RE: pitchguest

Because only those in favour of #GamerGate and #NotYourShield are men.

Yes, that’s totally what David’s saying. All women are perfect and good and on the side of right, and all men are evil and terrible. That’s totally exactly what all this shit is saying.

But please, continue with your irrelevant prattle.

10 years ago


Because only those in favour of #GamerGate and #NotYourShield are men. You sure have this pegged, David.

I actually highly doubt that, as both men and women are capable of being assholes. It’s pretty much completely irrelevant, anyway. Saying that there are women involved doesn’t actually ameliorate the whole “total assholery” thing.

10 years ago


Saying that there are women involved doesn’t actually ameliorate the whole “total assholery” thing.

I think it ameliorates David’s tags.

10 years ago

I’m sorry, I meant to say invalidate.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Pitchguest, maybe go peddle your bullshit somewhere where they think women can’t commit misogyny, because it ain’t gonna fly here. We’ve met Janet Bloomfield.

10 years ago

pitchguest: Is that is relevant how…?

10 years ago

Pitchguest is a perfect example of the phenomenon where attempting to actually talk to one of these guys just results in confusion, because they come into the conversation with so many weird assumptions that they’re basically talking to themselves.

Julie Salvatore
10 years ago

I hope there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and these women return. Don’t these women realize that if they run off the inferiors win? STAY ON LADIES STAY STRONG! For too long, women have backed down. Are women not Shakti? No, we must encourage these women to return!

Julie Salvatore
10 years ago

We need to contact these women, DEMAND THEY DON’T BACK DOWN!

10 years ago

@Julie Salvatore
These women are doing this to escape the harassment. Demanding that they stay is demanding that they continue being harassed, and I hardly think that’s a fair thing to ask of them.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

We need to contact these women, DEMAND THEY DON’T BACK DOWN!

No. I will not put the onus of stopping harassment onto the victims of harassment. Why would you?

10 years ago

I hope there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and these women return.

No, we must encourage these women to return!

We need to contact these women, DEMAND THEY DON’T BACK DOWN!

You need to settle down. How about we work to make the environment a safer one to return to, rather than demand people put themselves back in harms way, the same harm that they decided was too much? How about offering sympathy and support rather than selfishly demanding people go back into the same environment they decided to leave?

4chan has poisoned everything; now any time there’s a suspect new person commenting, I’m gonna be wondering in the back of my mind “is this a 4channer come to try to stir things up?”

10 years ago

Wasn’t pitchguest modded or banned?

10 years ago

I saw Pitchguest’s name. In case it hasn’t been said, that’s another misogynist troll that got booted from Pharyngula.

Pitch is a blatant liar and very, very boring.

10 years ago

Get back to your pit with the rest of the slime, Pitch. Do not subject the nice people here to your dunderheaded sexist assholery.

Mods, I highly recommend a ban. He’s been actively misogynistic wherever he is allowed online for years now.

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