off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: September 2014 Big Cat and Big Dude Edition

Big Cat and Big Dude, BFFs

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.

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10 years ago

Just wanted to leave this here because the link is to a beautful blog plus next time an MRA goes on about women have been privileged princesses since the dawn of time, I’ll be thinking of this and how wrong MRAs are. 🙂

Not going to link MRAs to the blog ‘cos that would be a horrible thing to do to the blogger.

10 years ago

First comment and I cant think of anything to say…I’m making some chicken right smells good.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Giant kittieeeeeeee <3

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I worked some on my cross stitch, but didn’t get as much done this month as I’d wanted.

http://imgur com/d8px098

(I broke the link so hopefully WP won’t embed, just insert a . where the space is)

Not that I think anyone was super-interested, but I am perpetually excited about it. 😀

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

The non-embedding works!

That’s coming along so well. The colours and shading are stunning. I sure want progress reports, and I’m not surprised you’re perpetually excited, it’s a beautiful piece, and damn, so much work!

I was going to do heaps of knitting today but ended up doing zilch till we watched telly tonight. So much for finishing the back of this jacket by Saturday! Not that I’ve any reason to, I just fancied the idea.

Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

We found a ton of black mold AND mice in our house so we’re going to be pulling off an emergency move to a townhome style apartment… I’m already so short on spoons this is damn near going to kill me. Our place that we’re in now – the house – is rent to own and our landlord keeps insisting the mold is OUR problem and won’t lift a finger to help us, but it’s all over. :/

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Thank you! I wanted to get more done but I’ve had a lot going on.

I was going to do heaps of knitting today but ended up doing zilch till we watched telly tonight.

LOL! Some evenings the only way I can pick up my cross-stitch is by declaring that I’m going to get at least 1 thread done. I almost always get more than 1 thread, but if I plan to do bunches, I wind up not doing any. It’s weird how my brain tricks me and sabotages me.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Our place that we’re in now – the house – is rent to own and our landlord keeps insisting the mold is OUR problem and won’t lift a finger to help us, but it’s all over.

Oh, wow. That’s horrible! Is there a housing advocate in your area that you can consult? If in the US it would be a nonprofit organization (not sure about outside the US). You can usually get at least a consult to be apprised of your legal rights.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Johanna, eww, that sucks. Bloody landlord … Cyber hugs if they’re welcome.

PoM, ha, my brain doesn’t even bother tricking me, it just goes into Total Lazyarse mode.

Evenings are about the only time I can rely on getting knitting done. I listen to a dvd rather than watch it (they’re all repeats anyway). Doing it during the day means I either doze off or get bored and come back to reading emails and WHTM. Temptresses, the lot of you. Dudes included.

10 years ago

I’ve been wrapping the boards for my next iteration of the book project in decorative paper, after cooking up some wheat paste.
comment image?oh=38d9b4f919f6e47c1e8a5354f4c8bd8b&oe=547792C2

Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

@Madness – Yep, we’re looking in to that. A friend already sent me a bunch of links basically stating flat out that despite what that twit thinks the mold and everything here (leaks leaks and more leaks) are still his responsibility. That we don’t own the house until it’s refinanced in our name in April and we’re LOL NOPING out of here so fast.

@kittehserf – Thanks for the hugs. They’re always welcome.

10 years ago

I’m in high anxiety mode what with our annual End of Summer Party coming up on Saturday. Every year I say to myself, “Why do I put myself through this??” and every year–AFTER the party–I reflect on how much I love my friends and love a bit of ceremony to bid the summer goodbye.

10 years ago

@Policy and Nequam – Nice!

My gravatar is a X-stitch I did a bit over a decade back, called Devotion. Despite all the nice curves it was done in full cross-stitch only, and used only 6 colours! As soon as I saw it in the catalogue, i knew I had to sew it. (even if it took 2-3 years and was dragged along to tabletop RPG and SCA events)

After a few false starts I’ve got about 19 rows of my lace shawl done and I’m getting back into the habit of dpn knitting. Of course, the wool just broke, but it left enough to (hopefully) reattach fairly easily. What I hadn’t noticed until I started working with it, is that the wool is fairly unspun, with a thin thread wound round to bind it together. Looks great, feels beautiful and soft, but not the easiest to work with. Especially when the thin thread snaps (as it just did) letting the wool just drift apart there. Fun, fun, FUN! 😛

Molly Ren
10 years ago

My 29th birthday is in November and I’m feeling surprisingly okay about it, but I have no party ideas whatsoever. Anyone have any memorable birthdays I can copy? XD

10 years ago

@Policy of Madness

I cross-stitch too! My current uber-project is Teresa Wentzler’s Celestial Dragon (images easy to find on Google), which is well over a year in the making and still not close to done.

