off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: September 2014 Big Cat and Big Dude Edition

Big Cat and Big Dude, BFFs

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.

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Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Holy shit, Joe Murphy is suing the librarians who called out his behaviour! Background and fundraiser here, via Pharyngula:

What exactly would you expect anyone in his situation, whether innocent or guilty to do? NOT to make moves towards a libel suit would be a defacto admission of the charges.

10 years ago

Kittehserf: I’m alright with LinkedIn because I use it strictly as a work profile: everything that goes on there is job-related, so I expect it to be public in a way that, say my private Facebook page isn’t.

That said… I do have one contact which I’m very conflicted about.

In a moment of loneliness, I started doing a search for some old friends, classmates and co-workers. One of the names I typed was an old flame. My first, and to date only, gay relationship. Long story short, it was online, long-distance and complicated and we drifted apart after the death of a mutual friend/lover. And I found him on LinkedIn. I don’t even know if I should try contacting him or not. =/

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

leftwingfox, I was never going to use it as anything but a work profile and had hardly loaded any info there – whatever the minimum is – but getting strangers (bluntly, strange men) looking at my profile or purportedly sending invites felt like a gross invasion of privacy. Then all the PYMK shit (no fucking kidding Linkedin, they’re Mammotheers I email, duh). It was all … this has nothing to do with work, or job-hunting, or anything, and came across as every bit as skeevy as bloody Facebook.

For myself, I wouldn’t try contacting someone from my past like you describe your old flame. I’ve done that before with friends, and it really didn’t work. Drifting apart says there wasn’t enough to hold you together, imo. Loneliness won’t change that.

Hugs if you want them.

10 years ago

Nothing much to offer but hugs.

And this video about baby emperor penguins that my daughter had to watch a couple dozen times today.

leftwingfox: I’m sorry, I don’t have an answer to that. I’m leaning towards “no,” being that he’s an old flame, as opposed to, say, an old classmate or co-worker you lost touch with. But I’ve never been in that situation before, though, so take it with a grain of salt.

And some more penguins.

10 years ago

(TW eating/sickness)

Sometimes nature has a lousy sense of humour.
Yesterday morning I had a pot of strawberry yoghurt, a brand new to me.
I tried it, and wasn’t keen on the flavour but..knew I was still in the stage where my mind would come up with perfectly reasonble(sounding) arguements about not eating, so continued to spoon it down.
Yes, that worked well, it really didn’t agree with me. I made it halfway through the pot before I had to run straight to the sink and threw it up again.
And then spent most of the rest of the day lying flat, sipping water and nibbling on an occasional dry cracker.
If I hadn’t forced myself to eat the yoghurt I probably would have had porridge, then gone out food shopping to refill my fridge.:)
Ah well, feeling better again now, had some food.
I don’t know if this was mentioned before, but there’s a company in the UK?US that provides small individual portions of dried fruit, nuts, flapjacks. Deliver to your house. Small enough not to be intimidating, fairly healthy. Nibbling small slivers of coconut was very setlling to my stomach when I remembered I had it, then I moved on more ambitiously to dried cranberrys. It can just sit next to you, looking small and harmless whilst almost unnoticeably you nibble on little tasty things. Also, it’s a pack worth of mixed snacks that would be expensive and time-consuming to make up yourself, and come in far too big bags for one person to use whilst good.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

gilshalos, so sorry the yoghurt did that to you. Glad to hear those snack packs are available, though; they sound like an excellent idea.

10 years ago

Hey, can I just ask for some gratuitous hugs? I have had a complete roller coaster of a week, personally and professionally. Yesterday I was at a high and today I’ve dropped a bit. . .

Anyway, yeah, I could just use hugs.

10 years ago

Anyway, yeah, I could just use hugs.

grumpycatisagirl , have a few hugs. They are free, heartfelt and plentiful.

10 years ago

Thank you, samantha! I will return them whenever you need them.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Sending hugs via pillow-net.

10 years ago

Thank you!

Exhausted and feeling a little sick, so I am going to close the computer down and go to bed early, of course taking all these lovely hugs with me.

10 years ago

Adding hugs to the hug-basket.

Hug-vault? Hug 44 gallon drum? What kind of repository do we have/need here? 😀

10 years ago

I like hug basket because it conjures up images of baskets of kittens

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Hugs from Louis and me, too.

Happy ones, ‘cos it’s his birthday (not that he cares about that, and no wonder after so many) and our weddingless-reception anniversary – five years!

