a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? bullying douchebaggery doxing entitled babies evil women gamebros geek girls irony alert mantrum men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed no trolls allowed oppressed men revenge of the nerds sexual harassment

You'll never guess what misogynistic gamebros did to these two women in gaming! (HINT: Drove them out.)

Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.
Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.

Congratulations, assholes! You did it! Your threats and harassment have driven game journalist/designer Jenn Frank and game designer/media critic Mattie Brice to leave the gaming world.

Frank, an award-winning writer and sometime game designer, came to the attention of the misogynist mob after writing a brief opinion piece for The Guardian decrying the widespread and vicious harassment of women in gaming. In addition to writing about the harassment she’s gotten — including someone trying to hack into her email account — she (as you might expect) also highlighted the misogynistic rage directed at feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian and indie game designer Zoe Quinn.

The new rule seems to be that any woman who writes about online harassment will herself be harassed, and in this case it didn’t take long.

The gamebro army, completely ignorant about how journalism works, decided that she had a “conflict of interest” — because, and I’m totally serious here, she had previously exchanged some tweets with Quinn and donated some money to her on Patreon. One critic, who put together a much-passed-around graphic outlining the charges against her, angrily denounced Frank for “vigorously defending [Quinn] while pretending to be impartial.”

There are a couple of giant problems with these accusations. First off, Frank never pretended to be impartial. She was not reporting on anything for the Guardian. She was writing an OPINION PIECE about a topic that obviously affected her. Editors don’t assign OPINION PIECES to writers who are, or who pretend to be, impartial. They assign these pieces to people WITH OPINIONS. You’re not going to get much of an OPINION PIECE from someone with no opinions.

Second of all, according to Frank (and I believe her), she had asked The Guardian to attach a brief statement to the end of her piece noting her — admittedly tenuous — connections with Quinn and Sarkeesian. The Guardian editors chose not to run it because they thought these connections were too trivial to merit a mention. They forgot that she was a woman writing about gaming, and that misogynistic assholes will seize on anything, literally anything, as an excuse for harassment.

After she started getting harassed for her alleged “conflict of interest,” Frank wrote a blog post dealing with the issue  clearly and straightforwardly, and convinced the Guardian editors to append a version of her original disclosure statement to the piece:

Update: Jenn Frank has purchased and is a supporter of Zoë Quinn’s work, although this is the first article she has written on the developer. Frank has also briefly met Anita Sarkeesian.

As absurd as it is for a woman writer to have to publicly confess that she “has also briefly met Anita Sarkeesian,” as if this is some sort of crime, Frank thus answered her critics directly. And that should have been it. But of course the harassment — sorry, the perfectly legitimate criticism — continued, and on Wednesday night Frank announced that she’d had enough:

The only “conflict of interest” here was the “conflict of interest” that Frank wrote about originally in her Guardian piece. After describing her horror on discovering that someone had been trying to hack her email, she wrote:

My unabashed love for video games, my colleagues and my work have a conflict of interest with my own terror.

And, at least for now, the terror has won.

Meanwhile, game designer and media critic Mattie Brice was also extracting herself from an industry and a culture that has been grinding her down. I’ll let her tweets tell the story. (See her timeline for more.)

Elsewhere on Twitter, the bullies crowed over their victory:

Another day, another couple of women ground down and spat out by the Great Internet Lady Harassment Machine, Gaming Division.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, the gamebros haven’t forgotten about Zoe Quinn either.

Here’s the screenshot; click for a larger and more readable version — if you’re not triggered by violent threats, that is.

BwmSdi4CMAAnYju.png large

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Seriously, if you know, tell me, because I am fresh out of explanations for this level of blind hatred.

NOTE: This thread is a NO SHITHEAD thread. If you say anything that in any way even slightly excuses or justifies the harassment of these women, you can fuck right off to any of the eight zillion places on the internet where you can badmouth these women to your heart’s content. I and the other mods will be banning and deleting as necessary.



