off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: September 2014 Big Cat and Big Dude Edition

Big Cat and Big Dude, BFFs

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.

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10 years ago

I have nothing to offer, except for some hugs to the barrel. Take care everyone, I hope you can handle your problems. *hug*

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Is it just me who’s tried Linkedin and been creeped the fuck out by people looking at my profile, or all the “Do you know such-and-such” stuff, or total strangers wanting to link? I know it’s a job thing, but it makes my skin crawl just as much as Facebook did, and I’ve closed my account.

10 years ago

Does anyone know how to fix a window screen that just slots into place from the inside? My cat seems to have managed to push it part of the way out on one side, and I have no way to get to it from the outside since it’s in an awkward place over some stone stairs.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Have you any wire you could bend, but that’s strong enough to hold it, to hook under and pull it inside?

10 years ago

Nope. Most of my hangars are wood, I guess I could try to bend a wire one if I can find one. I’m just worried that if she leans on it she’s going to fall.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Is it possible to reach the screen from the stairs with a broom or something else long?

10 years ago

Nope! It really is the most awkward place possible to have something go wrong with the screen. From that window it’s about a 8-10 foot drop straight down to the stairs. Also I’m worried that if I just push-pull it she’ll push it out again. The screens came pre-installed with the flat so I’m not sure exactly what’s keeping them in place.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


I take it they’re insect screens?

10 years ago

Yep! They also conveniently prevent the cat from falling out the window, or from trying to jump when she sees another cat she needs to defend her territory from.

10 years ago

I never get ads on youtube. I’m pretty sure it’s because I have the AdBlock Plus for Chrome. Though my bf uses it too and he gets ads sometimes. I am always logged into my google account too… I don’t know if that makes any difference. Sounds like it would be worth it for you to try to get ads blocked though, because those ads sound pretty horrid.

I’ve decided to learn to decorate cakes. I spent some time on Cake Wrecks and decided it couldn’t be all that hard. I’ve been reading books, and websites and watching videos, but I wondered if anyone here does it, and if they had any awesome websites or youtube channels they just love. Good ones I’ve found so far are HowCastFoodDrink and

10 years ago

You could probably get a handyperson with a “getting to awkward spots” ladder to come check it out and secure it for not very much.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

So, would some sort of hook be able to get through the mesh – maybe making a fractionally bigger hole – to pull it back? Would it be possible to put superglue or something in the frame to stop it moving out again?

10 years ago

I’m going to see what I can do with a hook later, it’s too early now and I don’t want to annoy me neighbor. Would superglue hold something like that?

Also a grashopper got in, trying to figure out how to catch it so I can take it outside. It’s currently hanging out on my ceiling.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I don’t know with the superglue; I’m guessing. Kim’s idea sounds best, getting a handyperson with ladder to fix it.

10 years ago

I was thinking a nail rather than superglue. Easier to remove later if needed.

10 years ago

kittehserf – ick, one of my worst days on the Internet was when I got a request to connect on LinkedIn from a sexually abusive guy I dated whom I hadn’t spoken to in over a year at that point. I imagine he’d just signed up for an account and if you’re not careful you end up sending an invitation to connect to everyone in your e-mail address book.

I still have my LinkedIn account, though. Kind of feel that I don’t have a choice.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

grumpycat, bloody hell!

I guess because I’m not in an industry and don’t have any work contacts from years past (apart from my latest boss – he still rings up to vent sometimes, heh), I can get away with not using it. I’ve never in my life got a job through contacts and never expect to, and the whole “networking” stuff makes me want to puke anyway.

10 years ago

Fellow librarians:

it turns out we have con sexual harassment issues as well.

I’ve never attended a conference, so I’ve never heard about this character, but it sounds uncomfortably like the stories about people at TAM, comics conventions, going as far back as the Breendoggle.

10 years ago

Yeah, I saw that story maistrechat. I’ve been to lots of conferences, but never encountered the guy or heard of him. My conference experiences have been really good, actually, at both large and small conferences. But it makes sense that we’d have the same problems as other cons.

10 years ago

RE: contrapangloss

I have AdBlockPlus and it is my lifesaver. You can block ads that do pop up, or tell it to leave some ads alone if you want.

10 years ago

@contrapangloss, there’s been a lot of discussion in Canada about political attack ads, as more and more (Conservative) politicians are using them. Most Canadians don’t like them, and think they’re more evidence of USian pollution of our culture. It’s a big enough deal that people are doing studies on their effects and effectiveness. It turns out that they’re a HUGE turn-off for lefties, and will cause us to not vote for otherwise-leftie people who use them (or just not vote), but they’re very effective at getting out the conservative vote, so that they vote AGAINST the target of the attack ad.

I really hate that. All the shyte moves seem to benefit assholes. Which I guess is appropriate.

RE: Linkedin. I actually just got an email today requesting me to link up with somebody. (I get them all the time on my work email, and just ignore them.) The thing about the one I got today on my home email, it’s from an author I emailed once, gushing about her novel. She very kindly replied, and it was probably 3 or 4 years ago. But she’s a retired teacher/full-time writer. What’s she doing on Linkedin, asking me to link her?

I mean, I know nothing about Linkedin, but it seems to me that authors hang out on twitter and Facebook to connect with fans. I’m suspecting her email got hacked by some nefarious Linkedin-related malware.

10 years ago

Holy shit, Joe Murphy is suing the librarians who called out his behaviour! Background and fundraiser here, via Pharyngula:

10 years ago

I’ve been to several state and national library conferences in the past 5 years or so, but I had not encountered or heard of that guy until now. I also haven’t personally encountered that kind of inappropriate behavior at a conference.

Disturbing story.

10 years ago

Unimaginative, my guess it that it might have been that accidentally-send-a-LinkedIn-invitation-to-everyone-you’ve-ever-e-mailed-and-is-still-in-your address-book thing. It’s really easy to do that when you don’t mean to.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Unimaginative, grumpycat’s probably right, that happened to me with an actual friend stuffing up her messages long before I was on Linkedin.

Interesting how many results come up from a “Linkdedin creepy” search. I do like the meme that said “Linkedin – MySpace with ties”.

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