10 years ago

Oops. The picture is a bit large. Oh well. The more kitten the better I guess!

I’m going out of town for work Monday-Friday and won’t be around as much. I’m already starting to feel preemptive mammoth withdrawal. Should be fun though. I’m looking forward to getting out of the city and going up north for a few days. I can’t wait to see lots of stars.

10 years ago

Congrats on five years Kittehs! Is the traditional five year anniversary gift baskets of kittens? If not, it should be.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Thank you, WWTH! If it isn’t, it should be indeed, though I’m not sure what the resident 10 across the veil would say about that …

10 years ago

kittehs, congratulations to you both! Hope you’ve had a good anniversary 🙂

Adding some hugs to that basket.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Thanks, Aitch! Didn’t do anything exciting today, but maybe when I cross over tonight. Though I don’t think himself has any ideas along those lines. When I asked him if we did any celebrating last night, I had to add “with clothes on” to get an answer out of him. 😉

10 years ago

Thank you everyone, and indeed, the more kittens in a basket, the better! And happy birthday and anniversary and everything.

So that 2nd interview last week that I didn’t feel good about – it turns out they are inviting me for their 2nd round of interviews, so I guess I didn’t do as badly in the interview as I felt. Looks like they’re going to schedule it the week of October 20. Apparently there’s a fairly large number of other people being invited for it, too, so my stress/tension about having to compete/impress in the interview is still pretty high.

In the meantime, I got myself a second seasonal job at a local haunted house. Minimum wage, but hey, I need a bit of extra cash and it’ll be fun.

Also, I may have a new boyfriend, after a years-long dry spell.

10 years ago

grumpycatisagirl, great to hear that you have some good news now. stress isn’t fun but it’s better than being rejected. And potential newboyfriend sounds fun! 😀

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

grumpycat, yay for good news, and fingers crossed it gets better!

10 years ago

Congratulations to Kitten, and I hope that Grumpy succeeds in the new interview. 🙂

10 years ago

OK, need advice. Totally freaked out right now.

I live on the main floor of a house split into two suites. There’s a basement suite and then the main floor and attic suite. I live with five women in there. We share laundry facilities with the basement suite.

Around 1am I was naked in my bedroom, about to crawl into bed when there was a loud knock on my bedroom door. Knowing it was one of my housemates, I shouted “I’m naked” as in “Don’t come in but what do you need?”

I was startled to hear a man’s voice say “Get dressed and open the door”. I don’t live with any men so my first thought was it was the police and something terrible had happened. Panicked, I put on a bra and dressing gown and opened the door.

It was the guy from downstairs. I was alarmed. Why had he let himself into my home at 1am? I figured the best way to get rid of him though was just to ask him what he wanted, see if I can’t give it to him and send him the fuck on his way.

He proceeded to describe a “cracking” sound originating from my room which he refered to as “fucking loud”. I told him I hadn’t heard any cracking sounds but would listen for them and remedy them if I did. He proceeded to ask me how long I’d be living there for and whether I was going to stay up all night.

Soon as I got rid of him I opened a compose window in my e-mail account to write to the homeowner, tell her what had just happened and that it had made me very uncomfortable. I empathise with the frustration of being unable to sleep due to someone else’s noise hence my willingness to listen for the sound he complained about and remedy it. Everything else about the situation was wrong, wrong, wrong though and I felt violated. I really thought I could be certain that at 1am anyone banging on my door would either live with me or be emergency personnel.

And then I froze.

I’m worried about the fallout of bringing this up with the homeowner. I don’t want to come off as aggressive towards her because she’s done nothing wrong and she’s been wonderful to me. I also don’t want her to think I’m the bad guy, thoughtlessly stomping over top of basement suite guy’s head at 1am. I don’t want the issue blown out of proportion. I don’t want people feeling like they have to take sides. I just don’t want people letting themselves into my home if my housemates and I haven’t agreed to it (and we’ve agreed to two boyfriends letting themselves in any time because they’re respectful and normal.) I’ve had to leave my house and am staying at a friend’s because I’m worried he’ll hear my hair growing and let himself back in and shit on me again. I’m scared to get out of bed to pee during the night now.

I’m really worried that bringing this up with the homeowner is more trouble than it’s worth and I’m going to get blamed for what happened and feel pressured to move out. I don’t want to move out. I just don’t want that guy letting himself into my home.