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10 years ago


I think that the dudes bragging about and focusing on size ultimately don’t get that it’s not about how big or how small they ares but about what they do with it and what they do before they start penetration.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: thebewilderness

YUP. Seriously, any dude who honestly thinks that strange women are just DYING to get sent anonymous pictures of his dick is so embarrassingly thick it’s not worth thinking of. (Seriously, if they believed that, why wear pants at all? Truly, all the women are just DYING to see his jigglies!)

RE: Alais

*snort* I wasn’t into penetrative sex for like, the first three years of my relationship with hubby. That these guys assume penetration is a given is laughable to me. Must be nice to have the fantasy that if you just have the right genitals, you require no sexual skill or common decency to be a great lover!

10 years ago

I’m in a testy mood, and also come from the South, where I’ve heard plenty of people trying to claim the KKK weren’t racist because they attacked other people. Basically, focusing on their white victims to erase the black ones. So I found the “of all races” superfluous, except as a means to minimize the racist violence.

I think that’s where the question of the “uncharitable” reading comes in.

I live in a city well known for its historical collusion between the KKK and government entities (and somewhat less known for such incidents as the murder of Father James Coyle). I doubt McG’s post was in any way a defense of the Klan. It’s simply a fact that, during its most popular iteration (including the induction of sitting US President in a White House ceremony), the Klan was an equal opportunity hate/terrorist group: anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, anti-labor…

The Klan’s use of inflammatory rhetoric and violence against non-blacks in no way ameliorates their racism, but to dismiss the rest of their activities and their agenda is to ignore a substantial portion of their terrible legacy, which does disservice to our appreciation of the historical record and to their non-black victims.

10 years ago

Picked a fight with “AlrightAnon” on twitter because what the hell else do I have to do with my lunch break.

I think I got misogynist bingo already. I’ve gotten “psychology isn’t a science”, “white-knight”, “I’m a traditionalist not an MRA”, “it’s about integrity”, “those were taken out of context”, “prove that harassment is real”, and “telling a woman that something is sexist is the real misogyny”. Heh.

10 years ago

Can I bust in to the KKK conversation with a resounding “you’re all right!”?

Denying that the KKK did murder some non-black people is minimizing part of why they were able to keep going so strongly for so long. It is important to remember those victims, as well.

However, there is a strong tendency to make those infrequent victims far more ‘heroic’ than the numerous African-American victims. For instance, in school I learned the names of more white victims of the KKK than the names of the black men murdered.

We spent more time talking about white judges who were threatened than about black men who were threatened just for existing and having the temerity to be good at their jobs, or walk the ‘wrong’ direction, or try to become better educated.

The only names of POC I learned in US history that I can remember to this day are Harriet Tubman, Thurgood Marshall, and Martin L. King Jr.

That, to me, is not a good thing. Why the hell did we spend more time on a few ‘allies’ than the hundreds of people terrorized? I call fishiness, US History class!

Admittedly, we didn’t really talk much about any of it, because this is Alaska and we tend to think of ourselves as disconnected from the lower 48 (even though we’re still definitely USians) and we don’t give nearly as much focus to much US history past the war of 1812 and pre Seward’s Folly.

So, yeah. YMMV?

10 years ago

So I’ve been browsing the #gamergate hashtag, and most of it seems pretty damn incoherent to me. I’m not sure if I lack the games background or if their arguments just don’t make sense, but I did find this one, which at least was comprehensible, if utterly, utterly wrong:

No, no we’re not.

Now I’m wondering if the author is 4chan false-flagger, or just one of those people who seem to think that all differences of opinion are by definition petty and anyone who believes in anythin is wrong.

10 years ago

The KKK discussion reminded me of this absolutely BLISTERING piece of satire done by the British show That Was the Week That Was in the wake of the murder of William Lewis Moore (a white protest marcher; his killer was not arrested and his KKK affiliation is unknown).

