off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: September 2014 Big Cat and Big Dude Edition

Big Cat and Big Dude, BFFs

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.

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10 years ago


Well, if the times work out to happen during your evening, feel free to drop by!

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

What timezone are you in, kirbywarp? I have a sneaking suspicion a decent time of day/evening for most Mammotheers will be the wee small hours for me.

10 years ago

I happen to be on EST, but that’s why I’m going for Saturday! Personally I should be flexible enough for any hour.

If there are enough people in disparate zones, I might even do two sessions.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

So, does that mean it’s now about 4am Thursday where you are?

(Meaning, what are you doing up at this time of day???)

It’s 6pm Thursday here.

I’d like to learn Go, or at least see if I can get my head round it. It’s a game Mr K doesn’t know how to play!

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

…my car has full coverage, is a subcompact, and I REALLY brake for animals…in Texas, any time you rear end another car it is ” failure to control speed,” and I tend to discourage tailgaters aggressively.
..the current kitty was in the middle of the road, looking stunned, I dodged, did a smoking-rubber stop and got the driver behind me to stop for tiny kitty…tiny cat got to hang out in my glovebox for a while and was like ” I KILL YOU!” when I popped out from work to check on him.
I fed him canned food and he was GROWLING while he ate it…one coffee cup sized little bundle of belligerence.
Khan( as in ” the wrath of” ) will probably go be a barn cat, but he’s mellowed…now bites and claws me with affection, thinks cramponing up my legs is a good idea.

10 years ago


So, does that mean it’s now about 4am Thursday where you are?

Yyyyyyup. At first I was delaying going to bed, but now I’m strangely not tired. I’ll probably zonk out soon. Maybe I’ll watch some of the lectures I linked…

But yeah, Go is fun! Leeaaarrrnnnn! The actual rules are really simple, so all the complexity comes from the strategy, and the strategy can definitely be learned in stages. Honestly it’s kind of the epitome of “easy to learn, difficult to master.” You should be fine. ^_^

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

At first I was delaying going to bed, but now I’m strangely not tired.

I know that feeling, though it usually only lasts me till 2am at most!

I’ll certainly join in if the time’s feasible, though Saturday there will mostly be Sunday here, and I *must* get to bed early this Sunday night, as I’ve an interview Monday morning.

10 years ago

I should be good for nighttime. I’m on the west coast so you’re 3 hours ahead of me, kirbywarp. It’s funny because I still have yet to finish the anime Hikaru no Go. What I’ve seen of it I really enjoyed. As you probably guessed, it’s all about Go. Hehehe

Real Kim - accept no imitations
Real Kim - accept no imitations
10 years ago

OMG. The gynocracy has failed! A male birth control treatment might soon be available!

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

@strivingally – I know that Newsweek did a big story on male rape in the U.S. military back in 2011, and the New York Times, Slate, The Daily Beast, and the Baltimore Sun have all done pieces over the years as well. So far there’s been no great outcry from the Manosphere, but maybe this time will be different. It would be great if it was.

Update: a quick Google produced a comment thread at the RooshV forums. Majority opinion there is that it’s all BS, the numbers are just too high, it’s yet another attempt to paint men as closeted rapists. One commenter so far is in dissent, saying that he knows for a fact that it happens in the Navy.

I know that Roosh’s corner of the internet isn’t really the place where activists go to plan mighty deeds. But still…


blahlistic (@blahlistic)

I’ve been hearing about reversible male birth control for a while now. You would think the MRAs would be really, REALLY enthused about it, since it’s 100% effective in trials.
No more spermjacking!

10 years ago

@strivingally – I know that Newsweek did a big story on male rape in the U.S. military back in 2011, and the New York Times, Slate, The Daily Beast, and the Baltimore Sun have all done pieces over the years as well. So far there’s been no great outcry from the Manosphere, but maybe this time will be different. It would be great if it was.

Update: a quick Google produced a comment thread at the RooshV forums. Majority opinion there is that it’s all BS, the numbers are just too high, it’s yet another attempt to paint men as closeted rapists. One commenter so far is in dissent, saying that he knows for a fact that it happens in the Navy.

You’re fucking with me. An issue custom-made for helping men and proving they’re about more than just hating on women, where men are the victims, and they’re complaining that it paints men as the bad guys? Sweet fluffy Easter Bunny, the whole point of the article is that male military rape isn’t about sex – it’s about power.

Of course, since we’re dealing with Roosh’s readership, that’d probably be too much of a leap for them and take away their pet rationalisation that “men just can’t help themselves”.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

strivingally – it’s like I said, MRAs and PUAs are only interested in making rape easier to get away with. Their focus is on raping women, but if that means throwing male victims under the bus, so be it. They only pretend to be concerned about those men when they’re trying to score points over feminists.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

Back on treadmill. Not getting the info I want, so I’ll be at this a while.

You probably won’t see me for a bit again; sorry.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I’ve been hearing about reversible male birth control for a while now. You would think the MRAs would be really, REALLY enthused about it, since it’s 100% effective in trials.
No more spermjacking!

Some of them are enthused about claiming that the Feminist Cabal is blocking the products’ release. Does that count?

@LBT, good luck.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Wow, those guys really do blame women for everything… Yeesh

10 years ago

Hugs for everyone, and especially for LBT. Sorry I haven’t been around much lately to say so before.

10 years ago

LBT, hang in there.

10 years ago

Redpoppy: If you like your pusses with points, people have been telling me good things about So Cal Siamese Rescue.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Hugs, LBT.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Good luck, LBT.

10 years ago

LBT, take care of yourself. Tell hubby to watch out for you, too. He’s probably already doing that, but…

All the hugs, and all the best wishes, and take care.

10 years ago

Kirby, I’m free (possibly) after 5 AKST time… If you all are still playing, I’ll definitely stop in to cheer/play/make goofy peanut gallery comments.

I somehow became a choir director, and we’re having auditions.

Also, kind of worried I’m taking on way too much stuff. I haven’t gotten the safety briefing for my casual job, and they’re already calling me every 12 hours with “Someone canceled, would you like to cover tonight/today” so I feel like I have to call my supervisor first thing tomorrow and ask to hurry up and get that part done so that I can stop saying “Um… I know I’m on your call list, but I haven’t actually been told procedures and important safety things yet, so no thank you?”

And I have my 35 hour part time job.

And I have ride-alongs for precepting with the career ambulance.

And I have my station duties, because that’s the entire justification they have for letting me live there.

And now I’m supposed to be a music director.

…And I still have volunteer coaching for the High School…

And I have to finish applications to graduate schools. Well, first I have to decide which graduate schools I want to apply to so that when I take the GRE in a few weeks I can have scores sent to the correct places.

… feeling just a bit overwhelmed, suddenly.

Go might be a relaxing break.

10 years ago

All the jedi internet hugs, LBT, and also internet puppies, kittens, and other cute sustenance. Let us know if we can help.

10 years ago

Contrapangloss, just reading that made me tired! I think you definitely need to schedule some relaxing fun!

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