10 years ago

@ Johanna – sorry to hear about your troubles. The good news is that your friend is almost certainly right. The whole point of renting is that it’s the landlord’s job to do repairs. And since the mold is a significant health hazard, you can bring some serious trouble down on his head if he keeps stringing you along.

He’d have to be pretty delusional to not know that, so I’m going to guess that he’s just not used to people fighting back.

10 years ago

Btw, did I already mention here that I have a new self-published book out? I don’t want to get repetitive.

10 years ago

I’m in a good mood. I’m having some landlord stress, one or two relationship issues, and I’ve just had a super bad cold, but this all seems so much more manageable because I am coming *out* of a massive period of depression. Finally! I think it’s the worst it has ever been in terms of changing my personality, how I feel about myself and my whole outlook on life…I didn’t even notice! But now I’m looking back like “jesus christ who was that pessimistic, self-hating, dazed hermit?” You know when your emotions are so bad that you don’t allow yourself to feel at all and you are basically in this numb, confused state all the time? I can’t even describe how awful I felt but I had forgotten I ever felt differently.

But now I do!

My mum recently gave up dieting after yo-yoing since I was a toddler. She’s discovered anti-diet and fat-positive movements and she is so much happier already, so I thought…yeah. Yeah, you’re right. What has dieting ever got me? Even the best diets I’ve been on, it was a constant battle against shaming myself for slip-ups and spiralling out of control. And I’m fatter than ever. I’m just going to eat the food I want and love the body I have. So far, so good.

I got some new, cheap but pretty clothes. I’ve started taking photos of myself again for the first time in years. And smiling in them, for the first time ever. I’m dressing up around the house just because, and treating myself to body lotions and face masks and hair treatments. I’m taking video of myself 360-ing in my new outfits and liking myself from every angle. Have you seen my calves? I have really nice calves. And my fat arms, they actually look pretty fucking good.

OH! And I adopted a cat! She is a fucking nightmare! She is 1, tabby and brown, she was a pregnant stray and I got her from Cats’ Protection. She is the most energetic, curious cat I’ve ever had. She’s also really affectionate and likes to sleep on my head. Last night she found a toilet roll holder and chased it around for half an hour, doing the crab-walk-glide thing…you know, like a wonky bug-eyed hump-backed sideways moonwalk. She gets along pretty well with the dog although she gets annoyed when she is innocently savaging his tail/ear/paw while he sleeps and he has the temerity to move.

And OH again! I am hosting an asylum seeker next week while she waits for the result of her housing application! I’m pretty nervous and excited.

If any of you use tumblr and would be interested in my depression recovery/self-esteem discovery journey plus cat stuff plus feminist rants and other social justice stuff, I’m trying to kinda establish my account so, follow me or message me or reblog me or whatever. I’m new:

10 years ago

I’m glad you’re feeling better K and congratulations on your kitty!

10 years ago

Molly Ren,

I had a 1920’s themed party for my 30th to celebrate my own 20’s. That was fun.

10 years ago

Has anyone ever taken Abilify? It’s day 3 for me and it makes me feel positively rotten. Like I took a sleeping pill and drank a red bull. I want to jump out of my skin, and I’m really irritated easily. And slightly nauseated. Advice? 🙁

10 years ago

I’m starting a sound engineering diploma course next week! And K; glad things are coming together nicely! I’ll follow you on Tumblr. I like talking depression recovery. I have a tumblr too if anyone wants to follow. Similar theme but sometimes I just lose it, choose a cute animal and post as many pics as I can of it.

10 years ago

Good for you, K! Depression is awful. My late sister and I used to have these discussions: “Which do you think is worse: anxiety or depression?” Trouble was we would have both at once. But that black pit of depression is horrible. (By the way, depression did not kill my sister–it was something else entirely. She turned out to be quite a survivor.) Glad you are feeling good about yourself and happy for you re: new kitty!

10 years ago

@seraph: congrats on the book!

10 years ago

My one year contract is now going to be a 6-month contract because they’re outsourcing our department. Aside from the financial security, I think what I’ll miss the most is my purple hair. Fucking job hunting interfering with my style.

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