I am breaking the link so it won’t inline; if you choose to watch it you will see why.

http://youtu. be/dOKqzJJvEOw

WARNING: use of N-word and blackface.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: contrapangloss

I’m cool with you busting in, because I sure as hell shouldn’t engage in argument at this time, and Harlan, I can also respect that.

And tangential to the KKK conversation, I finally got my mitts on a copy of Incognegro. It is an AWESOME comic, got on my list of 8 Comics for People Who Don’t Like Comics. (Not the best title, but the easiest way for me to express the concept of folks who are interested in comics, but are intimidated by the Big Two stranglehold and the godawful weight of continuity associated with them.)

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Contrapangloss, we’re running out of trophies for all your wins. Would you accept a crudely drawn picture of a trophy instead?

LBT, Incognegro is one of my favorites, too, and I agree that it’s a good one for people who think they don’t like comics (I read it as I was getting into them, so yeah).

The book that finally sold me on the format was We3, but I’m careful about recommending a book where all the reviews are like “this made me, an adult man, cry” – I don’t like to spring that on people without a warning. It’s seriously an amazing book and I love it, but you have to be in a place where you can handle having your heart ripped out (and then sewn back in).

10 years ago


I find it ironic that your supposed takedown of gamer misogyny relies on rehashing the tired “disco sucks” meme, which was itself the rallying cry of a campaign to drive women, gay people and minorities out of the music biz.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: emilygoddess

I’ve read We3! It’s been a long time though. I do remember it being good. If you liked that, you might also like Beasts of Burden, which can be equally disturbing and equally awesome, with similar content but a completely different genre. (It’s classic horror stories, as perceived by a group of suburban dogs and a stray cat. The watercolor art is absolutely gorgeous, but oh man, TERRIBLE THINGS happen to those cute little puppies and kitties.)

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

LBT, we’ve squeed about Beasts of Burden before. It’s one of my favorites! Have you read the Hellboy crossover?

10 years ago

Ooh, Incognegro was fan-effin-tastic! I loved the ending — talk about karmic justice!

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: emilygoddess

Curse my dissociative memory! No, I haven’t read the crossover. I’ve actually read a pathetically small amount of Hellboy in general.

RE: katz

Seriously. That book has SUCH a satisfying ending. And despite the grimness of the subject material, I can read the book without feeling like I need to hug kitten for like, a solid week afterward. (Also, am I the only one who read the villain as Clancy Brown?)

10 years ago

I’ve gotten “psychology isn’t a science”,

Unless of course it’s evo psych. Then it’s the scienciest of all sciences and proves men have to rape/assault/harass women and hitting on teen girls is an all natural thing to do!

10 years ago

I was with one dude who told me “Call me old fashioned but I’d rather see your tits/show you my dick in person” when I jokingly suggested he send me a dick pic in exchange for one of my boobs.

That guy, the guy who didn’t send dick pics:

Biggest dick ever.

Like, seriously, astoundingly big. Without oversharing too much more, I did not know what to do with some of it’s length. Couldn’t accommodate it. He didn’t have a spaghetti noodle dick either though. He was ridiculously thick. I’ve never been with someone who XL condoms were suffocatingly tight on. And the thing is this dude is TINY, like, skinniest dude ever. He doesn’t look unhealthy, just really small framed. Then he whips out this dick which is already big and on his slight frame my reaction was literally “What the hell is that?”

And this is the guy who DOESN’T share dick pics!

Im not certain what the moral of this story is but I guess when a dude is that secure in his peen he keeps it a surprise?

10 years ago

@blahlistic: Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it.

Anyway, onto the troll-slaying…

I appreciate you being in total panic mode because Zoe “Fraud” Quinn was exposed for the duplicitous hypocrite that she is, but hopefully your quest to get laid by pretending to be a feminist doesn’t continue humiliating you. 🙂


She wasn’t “exposed” as anything, you shithead – they are allegations made by a disgruntled ex as well as those from Reddit or 4chan. Not exactly known for either honest or integrity whether its with journalism or right to privacy. But, of course, that doesn’t matter to you – you’ll pretty much believe anything that reinforces the absurd “there’s an evil, feminist conspiracy” narrative that’s part of your cretinous little ideology.

Also: do you know how nonsensical it is to accuse a guy of trying to get laid, by defending women over the internet? It’s never that they sincerely believe in doing so (which is actually the case) and the whole “trying to get laid” thing is more personal projection than anything else. Most of the people I know who’ve accused others of that have tried wooing women on the internet whom they never met, but of course it’s okay when they do it – any time it becomes about social justice, suddenly there’s an ulterior motive present. Real convenient, that…

Saying “of all races” acknowledges the historical reality that the KKK *also* targeted people who fought for the civil rights of the KKK’s primary targets.

What’s with the uncharitable reading?

Because, as LBT has stated, it’s deflecting criticism and white-washing the nature of the group’s actual goals.

Did they attack people who supported the Civil Rights Movement? Sure. Does that change the fact their previous actions have almost always involved terrorizing black individuals and families? No. It’s not really that hard to just admit that, overall, the KKK targets that ethnic group over others.

10 years ago

There were also a couple of people claiming to be feminists who were taking the side of the harassers. Of course, we all saw through that bullshit and after seeing that storify Bogdan shared (Thanks Bogdan!) it pretty much confirms that those “feminists” were misogynist trolls.

Is this in reference to the “Fine Young Capitalists” group? If it is, I’d definitely like to see the link.

10 years ago

So, the gamebros are now saying if someone is accused by others of having affairs, this is a criteria to judge their entire work now?

Gosh, I look forward to seeing how they’ll be consistent on this. Will they be asking their Doctor “Hey, have you ever had an affair?” before beginning treatment? Refusing a Nurger until everyone involved, server, prepper and griller have all signed statements of their complete fidelity? Doing thorough research checks into films to ensure even the smallest of extra has never been unfaithful?

No, whoops, sorry, I forgot, this is a crime of feminism. Nothing wrong with men there.

And here’s the annoying thing, it’s hard to write abotu these accusations without inadvertantly giving them more merit than they deserve. Because apparently bitter exes are now the most legitimate sources, rather than people who are eager to hurt their exes anyway they can (Even in the vice interview where he tries to separate himself from the gamergate shitstorm, he still says no one should support his ex because of their relationship).

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

@LBT, sorry, as soon as I hit submit I regretted the way I said that. I don’t expect you to remember every conversation, I promise!

I really like Hellboy. It’s Lovecraftian plus IRL myths and legends plus really freaking fantastic art! One of the few “superhero” comics I can be bothered to read.

10 years ago

comment image I have four words for the gentleman that wrote this: First Degree Aggravated Assault.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: emilygoddess

No, don’t worry about it! I was joking, I even remembered talking about Beasts of Burden with someone here, just didn’t recall that it was you!

Mike Mignola’s art is actually a hard sell for me. I’m quite embarrassed to admit that; it just… I mean, I’m growing used to it, but it doesn’t inspire the glee in me that it does a lot of folks. Like, what I’ve read, I like okay, but it just doesn’t seem to do it for me the way it does a lot of folks. I really don’t know why, you’d think I’d be all over it!

10 years ago

This whole thing is just sick.

Look, no-one should be harassed. But conflicts of interest should be dealt with accordingly as well.

Both “sides” have done wrong, here. Can everybody stop picking out-of-context-quotes here and there and trying to paint a larger picture of the opposing side’s values? That 4chan quote is not only without context, but highly unlikely to have been taken seriously at all. Why say “what’s wrong with these people”? There’s something wrong with that PERSON, not those PEOPLE. Some #GamerGate fellows have done some cherry-picking as well. Not that I can recall any of it right now because, believe it or not, I don’t follow this stuff that closely.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I don’t follow this stuff that closely, but I know you’re wrong! #notall4chan

10 years ago

That would be the group organized around the principle of having fun harassing people as opposed to that group objecting to being harassed? Are those the two “sides” you think are equally at fault?